Cultural - Ethical Relativism
Cultural - Ethical Relativism
Cultural - Ethical Relativism
Critical Appraisal:
The difficulty in knowing what is morally
right or wrong is not actually RELATIVISM; it
is SKEPTICISM in the guise of relativism.
If there is difficulty in determining the
morality of a human act, does it follow that
we cannot find the answer/truth?
Situational Differences
The situations and life world of different people vary so
much that it is difficult to believe that same things that
would be right for one would be right for another.
Critical appraisal:
Situational differences tend to equate objectivism
with absolutism.
Objectivism is not the same with
absolutism, though some respects, they
might imply the same meaning.
Objectivism: truth can be attained
Absolutism: moral values or principles have no
Objectivism is not the same with
absolutism, though some
respects, they might imply the
same meaning.
Objectivism: truth can be attained
Absolutism: moral values or
principles have no exceptions
Florentino Timbreza:
Ethical relativism contradicts common
beliefs and ordinary experiences.