(Z Tranb) I W .: 'T: THE of Motion of in
(Z Tranb) I W .: 'T: THE of Motion of in
(Z Tranb) I W .: 'T: THE of Motion of in
It is instrucrive to solve the same problem by a direct formulation of the equation of equi-
librium. By equating the moment of all the forces about A to zeto) the vertical support reaction
at C is obtained as Wl2*HsinQ/Qcosg). The vertical and the horizontal reactions at A arc
W /2 - lHtan Sl /2 and H, respectiyely. Free-body diagrams can now be drawn for rods AB and
BC and are shown in Figure E2.4c.
The horizontal reaction at the hinge at B is obtained by considering the equilibrium of rod
BC and taking moments about E.
/W H \ a*&cosd
^: (z Tranb)i ,,"0
W * .blcor| * --a+b
: il@ (e)
The spring force X is equal to R.
Both the virtual displacement and the direct equilibrium solutions to the problem are based
on the assumption that the initial angie d which the leg AB makes with the horizontal does not
change appreciably with the application of the two forces.
In this simple example the advantage of using the method of virtual displacement is not at
once evident. We may note, howeveq that in direct formulation of the equation of equilibrium,
we had to determine the support reactions, even though they were of no interest to us. On the
other hand, these forces did not appear in our virn:al work equations, because the compatible
virtual displacements in the directions of the support reactions were zero. The possibility of
avoiding the determination of the forces of constraints can simplify the problem significantly
when the system being analyzed is complex.
The formulation of the equation of motion for each of the foregoing categories is
discussed in the following paragraphs.