2D Animation Inbetween Drawings

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Review of the Past Lesson via short discussion about
clean-up drawing.

■ a. What are the step by step procedures to create

a Clean-up drawing?
■ b. What do you call the final drawing in a Finish
Goku VS Superman

Asking Questions

■  What can you say about the video I played earlier?

■ What do you call that kind of traditional animation?
■ What are the materials used to create that traditional
■ Who can explain how do the author create that animation?
What is Inbetweening?

■ It is the process of generating intermediate frames between two

images, called key frames, to give the appearance that the first
image evolves smoothly into the second image. Inbetweens are
the drawings which create the illusion of motion
■ C:\Users\MRXLWS\Desktop\flipbook.mp4
Why Traditional?

Traditional Animation and Computer

Generated Animation.
Dragon ball Super Goku vs Superman Fa
Using Adobe Flash, create a simple bouncing
ball that uses in between process.
  Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement
36 – 50 26 – 35 16-25 1-15

Following the All step by step procedure Almost all step by step Some step by step Step by step procedures
direction is well followed. procedure is well followed. procedure followed. are not followed

Use of Time Used time well during Used time well during Used time well (as shown Used time poorly (as
each class period (as most class periods (as by observation by teacher shown by observation by
shown by observation by shown by observation by and documentation of teacher and/or
teacher, and teacher, and progress in journal), but documentation of
documentation of documentation of required adult reminders progress in journal) in
progress) with no adult progress) with no adult on one or more occasions spite of several adult
reminders. reminders. to do so. reminders to do so.
Cooperation Worked cooperatively Worked cooperatively Worked cooperatively Worked cooperatively
with partner all the time with partner most of time with partner most of the with partners some of the
with no need for adult but had a few problems time, but had one time, but had several
intervention. that the team resolved problem that required problems that required
themselves. adult intervention.. adult intervention.

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