Additional Remarks:: ODL MDL BL Tv/Rbi
Additional Remarks:: ODL MDL BL Tv/Rbi
Additional Remarks:: ODL MDL BL Tv/Rbi
Lesson 2, Activity 4
Additional Remarks:
Check if already
Part of Lesson/Learning Tasks
present in the SLM (ex. Can be done via voice calls, can be
facilitated by a household partner, can be
done via a learning activity sheet, can be
presented via an internet-based resource, can
be facilitated during a synchronous learning
session, etc.)
6. State lesson objectives as guide for learners
Lesson Proper
1. Explain, model, demonstrate, and illustrate the √
concepts, ideas, skills, or processes that students
will eventually internalize
2. Help learners understand and master new √
3. Provide learners with feedback √
4. Check for learners' understanding √
After the Lesson
1. Wrap up activities √
2. Emphasize key information and concepts √
3. Ask the learners to recall key activities and √
concepts discussed
4.Reinforce what teacher has taught √
6. Transfer ideas and concepts to new situations