FCE Unit 3 Test

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3 Happy holidays?

Grammar 2 For each gap, choose a verb from the box and put it
into the past perfect or the past perfect continuous.
Past simple, past continuous, past perfect
feel forget own stand up try wait
simple and past perfect continuous
1 The crowd had been waiting for over an hour for the
1 Read these sentences about an overnight train
match to begin.
journey from London to Switzerland and put the
verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past 2 We to open the door for five
continuous. minutes when Ali found her key.
3 When he died, my grandfather the
business for more than 50 years.
4 David unwell for a few days so he
went to the doctor’s.
5 Katrina was really angry with me because I
to tell her the change of plan.
6 I was really pleased to sit down as I
at work all day.

3 For each gap, put the verb in brackets into the past
simple, past continuous, past perfect simple or past
perfect continuous.

Last week I (1) went (go) to

1 By the time the train left (leave),
it was getting (get) dark.
the mountains with my cousins. None of us
2 I (still look) for my seat when (2) (ever ski) before so we
the train (stop) for the first
(3) (look) forward to it for months.
3 I (meet) a family from While we (4) (drive) to the airport,
Scotland, who (go) to a
it (5) (start) to snow and we were
wedding in France.
4 In the evening I (sit) in the really excited. But when we (6) (get)
buffet. I (not eat) much but off the plane in the mountains, there
I (talk) to some interesting
people. (7) (not be) any snow at all.
5 When I (wake up) in the Everyone there (8) (say) it was too
morning, we (travel) through
the vineyards. warm for snow. We (9) (go) to bed
6 As soon as we (cross) the feeling sad that we wouldn’t be able to ski. But when
border, I (begin) to feel
excited. we (10) (get) up the next morning
7 When we (reach) the and (11) (look) out of the window we
mountains, we (know) our
journey was almost over.
realised that it (12) (snow) all night
8 The train (arrive) late and my and we would be able to ski after all.
friends (not wait) for me so I
(take) a taxi to their flat.
Unit 3

at, in and on in time phrases Travel words

4 Complete each gap in the email with at, in or on. 2 EP Complete the crossword puzzle.
4 I enjoyed trying different watersports on our
Dear Antonio holiday.
6 It was too far to go for the day so we stayed .
I’m glad you’re visiting me (1) in the summer 10 Before people flew, they had to make long
but it’s better if you come (2) August across the sea to get from Europe to America.
rather than September because I start college 11 Air has become increasingly popular as it has
again (3) 12th September. I’m so looking got cheaper.
forward to the holidays. I have to get up early Down
1 is very popular with young people who want
(4) weekdays in term time because the
to see the world.
bus to college leaves (5) 7.30. But I get up 2 If you don’t get to the airport in good time, you might
late (6) Saturdays and (7) the miss your .
afternoon I meet my friends. I always play football 3 On Vancouver waterfront you see lots of
(8) Sunday mornings so I get up quite early ships which are going to Alaska.
then too. (9) the holidays I spend a lot of 5 It’s only a two-hour train from Brussels to
time on the beach. Sometimes we don’t come home
7 The cheapest places to stay are youth .
till quite late (10) night as it’s really hot
8 We didn’t have much time so we went on a sightseeing
here and it’s better to be outside. with a guide.
Can’t wait to see you again. 9 We took a wrong turning on our home and
got lost.
11 The round from home to the supermarket
and back took two hours because of the traffic.
1 2
1 EP Make adjectives from the nouns in brackets. 3

1 The shop assistant wasn’t very friendly so I left

without buying anything. (friend)
2 Keep away from that snake. (poison)
3 Greta is doing research. (science)
4 It’s a bit to drink that water. (risk)
5 It’s really hard to be when you don’t have
much money. (fashion)
6 The children are so . (energy)
7 The film had a very ending. (drama) 6 7
8 My family aren’t very when we go on
holiday. (adventure)
9 I live near a big city. (industry)
10 Ali is very selfish and . (thought) 8 9

11 Adam is very and always wants to be the 10 11

best at everything. (competition)
12 It’s to feel a bit worried before a long
journey abroad. (nature)

Happy holidays?

Reading and Use of English | Part 5 that had taken four months, several visas and huge
quantities of thermal underwear to complete now took
Exam advice
little more than 12 hours, three lousy films and two airline
Check the other options are not correct before meals to undo.
choosing your answer.
As the plane came in to land over London in the late
afternoon sunshine, the Japanese and Korean tourists
You are going to read a newspaper article about peered out of the windows for their first view through the
someone arriving home after a long trip. For questions London clouds of the suburbs round Heathrow Airport
1–6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think with the same enthusiasm I’d had for my first view of
fits best according to the text. Kyoto or Ulan Bator. After such a long time away, even I
found the regimented streets a strange sight.
By the time I’d collected my luggage from the carousel, it
was beginning to sink in that I was home. I was no longer
some strange exotic creature attracting the stares and
attention of the local people and I realised I resented
this. At least with my long hair and shaggy beard it was
a certainty that I would be stopped at customs. ‘What
was the purpose of your visit?’ I was asked. I was really
beginning to enjoy the reaction to my answers, but the
customs officer had already had enough of me and let
me go. The doors to the arrivals hall sprung open and I
was greeted by a sea of smiling, welcoming faces which
quickly turned blank again when they realised I wasn’t
their relative. By the time I’d reached the other side of the
hall, I’d lost the ‘I’m back! Guess where I’ve been!’ look
on my face.
Little had changed in the past four months. If you had
arrived back from such a journey some years ago,
the UK could have been struck by a hurricane and
In from the cold you wouldn’t have known about it until the pilot started
Jim Whyte flew out of Japan after spending four months circling above looking for a place to land. These days
crossing Siberia. email, the Internet and 24-hour news mean that, despite
your best efforts, it’s impossible to completely lose touch
I got my usual seat on the plane, between the man with
with home; well, except when you stay in a tent in the
a large laptop and the woman with a screaming baby
desert for a week or so.
and directly in front of the kicking toddler. On this flight I
had the added bonus of being at the front up against the It was with a sense of sadness that I unpacked my dirty
wall which meant no legroom and no view of the movies. clothes and put my trusty rucksack in the cupboard.
I’d read the in-flight magazine for the fifth time and Somehow it just didn’t seem right to see a piece of
discovered that the only film I hadn’t seen was being luggage that had spent its whole life travelling through
line 8 shown on every flight operated by the airline except this the wilds of the Arctic, Europe and the wide open
line 9 one, all before the plane had finished taxiing down the spaces of Asia, now folded up and confined to a shelf
runway. above the towels and bed linen until I set off again.
The flight home followed almost exactly the route I’d I loved every minute of the trip especially seeing the
taken since November, flying via Seoul, Beijing and northern lights in Abisko, the Trans-Siberian Railway,
Mongolia to Irkutsk and then across the frozen wastes camping in Mongolia and New Year in China. I’m already
to Moscow. I looked out of the window for any signs of planning my next journey and reckon that the perfect
something familiar but I could see nothing but a sea of antidote to crossing Siberia in January is to cross the
frozen trees stretching north to the Arctic Sea. A journey Sahara in August. What do you think?

Unit 3

1 What does Jim mean by ‘I got my usual seat on the Listening | Part 1
plane’ in the first paragraph?
A He preferred to sit at the front of the plane. Exam advice
B He always seemed to get the worst place to sit. Read the questions first as they tell you what to listen for.
C He had got the seat he had asked for.
D He liked to sit in the same place on each flight. 04 You will hear people talking in eight different
situations. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer
2 What does ‘this one’ refer to in lines 8–9?
(A, B or C).
A the airline
B the film 1 You overhear someone talking to a tour guide.
C the flight Why is she talking to him?
D the magazine A to make a complaint
B to make a suggestion
3 What did Jim have in common with the tourists? C to ask for advice
A He was not pleased at the clouds blocking his view.
B He was not sure whether he had made a wrong 2 You hear a man talking on the radio about a place he
decision. visited on holiday. What does he recommend?
C He did not know this part of London very well either. A the countryside
D He had experienced the same feelings on arriving in B the entertainment
a new place. C the shops

4 How did Jim feel after he left the arrivals hall? 3 You overhear two people talking about a holiday.
A irritated that nobody was interested in his What went wrong?
homecoming A The hotel was full.
B disappointed that there was nobody to meet him B The suitcases got lost.
C upset that people weren’t friendly towards him C The plane was delayed.
D annoyed that the customs official hadn’t trusted him
4 You overhear a woman leaving a message on an
5 What does Jim say about keeping in touch while he answerphone. She asks her friend to
was away? A meet her at the airport.
A He would have preferred to be out of contact for B pick her up later than agreed.
longer. C share a taxi with her.
B He was grateful that he was able to use email and
5 You hear two people talking about a TV programme
the Internet.
they saw. What irritated the man?
C He would have liked to have received more up-to-
A the presenter’s manner
date news from home.
B the way it was filmed
D He was relieved to get emails in some remote
C the background music
6 You hear the following announcement on a train.
6 What is Jim’s main purpose in writing the article?
What is the man doing?
A to explain why he wanted to make the trip
A warning about a cancellation
B to point out the things that can go wrong on a trip
B making a recommendation
C to suggest a route across Asia for other people to
C confirming a change
D to describe his reactions to the trip coming to an 7 You overhear two people arranging a trip together.
end What is the woman most concerned about?
A seeing as much as possible
B how flexible they will be
C the cost of accommodation

8 You hear two people talking about something that

happened on a journey. The girl feels
A embarrassed.
B relieved.
C confused.

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