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The Revised MARPOL Annex VI brings new The Revised MARPOL Annex VI was adopted operation, thereby achieving NOX emissions
requirements for marine diesel engines – in 2008 after extensive discussions within the reduction of more than 76% for 2-stroke
in particular, the new Tier III standard for International Maritime Organization (IMO), furtherengines operating at rated speeds of less than
NOX emissions requires a step change in developing emissions control of marine transport 200 rpm, when switching from Tier II to Tier
technology. The further developments in on the basis of the original Annex VI of the III mode. Moreover, the Tier III requirements
terms of SOX emissions control, outlined in MARPOL 73/78 treaty, which was introduced in are not limited to compliance with respect to
the same agreement, represent important 1997 and entered into force in 2005. the cycle-weighted NOX emissions, but also
boundary conditions in this context. include an additional not-to-exceed clause
Following an overview of potential options IMO TIER III REGULATIONS stipulating that the NOX values at the individual
for dealing with this challenge, the Wärtsilä These regulations set the stage for considerable points of the test cycle must not be more than
SCR solution is presented as a first, readily further reductions of the permissible NOX 50% higher than the weighted average.
available approach for achieving compliance emissions – with the first step (Tier II) already
with IMO Tier III for Wärtsilä 2-stroke in force since January 2011. Tier III will FUEL SULPHUR LIMIT
engines. become applicable after 2016, but only inside At the same time, the Revised MARPOL Annex
specifically designated emission control areas VI paves the path towards further reduction
(ECAs), whereas, outside of these ECAs, the of SOX and particulate matter (PM) emissions
Tier II regulation will continue to apply. by means of prescribing the next steps for
This new regulation poses enormous reducing the sulphur content of the fuel used
challenges to the engine developers: They in marine diesel engines. Here, the concept of
have to optimize their products for both ECAs, already in use with the original Annex VI,
requirements, and need to provide technologies is advanced by specifying a sequence of levels
allowing for switching between the resulting Tier and introduction dates for the application both
II and Tier III operating modes of the engines in on a global scale and inside ECAs.
Tier II: since 1.1.2011, global
after 2016, outside emission control areas

Tier III: after 2016, inside emission control areas

Figure 1: NOX emissions limits according to the Revised MARPOL Annex VI.

Fuel sulphur content, %





2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

The introduction of the global 0.5% limit is
Figure 2: Global and ECA fuel sulphur limits development according to the Revised MARPOL
made conditional on the outcome of a review
Annex VI.
to be completed by 2018. The purpose is to
assess the availability of fuel oil in accordance
with this requirement on the basis of the
global market supply and demand situation
at that time and an analysis of the trends
in those markets. Based on the outcome of
the review, the global limit of 0.5 % will be
implemented either in 2020 or 2025.

The use of measures that can be
demonstrated to be at least as effective in
terms of emissions reduction as technologies
for achieving compliance with the standards
of the Revised MARPOL Annex VI is explicitly
allowed – provided there are no negative
effects on the environment, human health,
resources etc.

Engine In order to achieve compliance with both the
measures IMO Tier III NOX standards and the requirements
for SOX control, a variety of solutions is
theoretically conceivable, starting with the
Low choice of fuel and fuel system, including
sulphur Scrubber
fuel conventional and more advanced tuning
concepts, the addition of particular substances
and, ultimately, aftertreatment. Switching
from liquid to gas fuel, for instance, could be
SCR a solution for dealing with both challenges
simultaneously, if combined with appropriate
measures for controlling the operation of the
engine. However, also when considering liquid
Figure 3: Possible combinations of NOX and SOX control technologies. fuels only, various options need to be taken into
account, combining the individual solutions to
control the two key pollutants:
zz Low-sulphur fuel
178 zz Scrubber
176 NOX
174 Cost-opt. zz Engine-internal measures
bsfc, g/kWh

172 Standard
zz SCR
166 As regards NOX emissions control, the
164 Tier II compliant status of Wärtsilä RT-flex
162 and RTA engines represents the basis for
160 further development. This status has been
0 25 50 75 100 125 achieved by using a tuning concept based
load, %
on the combination of individual measures
for minimum impact on other performance
Figure 4: Fuel consumption characteristics of various Tier II tuning variants of RT-flex engines parameters, thereby particularly exploiting the
and the corresponding RTA version (58T-D example). flexibility of the RT-flex system for realizing the
best trade-off between NOX emissions and
30 fuel consumption. This yields clearly superior
performance of RT-flex engines compared to
25 their RTA counterparts. Moreover, different
tuning variants are offered in order to allow
the customer to select the one best suiting his
intended operating pattern.
bsNOX, g/kWh

Note that all these variants are equally

compliant with Tier II NOX emissions standards
– this has been demonstrated for the complete
portfolio of Wärtsilä 2-stroke engines. Figure
Tier II limit RTA48T-D RT-flex50-B
RT-flex50-D RT-flex58T-D RT-flex60C
5 shows both the weighted average NOX
5 emissions compared to the applicable limit of
RT-flex68-D RT-flex82C RT-flex82T eff.-opt.
RT-flex82T cost-opt. RT-flex84T-D RT-flex96C 14.4 g/kWh and the values at the individual
0 points of the test cycle.
25% 50% 75% 100% Weighted average
The options for further reducing NOX
emissions by means of classical tuning
Figure 5: NOX emissions characteristics of Tier II compliant engines according to verification test principles are largely exhausted. Therefore,
results. more advanced engine-internal measures or
SCR technology have to be considered. So far
only SCR has demonstrated its capability to
achieve the target NOX reduction in a reliable
and repeatable way as a standalone technology.
Other technologies may have the theoretical
potential to realize Tier III levels. However, it is
highly probable that in practice, combinations
of two or more of these technologies are
necessary in order to achieve compliance at
optimum general performance and for minimum
total lifecycle cost.


SCR technology is based on the reduction of
nitrogen oxides by means of a reductant (typically
ammonia, generated from appropriate pre-cursor
species such as urea) at the surface of a catalyst.
For this purpose, the exhaust gas is led through
a reactor, containing a sufficiently large number
of catalyst blocks for providing the catalyst
surface area required. The temperature of the certified for NOX emissions below 2 g/kWh, designed for HFO operation – specifically, if
exhaust gas (and hence also the catalyst) is thus realizing NOX emission reductions even realized on the high-pressure side – requires
thereby subject to constraints both on the upper beyond Tier III requirements. provisions for overcoming the pressure
side (in order to avoid oxidation of the reductant) differential between exhaust and intake side,
and the lower side (for preventing the formation ENGINE-INTERNAL MEASURES which is characteristic of the thermodynamic
of undesired by-products such as ammonium More advanced concepts required for achieving layout of those engines. As a consequence, the
sulphates, which may subsequently clog and Tier III NOX emission levels are associated system setup for recirculation needs to include
deactivate the catalyst). The latter is particularly with the application of additional media, an additional exhaust gas cleaning device,
an issue with fuels containing higher fractions of components and systems. In particular, the an EGR cooler followed by a water separator
sulphur, such as those present in typical heavy following three main technologies are taken and a device (e.g. a blower) for pumping the
fuel oil (HFO) qualities available today, which calls into consideration: recirculated exhaust gas to the air side. Tests
for even higher minimum temperatures in the zz Extreme Low-NOX Tuning have shown that EGR is associated with a high
catalyst. zz Exhaust Gas Recirculation potential for NOX reduction, but it remains to
On 2-stroke engines, due to their high zz Wet Technologies be seen if this technology can function reliably
efficiency, the temperatures after the engine As regards the former, a limiting factor is as a standalone solution or needs to be applied
are generally too low for an SCR unit to work related to the constraints of single-stage in combination with other technologies.
properly, which is why the reactor needs to turbocharging in terms of achievable pressure Wet technologies are a well-known means
be put on the high-pressure side, before the ratio and efficiency. Two-stage turbocharging for reducing NOX emissions and, in view of
turbine. Integrating the SCR reactor before hence needs to be applied in order to further the need for being able to switch between
the turbine involves both challenges and exploit the potential of this concept, which Tier II and Tier III optimized operating modes,
opportunities. The presence of an element with exhibits some similarity to the Miller system the admission of water to the combustion
non-negligible heat capacity in this region has applied on 4-stroke engines. However, it system independent of the air and fuel paths
some impact on the dynamic characteristics of is not associated with the same potential seems to be the most promising approach. The
the turbocharging system, which needs to be for simultaneously reducing NOX and fuel direct water injection (DWI) system developed
controlled through appropriate measures. On consumption. by Wärtsilä is based on the utilization of a
the other hand, the reactor can be designed in Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) must be completely separate common-rail injection
a more compact way compared to a location considered a proven technology for all types of system for water and has been tested in
downstream of the turbine, due to the higher diesel engines used in land-based vehicles. For various development stages on dedicated
density of the exhaust gas. marine applications, however, some concerns component test rigs, the RTX-3 lab engine and
First installations of 2-stroke engines with are often associated with its application in on a single cylinder of an 8RT-flex96C engine
SCR have been realized between 1999 and combination with the fuels used in this sector in the field. Confirmation is still pending for
2000. Three RoRo vessels of Wagenborg have or, more precisely, the exhaust gas composition whether the target NOX reduction level for Tier
been in operation for more than 10 years, with resulting from the utilization of those fuels. III can be achieved by means of DWI alone.
their SCR-equipped 7RTA52U main engines Moreover, recirculating exhaust gas on engines
ECONOMICAL CONSIDERATIONS THE WÄRTSILÄ SCR distributed as homogeneously as possible at
Based on considerations of the potential the entry of the catalyst, the design of the urea
of individual technologies, various possible
SOLUTION FOR IMO TIER III injection as well as of the mixing devices needs
solutions for achieving the Tier III compliance The SCR technology offered by Wärtsilä for to be given special attention.
target can be identified, either as standalone marine diesel engine applications is based CATALYST
measures (specifically SCR) or by combining on the use of a 40% urea solution, which is The catalytic material is typically titanium
several, compatible technologies. Those injected into the hot exhaust gas upstream dioxide for the carrying substrate, and
combinations could e.g. consist of simple of the SCR reactor installed between exhaust vanadium pentoxide for the active substance.
superposition of individual technologies, gas receiver and turbine. Hereby, the amount The temperature of the SCR process is
but also be based on advanced integration, of reducing agent injected is automatically generally between 250 and 500 °C, but
such as realized in the WaCoReG concept. adjusted according to the operating conditions the optimum temperature is limited to a
This combines exhaust gas retention in of the engine. narrower window by certain factors. In order
the cylinder (sometimes also referred to as to reach sufficient reaction rates, and to avoid
internal EGR) with direct water injection, but BASIC CONSIDERATIONS deactivation and fouling due to condensation of
designed in such a way that the water is Various aspects of the solution arise from components in the exhaust gas, the minimum
used predominately for cooling the retained the basic phenomena involved and the temperature is typically 300–350 °C, with
exhaust gas, e.g. by injecting it early during requirements associated. increasing levels required specifically for
the compression cycle. MAIN REACTIONS HFO. If the actual upper temperature limit
Preliminary analyses of the economic The main reactions of the process can be seen of 400–450 °C is exceeded, an increased
viability of such solutions have been below: Urea is evaporated and decomposed to consumption of the reducing agent must be
performed, thereby considering both become isocyanic acid (HNCO), carbon dioxide expected as it will start to burn, the catalyst
investment costs and operating cost effects (CO2) and ammonia (1). The isocyanic acid is lifetime becomes shorter, and at temperatures
in order to assess the impact on the total further decomposed into ammonia and carbon above 500 °C even the catalytic material may
lifecycle cost of those engines. In this context, dioxide (2). The nitrogen oxides of the exhaust be damaged. Undesired branch reactions also
the operating cost considerations included are reduced to N2 and H2O by the reaction with start to occur at higher temperatures.
both the effect on the efficiency of the engine the ammonia ((3) and (4)) over the catalyst. ARRANGEMENT
itself, as a consequence of the known bsfc / As a consequence, the SCR unit needs to be
NOX trade-off, and the purchasing, production CO(NH2)2 à NH3 + HNCO (1) placed between the exhaust manifold and
and storage costs of any additional media, HNCO + H2O à NH3 + CO2 (2) the turbocharger turbine on 2-stroke engines
such as water or reductant. The effect of 4NO + 4NH3 + O2 à 4N2 + 6H2O (3) in order to make sure that the minimum
fuel quality requirements associated with the 6NO2 + 8NH3 à 7N2 + 12H2O (4) temperature can be reached. Moreover, a
operation of the respective NOX reduction bypass of the SCR, controlled by appropriate
technologies (HFO allowed or distillate fuel Hence, in order to make sure that the valves, is needed for start-up, shut-down
needed) was given particular attention. evaporation and decomposition of urea and the operation outside of ECAs. In the
The results of this analysis can be is completed and the ammonia formed is design process, attention has to be paid to
summarized as follows:
zz Sulphur tolerance of Tier III technologies
is key for keeping lifecycle cost under
zz SCR is the most attractive option.
zz Some other solutions are in the same
Hence, already small changes in key
parameters such as reductant price may
change the result completely. Therefore,
even if SCR is considered the technology of
choice today, Wärtsilä will put further efforts
into the development of potential alternatives.
It must be considered highly probable that
one solution will not be sufficient, and that at
least one alternative will have to be offered for
covering the needs of the complete variety of
products and applications.

minimizing the sensitivity of the SCR and
engine combination to fuel composition: On the
one hand, the selection of catalyst type and
2 9
material must be considered essential; on the 1
other hand, the SCR unit needs to be properly
integrated with the engine for minimizing heat
losses and achieving optimum distribution
of the reductant. Finally, the deactivation of 8
the catalyst by means of deposits building 4 5
up – as well as the potential ageing of the 7
catalyst through small amounts of catalyst 3
poisons included in such deposits – must
be counteracted by applying a soot blowing
system, which is also needed to keep the 6
pressure loss of the SCR within acceptable
(1) Compressed air supply (7) Urea injector and mixing element
limits and to prevent clogging.
(2) Soot blowing system (8) Mixing duct
(3) Urea tank (9) SCR reactor with catalyst elements
The overall SCR system layout is shown (5) Dosing unit Default scope of supply consists of items:
(6) Exhaust gas from the engine (2), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (9)
schematically in Figure 6. It consists of the
following main components: A reducing agent Figure 6: Flow diagram of the SCR system.
storage tank, a reducing agent feeding and
dosing unit, the reducing agent injection
and mixing element, a reactor with catalyst
elements, a soot blowing system for keeping
the catalyst elements clean and the control
system. Figure 6 also includes indications
with respect to a default scope of supply from
Wärtsilä. However, Wärtsilä is open for all kinds
of arrangements, up to extending the offering
to complete systems if desired.
A pump unit transfers urea from the storage
tank to the dosing unit, which regulates the (1) Urea inlet (3) Drain valve (5) Overflow valve
flow of urea to the injection system based on (2) Filter (4) Pump (6) Urea to tan
the operation of the engine. The dosing unit
Figure 7: Flow diagram of the pump unit.

also controls the compressed air flow to the Excess urea returns to the storage tank
injector. The urea injector sprays reducing through an overflow line. A schematic flow
agent into the exhaust gas duct. After the diagram of the pump unit is provided in
injection of reducing agent, the exhaust gas Figure 7.
flows through the mixing duct to the reactor, The pump unit includes manual inlet and
where the catalytic reduction takes place. outlet valves, and a drain valve. A non-return
PUMP UNIT valve in the outlet line prevents back-flow
Besides delivering the reducing agent to the of urea from the dosing system. Pressure
dosing system, the pump unit also maintains gauges are installed on both the suction side
the required pressure in the urea lines. The and the discharge side of the pump. The
main component of the unit is an electrically pump unit is equipped with a control box,
driven pump, which is mounted on a frame which contains a frequency converter for
together with the necessary accessories. supplying power to the motor of the pump. An
A suction filter protects the pump and the emergency stop button for the pump unit is
downstream equipment from impurities. located in the front panel of the control box.
The dosing unit controls the dosing of reducing
agent to the injection system. Figure 8 shows
a schematic flow diagram of this unit. The
components in the unit are mounted on a
module frame. In addition to the equipment
for dosing of reducing agent, the unit includes
components for compressed air regulation.
The flow of reducing agent is regulated
by an automatic control valve. A flow meter
measures the amount of reducing agent
(1) Compressed air inlet (4) Air pressure regulator (7) Flow control valve supplied to the injector. The urea circuit is
(2) Air filter (5) Urea inlet (8) Flow meter
equipped with manual inlet and outlet valves,
(3) Solenoid valve (6) Drain
a solenoid-actuated shutoff valve, a non-
Figure 8: Flow diagram of the dosing unit. return valve and a drain valve. In addition to
the equipment for dosing of reducing agent,
the unit includes components for compressed
air regulation. The compressed air line is
connected to the urea line through a solenoid
valve, which is closed during normal operation.
The solenoid valve is used for purging the
injection system of urea after a stop, and
for cooling the injection nozzle before the
urea injection is started in order to minimize
the risk of injector clogging due to thermal
decomposition of urea.
(1) Static mixer (3) Injection nozzle The reducing agent is sprayed into the exhaust
(2) Injector lance (4) Mixing duct gas duct and mixed with the exhaust gas before
it enters the reactor. The urea injection is
Figure 9: Injector and mixing duct.
performed using compressed air. The urea and
the compressed air are mixed in an injection
nozzle at the end of the lance, injecting urea
solution into the exhaust gas as a fine spray.
The static mixer, located in the exhaust duct
either before or after the injection point, serves
for enhancing the mixing of the reducing agent
and the exhaust gas. After the injection of
reducing agent, the exhaust gas flow passes
through a mixing duct. The mixing duct gives
time for the urea to transform into ammonia
and mix homogeneously before it reaches the
catalyst elements. Figure 9 presents a typical
configuration for urea injection in the mixing
The layout of injector and mixing duct is
an essential part of the design of an SCR
system. Wärtsilä use in-house expertise in
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling
to determine e.g. correct positioning of urea
injectors and spray control to be able to provide
best-practice solutions for their 2-stroke
engines. Figure 10 presents an example of such
Figure 10: CFD simulation result of urea spray evaporation after injection point. optimized urea spray by means of CFD.
The reactor is a steel casing containing
an adequate number of catalyst elements,
typically of the honeycomb type and arranged
in multiple layers, in order to achieve the 5 6
necessary conversion. As the exhaust gas 2 3
flows past the catalyst surface, the nitrogen
oxides react with the reducing agent. 1 4
Compressed air connections for soot
blowing are installed at each catalyst layer. The
reactor is equipped with a differential pressure
transmitter for monitoring the condition of (1) Compressed air inlet (4) Air vessel
the catalyst elements, and a temperature (2) Pressure regulator (5) Solenoid valves
(3) Air filter (6) Reactor with catalyst elements
transmitter for monitoring the exhaust gas
outlet temperature. Figure 11 shows a typical Figure 11: Flow diagram of a typical soot blowing system.
soot blowing arrangement.
The control system regulates the urea dosing
as a function of engine load and speed, to
ensure that the necessary amount of reducing
agent is always injected. It also controls the 2
compressed air supply to the injection system
and the soot blowers and involves specific
control features for specifying urea injection 1 3
during start / stop of the engine and transient
operation. Moreover, the position control of the
exhaust gas by-pass valves is embedded in
the control system in order to ensure correct
4 5 6
routing of the exhaust gas in all conditions.
If the system is in standby mode, the urea
injection is automatically activated when the 7
engine starts. The start of the urea injection (1) Control unit (5) Urea pump
is triggered by the catalyst temperature. (2) Soot blowing valves (6) Urea dosing control valves
Correspondingly, when the engine stops, the (3) Compressed air control valves (7) Engine
(4) Urea tank
urea dosing is shut off. The injection system is
automatically purged of urea after a stop. Figure 12: Control system layout.

Figure 13: Pre-turbine SCR installation on Wärtsilä 7RT-flex40 engine.
Power SCR reactor SCR reactor Mixing duct Mixing pipe installations is related to the need for
Engine kW @100% diameter length diameter length
MCR (a) mm (b) mm (c) mm (d) mm integration of the SCR between exhaust
6RT-flex50D 10 470 1900 4200 900 4700 manifold and the turbocharger, including a
7RT-flex58T 15 820 2200 4000 1100 5200 bypass for start-up, shut-down and non-ECA
8RT-flex68D 25 040 2700 4800 1400 6100 operation. As an example, Figure 13 shows a
7RT-flex82T 31 640 3000 5000 1700 6600 3-D view of the Wärtsilä SCR design on a
7RT-flex40 engine.
Such initial designs have been prepared
for various engine types and sizes. Figure 14
shows typical SCR arrangements with one and
two turbochargers and includes a table listing
preliminary SCR and mixing duct dimensions
for IMO Tier III compliant designs, to assist in
layout studies.


The SCR catalyst lifetime is relatively long:
Typically elements have performance
guarantees up to 2 years and 16 000
operation hours depending on the application
(fuel and operation profile) and SCR design.
Other components in the SCR system
(pump unit, urea injection and soot blowing
unit) need periodical inspection and
maintenance according to the intervals
specified in the maintenance manual.
It is recommended to monitor and
record the following SCR operation data
either continuously or at least frequently
for identifying potential SCR performance
z urea flow
z delta temperature
Figure 14: Preliminary dimensions for SCR system in the case of one TC z delta pressure
and two TC engine applications. z NOX feedback control (if applicable).
time of certification. It can take the form of
either engine family or group or even single
engine approval, with the engine family
SCR budgetary price, €/kW

30 concept only applicable in cases where the

complete engine and SCR system can be
tested on the testbed. The scope of additional
20 tests onboard depends on the type of
15 certification chosen.

0 Wärtsilä has a long and wide experience on
10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000 SCRs with a total of about 400 SCR systems
Engine power, kW installed in a large variety of applications:
zz Diesel, gas and dual fuel engines
Figure 15: SCR budgetary price, €/kW. zz Marine and stationary applications
zz New-building and retrofit applications
INSTALLATION COSTS requires an air compressor and a tank for zz 4- and 2-stroke engine applications.
The Wärtsilä SCR delivery scope can vary storing the reducing agent. Wärtsilä’s scope First references on 2-stroke engines date
depending on the needs and preferences of the can be extended to cover these items, or back to 1999/2000, when three RoRo ships
client. In the determination of the equipment Wärtsilä can assist through specifications or were equipped with SCR systems. Each ship
costs as shown in Figure 15, it is assumed instructions. has one main engine (Sulzer 7RTA52U) and
that the default delivery covers the following two auxiliary engines (Wärtsilä 6L20). These
equipment: OPERATING COSTS installations have received a certificate for low
zz a reactor housing with catalyst elements Urea costs are the dominating factor in the NOX emissions (< 2 g/kWh), already realizing
zz equipment for injection and mixing of total O&M costs, depending on the urea NOX emission reductions even beyond Tier III
reducing agent market price. The average consumption of requirements.
zz a unit for dosing of reducing agent urea for reaching the IMO Tier NOX level is The demand for SCR systems is expected
zz a pump unit for transfer of reducing agent approximately 15 l/MWh. If one assumes 40% to progressively increase in marine applications
zz a soot blowing system urea solution price variation between 0.30 and in 2016, and the ultimate products will be
zz a control and automation system (Control 0.60 €/l, this will result in a typical operating ready to match the current requirements.
cabinet with PLC) cost of 4.5 to 9 €/MWh. Wärtsilä already offers and delivers SCR
The scope of supply excludes e.g. piping, systems for high sulphur applications, and is
exhaust gas by-pass valves, support SCR SYSTEM CERTIFICATION making big efforts for further development
structures, flexible hoses, insulation material The certification of engines equipped with and commercialization of SCRs, in close co-
and any other parts outside the specified Wärtsilä SCR systems is done in accordance operation with engine development. The clear
scope. The operation of the system also with guidelines approved by the IMO at the emphasis is on minimizing total lifecycle costs.
05.2011 / Bock´s Office / Litoset
Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the
marine and energy markets. By emphasising technological innovation
and total efficiency, Wärtsilä maximises the environmental and economic
performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers. Wärtsilä
is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Finland.

WÄRTSILÄ® is a registered trademark. Copyright © 2011 Wärtsilä Corporation.

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