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Stiffness Method-Express Local (Member) Force-Displacement Relationships in Terms of

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Stiffness method- Express local (member) force-displacement relationships in terms of

unknown member displacements. • Using equilibrium of assembled members, find unknown

displacements. • • Unknowns are usually displacements Coefficients of the unknowns are
"Stiffness" coefficients. Directly gives desired displacements and internal member forces • •
Easy to program in a computer..bettis theorm-Maxwell-Betti Law of real work is a basic
theorem in the structural analysis. Using this theorem, it will be established that the flexibility
coefficients in compatibility equations, formulated to solve indeterminate structures by the
flexibility method, form a symmetric matrix and this will reduce the number of deflection
computations. The Maxwell-Betti law also has applications in the construction of influence lines
diagrams for statically indeterminate structures. The Maxwell-Betti law, which applies to any
stable elastic structure (a beam, truss, or frame, for example) on unyielding supports and at
constant temperature, states:….flexibility influence coefficient-Flexibility influence coefficients for
simple beams in bending or torsion can be calculated easily using the following methods. The bending case i

considered first….The potential energy, U B, due to bending, in a beam, is

where the integration is carried out over the whole length of the beam, and..M is the bending moment as a function
of x;..x is the distance along the beam;E is the Young's modulus and..I is the second moment of area of the cross-


where   is the curvature. Eq. (B1) can also be written in the form:


If a load P is applied to the beam, Castigliano's first theorem states that the resulting displacement, at the same point,
and in the same direction, is y  P, where:




where m =   is the moment per unit load, and can be interpreted as the bending moment function due to a dummy
unit load at the point where the displacement, y, is required.
Equation (B5) can be used to calculate flexibility influence coefficients for simple beams in bending. Taking the
cantilevered beam shown in Fig. B1 as an example, suppose we require the flexibility influence coefficient ? 21,
which is defined as the displacement y at x 2 due to a unit load at x l. Figure B1 shows M, the bending moment
function due to the actual unit load...flexibility method-Convert the indeterminate structure to a determinate
one by removing some unknown forces / support reactions and replacing them with
(assumed) known / unit forces. • Using superposition, calculate the force that would be
required to achieve compatibility with the original structure. • Unknowns to be solved for are
usually redundant forces • Coefficients of the unknowns in equations to be solved are
"flexibility" coefficients. •procedure of flexibility md- 1) Determine the degree of statical
indeterminacy. In the present case it is one. Identify the reaction, which can be treated as redundant in
the analysis. In the present case RaorRb can be treated as redundant. Selecting as the redundant, the
procedure is illustrated. Subsequently, it will be shown how to attack the problem by treating as
redundant. 2) After selecting as redundant, express all other reactions in terms of the redundant . This
can be accomplished with the help of equilibrium equations..3..Now release the restraint corresponding
to redundant reaction . Releasing restraint in the present case amounts to removing the support at RB
B . Now on the resulting cantilever beam (please note that the released structure is statically
determinate structure), apply uniformly distributed load and the redundant reaction as shown in Fig.
7.2b. The released structure with the external loads is also sometimes referred as the primary structure.
w4) The deflection at B of the released structure (cantilever beam, in the present case) due to uniformly
distributed load and due to redundant reaction could be easily computed from any one of the known
methods (moment area method or unit load method). However it is easier to compute deflection at RB
B due to uniformly distributed load and in two steps. First, consider only uniformly distributed load and
evaluate deflection at RB B , which is denoted by as shown in Fig. 7.2c. Since is redundant, calculate the
deflection at ( ) ΔB 1 RB B due to unit load at B acting in the direction of and is denoted by RB ( ) ΔB In
the present case the positive direction of redundant and deflections are assumed to act upwards. For
the present case, ( ) ΔB 1 and ( ) ΔB 2 are given by, ( ) EI wL B 8 4 1 −=Δ (7.2a) and ( ) EI L B 3 3 2 −=Δ
(7.2b) From the principle of superposition, the deflection at B , ( ) ΔB , is the sum of deflection due to
uniformly distributed load ( ) ΔB 1 and deflection due to redundant . Hence, ( ) R ΔBB 2 RB r ( ) ( ) B B 1 R
ΔBB 2 Δ = Δ + (7.2c) 5) It is observed that, in the original structure, the deflection at B is zero. Hence the
compatibility equation can be written as, ( ) ( ) 0 1 2 B Δ=Δ B + R ΔBB = (7.3a) Solving the above equation,
the redundant can be evaluated as, RB ( ) ( )2 1 B B RB Δ Δ −= (7.3b) Substituting values of ( ) and ΔB 1 ( )
ΔB 2 , the value of is obtained as, RB 8 3wL RB = (7.3d) The displacement at B due to unit load acting at B
in the direction of is known as the flexibility coefficient and is denoted in this course by . RB BB a 6) Once
is evaluated, other reaction components can be easily determined from equations of statics. Thus, RB 8
2 wL M A = (7.4a) 8 5 8 3 wLwL A wLR =−= (7.4b).. 7) Once the reaction components are determined, the
bending moment and shear force at any cross section of the beam can be easily evaluated from
equations of static equilibrium. For the present case, the bending moment and shear force diagram

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