Prepare 2 SB PDF
Prepare 2 SB PDF
Prepare 2 SB PDF
.',** * ; i
Joanna kosta Second
l Melanie williams Edition
0 Get started 10
2 This is my day 18
Еýý!ýж ё 7в
13 Heatthy bodies в0
14 Getting around town в4
GULтUпЕ Scotland бё
15 Mysteries in паturе 90
16 Amazing anima[s 94
ýKlL!.ý Social responsibitity: Protecting anima[s 9в
ýЁt{lЁý ý 100
17 What аrе you watching? 1 п,)
20 FamiIies 116
tlFý ýKlLr.ý EmotionaIski[[s: Being а good friend LlU
BEEiEtr 5 722
,' Ёý ýН*ýТёffi* YЖýF Hotidays (1) Past simple; irregular Crossing the world on а
page 46 Hotidays (2) verbs rickshaw to see the Otympics
Э Sounds and spelting
LlSTEilll{G SPEAKll{G WRlTlilG
C[assroom language
Ask апd answer
questions about
personal detai[s
Э The a[phabet
@ Baralympic ath[etes
@ Summe'. camp
@ Street fairs everywhere
lltп UOGдвULдRY GRдtulIчlдR пЕдDlilG
Fооd (1) 0s ... 0s Menus
IJdBe об
Food (2) Comparative adjectives street food around the wor[d
Э lxl апd lol
Э*! еЖ*ýЁЖ{j ýýgЖеý_ý Animals Past simple and past Веаr to the rеsсuе
page 94 Phrasalverbs continuous @Оur апimаl friends
е lч:l апd lul
Life Skills SociaI responsibility: Protecting anima[s page 98
Review 4 Units 1З-16 page 100
TeIevision Futurе with gоlл9 rо Talent shows
ffi* g !;жiЖэý 3 Entertainment е Going to
page 102
"ý$#*st *&Ж *а Trip activities h ave to l dоп't have to The ftipped сlаssrооm -
Ё*ёý j School collocations Э have to l hos to what's it а[[ about?
page 112
Кеу to symbols:
э pronunciation J Лz Кеу forSchools exam task Q Video
LlsTEilll{G WRlTlilG UlDEo
А conversation about а street Ordering food @ Street foods
food festivaI
Practise and improve
your pronunciation
Ъеd8 >qмsЕ'@ФмGжlФ
1 наth tф !hофsА{ Ф$зф*li ýeb,l 2 еid !ь dсафdо€
зid ечФрф sь*ъ Ф*
sdil bil i,!ф bиr d.цьф мfuм
@ 1"99 ..,ч"t
дB0llT YOU
il fu ффс k rdФ.Фt g,мфt
**,-"_," аЦg!чjвrщс*" л^аы*
ж;.,:L.уж"*J*",,JЁr *"
Ф rфя Ф*.ý*( no*-K.r i;_
ф-" ,ф" ;";;'
Ai the start of the Unit, *;;;;";
2 h ft 4Fo,pi 8r {ff{ihфl**ефье i."..fu.
j ff:,;:,:л,j:ffJl1::;т,li. i;i; i
talk about уоu and ",,*,,-*. й;ь, : --'-l -
з :;,"",d-"-",i*",
ft.J.j^,r1-1.. ;.*';::Ф,
уоuг life
а чдG! drtt .п Ф mш ье фьЕ,фlklФsi
ф."i,.)]у {r..}м ]ry]I: ***,
,lТJ;ij,*.#;jýж*#жfflý# l*..-,
ы'.*i-- *"-i-*, -
.:fl яьфfu sепщý @ь 6
Флпк! qilеффелф
3 Фщи"iчфlоп
4lпраiýФt*Фýq.fuýФ*м- i еfofrм
; }:l1 xili: iil :jjf;]1tri*i*;,.
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Фl Фф" .п.ьф] g..., п€,,аtr
r4Ё.dkr{ . ..J ?r"h!lфJll(r
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ЕдSY т0 Fll{]l
3 !ilg]nf ist.ччirjфlllъпi;rijlЕ
Ехд]ul тдSкS
!ф #1 *я tцi,ry(riJk
-' ФфЕrЕJфfrdеоrсrпd
рRЕрдRЕ т0
соф,l4аlh.(4ФпфзФjФоiе 0. вб
Ёй+ 1*j$ ]ф na ф ]J яоt frit
1 tIдь*аЬьзrз.оаldff r.j Рrераrе, plan and
4 aп|r:яý{Б:!il'itrri
check уоur writing
9 !й*п
iae iЬ fu ЬФ{r0фр!с!r ci
4 Wпеkm.*iФсваьФlwмр ьы08
Е{ыфмуfu*.м*8t *! м|h. d'l
rwNфФ|!lФ$@ь*р!fu фп
dояЕ,*.ht {о ар4 ]./
'bJ..r':p тil цтlSт тliilOl8Бl
тдLкll{G PllltTs
Say what you think
about the topic iп *;,
the unit
watch interviews with
teenagers [ike уоu
ýý8 Ё
, !-"лц-""-".Ф,,-r
-l.,.;+а,. & d
=d Е
з ь.- .]л|r 9ir*п4Ф.ь бJdE
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4ьdфф@лц"ы"юм"* DJ фФl {r Ф* ы, Ф4 Ф
documentaries about
. !*-dф*_апiсс
р|{ L.ъ !л lEJI
I l
ф urr srtrrs
", :; ].:
tIFE sKItts
Deve[op important
skiIls that уоu сап uýe
in уоur daity tife
8пiGа!000rп[п0 р,
J:i :,-,"
something fun апd
ff iг;""::ljlli: ;ж i,*
! Ф{lе Eirls F], qСФжжФФ
э,,.я",*я.в,*,д,е*"* ф
2 ф.фih!Фф@gф
Ф l .1:.T1;;:,i'1/" :,"l".
фрkм fu 5ей,lё!
1 Match the words in the Ьох to the letters 2 Look at the photo and read the sentences. Write yes or по.
l аtзл
he/she/it is
you/we/they ar* 4
А: 7es, fhere
А: r,:,r. iIis.
А: Дrе t*erc frr;y.ocrs лес;l-Г*е dcci,j'
В: ffc, lfiеrе *rел'|.
hav* gaý
:Аа ВЬ Gе Dd'
Ее Gg r#h
пfl Kk ьп
Оо Рв
Ss Tt
Vv ТfrГ'tм,
2 lп pairs, read out the names of the letters
and complete the table with the letters
|-| Му ЬаgЪ really heavy
that sound the same. Two co[umns have
по additionaI letters!
today! I've got three
textbooks, four А в F о U R
&жgаэ*t ]
L 1st Моrсh
27th 28th
22пd 23rd 24th
12 SтдRтЕR UillT
tj ri ltl i] Рrеggxlt sýжрý*
1 Match the photos А-Н to the words in the Ьох. 3 Read about the students and answer the
questions. Use complete sentences.
draw а саr cake р[ау tennis
make а 1 Does Tyler [ike music?
ride а bike km speak three [anguages
ruп 5 2 Ноw mапу brothers has Jason got?
stand on уоur head swim underwater 3 What sport does Miltie tike?
4 Whеrе does Ту[еr want to go?
5 What does Jason do every da5z?
6 Whеп does Millie go shopping?
No, l сап't.
Now ask around the class. How mапу people l Write questions to find out about your partner's ...
сап ... . з8€ . fаvоuritе рор star
sъvim under water? . address . favourite school
speak three languages? . phone number subject
ride а bike? . brothers and sisters
play tennis?
drarn", а саr? ln pairs, ask and answer the questions. Then write
sentences about your partner.
{ Read Sophie's and Веп's blogs. Who does their sport
every week? Whо can't do their sport whеrе they live?
1 Match the pictures А-М to the words in the Ьох.
5 Read about Sophie and Веп again and answer
@ do ath[etics р[ау badminton
the questions.
do gymnastics play baseba[[ 1 How mапу women and gir[s do Sophie's sport?
go cycling р[ау hockey 2 What does Sophie do at the weekend?
go sai[ing ptay rugЬу 3 What does Sophie want to do at Loughborough
go skating р[ау table tennis University?
go snowboarding play votteybalI 4 Whеrе does Веп рrеfеr to Ье?
go surfing
5 Why does Веп go snowboarding every day?
6 Ben says he's'goofy-foot'. What does'goofy-foot' mеап?
Ф tirt.n and check. Тhеп repeat.
14 Ut{lT 1
Write the words in рurрi* on the right place пЕFЕRЕI{GЕ дt{Il рRдстlсЕ ре&ý !ý&
on the line.
3 Choose the correct words to complete the rules. # Put the words in order to make sentences and
ЧuеstioПs and questions,
lп sentences with the verb Ье, we put the аdvеrЬ 0 often l school / plays / mу friend i after /
of frequency Ьеfоrе l оftеr the verb. foothali
,tl7 iг:t:лl ,:tt;г, iэ:,.i:сl
lп sentences with the present simple, wе put the |эiс
l:j..;,,;:,-;;;., .
adverb оffrеquепсу Ьеfоrе l offerthe verb. 1 welcome / sports / аrе / in / our / ctub i
always / you
2 Мопdауs / do / оп / athletics / печеr / we
3 skating / Ьrоthеr / she / go / hеr / usuatty /
oofyl-foof or regulaЁ
table tennis / students / поt / often / do /
5 cycling l апd l hеr sister / at / the weekend /
l love the snow and the mountains. l feel at sometimes lLizzie l gо l
home there, l live iп а city and there's по snow
Y How often do you do the sports in Exercise 1 оп
here, but iп the holidays, l always go to the
page 14?
mountains with my family. l sometimes
go snowboarding with Mum, but l often l never р[ау rugby, but l often р[ау
go with mу little sister and other young vo[leyba[[. lt's great fun. How about you?
people, Mum usually skis with my dad,
and mу sister and l like spending mоrе
time in the snow than they do, lt's
usually quiet, When we're iп the
mountains, l go snowboarding
every day and l'm getting really 8 ln pairs, ask and answer the questions.
good. l often think about the 1 What sports do уоu do?
future - l want to Ье а famous 2 How often do you do them?
sпоwЬоаrdеr опе day, like IVах 3 Do you р[ау sports at school?
Parrot. Oh, and l'm goofy-foot - 4 Ноw often do you watch sports оп TV?
ihat means l put mу right foot at 5 How often do you go to watch sports?
:re front of the board, 6 Who аrе уоur favourite sports stars?
Look at the photos ofthe sports and games. What сап you see?
Read the three texts again. Are the sentences right (/) or wrong (,r)?
1 Тhеrе аrе always twо рlауеrs iп а cyclebaii team,
2 The ball iп cycleball is smalI and tight"
З Players in cyciebaIl can't hit the batl with their hands. г,
4 Gilli-dandа comes frогп lndia" Which of these sports do you
5 The stick and the bat iп gilli-daпda аrе the sаmе size, wa nt to trу?
6 Рlауеrs use а snrali balI iп gillгdолdа. Do you have апу sports like
7 People р[ау octopush in teams" these in your country?
8 PIayers in octopush hilthe bait, оr puck, r,vith their hands"
9 Players iп octopush swim uпdеrwаtеr to ptay their game.
16 Ut{lT 1
ýp*rts вqшiрmепt
1 Match the photos А-Е to the words in the Ьох. 1 Look at the photo of the sport. Match the
words 1-2 to А and В in the photo.
@ hand[e
щ q q 14
1 2 net
Р lirt"n and check. Then repeat. f Think of а sport. Choose опе from this unit or
another sport that you kпоw. ln pairs, take turns
3 Complete the information with the sports words to ask and answer the questions.
in Exercise 1.
t Do реор[е do this sport inside оr outside?
TABLE TENNlý 2 ls the sрогt оп or under wаtеr?
1 One fоr each р[ауеr. 3 ls this sport оп snow?
2 Опе sma[[, light fоr the game. 4 What things do people пееd to do this sport?
BASEBALL 5 Do people play this sport in уоur country?
3 опе fоr each team" 6 What do you like about this sроrt?
4 Опе sma[[, hard for the game. 7 Who аrе some of the famous players of
this sport?
5 Опе fоr each р[ауеr. Try and guess the sport.
6 0пе small for each р[ауеr.
7 Опе heavy puck, like а ftat for the game.
ýаýfuя rошtýхаеs
18 UillT 2
l get dressed and then l have breakfast.
ff рrеgеж* еапtýжаgоаls ажd
рrевеlз* simрlс
S Make sentences with the present simple and
present continuous. Use чsчоl/у апd todoy
or ot thе mоmепt,
0 walk to school 7 go Ьу bus.
simple or continuous.
i :;:lit:i:у,.,,;эl,t ,,,: sci:,;.:;, |;l..;r r::ticiy i';T qt. , ;
pr*,ýent Ьу
Today, l'lт t;i}iiгзg about mу mоrпiпg rоutiпе" 1 have а sandrryich fcr luпсh i spaghetti
l'ж h*vitrý сеrеаlъryith fruit today" 2 ,"vatch ТV after schoo[ do my hоmеwогk
At the moment, l'lt: tJ**r!*g mу favourite T-shirt. 3 ptay footbal1 оп Sаturdау 7' play tennis
|';Tl l*xvii:g the hоusе поw" 4 get up at seven o'cl*ck / eight o'clock
!'iэ: **i,uT*ari:-:g miz uпif*rm tсэdау" 5 have а shower i have а bath
l пеvеr **т* а shоwеr iп the mоrпiпg.
* Put the words in order to make questions.
THls lS MY llAY 19
Read the texts once. who starts school the earliest?
-ffi t
lirt"n and check. Then repeat.
tr# g# щ_
ж t
ж *ýР-' ы
ffi t# E,-#f,
ц щ Ц-# щ щь*
,:щs- Чr=,
20 U1{lT 2 * Ъ'
Think of ten more food words. ln pairs, compare ffiffi
уочr words. Then ask and answer these questions. щ
l What's уоur favourite food? What don't you [ike?
2 What do you have fоr breakfast? Э Read the poster. What do you think of these tips?
З What time do уоu have diппеr? What do уоu have? "J,lJ
а Listen to the radio show. Yоu will hear а woman
4 What snacks do уоu have еvеrу day? asking six students about getting up in the
morning. Match each student to the correct tip.
There is one tip you do not need.
PROilU]lGlДTl0ll i тhеsочпdlэ/
Student 1 Tip А
4 Listen and repeat. ýtudent 2 Tig: В
Studeni З Tip С
breakfast dinner vegetab[es Student 4 Tip D
Stцdепt 5 Tip Е
Student 6 Tip F
Listen and repeat. Circ[e the /а/ sound in Tip G
each word. Опе word has two /а/ sounds.
which word is it? Listen again and check. Тhеп in sma[l groups,
discuss the questions.
pasta chocolate Ьапапа saLad
tomato yoghurt сuсumЬеr 1 Which of the tips do you think аrе useful?
Which аrе поt usefu1?
2 Сап you think of other tips fоr getting up in
the mоrпiпg?
3 ls getting up iп the mоrпiпg easy оr difficult
for уоu?
l #,;.. В tidy уочr rооm
Read the
page 20 again and fin
ffi ё#
ж and or,
choose the
ж * sentences.
at school.
F чsе уочr brain!
h Е move!
ideas to make their text better,
Тhе lnternotionol Роrоlуmрiс
(www,porolympic,org} tells
these focts:
0ге SUmmеr
Sitting wheelchair
volteybatl rugby
T}re ParalymBic Games take place
Whеrе do you р[ау? 1 2
Иlheelchair rugby
ýitting vэtleybal1
l\ wheelchair
Иli? You play this spot1 оп ап indoor
court. Ж are inЖ. Ttrey
need а ball. They pass the ball from опе
person to another. wheelchair
а net and а ball. Teams need to hit the ball 1 How old is Martha?
очеr the net in three turns using their arms.
2 Whеrе is the court?
3 What does she want to Ье in one day?
4 What has hеr sports hеrо got?
5 Where is David Wаgпеr frоm?
Each team has six players оп the Ж. 6 Does Маrthа р[ау tennis on Tuesdays?
Each team is оп а different side of the net. 7 Does Martha rest at weekends?
Find out:
The indoor cour1 is smaller than iп
. Their паmе.
the game played outside. lt is the same size
. What sport they do.
01 нсW Ulrдтсн тшЕ GULтUпЕ v!BE0
..: ,
. -]],: ]]
\ i j1., 1r ] 1],\}
l ёt "Jjя+,+
Look at the words iп the Ьох. Complete the table. What types of music do you think the реор[е аrе
playing in the photos?
ъ".g music drums electric guitar
Choose the соrrесt word to complete the
hip-hop jazz keyboard ореrа
piano рор rар rock saxophone
sou[ violin 1 Yоu uзuаllу need а lot of different instruments
for classicg/ music !рор and the pieces of music
аrе often quite long,
Types of music MusicaI instruments
2 People sometimes use sticks when they ptay the
keyboord i drums.
3 There аrе diffегепt singers iл jazz lял operc" lt's
а bit like а ptay rvith music and singing.
2 Match the photos А-F to the musical instruments 4 lп rcp / rосk, the artists don't rеаllу sing the
in Exercise 1. words; they sneak them.
Ф tirt"n and check. Тhеп repeat. 5 You put the sпхорl:оле l violiп to your mouth to
ptay it.
(,l 6
25 З Listen to the different types of music. Match them А рiапо l оп electric Еui*сг is quite еаsу to саrrу
to the types of music in Exercise 1. аrоuпd,
24 UtllT 3
choose drive get [еаrп make
electric guitar?
practise ride sing sit swim Wln
3 the kеуЬоаrd?
4 the piano?
* Choose the correct words to complete the
Listen again. Are the sentences right (// оr
wrong (f)? 1 l /ike / hлfe rock" lt's too loud.
1 Look at the photos. lп pairs, ask and answer the questions.
1 ls it easy to become а famous musician?
2 How do реор[е start iп the music business?
3 How сап the iпtеrпеt help реорlе to Ьесоmе musicians?
26 Ut{lT 3
ý i
Еппаit addresses, рhопе пumЬеrs and паrпаs 1 lп pairs, take turns to ask and answer the questions.
Fоr @ we say'at'. Fоr. we say'dot'. О r По you tike different kinds of music?
Fоr two numbers (77) we say'double (seven)'. What аrе they?
Fоr two [etters (ЬЬ) we say 'doubte (Ь)'. 2 Do you like different musical instruments?
Fоr the number 0 we say 'oh'. Which ones?
3 Do you think ...
1 lп pairs, practise.
jazz is interesting?
1 Say this emaiI address: ореrа is exciting?
р clo u d. со m
schoo l@ m u si с ро classicaI music is boring?
2 Say this рhопе пumЬеr: 0451 256 ЗЗ7 the saxophone is difficu[t to р[ау?
3 Spettthis паmе: Joanna musicaI instruments аrе expensive?
4 Which of these different types of music do уоu
Ф lirt"n and check. Then repeat. [ike best?
5 Do you рrеfеr listening to music at home or going
to сопсеrts? Whу?
6 Which instrument would you like to play?
GRЕАт SOUl{Ds 21
1 Look at the photos. Where аrе the реор[е and what are they doing?
(D З
g Listen again. Ноw did the speakers feel about their experiences?
Comp[ete rоw А of the tabte with the conversation numbers.
4 Now comp[ete row В of the table with the adjectives in the Ьох,
,}<| ýý Ё,,,
А conversation 1
в Adjectives ama7jpg
6 lп pairs, practise the conversations. Then make some пеW conversations together,
Uшlт 4
Му school [unch rMos/ иzеrе rеа[[у nice yesterday.
Му Ьrоthеrs wos f vуеrе late home this evening.
5 уOur favourite ТV shows whеп you
wеrе littie?
3 That TV рrоgrаmmе wasn't f rzvereл'tvery good!
6 уOu in this class last уеаr?
4 We иzаsп'f f wеrеп'ttоо tired after оur waIk.
7 уоцr last haircut?
5 What was f wеrе the time when уоu got home?
7 6 Ноw mапу реор[е wos f were on the schooltrip? Write three more questions to ask your partner.
Tell the rest of the class the answers.
3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
а 0 The wеаthеr Ь good уеstеrdау"
|.|f tl S
1 Att mу friends was hеrе оп Sаturdау,
2 l tike уOur пеw shoesi Аrе they expensive?
3 Yesterday l wеrе at а friend's house.
4 The рiауеrs was good апd the wеаthеr was fine.
5 That is ап awesome party tast night!
Read the reviews of the activity days. Three of the reviews have four
stars and one has five stars. Which one do you think has five stars?
34 REvtEWS
l t
,.] ф ЕЕ
l ,".;а; at п,:у b*st fгi*r*'s biгtl"td*y р*rtу
East :,:r*nii",l. |**r пiаmе'з lsa*eila апd thg
p*rty т;аs at her h*l,;s* *п -j Ёth ivlay, fl,nm
* рr,:: t* * *ж. ii io,,as а ;,*al!y *ig раtt5l,
All h*г fri*лdз *:":* t*mi!,т wе:,е th*r*, *t":d
,ýё,lтёi,* э* *xcit*d ai:*шt !t, Тh*r* wаs
l*t* *f i*** * pizza, **la* апd *f c*Llrý*
2 Уtlhеrе is Kyle's ticket? **k*i }t vуаs аЕ! i"**iiy ili**, isab*ilg т;аs
**rч*uý bef*;,* the *ап"у, Lrui sh* rr,ciз finc
,яl-;ел *v*rу*п* was ti-:el,*" it *,а* а ;"*aiiy
briiiiant *r,е:-li*Ё1
:i,i '
4 Ноцl much wаs the boy's T-shirt?
5 Whеrе wаs the giri сп Saturday?
ji Comp[ete the sentences with the highlighted words
from the texts.
1 l don't with the things mу friend does iп class"
She doesn't listen to the teacher"
2 Do you аgrее оr with the idea of going to the
3 l hope уоu ,,. ,,.. the fitm.
LIFE sKILLs 4 Can you give me some ? l don't know what to
Reaching agreement do"
Fоr two реор[е to аgrее, you need to: 5 l'm . l can't go to the cinema with mу friends.
. listen carefully Му mum and dad want mе to stay at home with my
. give уоur opinions calmly апd с[еагlу little Ьrоthеr.
" tгу to understand the other реrsоп'ý 6 МауЬе you don't agree. lп that ,, уOu сап make
ideas lrefore you decide what to do. уоuг оwп plans.
ж ж
l зж
Dеаr Danny,
l want to go to see а film tonight,
Dеаr Dаппу, }
but my best friend wants to play l have а problem. Му best
basketball. We always play basketball friend is often not nice
? and l'm boredl what сап l do? ж to our maths teacher.
Воrеd Best Friend
;J She doesn't listen, she
печеr does her homework and
she says bad things about the
teacher. l tell hеr to stoP, but
she gets angry with mе. What
} Dеаr ..,.._,,. ..,......_,:.,
сап l do? Thanks {or уочr help.
lt's important for you and your ýster to
ugr""'b.caur" you haven't got а lot о{ Unhappy Friепd j
йе. Make а list of good things about
each рrеsепt to help you decide, Тhеп
go 9hopping and choose the present
iog.tnbi Тф to tiпа а wiп-wiп solution,
Епjоу shopping and h"ppy Ьiгthdау to
your Ьrоthеr! diffeient;loil",,ii,
:,, .,:,..with
,, Good luckl
Рlаппiпg а
iurprise party
пЕАGнlilG дGRЕЕмЕilт 33
1 Match the sports equipment words to the photos.
1 Choose the correct words to comp[ete the
ц q /
q dФ sentences,
1 l love tolk l talking to mу friend and l [ove go l
gой9 shopping with hеr too.
l sing l аm siпgiпg iп the school ha[[ оп Fridays.
Чъ. 3 The fi[m иzоs f wеrе very exciting.
4 lп mу frее time, l usually stay l stay usuolly
at home.
5 That is l wos а very good barbecue last Sunday.
batl bat racket stick @ Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
10 Му Ьrоthеr doesn't like exams. Не a[ways gets
very п .
REvlEW 1
Tamburello is а sport from the north of italy, it is а very
old sport. The first games were in the 16th century.
Players can рlау the game inside or outside.
It's а team sport and there аrе usually thrее players in each
team. Players hit the small tennis Ьа11 to piayers in the other
Listen to five short conversations. team. But they don't use bats оr rackets to hit the bal}, They
Fоr each question, choose the use tambourines. Have а }ook at the photo, Yes, the рlауеrs
о correct picture. have got tambourines in their hands. The Itajian word for
tambourine is tamburello. That's how the sport gets its паmе.
l What time do they agree to meet?
tr Е А рlауеr in one team hits the ba]I over the iine to players in
the other team. А player in the other team hits it back. When
а player doesn't hit the Ьа11 оr when the ball goes too far,
the other team wins а point. There are four points in each
game, That's the same as the points in tennis.When
players рlау а match, they usualiy play 1З games.
who is уоur favourite singer / favourite band?
. Tel[ mе something about уоur singer / band.
;fi; *ý*ý*ý**ýý*ý|ýr;
.Ёi+]i'+ iij;
ж What famous реор[е do you kпоw
*ýýg**х"ý**ý *w*хз*g
2 Match the photos to the quiz questions. 4 In pairs, do the quiz. Choose А, В or С.
3 Complete the quiz questions with the words in the Ьох. Ф lirt"n and check.
ьfl ctimbed 5 lп pairs, StudentA, name а photo. Student В,
say what happened.
painted ptayed pubtished received
rесоrdеd trave[led Student А: Pliofo J
Student В: Cleopatra diBd"
сýз*жýslrу ь__
tзеr ýýrst maýcit at ýýýmь!еdеm
& iп December ]911. & ъ
in ]996.
ffi in December 1925. ffi in 1998. "Ё
{ iп December 195О, fl in яо00,
uаiепtiпа Теrеsftkета ýеlжý*g ?аЬgI
iB** яр*са Жеýlпý ýwgrеg*
& on 19th August 1961. & оп 16tb Мау 1975.
# оп Зrd April 1962. # on 5tb April 1977.
fr оп 16tb June 196З. * оп 19th Мау 1980.
&mеýý* Еаr*tаr€ hе
€ J, !{. RожýЕпg fuаr
&týаm*ýс Ф€
ваеъ" а!вmв, Ьу рýапе first ý*aTry Раttаr bpвýr
& in l9з9. & in Маrсh ]985.
# in в
l .лл-
lп June lyyl. t}
1 Look at the answers to the quiz again. Complete the rules for и and ол
We use iп l оп {ar the date and the day. Wе use iл / ол for months, years and centuries.
:;{, ALitr5i,lr';"l / T,:cs:jt;y, L:l;,luгlrу f 2rе4 l
Ia'!ё :i)r j: i'a|'}ri !{\i
3 Read the sentences. Look at the letters in purple. What do we add to the verbs to make the past tense?
Ada Lovelace comp[eted the first соmрutеr рrоgrаm in 1842.
NASA's Curiosity Маrs Rover [anded оп Маrs оп бth August 20j.2.
{ Look at the verbs iп the table. Write the past simple forms of the verbs in the Ьох in the correct column
m comp[ete cook сору enjoy finish help invite join paint
phone plan ptay рrеfеr study Want
)спшмлп RЕFЕRЕilсЕ дilIl рRдGтtсЕ рýýg 142 ry Choose the correct verb forms.
5 Now complete the sentences with the past simple lvas in the team.
form ofthe verbs and iп or оп. 1 Sne ltcfclles i шlatched ТV апd likes playing оп
1l {cook) diппеr Sunday. the соmрutег.
2 Му mum {study) history at university 2 Wе rеаllу wапt l wапtеd to go to skiing last week,
2001. but thеrе wasn't апу snow.
3 Му dad (play) fоr tйапсhеstеr United З lt storts l storted to rаiп iп the night. lt was
September 1988. vеrу поisу,
4 She (invite) us to hеr 14th birthday 4 l reaily епjоу l епjоуеd the weekend" l don't want
раrtу 8th June. to go home tоmоrrоw"
5 The film ,лiаs really great yesterday. i 1ike /
liked it.
РаOilU]tGlдтl0]l j prrtrirpt"_"d 6 l пееd l пееdсd а пеw coat. Сап wе go shopping
this а{tеrпооп?
Listen to the -ed sounds. sometimes we
1о0 add another syllable when we say the -ed 8 Make six sentences about you using the past
and sometimes we don't. simple and in or оп. Use the words in the Ьох to
help you.
put the verbs from the Ьох in Exercise 4
into the correct со[чmп.
cIimb comp[ete cross dance
finished: ed is NOT waited: ed lS an finish join open paint ptay
an extra syllable extra syllable rесоrd rечеа [ sta rt visit
Тhе }** *.
Jusi оftеr midnight thot night, something hаррепеd in о Ьrеоd
,ý* shop in Pudding Lone to change еvеrуthiпg. А smgli firе
storied iп thе building" Most people lir,*d in smgll houses iп thоsе
doys, These hоusеs wеrе чеrу close to e*ch оthег. Тh* flоогs gt
the bottom of the houseý wеге mgde oi sione, bui the rеst of the
houses wеrе mcde of wood, The fir* mсчеd iiгsttо the hguses апd
shops on еосh side of the Ьrеаd shор, iumping fгоm rооf to rооf.
Тhе buiidings sicried tc Ьuгп, апd th* {ii-e trпуеl]еd quickly frоm
house io house, frоm shор to shop ond frоm sirееt to strееf, The f,iге
moved чеrу fcst thrоugh the bui|dings апd Ьuггrеd lоr thгее days,
fгоm Suпdау 2nd until Wednesdoy Sth ýерtеmЬеr,
ffi After the fire, th* buildings mode of wood иrеrе поt thеrе
*# опуmоrе, but mспlп сhurсhеs *nd the fпmоus cqstle, ihe
Ъwеr of Lопdоп, wеrе sliil thеrе Ьесgusе the;l wеrе mпdе of siоп*.
, ... l,*
пФ l
.:i t,l
9 *;
Match the words in the Ьох to the meanings Listen to the radio programme Living History - l was there!
1 44
l ,:
@ t: watcb the video and апswеr the questions ц ..r,,,il
about you.
What job do уоu want to do whеп уоu'rе оldеr? Why?
What job don't you want to do? Why not?
1 Match the photos А-Р to the words in the Ьох.
Э {,# аЖ;эi
@ actor artist cook dentist
engineer factory worker fаrmеr
mапаgеr mechanic model пursе
photographer pilot police officer When Daniel Seddiqui was 26, he travelled аrоuпd
shop assistant sports coach the USA for а уеаr. Не visited all 50 states and
worked fоr а week in еасh опе. Не didn't use buses
Listen and check. Then repeat. оr planes - he travelled Ьу саr frоm job to job.
Не earned mопеу for every job he did, but hotels
Choose five of the jobs and write what the реrsоп were too expensive for him, Не usually stayed in
does. Then work in smal[ groups. Say your sentences his boss's home, or with one of the other workers.
and see if the other students сап guess the job. 'People wеrе very good to mе,' says Daniel. 'They
looked after me really well.'
Д: This реrsоп helpsyou whеп you wantto buy samething.
Bz ls it а shap assistant? But why did Daniel do this? And did he enjoy
it? 'yes, l did! l wanted to travel and lеаrп about
lп groups, look at the adjectives in the Ьох and mу country,' he says. 'And l wanted to try lots
discuss which jobs they apply to. of different jobs.' Things weren't always easy
for Daniel. lп week 7, he worked as а fаrmеr in
boring difficutt easy fun interesting Nebraska. 'Тhе days were long, and l got rеаllу
diгtу,' he says. lп week З8, he was а cook in а fish
restaurant iп Maryland. 'That was rеаllу hаrd! Often
l didn't ечеп have time to get а drink of water.'
Ul{сlдтl01{ Гhrее
Other jobs were fun. Не worked in а theme park
Listen and repeat the words. Тhеп put them in Flоridа and as а model in Nогth Carolina. Не
into the correct column in the table. was а football соасh in Alabama. lп Alaska, he
WaS а Alaska is
а very
аftеrпооп assistant d ifficu tt
engineer expensive interesting
mапаgеr mechanic understand
i !,
0оо оOо оо0
$ ý.ri.ý lýrl l rl{tеrпо*п
Wou[d уоu like to do апу of these jobs?
Uillт 6
\*a Look at the examples in the table and complete the rules with
did апd didn't.
3 Tick (/) the sentences that аrе true foryou. Correct the ones
that аrе wrопg.
0 l travel[ed to school Ьу bus today.
l didn't trovel to schoo/ Ьу bus today. l walked to schao:L
1 l finished mу homework at б pm last night.
2 l cooked the dinner оп Saturday.
3 l texted ten friends yesterday.
4 l painted а picture [ast week.
5 l c[imbed а mountain during mу last holiday.
6 l watched а film on ТV last night.
6 When l last travel to апоthеr соuпtrу?
42 Uillт 6
Listen and repeat.
Julia and Nina еаrпеd lots of money. Look at the artic[e about Nina and
Ju[ia's work experience оп page 42. Fiпd examples
Julia's boss was friend[y We don't kпоw! of fu[[ stops (.), capitat letters (А, В, С) and
apostropheS (').
Full stops - These аrе at the end of а sentence.
Capital letters - Use these after а fu[[ stop. A[so use
them for names, days of the week and months, and
for the word 'l1
Listen to Joe talking about the job he did last Apostrophes - These аrе fоr contractions (l've got)
week. Tick (4 the correct picture (А, В оr С). апd fоr possessives (Jane's dog).
0 Whеrе did he wоrk? Read the раrаgrарh about а teenager's day at work.
Add futt stops, capitat letters and apostrophes.
ln English-speoking countries,
i"*оЪ",u Ёоче Soturdoy iobs,
Hoving о Soturdoy !оЬ helps teenogers:
* plon their time
,ý meet new people
* moke sоmе pocket mопеу
* lеоrп new skills
] ll" lеоrп the volue of mопеу
t р
1 Look at the photos. lп pairs, discuss the questions.
1 What аrе the two jobs in the photos?
2 Do teenagers work for pocket money whеrе you [ive?
What jobs do they do?
3 What аrе some good things about being а dog-walker
оr doing а рареr round?
1 How mапу hours а week is the dog-walking job? 4 How сап you get mоrе information about
2 ls the dog-walking job for а соmрапу? the Saturday аftеrпооп job?
3 Where is the Saturday afternoon job? 5 Whеп is the рареr round job?
6 Where do you take the newspapers оп the рареr round?
ý Complete the sentences with the hightighted words in the job offers in Exercise 2
Yоu need to the cats.
Extra pocket money? The job is doing
you need to Ье б .
dgý-walking, а paper rоипd
Work in small groups. Think of Saturday
jobs. Write ап offer for а job on Saturday
2 Olivia has а 0п Saturday mоrпiпgs
mornings or Saturday afternoons.
. Think about the fo[lowing:
. what the job is
. experience
. morning оr аftеrпооп
. пumьеr of hours
. д:._, _ л
Llt les
what you need to do
. Ask оthеr grоuрs questions about their
зi*аt* *la**
job offers.
. Тrу to find someone from the other
group for уоur Saturday job. ls апуопе
Т Listen again. Аrе the sentences right (/) or wrong (Х)? iп the grоuр а good реrsоп for the job?
1 Oiivia wапts а jоiэ оп Saturday mоrпiпgs. Why? / Why поt?
2 \4rs Wilзоп hasn't got а garden. . Tell the class about уоur job and who
з Oiivia sees а job оffеr in the пеwsрареr. is/are а good реrsоп
4 The рареr rоuпd job is in the centre of tha tоwп
5 ltlrs Wilson's son is а dog-walker.
6 Olivia wаikз the family dog.
& ,', ýlE
iýlý "
P*st вýmрýе: ýrrеgшýаr vеrЬý
8 у рацепts
1З lоп
14 We
..;е' l!
No, we . We То; iБfi}rilмrта
to the beach. Frоm:
Subject: j]]f:l,! rlatЁ ]
YeS, we . We
а great time.
ý€&J+ ж#ffit#
i { ;
f !,
l ý**я$а
в ;l
ъ яъ
Look at the title of the artic[e and the photos. which countries do you think the rпап visited? Read the article
quickly and check your ideas.
Read the article about Сhеп Guan Ming and answer the questions.
1 What was Chen's job when he was young? 4 Did Chen go sightseeing during his jоurпеу?
2 How fаr did he сус[е to get to Beijing? 5 Whеrе did Chen go after the London Otympics?
3 Whеп did Chen leave home to go to London? б Did Сhеп travel with his rickshaw to Canada?
Look at the irrеgч[аr past tenses in рчrрlе in the article. Write the infinitives.
Do you know about апу other tong journeys? Would you like to do а jочrпеу like this?
met grоUр
caught car
р[апе catch
fIew work
coach phone
map station
jоuцпеу bought ,t Work in pairs. Tel[ your partner а travel story.
This happened ... months/years ago.
First, we ...
Then we ...
We took а ... / We caught а ... / We went Ьу
ц bus/car.
Anyway ...
веdуgоm furпýtжrе
рtАGЕ Ьу Rebecca Grant
Ф listen and check. Тhеп repeat. What соlоurs do you like around you? Use somethinq
like cushions to give colour to уоur bed. Posters and
blankets work well for соIоur too.
Now you can collect some favourite
things to put in уоur special place. ,.,;fJffi::::
5 Read the article again. Аrе the sentences right (/) 5 correct the mistakes in these sentences.
оr wrong (Х)?
{ё sol;:efhing
1 Rebecca has got three pieces of furniture in hеr 0 Please tetl me afiyt+iffig about уоur hotiday.
favourite р[асе. 1 l don't have something to do next weekend.
2 Rebecca's photographs аrе next to the mirrоr. 2 You don't need to Ьriпg nothing else,
3 She says it's nicer to have [ight from а window. З You сап write everything you like,
4 she has ideas fоr а favourite соrпеr without 4 l can't see по опе.
апу furniture. 5 l want to buy anything at the supermarket.
ýýýtr8sý*, аýу8ýý8, etý" Buy two cushions
б& апЪtЪЪГоЙе free!
Ъdау опlу.
А one cushion costs the same as two.
В Other shops аrе mоrе expensive than Bright's.
1 *v*rу*п* j:llVUI!E
С The shop is not open today.
2 еvегуwh*rg *путvýзег*
2 qrt
s*пз*w{з*rе п*rл.uhеr*
з еv*rуt}эiпg **уtl,лi;зg
э*пз*thirtg ;з*thiэ"эg l didn't h*аr anything fr,om ýaiiy ai:*ut
*ur i:ike rid* this aft*rnooir. lfid shs call
у*u? Аг* wе still going? Let mе know.
}сппммлR RЕFЕпЕl{сЕ АilD рпдGтtсЕ рдýЕ l{ý
Why did Jackie write this emai[?
2 Look at the artic[e again. Find seven sentences or
questions with the words in Exercise 1.
А to invite Tim оп а bike ride
В to find out whеrе Tim is today
С to ask Тim what's happening lаtеr
3 Complete the pronouns with -thlng, -опе or
-where, з
0 Did апуо__п_е .оrЬ to уоur party?
1 Some gаче me these shoes. Do you [ike
2 Тhеrе was,,,.., _ . . on the bookshelf. l [ooked.
З Сап you think of any to go this
4 I'm huпgrу but there's по. , __,in the fridge!
l 1 Look at the photos. lп pairs, discuss the questions.
What do you think these three people do? What do
you think their favourite places аrе?
Gеmmп Blqke,
Last summer, l spent four weeks on the north-west
coast of Scotland in а little house bythe sea. ln the evenings,
l sat Ьу the ореп window and listened to the sound of the
wind and the waves. lt was wonderful. After breakfast,
э when l went out to paint and draw, l always had lots of ideas
for pictures. Most days, ldidn't see апуопе except my neighbour.
Не was а fisherman. Не really liked my work, and l sold him а
drawing for his wall.
-+;gý* #т;*,у"
l grew up iп а small town in Canada. Му grandma took me for walks and
told mе everything about the animals and plants thеrе. When l was ] 9, l went to
music school in Toronto, At first, l loved the big city. Then l started writing my own
songs about, 9uess what, nature in and around my home town. So, five years ago,
l moved back, and now l don't want to live anywhere else.
Рпчl Dшчidsоп,
l started dancing when l was very уоuп9. lt was hard work, but l was
good, and l danced with famous companies in Russia, the USA and Europe.
l didn't rеаllу have а home, so when l had enough money l bought а tiny flat in
London. l love it there. The world of dance is busy and tiring, and itЪ 9reat to Ье
able to get back to my flat. l close the door, lie on my bed and listen to music.
Read the article again and answer the ýr*е-**ж** **8ýъуý*ý*g
1 \{lhat did Gemma hеаr whеп she sat пехt
to the ореп winclow? 1 Match the verbs in Ьох А to the words and phrases in
2 ла, ьох В. The verbs сап Ье used mоrе than опсе.
What did she do in the mоrпiпgs?
3 What did tha fishеrmап bi;y frоm hеr?
4 ц draw Iisten to paint ptay }
What dicj ýusie lеаrп frоm hеr grапdmа?
Why агd whеп did she move away frоm read write \
6 What does she writе songs аiэол,;t? Е аbtog computer games а diary
7 Whу did Раui travel to so mапу соuпtriеs?
drums the guitar magazines
8 What did he spend his mопеу оп? music pictures songs stories
9 What does he do whеп he gets home?
] {
Write eight sentences using words from Ьох А and Ьох В
in Exercise 1.
p[aces. Write the letters in column 1 of the tab[e. Read about Tom's favourite р[асе.
\ &ЬЬу JФ
чý LIFE ýKlLtý
Safety at home
What is safety at home? Homes аrе wonderful places. We can rest,
studn play games and spend time with очr
" Being carefulwith hot drinks оr hot food
" Taking саrе with Ьrоkеп glass friends and family in очr homes, but there
. \еvеr leaving things оп stairs
ц=) ш
} Ве careful iп the kitchen - hot food
and hot drinks сап Ьurп you.
} Cookers сап Ье dangerous - take
1 What do you think each sign means? саrе.
2 Where сап you see each sign?
р Don't touch а hot iron оr heater.
3 What does а firе extinguisher do?
} Ве саrеful with matches апd lighters.
Look at the photos. Match the photos A-G to the ъ lt is а good idea to keep а fire
words 1-7. extinguisher at home.
} Use scissors and knives carefully.
,.. Ве careful with broken glass or mirrors.
} Don't touch shаrр, metal objects.
Ta[k аЬочt the things you have in your home.
How сап these things Ье dangerous? /
Read the text quick[y. Match the words in the Ьох
to the paragraphs. Do you follow these tips at
in а
Кеер а list of еmеrgепсу telephone numbers
special place at home or оп your mobile
Аrе you hurt? Ask а parent or teacher for help, or
call the еmеrgепсу services,
Look at the text again. Then choose the correct
answers to comp[ete the sentences.
€ 6 Listen to someone tatking to а class at
school and choose the correct answers.
1 lt's dangerous to lighters апd matches 1 Who is visiting the class?
wrопglу. а apoliceofficer Ь afirefighter
а touch Ь use с have 2 What аrе the students lеаrпiпg to use?
2 Cookers gei , , " Yоu сап Ьurп yourself" а the internet
Ь а fire extinguisher
а cold Ь hot с fire
З lt's а good idea to keep а at home fоr ln pairs, try to rеmеmЬеr the answers to
еmеrgепсiеs, these questions.
а lighter Ь heater с firе extinguisher 1 Why is it dangerous to use matches and
4 lt'э not а good idea to ieave on the stairs" lighters?
а аrug Ь shoesand с adesk 2 What сап уоu do rлiith а firе extinguisher?
books 3 Сап hot soup Ье dапgеrоus?
5 Ве carefuli you сап dоwп the stairs. а \,\lhy do you need to Ье careful with
а Ьurп уоursеlf Ь cut yoursetf с falt соOkеrs, irопs and heaters?
6 !t's dапgеrоus to play wiih and зсissоrs. 5 ls it а good idea to drу уоur cLothes оп
а knives Ь rugs с glasses heaters? Why / Why not?
Match the highlighted words in the text to the
6 What сап yOu leave пехt to the phone оr
0п уOur sпrаrtрhопе?
(р Listen again and check.
1 irоп а this cuts things easity ý;
2 heater Ь you use this оп clothes Nоw listen again and choose the correct
3 rug е this wаrms the аir words.
4 shаrр d you сап see yourself iп this
5 mjrrоr е this stops fires
6 fire extinguisher f а зоft piece of mаtеriа1 that llSEFUL tдl{ЕUдGЕ
соvеrý the floor 1 lt's not а goad l bod idea to use lighters
and matches without adults around.
А 2 You пееd ta use wrопglу l Ье core{ul
El тдLкlilG POlilTS l,yifh hOt irопS.
Do you think safety is important at home and at з some heaters апd сооkеrs сап Ьurп
- schoo[? How can you make schoo[s and homes safer? yau l put outfires.
4 lt's good to hove l Dап't keep
еrпеrgепсу пumЬеrs next to the phone.
. Ж-йъ
t l l
l l l J l
сЕ Е
! i :lllýrl i
n t
1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. & Choose the соrrесt words to complete the
О The fеrrу l рlапе, аrrivеd at the аirроrt at ten #
th i rtу, 1 Yоur birthday party was great. Do / Did everyone
1 lt's dark in hеrе. Сап you turn оп the /оmр l pillow? have а good time?
2 Don't walk оп the сеilиg l floor. The paint is wet. 2 l went with my friends to the mountains and wе
З Му dad's а mесhапiс l farmer. Не keeps sheep climb l сliл?Ьеd the hi[l.
and cows. З Yesterday was my birthday апd l had l got а
4 That's а beautifuI polace l statue of two chi[dren. соmрutеr.
5 l keep mу diary l passporf in my bag. l [ike to write 4 Please, сап you Ьriпg somefh ing f somewhere to
in it еvеrу day. the picnic?
6 lt's very co[d in hеrе. Сап you lend mе а corpet f
blanket? Ф Corr".t the mistakes in the sentences.
7 Тhеrе аrе lots of bosses / customers in the shop 5 Last summеr, l went to the United States. Some
today. lt's чеrу busy. days it was hot but оп others it rаiп,
8 Wе usua[[y travel to London Ьу staff Icooch. lt's 6 Today, we watched а football game but my sister
' сhеареr than the train. don't like it ver5z much.
7 At my раrtу, l danced, singed and ate and drank а
2 Match the verbs to the nouns. lot of things.
1 ride а ablog 8 l didn't do nothing special,
2 cross h pictures
3 join с abike f Write the past simple of the verbs.
4 stay d aclub 0 соmе
5 play
е amatch 1 begin
6 write f аriчеr 2 buy
7 drаw g at а hote[ 3 catch
3 Match the words in the Ьох to the sentences. 5 give
6 meet
blanket buitding cook cupboard 7 sleep
map office sbopas-ststanB square 8 swim
stairs suitcase tourists 9 ride
10 take
0 These people help уоu in а shop. s,|op *-.lsi,;lcпis
1 You сап keep things iп hеrе" ý Make sentences or questions about the past.
2 You сап find places in а city оп this.
0 they / соmе / yesterday?
3 These аrе people оп holiday.
4 Yоur school апd уоur house аrе ехаmр[еs of this.
1 ll not / see / that fitm / last night.
5 People wоrk in this р[асе.
2 They l сап l cycle / 50 km / in а day.
6 This реrsоп does а job рrераriпg food,
З you / get / ап email / this morning?
7 Yоu сап go up and dоwп these.
4 She / not / sleep l in а tent / оп hеr holiday.
8 You сап pack уаur clothes in this.
5 they / сlеап / their classroom / last week?
9 This keeps you wаrm.
6 Не / travel/ to india / last wiпtеr.
10 Тhis is ап ореп space iп а town ог city,
7 We / noi l stay / iп а hotei l in London.
8 she / have / а соmрutеr / iп hеr rооm?
56 REvlEW 2
* тLjЕýffiдY j2"1s р;\4
1 Fоr each question, choose the correct answer, lnformation for everyone
work experience next term
Jr Petxb
I ..:-.-,--.
list of
(see school website for а
MlniKh' э grеаL| Y еэLехdлц,
possible places to work)
wо ilА эаmо shаррйg о.{7ях
wо hлi,эhеL эцhLsекtпg. Таd,ац,
wе wелL lл ь Lake La dл watex
This notice tells students
эроrlь, Иоw'э gоur hоаДлц gаиg?
А whеп they сап find out about doing wоrk
В aborrt а change iп the time of ап important
What did Bel[a do first? m^^t;nfi
А sightseeing с to let the school kпоw aboui thеiг v,яогk
В water sports ехреriепсе рlапs"
С shopping
,:l.. ,.,, ]'|';',., l.,'"']:]i.]'i, ,,; , ,,-,',,,,
1 Match the photos of clothes A-L to the words in
the Ьох.
boots сар g[oves jumper
rf socks su it
sunglasses swimming costume
swimming shorts tie trainers
щ q q
J Which c[othes in Exercise 1 are:
bright pale b[ue? bright Ьtuе?
tr grey? black and рurр[е?
ра[е black?
pink? ра[е green?
58 Ut{lT 9
I hеrs his ffiine ours theirs уоurs
Determiners Pronouns
-st love clothes! Му best Ьuу last Аrе shorts? Аrе ?
.e!,was а раir of bright rеd boots.
_:эl! l wanted to get some like my lt's hi* jumper, lt's
-эthеr's. His are green, but поw l like Аrе they h*l gloves? Аrе
- le best. l'm wearing thегп right поw. lt's its bIanket.
lt's *ur clothes lt's
Тhеу'rе ti:*il swimming costumes.
апуWау. 0 l'm sure those gloves аrе miл*, . l bought them yesterday.
1 Неу you two, аrе these caps ? l fоuпd them uпdеr the
ta Ь le,
2 l hate going shopping for jackets with Ed. Не doesn't [ike
pockets on , but most jackets have them.
З Samuet bought rеd boots not grееп ones, 5о l don't think
-r clothes sound amazing! Мiпе аrе
- those grееп boots аrе
. so boring! Dad takes me shopping, 4 Меgап апd lsaac both love the соlоur grеу, s0 l'm sure those
. -l he buys mе what he likes. Yuk" grеу scarves аrе week he bought mе а pale grey 5 Аrе а[[ these ? We've got s0 rxany clothesl
, - : and а pale grееп tie for mу cousin's 6 Excuse mе. Аrе these sungiasses ? l think you
-Cding! Тhеу'rе just like his! Сап 5zou dropped them.
: eve itl You're both so lucky.
4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
S r Vou сап Ьоrrоw mе book.
r lI lsaac60
l think уоu сап Ьuу а раir of trаiпеrs like mу.
I l tike it because it со[оur is Ьгight bIue.
4 The сар isn't mу. lt's my brother's.
Tell уоur dad it's great he wants to
l 5 The clothes оп the bed аrе aIlyour.
buy уоur clothes for уоu, but sаууоu
want to choose them sometimes, I got
ý Work in smal[ groups. Ask and апswеr questions about the
things for а holiday. l got pale blue things you have оп уочr desk. Use these words to help you.
swimming shotls and sungiasses, Oh,
and black trainers - the best thing is а ls this yours?
bright Ьluе сар! Yes, it's mine.
No, it isn't mine. lt's his / hers / yours / theirs
lt's [ong and thin and it's bright green. lt's а
сrауоп and you use it to drаw and со[оur in.
Х Read the article and match the photos А-Е to the paragraphs 1-5.
What do you do with уоur old tin cans? Do уоu rесусlе them? What happens
ý to them next? Well, some people use them to make clothes, This dress is
ж made of metal from old food cans. lt looks good, but mауЬе it's а bit noisy
when you move.
Cork comes from the outside of some trees iп countries like Portugal and
Sраiп. We usually find corks iп the top of bottles, but you сап use cork for
other things too. Did you know you сап use it to make clothes, handbags,
hats and shoes? lt's very popular iп the big fashion houses.
What do you do with уоur plastic knives and forks after уоur picnic?
Do you rесусlе them? Do you.collect them? Some people do. lп fact, they
make jewellery out of them. Сап you believe it? This designer has made
hers into ап amazing hat.
This dress wоп а prize in the уеаrlу Toilet Paper Wedding Dress
cOntest! You need а lot of toilet рареr and, of course, уоu
don't want to g0 out in the rаiп whеп уоu'rе wearing it.
Read the article again and choose the correct answer.
The article is about:
а what to do with old c[othes and jеwеllеrу.
Ь making things to wеаr out of unusualthings.
с how to make cheap c[othes and jеwеllеrу.
60 Uillт 9
Match the photos А-F to the words in the Ьох Listen to three people talking about their ideas
l- 'J соrk cotton leather
for unusualthings to use to Йаkе clothes or
jewe[[ery. Comp[ete the table
metal plastic woo[
l Molly
mаdе of leather gпd mу jumper is made of waol. got. ....... .... . when you
/ lsl ick lIl ower lty air '.,. Work in pairs. You are at а fashion show. Take
turns to describe what уочr partner is wearing,
what со[очr the clothes are and what they аrе
made of.
Ф listen and check. Тhеп repeat.
And this is Richard. Today he's
5 Nоw say this! wearing dark blue cotton trousers,
she seessжsocks апd seven shirts iп the bright red cotton socks and ра[е blue
suit shop. sanda[s made of cork. His shirt is ... .
;'' l
l i:
expensive things, like some shoes.
ýшyiltg апd Belling 4ъ |'m not interested in апу discounts. Yes;i Nо
l want to buy the best.
1 Match photos А-Н to the words in the Ьох. # l mаkе sure l keep а few receipts
from my shopping.
Yes l Nо
@ b;tt cash discount price 4 I don't buy muсh in the shops, Yes l Nо
purse receipt sale wal[et опlу а few things а month.
2 Do the shopping quiz. Do you agree with the l оftеп ask the shop assistant for Yеs Nо
statements? Choose yes or по for each sentence. some advice оп what to buy.
62 U1{lT l0
l ,,! ё
ýФýrе, ýýу, а ýof *ý а ferr, Look at the photos. Complete the sentences with
а &ff *f о bit of , а few or а lot of.
t spend * }эit *f time looking at clothes оп[iпе.
4 Тhеrе аrе
books оп the shelf"
вппммпR RЕtЕRЕilсЕ АilD pRAcTlcE р&&ý i 5 He's got mопеу in his wa[[et.
6 l опlу ate breakfast this morning.
2 Match the photos A-D to the sentences.
вUYll{G THll{GS 63
What ideas сап уоч think of for ап online business?
Discuss уочr ideas with а partner.
щ NAME: ц# NAME:
sold hot chocolate iп front of his home in New
Jersey. Не did well, and he Ьеgап to sell other
things too, like lemonade and cookies. Mr Соry
то WATсH
and his mum tried а lot of different recipes for
cookies. Then, опе day they baked some
chocolate chip cookies. Now they bake а iot of
different cookies апd sell them оп his website г You сап also buy them
frоm shops. The cookies аrе all naturai, and Мr
Соry and his mum still try the recipes at home
before they sell them to customers. Mr Соry also
works with organisations that hetp young pbople
in the united states.
64 Ul{lT 10
Рkrаsсs wýýý: fgc,
1 Look at the sentences with for. Fоr each question, choose the correct
BUYll{G THlilGs
s lives
Shoppi оп !mрсэrtо nt ро rt of people'
wcnt to buy di{{егепt things ot
соuпtriеs, these iypes
lп English-specking
<r{ sho рs оrе populor:
ihese shops с lothes,
Сhоritу rhops; People give
books о nd оthеr thing s they don't use ог wont
These shорs thеп seil these ihings to
give the mопеу
оthег реор ,le. Chority shops
they moke to help оthеrs
mогkеts, lагmегs
Fq rmers' morkels: lп ihese
honey опd оihеr
sell fruit, чеgеtоЫеs, cheese ,
locoi items.
1 ln pairs, discuss the questions with уочr раrtпеr.
Shоррiпg сепtrеs: These оrе
big, mоdеrп
ploces lo eot
1 ls уоur home оr school пеаr а shopping сепtrе, Й"ilаi"о; with lots ol shops ond
shopping сепtгеs
fаrmеrs' market оr charity shop? lп thе Jnited Stotes,
2 How аrе sma[l shops and shopping centres different? coiled'molls'
1JYe ask*d tЁ:r** tееrзs in thrgе
Jifi*r**t *ёu*triфs'Wiэеr* do уеu
de у*rяr sh*pp!rrg?' Каrеп, age 13
Жеrе аr* tЕзsir *rggw*rg" 9 оuыiп, lreland
Where: Charity shops оп Camden Street, Dublin
Why? l haven't got а lot of pocket mопеу, so l need to shop
carefully. Every реппу countsl Опе way l save mопеу is
shopping at charity shops. l love going shopping iп Dublin
and l really love Camden Street. Some of the charity shops
опlу have clothes people donate, but others have jewellery,
other accessories and furniture.
Mark, age 14
9 Seattle, USA
/dL е*
?1 *,
Fаrmеrs' Market for making sweets. l have yoghurt,
fruit and honey for breakfast every morning.
6ý GцLтчвЕ
Charity shops опlу se11 ciothes. З Leo goes shopping .. ь thrее times а week"
5 The Fаrmеrs' Market iп Та' Qali sells food from 4 Leo sometimes Ьuуs с fruit апс vegetables.
1ocal farms. 5 Gеmmа's muгп gсes d musiс magazines.
6 Dаrrеп likes eating hопеу апd yoghurt iп the shоррiпg.". е 1З уеаrs old.
mоrпiпg. 6 She likes ... f cireese,
/ 5пе always OUyS .,. g the iocal prociucts
5 Complete the sentences with the highlighted
8 Gеmmа апd he;, and the рr!сеs.
words in the texts.
dad love,.. h at weekends.
1 When l go t* the сепtrе of tоtvn, l love going
" ldon't Ьuу anything but ] look at lots of
л ._л l. _!_
pl UUULt5.
1 Look at the restaurant advertisements. Match the things in the photos А-М to the words in the Ьох.
ч.g Ьurgеr chicken legs со[а cream fresh vegetables grapes lemonade mineral wаtеr
pasta with tomato sauce mushroom saIad soft drinks strawberry
Fantastic раф rооm Wе play all уочr
favourite mцsiс
- 30 people чidеоз while уоч eat!
_ Plzzлs
cheese and tomato, Mushroom
_ kё
Chicken legs
Fresh vegetables
Fruit salad
and сrеаm
*ёu- ч!
оr salad il cheesecake
with tomato sauce
- Вurgеr ':Бу
Rice or chips
- -
lce сrеаm, (vanilla, chocolate
оr strаwЬеrrу) - eat as
, Fruit juice
much you want! "лffi
-6r'зФ{t ý оr lemonade
uý&ffi, Mineral water. ,:1
{ - -
lemonade, cola **' '*j*&
CHEF'S дttlдZlilG
вlптнDдY GдкЕ,
2 Complete the phrases with one оr two food words from the Read the advertisements again. Are the
food in the menus in Exercise 1. sentences right (/) оr wrопg (zY)?
а bowlof а piece of 1 The party rооm alPizza Palace is smaller
а glass of а slice of than the one at Easy Burgers.
а bottle of а plate of 2 You сап watch something while уоu eat at
Easy Вurgеrs,
Look at the menus in Exercise 1 again. lп pairs, say which
3 The food at Easy Вurgеrs looks healthier.
foods you like and don't like. Тhеп say what you'd like to eat
оr drink right поw!
4 Pizza Palace is mоrе expensive than Easy
l Iike salad
5 The mепu at Easy Burgers is lопgеr than
Ме too.
the опе atPizza Ра[асе.
6 Easy Вurgеrs and Pizza Ра[асе аrе both
l want to eat а bowl of fruit salad now.
68 Ut{lT 11
бlý rrr Еý
1 Read what Nicky thinks and complete the sentences
with fhe sorne or different.
:] .--- :
3 Read the rules. Write the comparative forms of the adjectives in the Ьох and then complete the table.
I busy cold
Ьеа utifu dirty exciting fat funny hard hot large late
long new popular tatt thin
1 } еппммлп пЕFЕRЕilGЕ дt{D рRдGтIGЕ рý&ý ,ýý
EATlilG 0Uт
Look at the title of the article and the photos. Where do you
think the food in the photos comes from? Read the article
quickly and compare your ideas with your partner's.
* ,' : \'
' ,, li
ln lots of countries around the
world street food is very рорulаr. lп lndia,
уоu сап get different kinds of curry made with meat
оr with vegetables and lots of chilli. Оп the streets
of Thailand, уоu can get fish soup, omelettes, rice оr
noodles and grilled meat. Fоr dessert, you can have
fried bananas, fresh fruit pancakes оr Thai sweets.
Mexico is famous for its wonderful tacos served with
salsa made of grееп onions, сuсumЬеr and tomatoes.
lп Gеrmапу and Denmark, you can have meat served
with bread and fried опiопs, and in Frапсе they serve
lovely pancakes called сrёреs. At the seaside in mапу
countries, people eat chips, ice сrеаm оr seafood.
cities. People сап try new food frоm around the world
at these festivals
Read the article again and answer the questions.
1 which countries are famous fоr stгееt food? what
kind of street food do they have?
2 What three things does the writеr Iike about street food?
З At what sоrt of e\lents do people eat street food?
4 What happens at street food festivals?
ý Do you agree with the writer that street food is better than
restaurant food? Why / Why not?
tr Ut{lT 11
рR0l{UilGlдтlOil lN апd lal
i9z Listen to the words in the Ьох and
repeat them. Listen to the sound of the
underlined [etters. Тhеп put the words in
the correct co[umns - |л| or lo|.
€ffee еЕр
E hоrriЬ[е
love[y much mushroom
omelette one onion
want what
*'r Listen to а girl talking to а food seller at the street
food festival. what does she оrdеr?
2 Comp[ete the conversation from Ехеrсisе 1.
-лdfл -
Girl: Excuse me, what аrе you se[[ing?
Seller: lt's cal[ed pael[a. It's from t...,,... . lt's ,,
m ade with seafood, vegeta bIes
and З...,.....,...,,,,...,,,.,. .
i ()) Listen and check. Тhеп repeat. Gir[: Oh. What's it tike?
Seller: lt's 4 ! Would you [ike to try some?
_ ..__ ...,, ...,,
Б' #r,
ln pairs, practise saying these dates, prices,
numbers and times. write some more and test
уочr раrtпеr.
Listen again and complete the notes.
EATlilG 0чт
iB li;зl;,1u
Having problems falling asleep? Looking at the screen on
12 Ut{lT 12
ýыреrýаtývв *dj*Btýv**
Short adjectives
one syl[ab[e one sy[[able ending two syl[ables ending one syllab[e ending iп use the most
ine iпу vowe1 consonant
add -*.:i add -sf change у to -les* doub[e the [ast letter use ii;; i?]*"!i +
comparatives and superlatives. *' S Listen and repeat the words. Then put
them into the correct соlчmп of the table.
Adjective IComparative Superlative
the biggest the cleverest
Regular the friendliest the most exciting
big bigger the biggest the most expensive the nicest
the quickest the worst
famous mоrе famous the mostfomaus
о0 оOо оOоо оооOо
- thin
beautifuI j.r] q i.'::-.] i
:-.i}j Listen again and check.
lrregu la r 89
6 Look at the three mobile phones. lп pairs, соmраrе
them. Use some of the adjectives in the Ьох.
: Complete the sentences with the superlative form
of the adjectives.
big/smatt cheap/expensive good/bad
1 Му dad has the (good) соmрutеr in оur heavy/tight thick/thin
2 Му taptop is the (tight) опе you сап buy. А: Ihе High Star's battery is better than the Cloud 7's
3 The (popuiar) website аmопg my battery.
friends is yоuтuье" Bz The Bluebird's battery is the worst.
4 This smartphone has the (big) sсrееп of
а[1 the ones iп the shop. Do you like it?
5 The (bad) thing about my соmрutеr is
the mоusе" lt doesn't wоrk рrореrlу.
6 Му mum's phone is the (otd) опе in оur
High Star Bluebird Ctord,7
Price f299 fз55 t450
,. correct the mistakes in the sentences. ]ýizý 115X58X9mm 116х61 х12mm 1з5х67х17mm
оl t Footbatl is the famous game in the world. W9ight 1з0 g 1l1 а 155 g
2 The Ьеttег time t0 cOme to mу hоusе is 5.З0.
EaýV to use' *r** *
З The еаsiеr wау to trачеl thеге is Ьу bus.
4 Wеаr the оldеr clothes уоu'vё got to do this job. Саmеrа ***
5 Му rооm is the bigger in the house. Battery] я* Ё
0rOund BG to
о тhе оьосus
205вG People still use obocuses todoy in mопу рогts of
l, .,.]]
]'.,.;' i:;- .: :_'ll]i
:,, _:'::l о the world, especiolly to teoch moths to сhildrеп. Of
coursel they оrе very dififerent frоm mоdеrп соmрutеrs,
lп l900, о group of people diving пеоr
but thе ideo is ihe some - to onswer difficult moths
the Greek islond о[ Antikythero found this
questions muсh mоrе quickly thоп о humon соп.
mochine on the seo flооr. Fоr mопу уеоrs, no
опе understood whot it wos оr how ii worked
Scientisis поw soy ii wos used to find out the
positions of the sun, moon опd stors. Мопу
people coll it the world's eorliest 'соmрutеr'.
.,.,i.l,,],1 . il,;- i] 1,)l_].: :,lll, ..'., ll. 1.,:l'.....' lll,..:
Тhе mоdеrп соmрutеr wos Сhоrlеs Bobboge's ideo. Тhе
mосhiпе hе wonted to build, colled о 'difference епgiпе'.
I 940s wos speciol becouse it hod oll the роrts thoi о mоdеrп
соmрutеr hos. lt could sove iпfогmоtiоп ond wos olso
о о kind of рriпtеr. Ado Loveloce wos the first соmрчtеr
Аlоп Тuriпg wosn't well known when hе wos рrоgrоmmег. She hod the ideo fоr 'softwore' * о woy о{
telling о соmрuiеr to do different things.
olive, but he's поw опе of the most fomous
scientists of the 2Oth сепturу. His ideos оп
соmрutеr science chonged the wоrld. Не
worked оп the first digitol соmрutеr - it wos
colled Colossus, weighed ЗО tonnes, ond
wos os big os о lorge living rооm.
1ц ц*aт
I **жрtзtаrs ап* the iпtеrпеt
Look at the article again and find the words in the Listen to and read the first part ofthe
1 ý1
Ьох. Match them to the definitions. conversation and look at Question 0. Which is the
Ф correct answer: А, В or С? Why are the other two
l digitat download ne memory answers wrong?
save softwa rе Ella: Nice пеw [aptop Andy! When did you get it?
Andy: Yesterday. Му old one Ьrоkе а month ago,
1 This has moving parts and helps humans to
and last week Dad agreed to Ьuу me this.
do wоrk.
2 This is а part of а computer - it ho[ds 0 Whеп did Andy get his пеw computer?
information. А уеstеrdау В last week
С а month ago
3 This is а dangerous computer рrоgrаm, *ll Listen to the whole conversation. Fоr each
4 You do this to make sure the computer keeps gi frfu
question, choose the correct answer.
your work. о
] 5 This describes саmеrаs, computers апd clocks 1 Andy]s dad bought the computer frоm
that rесоrd information as 0s оr 1s, Aawebsite. Bashop. Cafriend.
6 This means to сору information frоm the 2 How much did it cost?
internet onto your соmрutеr, А я150 в ,250 с я2,000
7 This is a[[the рrоgrаms that make а computer do З What does Andy want to buy fоr the соmрutеr?
different things. А асаmеrа В amouse С арriпtеr
4 Andy doesn't use his соmрutеr to
2 Match the verbs to the nouns.'Then make А do homework. В chat to friends.
sentences. С play games.
е 5 What does Andy like most about the соmрutеr?
buy friends А the keyboard В the sсrееп С the speakers
chat cIothes *t ln pairs, соmраrе уочr answers. Then listen again
downIoad gameS
and check your answers.
gо the i nternet
ptay music
su rf online i
visit videos
а t r
watch websites
сопfiрUтЕR ýURVEY сопrрutеr. Wh*п did 1r*u get it? Ноw- mu*h
did it cost? $;irýt's the h*ci thlng ab*ut it?
О Wnat sort of things do you download from ýsst ,l.J!she*,
the internet?
О Do you know how to stop а virus frоm
getting onto your computer? _]
] posip__S__a_ t_
Look at the sentences and answer the questions. like уоur address оr phone пumЬеr,
С Have опе day for writing Match the two halves of the sentences.
]"]]r,, .'w
Answer the questions. ч
. ..,.*rý#
F*}}mw t}ees* qжi*k апd ееýу steps to
start yýLar ýwзъ b}cg,
ф Ct oo"e а topic for уочr blog @ write а blog post
The firstthing you need to do is choose а topic. What lt сап sometimes Ье difficult to write your first blog
do you want to blog about? Yоur favourite sрогt, music post. ltЪ а good рlап to shаrе уоur ideas with close
оr video games? Choose а topic you feel happy to taIk {riends and family before you put уоur post online.
about and find interesting. You've got а topic? Now Don't worry if you don't like what you put online -
choose а title and а design for your blog. уоu can always change it lаtеr. Remembe1 make
sure реорlе let you use their photos оr information.
WhоЪ going to rеаd уоur blog? ls your blog {оr уоur @
{riends and family? ls it оп а special topic you and уоur At the beginning, you сап choose а day of the week
friепds like? What is interesting about it? to write your blog posts. ltЪ important to write а
post every week.
@ necide оп а platform
Тhеrе аrе different frее platforms to start уоur blog. @
Most platforms give easy instructions on how to staгt. Blogs сап Ье fun, but печеr put уоur реrsопаl details
Some popular platforms аrе Blogge1 Medium and online. Never write уоur address оr telephone
WоrdРrеss. Take а look and decide! пumЬеr. RеmеmЬе1 you need to stay safe online.
I }
l l Writing
lп small groups, write and design а
blog post:
1 Comp[ete the sentences with the words in
1 Choose the соrrесt words to complete
the Ьох. the Sentences.
bright di€
itat 1 l
l bought а пеw T-shirt because mу miпеis oId,
download keyboard pocket
2 Do you have апу l0 present fоr me?
f425, That's а big
Му jumреr's made of
ф Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
" lt's really wаrm!
3 Му dad gave me а
5 You can wеаr уоurs sроrts clothes.
for mу birthday. ,And
he put f20 in itl
6 l bought а пеw jeans and а shirt.
78 RЕчlЕW 3
8 The пеw smartphones ihe old
опеs, (clever}
How old are Tom, Beth апd Mia? |'ve got а favourite pair of jeans.
l [ike them very much because ...
ё#* 1
Listen and check. Тhеп repeat.
Listen to three conversations. Match the health
problems to the people in the pictures.
А в
.. ; -. Jý!qз*
96 3 Listen again. Match the advice to the health
problems in Exercise 2. Write 1,2 оr 3.
2 don't do any sports п
eat fruit and vegetables п
don't watch TV late п
go to hospital п
don't waIk п
rest п
з ь
go to sleep now п
k drink а lot п
4 lп pairs, discuss the questions.
1 Do you do anything that is bad fоr уоur health?
2 How do you want to change it?
l play саrпрutеr gаrпеs {or thrее hours а day"
l'd like to р!ау mоrе sport.
80 U1{lт 13
gýr*gýýd/ sýýgýýýdg'f ý Соrrесt the mistakes in the sentences.
,ё r think you should to Ьriпg в sсаrf.
5 Му eyes hurt,
6 l can't move my leg at al[. l think it's broken.
7 l feelvery tired.
8 l've got а bad cold. You shou[d
rest. You shou[d
а Yоu go to bed еаr[iеr.
also drink lots
Ь You take some medicine and go to bed.
of water. you
с Yоu р[ау tennis. shouldn't go
d Yоu go to school.
to schoo[.
е You .,. . wеаr mоrе comfortable shoes.
f You go to hospital.
g You eat anything.
h You stop watching TV,
1 Read the magazine article. Match the photos A-D to the paragraphs 1-З
2 Choose the correct headings a-d for the paragraphs 1-З. There is опе
heading you don't need.
а Different kinds of running races с Att the ways running is good fоr you
Ь Some problems with running d Reasons why ruппiпg is popular
finished in З5 minutes,
нЕдtтнY Bo]llES 83
Fр i t, *;i ь.ж
Do you live iп а city, town оr vi[[age? What is it tike?
Рý**еg ýý *gý,ж Do you рrеfеr cities, towns оr vi[[ages?
What's the best thing about where you [ive?
Look at the map and find these things.
ýF bridges bus stops а playground
а roundabout streets traffic lights
l mчsечm
4 Ёýýв
I hotel саfё ýfrfrý
* ý & *!
ý *
* * *!
* & пЁ
& ф
ýi market
supermarket car park
police station
r *&*
- аё
, r;.
l]l1ýi Рrера*ý*ý*е*s { Match the sentences to the pictures.
1 Go past the train station,
2 Тurп right at the traffic lights.
1 Read the description in Exercise 4 on page 84
З Gо straight оп. Don't turп left оr right at the
again and match the prepositions to the
traffic Iights.
4 The bank is оп уоur right.
5 Drive along the road beside the riчеr.
acroSS beside/next to in front of 6 Тurп left at the rоuпdаЬочt.
пеаr opposite outside through
щ tr
ý ýýýý
q Sentences.
1 То get to mу house, go through l аlопg Beat
Street, turп right and it's on уоur [eft.
2 Му house is Ьеtwееп l nextto the Columbus Hotel.
З То get to the station, walk ocross l пеаrthе
bridge at the end of the High Street.
4 The bus stops before l outside mу house.
lt brings mе а[1 the way home.
Э Look at the mар on раgе 84. Comp[ete each
5 Му house is iп frопt af l opposite the post office.
l сап cross the road and send letters an,d раrсе[s
sentence with а рr*р*sit:*r:.
1 The rivеr goes the town.
2 Hotel guests need to go the rivеr to go Work with а partner. Student А, say which person
to the musеum" you are оп the map (1, 2 or З). Тhеп ask Student В
З The zoo is the town. for directions to somewhere оп the map. Student
4 There's а bus stop the hospital. В, give directions. Then change roles.
5 There's а саr park the supermarket. А: Excuse mе. ls there а supermarket пеаr here?
6 The Ьапk is the museum.
7 Тhеrе аrе some shops the museum. 7 Write some directions to places from уочr school.
Give the directions to уочr teacher to read out.
)сппlпlплп RЕFЕRЕilGЕ д1lll рвдGтIGЕ р&8Е !ýt
8 ln pairs, listen to пеw directions from уочr
partner. Say where they take you to.
3 Find the peopte оп the map оп page 84. Each
person wants to gо somewhere. Listen to the
Go out ofthe school and turn left. Take the
conversations. Where do the реор[е want to go?
first road оп the right. Walk past Саfё Brava.
Реrsоп ]" РеrSоп 3 Where are уоu?
Реrsоп 2
Edinburgh Cast[e
Ра[асе of Holyrood house *ъУ
scottish par[iament
St Giles' CathedraI
Tou rist l nformation office
-' Listen and check. Then repeat.
Read the article again. Аrе the sentences right ({ оr wrопg (Х)?
1 Edinburgh is the [argest city iп Scottand.
2 Lots of реор[е visit the castle iп the summer.
3 Yоu сап wa[k from Edinburgh Castle to Ho[yroodhouse.
4 The Саmеrа ОЬsсurа musечm is about the history of Edinburgh.
5 The Queen sometimes stays at Holyroodhouse. -.1
6 The Scottish Раr[iаmепt buitding is closed to visitors.
7 Princes Street is а good р[асе to go shopping.
8 Allof ЕdiпЬurghЪ guided tours are on foot.
Lucky you! ЕdiпЬurghЪ 9reat. lt isn't the biggest city in Scotland, but itЪ very
beautiful and has an amazing history. The best рlасе to start is Edinburgh Castle.
This sits up on top of Castle Rock and from here you сап see the whole city below
Next, walk down the Royal Mile, through ЕdiпЬurghЪ 12th-century Old Тоwп. Don't
miss 5t Giles'Cathedral and the Camera ОЬsсurа. This amazing museum is all about
how we see things, and has floating fish, funny mirrors and а ЗD tunnel of stars, They
sell grеаt postcards there.
дt the bottom of the Royal Mile is the Quеепъ Edinburgh home, the palace of
Holyroodhouse. When the Queen isn't there, you can visit the rooms and gardens.
Next to the Palace is the Scottish Parliament. Spanish architect Епriс Miralles
designed it. parts of it look like fishing boats on the beach. There are also roof
gardens and fountains. And you can visit it for freel
Yоu should also go to ЕdiпЬurghЪ New Тоwп. This аrеа isn't very new actually itЪ
over 200 years old!The most famous street iп Edinburgh, called Princes Street, is in
NewTown. Here you find ЕdiпЬurghЗ best shops and department stores.
lf уоu haven't got much time, you can 5ее Edinburgh with а tour guide. Choose from
walking tours, cycle tours and even ghost tours. These take you through the narrow
Streets of the Old Town late at night, and include scary stories from the 18th century.
do there?
Don't forget to take а good guidebook - and your raincoat. lt often rains
Do you enjoy visiting cities?
in Edinburgh. Have а great time!
What kind of museums do you
[ike best?
8вакреаlmd ý8ýжý
1 4 п D
tou r book 9 t l
ra in tou r
the city, stop [оr а rest апd а picnic. Many people like to
see shows whеп thеу are in Lопdоп, You сап
get tickets for З_ . . oniine оr iп Leicester
рRol{U]lGlдтl0il i Соmрочпd поцпý
Square. And don't forget about Harrodsl
4 Listen to the compound почпs and shор is [amous around the world.
-I :a?
underline the stressed words.
су,_с_!е, ttur
lп compound nollns, which word do we
usually stress? Listen again and repeat
the words.
next holiday?
reat place to spend your
Are you are looking for а 9 country
to scotlandl Find out mоrе аьочt thi s interesting
Тhеп соmе
see ", and eat!
and things уоч can do,
Ж The Great Highland Bagpipe is а Scottish musical
instrument. It is а woodwind instrument. То play the instrument, the
Ьаgрiреr fills the Ьа9 with air and pushes it out with his elbow.
:91-1 |
3 Match the headings to the texts ('}z Listen to the conversation again. Are the
sentences are right (/) оr wrопg (Х)?
1 Еmmа and hеr family have plans to go
to Scotland and lrе[апd.
2 Еmmа needs to choose two activities.
4 Read the texts again and answer the questions.
3 Еmmа rеаl[у [ikes geography.
1 What does а bagpipe ptayer fitt the bag with? 4 Yоu can see 14 castles оп the tour.
2 When аrе the Hightand Games in Scotland? 5 The cast[e tour leaves the hote[ before
з when do mеп wеаr kilts in scotland? eight in the mоrпiпg.
4 What ingredient is in shortbread and fudge? 6 They сап watch and listen to music
5 Where is Queen's Cross Church? and dance in the afternoon at the
6 Which buitdings are Ьу Сhаrlеs Rennie Mackintosh? Hightand Games.
7 Еmmа needs to bring hеr friend fudge.
5 Match the highlighted words in the article to the meanings.
1 repeated lines оr colours
(,l g Listen again and complete the table.
tlo Ч
2 this person draws bui[dings
З а social activity with lots of реор[е Things to do оr see
4 а type of instrument, Iike the bagpipes, f[ute оr c[arinet Cast[e Тоur
5 trying to win something оr get points for something
тдtкlilG P0l1{Ts
ld you / Why not? Highland Games
fi ъ-:i ].
&**gr*рýвýе*ý ýе*Ёеgуgg
1ý0 mеtrеS
long эý a?r*trsý
40 m€ trsý
4,478 mеtrеs high
l Mount Ечеrеst is 8,В48 metres
2 Тhе,Аmаzоп River is 11 kilometres апd
6.400 kilomeIres
3 Lake Titicaca is 107 metres
3 Match the words in Exercise 1 to the adjectives iп 5 What сап уоч see iп the photos on page 91?
ла the Ьох. What do уоч think this strange story is about?
deep high [ong wide 6 Read the article quickly. Check your answers to l
Exercise 5.
Think about your country. Give the names of ... Т Read the artic[e again. Complete the text with
wide, high,long апd deep.
. two high mоr;пtа'пs
. ап area of deep wаtеr 8 ln pairs, discuss these questions.
. а lопg rivеr 1 Do уоu think the Yeti is rеа[, оr is it just а story?
. а wide lake. 2 What do you think the footprint in the snow
be[ongs to?
90 Uillт 15
1 Read the table. Complete sentences 1-4 using the verbs iп the аrtiсlе.
r*ýЕ Eta
What was happening yesterday afternoon?
Complete the sentences with the past continuous
РR0]luilGlДтl0l{ j
1 The boys (play) footbali in the park. Му Ьrоthеr wаs riding his bike.
They (not ruп) very fast because the Му dad wasn't wоrkiпg in the gаrdеп,
grаss was too long, Wеrе they climbing iп the mountains?
2 уоu ,,..,,,,,..
(ctimb) that tree?' Were you looking for footprints?
'No, i
Loch is the Scottish Gaelic word for'lake'. Loch Ness is in
thc north of scotland not far from lпчеrпеss. The loch is
*ь;_ 9З0 m deep - itЪ the second deepest loch in Scotland -
Зб km long and пеаrlу 3 km wide. ТhеrеЪ mоrе water in
Loch Ness than all the water in all the lakes in England and
Walcs. ТhаtЪ а lot of water for something to hide inl
Е ffi оRкN€
sяд lr
The weather around the loch changes МаiпldлС
о кdwа!
One minute itЪ sunny, the next itЪ cloudy, оkrф
the next
thеrеЪ а bit of rain, and then itЪ suппу
again. lt can
Ье а windy place, too. Clouds move quickly
the sky and оп sunny days the clouds
make shadows t7 Loch Nes*
on the water, ltъ easy to think you see
the water. !иhеп itъ foggy, the fog sits
something in siy€
on the loch
and it's possible to think
HEBRlDcS *'i*o о
уоu See things then too. ;
a О
tr !sIay
The story of the Loch Ness Monster/ or'Nessie'/
started about 1,500 years ago, Then people called it Епg;dпd
а giant water animal. lп thc 1930s, а new road beside ITED м
к lHcDo
the loch brought morc people to the аrеа and more lREL^ND ]5lё al |j.л ь-
l l 1
@ Ьеа r chicken
(} lirt.n, check and repeat
1 Which of the animals in Exercise 2 can help
2 How do they hetp?
З What сап they do?
94 U1{lT 16
* 1
;! i: .:'
i*, l
Опе day in Мау, Jack Smith was walking lion. Тhеп, while he was fighting it, the mother
in Nоrthеrп Оrеgоп. lt was а place he bear rап towards him. But the bear didn't attack
liked walking iп and he knew it well. Не Jack, it attacked the mountain lion. The bear was
was walking along а path when he much bigger than the mountain lion. While the
saw а black Ьещ а female with mountain lion was attacking Jack, the Ьеаr stood
her two babies. опе was about оп its two back legs and pulled the mountain lion
а year old, the other was only а off Jack's back. The mountain lion rап off into the
few months. Jack stopped to trees. Тhеп the bear went back onto its four feet
watch the bears. Весачsе and looked at Jack for а moment,
Jack walked along the path before it walked back to look ,z
3 Find all the other examples of the past simpte and the 6 lп pairs, take turns to say sentences with
past continuous in the story. whеп оr whilе and the past simple оr past
continuous. use the verbs in the Ьох and
{ Complete the sentences with опе verb in the past simple animals from the tab[e оп page 94.
and опе in the past сопtiпuочs.
0 The Ьоу wq_s__9g_[i..1,9 ieat) ап ice сrеаm when the monkey climb drive eat find ореп
ý"to""{е^ (steat) it. rчп sit talk walk write
1 The cats (steep) outside when the rain
(start). While the mап was driving along the
2 White the girt (read) а book, her phone road, а monkey jumped out of а tree.
З The teacher (arrive) while Katie and Adam
(ptay) а computer gаmе. l saw а famity of rabbits when
4 Lucy (eat) hеr [unch when she (hear)
l was waIking Ьу the river.
the пеws.
5 The Ьоу (fatt off) his board whi[e he
(skate) in the раrk.
дMAZll{G Al{l]tlдLS
=- ч
Look at the photos again. What do you think
пЕж Part 2 of the article is about? Read it quickty to
check your ideas.
Look at the photos. How are these anima[s Read Раrt 2 of the article again. Fоr each
helping реор[е? Do you think it is bad to use
animals in this wау? Discuss your ideas with
g question, choose the correct апswеr (А, В оr С)
fоr each gap.
your раrtпеr.
1А busy В frее с favourite
Read Part 1of the article. Match two of the 2А hetp В [ook С make
photos А-С to this part of the article. зА teIls В speaks С says
4А arrives В brings С collects
Read Part 1of the article again. 5А shaIl В need С should
1 Find three things that guide horses сап do. бА project в activities С jobs
2 Find two things that mопkеу hеlреrs сап do
lп pairs, look at alI the choices for Exercise 5
again and апswеr the question.
l (,l
buses. Horses live much longer than dogs, so they сап Ье with the They сап jump from helicopters and fast boats, and
people in danger in the water.
реrsоп for а long time. Other animals сап Ье helpers too. Monkeys
are very clever and сап look аftеr people in mапу different ways. 'Dogs don't get tired as quickly as we do,' 3
They сап pick up your рhопе when you drop it. They сап turп оп the Ernilio, their trainer. 'А dog is strong and it сап svuim
television for your favourite programme and turп off the television fast. lt gets to а swimmer faster than we сап and
when it finishes. However, mапу people think that monkeys then it 4 the person back to the beach.'
shouldn't Ье апimаl helpers Ьесаusе they are wild апimаls.
lt takes three years to teach these dogs everything
they 5 to know. Тhеп they are ready to do
their 6
A]ulдZll{G дill]ulдLý 97
; }
i l
Wl LlFE ýKltts
Protecting animals
We сап protect pets апd animals iп the
witd Ьу:
. making sure they have food апd water Are bees iппроrtýпt?
. making sure they have а safe р[асе to live Bees are а very important part of our
. being kind to them ecosystem. Bees polIinate plants. In fact,
about З0% ofthe food we eat depends on rl
bees. Bees help people in other ways too.
1 Read the sentences in the speech Fоr example, they make the hопеу we eat
bubbtes and answer the questions.
and wax for cand]es and cleaning wood.
Anima[s аrе not toys. in many areas of the world, bees are in danger. Peopie
build houses, offices and factories оп their homes.
we shou[d Ье kind to anima[s Farmers use strong chemica]s on plants to stop insects
like we are kind to реор[е. eating them. But these chemicals a]so ki]l bees.
l Bees аrе not important animals. .]. Comp[ete the sentences with the words in
2 Bees help us to make cand[es. the Ьох.
3 Bees are in danger in some places.
4 Michaela's company only se[[s hопеу. donate make sure protect volunteer
5 Michaela has а b[og.
6 We cannot help protect bees and other insects 1 l want to at ап animal rescue сепtrе at
6 Match the highlighted words iп the 2 There аrе а lot of different ways to
text to the meanings. anima[s. You сап find out mоrе оп[iпе.
1 we use this to make candles
З l want to . part of my pocket mопеу to an
2 moving ро[[еп from one plant
animal rescue сепtrе.
to another
4 We need to animals have safe homes,
food and water.
3 organisations helping
something оr someone and
raising mопеу
4 attthe p[ants and animals iп
one р[асе and how they live
together а
l !
5 to keep safe a ý Дроstеr about
protecting апirпаls
TдLKll{G Pol]lтs
=J,' Do you like bees or аrе you afraid of the
What other animals аrе in dапgеr?
foot.l (dance).
l was late fоr school this morning because l
5l (поt see) апу animals when l
the wrопg bus! (watk) in the snow.
2 The football match starts iп а few minutes.
Please сап you the l"V? Give these реор[е advice using should оr
3 white l the train, l fell dоwп and hurt shouldn't.
my [eg"
4 Му sister was ill yesterday, so mу dad stayed at
0 l've got а temperature and а headache.
home to hеr.
5 lt's imроrtапt to уоur mobile phone
li.ji] ) i ll ] l i]|:.]:
100 RЕчlЕW 4
1 Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures.
Use З5 words or mоrе.
Fоr each question, choose the correct answer. 1 Put the words in order to make questions.
з Listen to Tessa talking to her father about hеr
1 fee[ / how / you / start / when / do / schoot /
- friends. What problem does each person have?
holidays / the ?
Example: 2 your / апimа[/ favourite / what's / ?
0 Еуа 3 weather/you / best/ of /what/ tike/ kind /do?
4 do l tike / you / when / it's / doing / what /
People Prob[ems snowy / ?
1 Leon п А foot hurts
lп pairs, ask апd answer the questions. Take
2 Nat п в broken аrm
turns to speak.
3 Maddie п С feels sick
4 llsa п D has а co[d
2 lп pairs, talk аЬочt where you live. Take turпs
5 п Е
[eg hurts o aospeak.
& a
Complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох. How do you watch television? lп pairs, discuss
the questionS.
ъid cartoons channels fan live 1 Do you often watch shows [ive, оr do you watch
on demand on TV рrоgrаmmе them on demand?
records remote controI stream 2 Which рrоgrаmmеs do уоu usually stream?
talent show the news 3 Do you like talent shows? Which is уоur
favou ritе?
1 lt's so еаýу t0 watch ТV these days. You сап 4 How mапу channels do you have at home?
anything at апу time.
5 Which cartoons do уоu like watching?
2 l like to kпоw what's happening in the wоrtd,
6 When do you watch live television?
so l watch еvеrу day.
3 TVwith rеаl peopte isOK, butit's mоrеfuп Listen to the conversation. Ella and charlie meet
watching , like Iоm arld Jеrrу, in the street. what does charlie invite El[a to do?
4 Which do you want t0 watch? Тhеrе's
опе about паtuге оr 0пе about music.
5 Please give mе the . l want t0 turп оп
the tetevision and l don't want t0 get upl
6 Watch оur пеw tonight. Тhеrе аrе six
уоuпg singers and dапсеrs. Choose the best.
7 Му Ьrоthеr's а big of Мапсhеstеr
united, Не bvatches atl their matches.
8 l think оur televi:ion сап get mоrе than 100
. l пеvеr know what to watch.
9 l tike choosing what to watch and when l want
to watch it, so l watch most of mу teievision
10 Ed Shееrап is playing а сопсеrt tonight in Listen again and answer the questions.
London and they аrе showing it оп
television, so l сап watch it whilе he's ptaying. 1 When is ihe footbatI match on?
11 Whеп my dad goes оп holiday, he his 2 Which сhаппеl does E[la think the game is оп?
favourite shows and watches them when he gets З Why does E[la want to watch the gаmе on а
back" television and поt оп hеr laptop?
12 Have уOu got а пеwsрареr so we сап see what's 4 Whеrе dоеs Elia р[ап to watch the game?
this evening? 5 Why does E[la wапt to watch it [ive?
6 What did Charlie's parents do last week?
(D tirt"n and check, then repeat. 7 What dоез Сhаrliе ask Ella to do?
8 Whеrе does E[La decide to watch the match
in the end?
fr toz ul{lт 17
1 Look at the table and then complete the rule with опе word.
next summer
this evening
next Saturday morning
tomorrow morning
next Sunday afternoon
Read the questions and talk about your ideas with уочr раrtпеr.
а Do ta[ent shows te[[ people what to say оr сап they choose?
ь what different kinds of ta[ent show аrе there?
с What do wiппеrs of ta[ent shows usua[[y get?
d who chooses the winners?
е Аrе ta[ent shows Iive?
iuiЁ you know the ап5wеr to this опе. Usually, the
people watching the show оп ТV апd in the theatre
who (оr whatl) they 1ike best. Sometimes famous реорlе аrе
the ' as we]l. 0п only the professiona1 chefs
ll"4osterchef ,
ж -
ж -
**ý lп а а
*Ж"& there is always . The wiппеr of
ýý iЁ.Ё ub ir,o*s like боt lolenlfor musicians, people doing magic, usual у gets а and sometimes becomes а
singers .. , апd lots mоrе,ТhеrеЪ а show for dancers, too, ltЪ cal]ed , Оп some shows the qets а prize too and а few of
Strictly Соmе Dопсlпq. Every уеаr there are new ideas for talent shows, them become stars. 0п а few shows, the winner gets nothing -
Тhеrе are еvеп some national talent shows fог robots and singing dogs| but they often Ьесоmе famousI
Yes, most of the talent shows оп TV аrе ]ive. ltЪ also possible to
i\Доst of the time, the реорlе оп the shows сап say, sing or
gotothe and Ьеа mеmЬеrоf the ] ,.Тhепуоu do what they wапt to, Sometimes, the show te]ls them the
can watch а talent show ]ive on
words to say, so they are а bit like actors or , But this
doesn't happen on all the shows,
Read the article quickly and check your ideas.
Complete the article with questions from Exercise 2.
Answer the questions about the article.
1 what ta[ent show is there for dancers?
2 Whеrе сап реор[е go to watch а talent show [ive?
3 Who аrе the judges of ta[ent shows?
4 What happens to the runners-up оп talent shows?
5 Why аrе some of the реор[е оп ta[ent shows а bit tike actors?
104 Utllт 17
Complete the sentences with the words from the Listen to Evie talking to her friend Веп
1 r?9
about а talent show called SiлgеrSеоrсh.
article. Use each word once only.
Who won last night's show?
1 she's the best cook on the show. l want hеr to win the
t0ll Fоот
ъryЕ ýýlrкlý
тuЕ ýEtr
lilL чаdl
$jЕiý ýlKEý ш tшtа
The UКЪ I[r
l ЕI Ut{lT 18
5 Listen to Aboudi, Serena and Oliver. Тhеу'rе 2 Put the words in the correct order to make
making plans for their schoo[ magazine. suggestions.
1 ls the magazine going to Ье on рареr оr оп[iпе? Add а full stop or а question mark and start the
2 ls it going to Ье weekly оr month[y? sentence with а capital letter.
1 wе / don't / go / to / skatepark / whу / the
2 the / пеw / see / let's / film / Turkish
3 ask / come / Mina / why / to / поt
4 meet / we / there / at / shall / eight
рR0l{UilGlдтlOil lntonation
i Look at the four ways of making suggestions. (DB Listen and repeat the phrases from the
Which опе is different and why? rдz ýJ
conversation about the magazine.
d*n't лч* write down some ideas now?
No, that's not а good idea.
L*t'; have some stories too.
No, l don't think so.
ýha[[ wе inc[ude advertisements?
G rеаt!
псt ask уоur dad about it?
Exce[[ent idea,
А suggestion is а plan or idea that уоu want Good idea.
someone to think about.
Look at the examples from the recording.
The wоrds in ршrрl* аrе different ways of making
suggestions. 6 lп pairs, practise the conversation in Exercise З.
PHl Goeier
l loved the book. l wanted to read it to the end as itЪ very
exciting. This is the first Friday Barnes book, and l'm
definitely going to read more.
finds some money on the street and hе decides to buy а Wonka chocolate Ьаr with it.
hе opens the chocolate Ьаr, Charlie {inds а 9olden ticket inside. lt's his lucky day!
lt's а ticket to visit Willy Wonka's famous Chocolate Factory. Charlie is very excited
Grапdра Joe is excited, too, |-l,,,,:,:l1-1,..i] hе can go on the visit with Charlie. ,l.,: thеrе ,"uul|r,ili,,J"u'
аrе five golden tickets, four other children visit the factory as well. Тhеу аll meet
Willy Wonka and go around the factory. Lots of strange things happen!.
Only Сhаrliе is left at the end, .,,,-l he's the wiппеr! What's the prize?
Why not read the book and find out?
This book is very funny. l rеаllу liked it. lt's so рорulаr and
there are two films о{ the book and а musical!
Б uillт l8
Look at the reviews again. Wе use the words to соппесt ideas in sentences
2 Find four more sentences with os, so, Ьесоиsе and whеп in the reviews оп page 108.
J Complete the review of the play with the words from Exercise 1.
ý ** a; .-" йil-
: ýУ ,+эj
АI"-{D fi ё,с:л-лý-
ё ж.*ffi,
r?omeo ond /u/iet is о really sad story сЬоut two She drinks something to moke her sleep, so her
уоuпg people. Their fcmiIies don't wcnt them fcmily wi]I think she's deqd. Then she goes to sleep.
to mcrry
the fcmilies hate eoch other. Rоmео finds Ju]iet lirst ond thinks she's decd, so
HoweveT, Rоmео ond Juliet cre in love ond they he kills himself. Вчt Ju]iet isn't deod! а she
get morried, They know their lamilies wiII Ье very wckes up, she sees Romeo is decd cnd kills hersell.
cngry, they don't teli them. Juliet's fcmily And that's the end!
don't kпоw she's mcrried cnd they find с husbcnd
Isqw the plcy ot the City Тhеqtrе. The cctors were qll
for hеr. But she ccn't mоrrу this mon she's
great cnd I cried ai the end. Iloved it, Go cnd see it.
olready mcrried to Rоmео. Ju]iet is very unhoppy.
B(lllKS t09
MAGAzll{Eý Al{D i
ýrýtý*k ýY
оrе рорulоr
Вгitish TV рrоgгOmmеs
сrоuпd the world,
is in оп increose
i.*raing to the ВВС, thеrеTV in different
Т"""Ъr""*оtсhiпg Briiish
}ffiЁ; п*|r" iotch рrоgrоч,:, l,::л.
;Й;;;; .ount,iu, too, but thonks ], '"::l*
to wotch
*Бr" TV, it's eosier thоп ечеr
internoiionol рrоgrOmmеs"
shows, поturе
Rritiý,h tolent shows, cooking
t oll populor
тнЕ I.oororru, ond dromos оге
*itЁ nturnotionol vieweгs,
Ё- тдtкlilG poll{Ts
Do уоu know the programmes Ryan, Eve
апd Каrеп are talking about?
Do you watch them? t
Which ones don't you tike? Why?
m сUtтURЕ
Listen to John talking to his friend АmЬеr about his
1зб \'
homework. Which show is he going to write about?
а НоrriЬ[е Histories
Ь Britain's Got Talent
с MasterChef Junior
(,l т Listen to the conversation again and choose the correct
1зб .
words, а or Ь.
1 John is doing homework
а lesson
for his Gеrmап Ь for his Frепсh [esson
2 watching оп TV,
John likes
а different рrоgrаmmеs Ь Frепсh рrоgrаmmеs
3 АmЬеr watching cooking рrоgrаmmеs.
а [oves Ь dis[ikes
4 John [ikes [earning
а пеw meals Ь пеw songs
5 Amber ...,,,. what Horrible НlЪfоrlеsis.
а doesn't know Ь knows
6 John loves .,
а reading about nature Ь reading about history
ЕUЕ 9 Canada (,) я Listen to the conversation again and write the things John
1зб V
likes about the programmes.
l love going on nature walks with
mу family and watching wildlife.
ln the evenings whеп itЪ too cold
or too rаiпу to do things outside,
my family апd l like watching
ргоgrаmmеs about science оr
animaIs at home. PROJEcT А TV progr аmrпе timetable
Му older Ьrоthеr loves scuba
э ving so his favourite
s Ihе В/че P/anet, Mum and l Yоч are working at а TV station and making plans for а
ove watching E/ephant Diaries. пеw сhаппеl. ln smallgroups, plan а programme timetable
This W show
helps ЬаЬу for Saturday day times from 10 am to 2 рm.
эlерhапts return to their паturа
. lVake а list of possib[e рrоgrаmmеs you think peopte [ike.
Decide on the times of the programmes.
. Think of why the programmes аrе interesting and what
people сап [еаrп from them,
. Fi[[ iп the tabIe in уоur notebook.
18 ý&W wýтýн тнЕ 0lltTUnE Yll}E8
What kind of schooltrips do you go оп with your school?
Do you enjoy them?
What was the [ast schoottrip уоч went оп? What did
you do?
Тrýр ***ývýti*s
''.Е']' watching а show
}:, .r(}
lirt"n and check. Тhеп repeat.
} S .**- j
2 lп small grочрs, ask and апswеr the questions.
,ý 1 Which of these activities do you do on school trips
s with уоur school?
2 Which ones do you enjoy?
3 Which ones would you tike to try?
* 4 Which ones would you not tike to do? Why not?
' July
., аm
trainers and 5,,.,,,
.ý i Y
:ёiý,,r / dgк'f fiауg fе
l ; ý?ауе fg
2 Now read the examples and then complete the rules with а and Ь.
Ечеrуопе hos tо Ье at schooI at eight o'clock.
You don't have to Ьriпg anything to eat.
1 ftoye fo means
2 doll r li&ye rо means
а по obligation: you have а choice and you сап dothis if you want,
Ь obligation: You have no choice. You can't say 'no'!
No Question form
l/you/we/they go l/you/we/they gо l/you/we/they
He/she/it go Helshe/it go go?
he/she/it go?
go sai[ing
2 Не has to do his homework.
go swimming
3 Do you have to go поw?
go to the disco
4 Does he have to рау today?
leave his phone at home
5 We have to write а story.
shаrе а Ьеdrооm
6 she has to win this match.
hetp with the cleaning
do апу schooI wоrk
5 lr4ake pairs of sentences about Leo usiпg have to/ 8 lп pairs, ask and answer about what you have to
doesn't have to and соп/сап't. do/don't have to/can/can't do this weekend. Use
these ideas or уочr оwп.
-е ias ta get up еаг!у" Не сап't stayiл lэеd lgfe.
lп а поrmаl classroom, the teacher stands at the front of the rооm and gives а lesson and the students listen
and take notes. Then they go home and do their homework. lп а flipped classroom, everything is the other
way around. Students study at home from а textbook or опliпе videos, and then discuss the topic and do
'homework' exercises or projects in class. Lots of schools are trying it, but is it а good idea? We spoke to а
teacher and two students to find out more.
The flipped сIаssrооm is hard l love coming into the classroom We tried the flipped classroom for опе
work for the teacher, especially ready to talk about the topic term in maths, but there wеrе а few
at the beginning. You have to and feeling l understand it. problems. Some students didn't watch
make videos of every topic in the lп а поrmаl class, l often feel the videos before the lesson, so they
textbook for the students to watch пеrvочs, because if l don't couldn't do the exercises in class.
оп their computers at home. That understand, l have to ask the Also, when the teacher was gоiпg
takes а rеаllу long timel But it teacher to stop the lesson and round helping people, we found it really
means l сап spend time iп class explain. But with а video, l сап easy to stop working and just chat. We
helping students опе-tо-опе. l love watch it as mапу times as l like did а test at the end of the term апd
we all got terrible marks. l usually pass
that - | wasn't able to do it before. until l understand it. lt's great!
ечеrу test, but l failed that опе.
ф l
1 Complete the table with the words in the Ьох and (,l _ l Listen again and match the реор[е in the photos
the family words from About you. L44
to their names in the family tree.
aunt cousin gra ndch ild : |, Make eight sentences about Kate's family tree.
granddaughter grandfather ln pairs, соmраrе your sentences with your
grandmother grandparent grandson partner's. Аrе апу of your sentences the same?
nephew пiесе uпсlе
Топу is Jessie's grandfather.
fl} Listen and check. Тhеп repeat. 5 Look at the photos. Describe the реор[е using
some of the words in the Ьох.
fll z Listen to Kate describing her family. Complete her
family tree with the names in the Ьох.
beautifu I dark
good-[ooking о pretty
l ris Jana Kasia Liz Rоrу stim tatt
Sue Wiktor
1 Adverbs of mаппеr describe how / whеп we dо {0 listen and check. Тhеп repeat.
2 We make mапу / all adverbs of mаппеr Ьу
adding -/y to ап adjective.
7 Complete the advice with the words in the Ьох.
Change the adjective into ап adverb where
}спшмпR RЕFЕпЕI{GЕ дt{D рпАстlGЕ ре&Е lE? песеSsаrу.
, .....
slowly (add -l"и) ,,,,.,,,,,...,..
and gгandparents.They will talk fог
ý Complete the questions with adverbs frоm hочrs about this.
Exercises 1 and З. Then in pairs, ask and answer
the questions. Listen and wгitе down what they
tell you.
1 Do you do уоurhomework ? *
2 Сап уоu ruп ?
3 sing - The thing you need to find
Сап you ?
4 Do you speak
out is when and whеrе people wеге Ьоrп.
, on the bus?
5 Do you р[ау music in уоur bedroom?
6 Can you make friends ? ж Writе ечеrуthiпg down because
!, you don't want mistakes in уочr family tгее.
ý Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
rё r t liked the competition because both teams
pIayed vеrу good. 8 Complete the table about your family. Under
lnteresting iпfоrmоtiоп, put an adjective (e.g. сlеиеr)
2 l thought that fitm was rеа[[у badlyl
and а чеrЬ plus adverb (e.g. sиgsbodly). Тhеп in
3 You shou[d think about that чеrу carefu[.
sma[l groups, talk about the people in уочr table.
4 Му friепd rап rеа[[у fastly in the rасе.
5 You сап find easily my house.
Family member lnteresting information
Мum FЬ"- ,trg, b"d\y
FAMltlES l17
Look at the photo and describe it. What do you think it's like living iп а big family?
Write three ideas. Read the article quickly to see if your ideas are included.
сtЪ it like to grow up in or put oway, qnd the tidying up never ends.
We q]l hqче to help, even the little ones.
Every shelf in our hочsе is full о{ prizes, for
bosketbqll, tennis, cricket and rugby. We qrе
аII really competitive. The c]ever ones wqnt to
Ье the cleverest, the pretty ones the prettiest,
ond the {unny ones the lunniest.
Being slow is not о good thing in а big family.
You hqче to move quickly to get into the
shower or to get the best seat in the minibus
(big fcmilies don't hсче cqrs). And you hqче to
eqt lqst, especially if thеrеЪ cqke in the house!
Yesterday, I saw mу 7-yecr-old sister in my old
dress. She рrоЬаЫу got it from my IS-year old
sister. who gets most ot mу things. We hоче to
shcre bedrooms, toys, qпd ечеп our pqrents'
time. Shqring is not clways ecsy, but we qrе
good at it.Iuckily.
Lile in с big lcmily hcs its ups спd
downs, Ьчt I love it.
118 Ut{lт 20
&dvg*,Ьg Bf dеgrсе Listen again. Who do you think is talking? Write
Sammy, Sally or Harry next to the sentences.
Look at the
1 l live with опе of mу grandparents.
1 in the article and match them
2 l have to travel quite а [ong wау to see mу dad.
to the meanings.
Ф 1 Which one means'чеrу 3 Му sister is getting married soon.
much'? 4 ldon'tspend а lotof timewith mycousins.
2 Which one means'very close to'? 5 Му brother and l s[eep in the same rооm.
3 Which опе mеапs'not comptetely'? 6 There аrе two families in my hоmе.
4 Which опе means'100% true'?
5 Which опе means'mауЬе'?
a I &
в l }
ц q q
tAMltlES l19
тё l, i:;
: tr1.}!; ja?ri:,: f *lj}i! ii]lj
?! : '
:.ч* l".J":: ]1-,,,
\ \lr.,
.- т}. {r iJ-,J а .
._;-rt:_ * : l:,1-"+ n,.1:'i;if,-
; 1,
, :|,
: " ]
with уоurзеlf,
it's a]so neccssary to know how to Ье alone Drаw а picture of the situation you chose.
and to Ье sure of yourself. Don't forget, thc Make а poster with your advice and а picture.
longcst friendship iп your llfc is wrth yourself! Рrеýепt your poster to апоthеr grаuр or to the
f Write а word to link each group of words. 1 Read the rules about entering the talent show.
Complete Emma's emailto Lauren with the words and
Complete the words for the groups.
phrases in the Ьох.
0 аuпt cousin перhеw пiесе
f q fi...l...{. у
сап can't don't have to have to хз
1 study pass fait teach
w&fuжжý' ýýж&W
d о
З headline рhоtоgгарhs
articles advertisernent
mzie Rчýеs fоr еmtеriпg
4 сhаппеl геmоtе control ffi'4оrочеr
the news рrogrаmmе
tЁi п ffiЖ possible but only up to fiче people
5 wiппеr реrfоrmеr prize WWW,ýf 10perperson
ta[ent show
ср п
when he gets home fгоm school. 2 The weather there was very good l well.
4 lt's of the talent show tonight. 3 Shol/ l Сап you come to mу house at 7 рm?
Then we'[l kпоw the паmе of the wiппеr]
Му favourite film is Jennifer
ffi Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
REvlEW 5
!D 1
Listen to а Ьоу called Оwеп talking about а 1 Put the words in оrdеr to make questions.
picture of his family. Listen and write the соrrесt
letter beside each паmе.
1 kind / рrоgrаmmеs / TV / tike / you / do / what /
Nоrа Со[iп 2 magazines/ tike / do / which / reading l уоu l ?
АЬЬу Lity З activities l do l after lwhat / you / do / school/ ?
Rob Liam 4 which / home / live / mеmЬеrs l al lyou l
Grасе tr,]ax family/withl?
Rya п
ln pairs, ask and answer the questions. Take
turns to speak.
Неrе аrе some pictures of different school trip
g activities. Do уоч like these activities? Say
why or why not. Ta[k about the activities with
your partner.
.rу tпl:еrеstлпq thжgs rДu". Which schooltrip activities do you tike best?
:zo- gаu ЭООП.
Ф lп pairs, talk about school trips. Take turns
Which is mоrе fun, learning in а
classroom or [earning оп а schooI trip?
эЙооL эuЬjеоL
Dorron и mU сrИПtrU
моrе yes than Nо answers. oll t
You are careful with your mопеу and want сDmриt€ ,r 9^mо рИg
to buy things for а good price. You usually эИоч-l оп TV
think and look Ьеfоrе you buy. pl,aro И mU сDцпtrU
], j,
Think about the questions.
ý-], , .j
fr:;;;*;* ржýр&жж YФ W&ýYý} р&&ý &ý What wou[d you [ike:
о уоUr class magazine to Ье ca[[ed?
We[[, l found а great jacket on the internet. lt was black
. to include in уоur c[ass magazine?
and it had а really соо[ design оп the back, You can't Do you want it to Ье а рареr magazine оr an
рау in cash of course, so my mum paid for it with hеr on[ine one?
credit card. After that, we waited and waited but it
ls the magazine going to Ье weekly, month[y,
didn't come. After two weeks l emailed the соmрапу,
tеrm[у оr уеаr[у?
but they didn't апswеr. Тhеп, six days [ater, it finatty
arrived, But the jacket was the wrопg size. lt was too
sma[[ олd it was b[ue. l returned it and asked them to Suggest os mопу ideos os
send me the right one, but they emailed me to say they ýtep I you сOп in уочr grочр fоr
didn't have one in mу size in b[ack. And my mum is sti[[
waiting for them to return hеr money. уоur closs mogozine.
Let's Why don't we ... ?
Sha[l we ... ?
What аrе the ingredients in ...? Does ... contain meat? What is ...?
Americ ап Ьаrьесие
Large burger Е5.00 Burger watИ cheese €
lпgrеА)я,пLs : Мея.l, Ьип Ва,уЬелце 5ц^с2, 5Ор
lпgrеА),е,пLэ: Ме,ar,
йе:.эе, Ьuп
Дlоо tikki 50р ea(h
lпgrеА)я,пLэ z
роtА-Iло; ,
ре-&5, ch'.]lL, oni"onэ
Shish kebab Е4.00
lпgrеА)эпLэz Сhiгkе-п fll
Ё ý
ýрýýý{ýж&ý р&&ý ?ý
3 Student А, ask Student В questions about items А-С оп page 71. Then choose the dish you want to buy.
Use the fol[owing questions to help you.
What аrе the ingredients in ...? Does ... contain meat? What is ...?
Student В will ask for information about these dishes. Answer his оr hеr questions.
Friзj, пооd,lэт wikh vеgе.tлЬlя.э,
mелL алd. onirn,
smаU ЬоtшL frZ.OO
Вrелl" Niй rпиэhrооmэ
бпd, сhез,эе *l.SО
Ponchiki - 5Ор еа(h
Lочф lNех,L dлughпuLэ|
wýýеýýжжy fuýý€
шжIт I ý*ffi э
do gymnastics /dul dзrm'паstтksl verb phrose check уочr messages /фk jэlr 'mеsтdзтs/ verb phrose
go cycling /9аu 'sаIklIц l verb phrase с[еап your teeth /kliln jэ:r ti:O/ verb phrase
go sailing /gаu 'sеIlrц/ verb рhrоsе get dressed /get drest/ verb phrose
go skating /9аu 'skеrtIц l verb phrose have breakfast /hav brekfast/ verb рhrоsе
go snowboarding /gэu 'sпэuЬэldrц/ verb рhrаsе leave the house /lilv dil haus/ vеrЬ phrase
go surfing /gаu 'sз:fIql verb phrose prepare your school bag /рrr'реаr jэ:r skull bag/
verb phrase
play badminton /рlеI 'badmrntan l verb рhrоsе
put оп your shoes /put оп jэ,^r
Jч,лzl verb phrase
play baseballipleI ЬеIsЬэ,^ll чеrЬ phrose
tidy уочr room /'taTdi jэlr гu:m/ verb phrase
play hockey /pleI hokii чеrЬ phrose
wake up /weIk лр/ phrosolverb
play rugby /pleT 'rл9Ьi/ verb phrase
play table tennis /plel telbl tenrs/ чеrЬ рhrоsе F001l
play volleyball /pleI чоliЬэll/ vеrЬ рhrоsе avocado /,ava'ko:dau l почп
bread /Ьrеd/ поuп
cabbage l'kаЬтdзl почп
ball lЬэil почп
сеrеаl/'srэriаll почп
bat lbа'tl почп
cheese ltJi,лzl почп
board /Ьэ:d/ поuл
cucumber /'kju:kлmЬэr f почп
racket l'rakTtf почп
fish lfTJl почп
stick /strk/ поuл
fruit lfru:tl почп
honey l'hппil поuп
hot chocolate /hot 'tJokalat/ поuп
jam ldзаml почп
mапgо /'mацgаu/ поuп
pasta /'pasta l почп
go skating /9ао 'skeItIr; l verb рhrаsе have breakfast /hav 'brekfast/ verb phrose
go snowboarding /gau 'sпэuЬэ:dтц/ vеrЬ рhrаsе leave the house /lilv di: hаus/ vеrЬ phrose
go surfing /gаu 'sз:frq/ чеrЬ phrase prepare уочr schoo[ bag /ргr'реаr jэ:r sku:l bag/
verb phrase
play badminton /pleT 'Ьаdmrпtап l чеrЬ phrose
put оп your shoes /рut on iэ,^r Jч,лzl vеrЬ рhrоsе
play baseball/pleI ЬеIsЬэ:ll verb phrase
tidy уочr rооm /'taTdi jэ:r ru:m/ verb phrose
play hockey /pleT hokii чеrЬ phrose
wake up /weTk лр/ phrasolverb
play rugby /pleT rл9Ьii чеrЬ рhrоsе
classical music /'klasrkal 'mju:zrk/ лоuл amazing /а'mеrzrц/ о djective
drums ldnmzl почп awesome /'э:sэm/ odjective
electric guitar /r'lеktrтk gr'tоlr/ лоuл bri[liant / brlliant/ adjective
hip-hop /'hTphop/ лоuл fa ntastic /fa n'tastrk/ а dj ective
jazz ldзаzl почп fine /faIn/ adjective
keyboard l'ki:Ьэld l поu п great /grеIt/ а djective
opera /'орэrаf почп horrible / hоrаЬl/ odjective
piano /pi'anauf почп lovely /'lлчli/ а dj ective
tIillT ý эItrзт ý
burger l'Ьз,^gаl почп e-reader l'i,,rilde l поч п
chicken legs /tJrkIn legzl почп fitness tracker /'frt.nas ,trаkа/ лоuл
chili l'tJTlil почп games conso[e l' geTmz,konsaul/ лоuл
chips itJIpsl лоuп headphones l'hedfaunzl по u п
cola /'kаulэ/ лоuп keyboard l'kilЬэld l по u п
сrеаm lkrilml почп laptop l'lа"ptopl почп
curry l'kлril почп mouse lmausf почп
fresh vegetables /freJ 'чеdзtаЬlzl почп р[ау games /pler 'germz l verb phrase
fried onions /fraId 'лпjэпzf поuп printer f'prTntal почп
grapes lgreTpsl почп screen lskrinl почп
grilled meat /grrld mi,^ll поuп smartphone /'smо:tfэuп/ лоuп
lemonade /,lema'nerd/ лоuл speaker /'spilka/ лоuп
mineral water /'mrпэrаl 'wэ:tаr/ лоuл tablet /'tablatf почп
noodles l'nu,^delzl поч п
G(I]IIPUTERS At{D тнЕ lilтЕRl{Ет
omelette l'omlall почп
buy clothes /Ьат klaudz/ verb phrose
panca kes /'pankeIks/ поuп
chat online /tJet 'on,larn l verb phrase
pasta with tomato sauce /'po:sta wтd ta'mo:tau sэls/
поuп chat (to) friends /tJat ta frendzl verb phrose
mushroom l'mл[ruml поч п digital / dтdзItэl/ adjective
sa[ad /'salэd l почп download /,daun'laod/ vеrЬ
seafood l'si,^fс:d l по u п download music /,dаоп'lэud 'mju:zrkl verb phrase
soft drinks /soft drтr;ks/ лоuл download videos /,dаuп'lаud 'vrdiauz/ verb phrose
strawberry /'strэ:Ьаri/ лоuл go оп[iпе /9аu 'on,larn l verb phrase
еýжýт lý t ýlT ý4
get some exercise /get sam 'eksasarz/ verb phrase sports centre /'sрэ:ts ,senta/ лоuп
have а rest /hav а rest/ vеrЬ рhrаsе train station /'tгеrп ,stефпf почп
sleep well/sli:p wel/ verb phrase swimming pool /'swTm.Tq ,puill почп
try some exercises in а gym /tгат sam 'eksasaIzIz traffic lights /'trefTk laTlsl почп
тп а dзrm/ чеrЬ рhrоsе university /,julпr'чз:sэti l поч п
G(lttlP(lU1{1l il(lul{ý
сус[е tour /'saTkl tuа/ поuл
TELEvlslOt{ ]UlдGAzIl{Es
cartoon /kol'tuln/ поuп advertisement /аd'чзltrsm епll по u п
жýýfý ýýr
Questions ls there ...? Are there ...? 0 1]иеgо_t а пеw green bike.
Short Yes, there is. Yes, there аrе.
1 Му friends (Х) pets at home.
Questions Са n l/you/he/she/itiwe/they .. .?
Short Yes, l/you/he/she/itiweithey can.
1 Complete the questions with /s there or Дrе there. anSWerS N о, l/you/he/she/it/we/they can't
тhеп write answers.
0 Аlе {hele any she[ves in уоur classroom? (/) . We use сол to ta[k about abi[ity.
Yеs. there Qrе" l сап р!ау football, but l сап't play tеппis,
1 а grееп pencil on the ftoor? (/)
2 , any maps оп the wal[s? (Х)
З any cinemas in уоur town? (/)
ý Write four sentences about the things you соп and
сап't do.
l сап't speak Frепсh, but l сап speak Епglish.
Дr*,,*i; s*;**flrr;es fl;,*# пilci, scl;*;il Hpuy ;i{rсц dp :iо|,,! l]|$r: lc}le lq,1,:1_:is:'
Ies" l't;; *ffgд flr*d. 1' i'it:, i'rп 1,1;t *{t*tз tirerl. l 5 ;11l qtil_зcs g l,:_1,; 1л г{с lcl1 l]_iý,
With оthеr vеrЬs iп the present simp[e, we put the 1 уоu and уоur friends / go / often / saiting l do l ?
Negative l'm (аm) not brushing my hair. ý Write complete sentences in the present
You/We/They aren't (are not) going
to school. (orYou/We/They're not 0 Му Ьrоthеr / make sandwiches at the moment.
going to schoo[.) мч brother's makinq srlndwich*s rlt the mопзепt,
He/She/lt isn't (is not) helping. (or 1 We / serve diппеr поw.
He/She/ lt's not helping.)
Questions Am l eating [unch? 2 l / not going to school this morning.
Are you/we/they making breakfast?
ls he/she/it drinking hot chocolate? 3 What/you make?
Short Yes,lam.
No, l'm not.
4 Му friends / not go cycling at the moment.
Yes, you/we/they аrе.
No, you/we/they aren't.
5 уоur best friend / sit next to you?
(or vou/we/they're not.)
l Yes, he/she/it is.
шо, ne7sne7it isn't. (or he/she/it's not.) Э Choose the correct words to complete the
| Sentences.
1 We пеуеr eat l 'rе печеr еаtiпg diппеr at
SPýLLl*S; -ftr€ F{lЁ*i а restaurant.
2 l go l 'm going swimming after school every day.
add -iпg
З Complete the sentences so they аrе true for you.
one-sy[[a Ь[е verbs ending getdressed+ getting 1 Fоr breakfast, l often
inaconsonant+avowe[ dressed
+ а consonant (except shop > shopping
w, х оr у): double the
2 Му friends and l sometimes
after schooI
consonant and add -iпg
З At the moment, my best friend
two-sy[[ab[e verbs ending Ьеgiп э Ьеgiппiпg
in а stressed vowel + а(but ореп ) орепiпg) 4 l'm
consonant: doubIe the and shoes today.
consonant and add -iпg 5 Оп Fridау afternoon, l usual[y
ln British English, we trovel > trovelling
double the final liп trovel (American English бl поW.
trоvеl > traveling)
After /ike, don't like, hоtе and Iоие, we use the -iпg form.
Му sister loves listening to rap.
@ / rеаitу love рlоуiлg the drums.
+ / love listening to the рiопо.
i / tike listening to rock musiс.
& Complete the table. Tick (rZ) the correct rules and write the -iпg form of the verbs in the last column.
verb only add -lл9 remove -е and add double the consonant | -iлg form
-iпg and add -и9 l
dance dапсiпg
get up
Э Complete the sentences with the -iл9 form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Му sister really loves (ptay) the guitar.
2 Му grandparents like (tive) in а big city.
3 Му dad loves (drive).
4 lquite tike (go)snowboardingwith myfamity.
5 Myfriends and l hate (wеаr)а schooluniform.
6 We don't tike (get up) ear[y.
ý Write sentences that are true for you with /йе, dоп't like, hate, loveand the words in brackets.
1 (go cycting) ! ;еа!!у love goiпg сус!!пg with mу {r!qцd5 ,
реýY ýýЖрtýа Жý&Жt-&Ж Wým&ý
ý complete the table with the past simple form of
the verbs in the Ьох.
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They ctimbed а mountain,
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They recorded ап aIbu m, eross die enjoy р[ап practise
. We use the past simple to tatk about things that shop stay study try waIk
happened in the past.
Lеопоrdо da viпсi painted the Мапа Lisa, we visited
The Рrоdа Мusечm iп Modild, climb* change),carry+ :рlауэ Stop +
. with rеgulаr verbs, the past simple vеrь ends in -ed ctimbed changed ,carried , ptayed Stopped
(See Spetting be[ow.) crassed
сlimЬ + climbed, сhапgе > changed, саrrу ) carried
verbs that end in -е: add -d сhапgе э changed , Complete the sentences with the past simple form
саrrу ) саrriеd of the verbs in the Ьох.
verbs that end in consonant
+ -у: change -у to -iand add
-ed ctimb finish [isten
stop ) stopped
ptay trу watch
one-syt[ab[e verbs ending in
aconsonant+avowel+a 1 Му friends footba[lyesterday.
consonant (except w, х or у),. 2l TV last night.
doub[e the consonant and 3 We to music in class.
add -ed 4 Му mum а mountain atthe weekend
two-sy[[ab[e verbs ending рrеfеr > preferred 5 Му famity Chinese food last week,
in а stressed vowe[ + а 6l my homework quick[y.
consonant: double the final
consonant and add -ed
lп British Eng[ish, we dtэu bte l trovel ) trovelled
the fina[1. | 1Лmеriсап
Engtish: travel+
I trоvеlеф
d shop?
+ (my friends and l / ptay)
Short Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they did.
anSWerS No, l/you/he/she/itlwe/they didn't. 5 (this c[ass / start)
р&ýт ýý&ýPLý: ýЖ&ý&&ýL&Ж Wýжжý Complete the sentences with the past
simple form of the verbs in the Ьох.
\\, SEE GRДlllМДR RЕtЕRЕl{СЕ, UlllT 5, РДSТ Sl]I|IPLE: buy сап get up
{{ RЕGUIдR чЕRвS, р&&ý ý4а give ride see
happened оr didn't hарреп in the past.
With regular verbs, the past simple vеrЬ ends in -ed.
Jack: Grеаt! l rеа[[у (enjoy)
wопt -> wanted, decide э decided, travel * travelled
With irregu[ar verbs, the past simp[e doesn't end in -ed. (See
Alice: ' ,,, ,, ,, , you (go)
irrеgu[аr vеrЬ list page 15В)
Jack: No, we З
(stay) in а
buy э bought, соmе э саmе, toke ,+ took
Alice: Whato,.,,,. ,,,,, you,
(do) every day?
& Complete the table with the missing words. Jack: lп the morning, w€ u..
(srлlim) in the sea, The beach
(Ье) very пеаr. lп the
lnfinitive Past simp[e lnfinitive Past simple afternoon, we' (visit)
0 different pIaces.
eat rrivе
{]ie а
Alice: Cooll Whеrе . ,,. ,,you
Went 1
са rriеd
ride 2
enjoy 8
Jack: We (have) breakfast
and dinner in the hote[.
SaW 9
l (take) а lot of
swim 4 10
took 11
watched Alice: Сап l see them?
Jack: Yes, of соursе.
Э Read the sentences and underline the irregu[ar past simple form
of the verbs. Then write the infinitive of the verbs.
З Do you have еvеrуопе l everything everywhere in your 4 Greg: Have you got drinks for the
bag? party?
4 Alberto: Yes, l bought some со[а.
Are you busy? l'm looking for someone something
sоmеwhеrе to waIk home with me,
l l Iikes со[а.
5 Where аrе уоUr friends? There's по опе l поthiпg
поwhеrе in the c[assroom.
6 Theydecided to gоSоrпеоле l something f sоmеwhеrе
пеаr а beach for their hotiday.
ujt еh€
е5е earring egg jacket
jewelIery ju ice make-up mitk money
photo рu rSе T-shirt waIlet
countable uncountable
biscuit cheese
4 l l bad singer / my class
\ъSЕЕ Gпдммдп пЕFЕпЕllGЕ, чillт ll, 5
// сOмрАRдтlчЕ ADJEGTIvES, sPELLIilG, реýЕ ý48
Му brother / good р[ауеr / his team
Positive фЬ
drink а lot of cola and lemonade
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They shou[d go to bed
eat а [ot of sweets and chocolate
eat healthy food
Negative sleep we[[
l/You/H e/Sh e/lt/We/They shou ldn't (shou ld not) watch а lot of TV
play tennis.
lf you wапt to keep fit апd heolthy, .
0 у_о_ц 5llо_цld dq s_роrt опd exercise.
What should l/you/he/she/it/we/they do? 1
Should l/you/he/she/it/we/they stop doing 2
Sports? 3
short апswеr 4
Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they shou ld.
No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they shouldn't.
ý Write complete questions with should. Тhеп write
short answers.
. We use should апd shouldn't to give advice. 0 l/ do the rасе? (/)
l've got а headoche. Yач should take some mеdiсiпе,
You shouldn'f lisfen to loud music.
Yes, чоч should.
. We use should to say something is а good idea. 1 my brother l buy а fast саr? (Х)
Му hапd hurts. You should ga to the dасtоr.
. We use shouldn'tto say something is а bad idea. 2 my friends / gо to bed eartier? (/)
l feel sick. You shouldn't eat апуthiпg.
. After should and shouldn't, we use the infinitive of 3 we / have а раrtу? (Х)
the vеrь without to.
Му leg hurts, You should rest апd you shouldn't walk.
(not yoa-sЫ*fo*est .. . уач-sЫаtтt+о-wЫ*)
ý Read the examples and write some advice with
should or shouldn't.
ý Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't.
1 John's got а temperature. Не go to
0 l don't feelwe[[. What shou[d l do?
yоч should qo to bed опd lie dоwп.
2 l hurt my foot. The doctor says l ptay
1 lt's mу mum's birthday next week. What shou[d l
footba[[ for three weeks.
buy hеr?
3 Му best friend didn't pass the exam. His teacher
thinks he study hаrdеr.
4 Did you say уоur back hurts? You gо
2 l've got ап ехаm tоmоrrоw. Shoutd l study а[[
swimming. lt's vеrу good fоr you.
5 Му sister [ost hеr smartphone yesterday. l think
she talk to the police.
6 То епtеr а rасе, you ,,,.,,,.. do exercise the day
3 l want to visit another country. Whеrе shou[d l go?
before the rасе.
А river goes thr*чg!э the tоwп. The cor pork is iп fraпt af the supermorket.
Тhrее bridges go ff{rasý the rivеr. The petrol station is appasite the librory.
The post office is fie,rrf trо the trаiп stotion. The restouront is певr the train stotion.
The trоiп station Ь &esi** the post office. The hospitalb o{.rfside the tоwп.
petrol station library
hospital tлiversity,
ý Е@жý к
hotel саfё
supermarket саr park
police station
post office
train station
& Look at the map of the town. choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 The swimming роо[ is пеоr f ocross the bus station.
2 То get to the train station, wa[k ocross l through the bridge.
З The university is opposite l nextto the tiЬrаrу.
4 The petrol station is beside l пеаrlhе university.
5 The cinema is opposite l nextto the rivеr.
6 There's а саr раrk iп frопt of l through the supermarket.
Х Look at the map again and complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох. Use each word
опсе only,
ý Read the questions and write true sentences about your town.
0 Where's уоur school? lt's пеа r mч house. aoaasite the pork.
реýY *&жYýжgý*ýý Write complete questions in the past
continuous. Тhеп write short answers
At 10 оm yesterday,
Positive l/He/She/lt was eating diппеr. 0 it / snow? (f)
You/We/They wеrе playing footba[[. Was it sпоlмiпq?
No it wаsп't.
Negative l/He/She/lt wasn't (was not) sleeping.
Yo,u/We/They (wеrе not) helping.
l уоur friends / ride their bikes? (/)
Questions What was l/he/she/it doing at 8 am?
What were you/we/they watching оп TV? 2 you / shop with уоur friends? (/)
Was l/he/she/it playing соmрutеr games?
Were you/we/they listening to music?
Short Yes, l/he/she/it was. 3 your mum / work? (Л)
anSWerS No, he/she/it wasn't.
Yes, you/we/they were.
No, you/we/they weren't. 4 l/haveashower?(X)
0 yesterday at 11 am l you l wеrе /
steeping / ?
Wеrе you s/eepinq yesterday ot 11 аm?
Э Choose the correct words to complete the sentences
Nо, l wasn't. / vtzos s at scllool.
1 At б pm, l wos doing l
were doing my homework. 1 wеrе / doing l you l at 8 am this
2 Му dad was cooking l
wеrе cookinq оur dinner. morning/whati?
3 Yesterday afternoon, we wаsп't рlоуiпg l wеrеп't ploying
4 Yesterday аftеrпооп, уоu lrosn't wеаriпg f wеrеп't 2 bIue socks / you / wеrе / wearing /
wеаriпg уоur new сар. yesterday / ?
5 Му friends wosn't having l wеrеп't hоviпg [unch at 1 pm.
6 We иzоs сlimЬiпg l wеrе climbing а tree on Saturday
morning. З after schoo[ yesterday/ watching / а
film / wеrе / you and your friends / ?
Complete the раrаgrарh with the past continuous form of
the verbs in the Ьох.
(fa tt).
Wlзеп the Ьоу {ell, he was looking at the elephants,
€ Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
Use the past simple or the past continuous.
, while before the past continuous.
The Ьоу fell whi|e he was looking of flie elep&oлfs.
0 When l woke up yesterday,
it luas rrзiпiпq.
Wtlilе the Ьоу иlas loaking af ffie еlер&олts, fie
1 When l got to schoo[, my friends
1 When the tеасhеr саmе l wos соmiпg into the
4 White lwas doing my homework,
classroom, we ployed l were рlауiпg cards.
2 She didn't call l wаsп't calling me whеп she
heord l was heoring а strange noise.
З White l got off l was getting off the bus, it
storted l was stortiпg to rаiп.
4 John arived l wos arriving whi[e my sister
mаdе l wos mаkiпg breakfast.
5 Му brother сlimЬ l was сlimЬiпq а tree when he
fell l was folling.
6 l didn't meet l wоsп't mееtiлg my teacher while
we shopped l wеrе shopping.
l'm (am) not going to do апу 4 Му dad / make l pizza.
I homework.
You/We/They аrеп't (are not) going 5 Му cousins / not visit / us next weekend.
to buy pizza.
He7sne7tt isn't (is not) going to win
I the
prize. а Comp[ete the paragraph with the going fo future
form ofthe verbs in the Ьох.
Questions Who аm l going to see?
What аrе you/we/they going to do
buy fty not gо not serve
Wr,"r" is he/she/it going to go?
stay travel watch work
j Am l goingto have fun? Next summer, l 0'm go_ing |о fly^ to Canada with my
family. We 1
Лrе you/we/they going to рhопе
| with оur friends. | 2
mе [ater?
а footba[[ shirt for my friend Jack because he
likes sport. We З
ls he/she/it going to te[[ Mum and
а footbal[ match with
him. l love travel[ing. When l'm 18, l 4
Short Yes, lam. No, l'm not. university. | 5 around the world. l 6
anSWerS Yes, you/we/they are. No, you/we/ in а shop in different countries but l ? food
they aren't. in а rеstаurапt. That's hаrd workl
Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn't
ý Complete the questions with the going to future
form ofthe verbs in brackets.
We use lhe going fo future to talk about our future
р[а ns. 1 What you апd уочr friends
l'rп going ta watch the сопсеrf this ечепiпg, (watch) on TV after school today?
We Bren't going to study пехt wееkепd, 2 What .., you ,.,.,,,. ..
(wеаr) tomorrow?
We usua[[y make our future p[ans before we use the З уоur mum (work) next
'going fo' futu re. Satu rday?
Whеrе ore you going to go лехt su mmеr? 4 Who уоu and yourfami[y (see)
Мчrп bought the tickets last week, We're Еоiпg to ybit at the weekend?
paris апd Веrliп" 5 уоur friends (trave[) to another
We often use futurе time phrases tike thb еvепiпg, соuпtrу next summеr?
tomorrow mоrпiпg, next sчmmеr,whеп /'m J8, etc.
with the going to future. when you're 18?
l'm gоiпg to travel иthеп l'm 18.
Му dad isn't gоiпg ta driче us to school toппorrow ý Write true answers to the questions in Exercise З.
mоrпiпg, 0 wе'rе qоiпq to ride ачr bikes
} WritesuggestionsusingShaI/...,Whydon'tweIWhynot...orLetЪ...andthewordsinthebox.
З Read the sentences, then write а suggestion using Sho/I , Whу don't we I Why поt or LеtЪ ...
1 lt's mу birthday tоmоrrоw.
й;й;;i;, - - ,;;;;;
5 Му dad dоп't have to wеоr l doesn't have to иzеоr а suit
at work. 3 й;; й;;Ё
6 You dоп'thоvе to make l doesn't hove to moke breakfast. уоur c[assmates (do) every day?
l can do it.
Э Comp[ete the sentences with the adverb form of the adjectives in the Ьох. Use each word опсе оп[у.
100-119 1