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Cannons of Law

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Canon 2036 §1.

Historical document, either written by hand, printed or impressed

on, with which the postulator of the virtues of the Servant of God, or the worship
of the one interrupted because the connection is the same I have done for he
intends to prove the antiquity of its judgment, not, become part of the process of,
and in the experts shall be examined by the men with him, and are to be transmitted
to the Sacred Congregation.

§ 2. But if any of these or the register office is to be reserved in the library,

from which can not be brought on my way, his rent is to be submitted, through
witness, in writing, a copy of the written form or in a restored photographies of
its authenticity by a notary, of a judgment seat.

§ 3. If even after that, indeed, it could be, it may be referred to the Sacred
Congregation, which will recognize one 's own experts it designates in order
the things where they are kept.

TITULUS XXIV: The process of beatification of Servants of God and not by way of

Canon 2037 §1. Persons who are in the process or the local Ordinaries right
personally or by delegates of the Holy See instruction, direction, namely judges,
promoter of faith and under-promoters, notary and associate to the beginning of
each process according to the formula Congregation prescribed an oath of fulfill
their office faithfully, as far as concerning the secret is to be kept of any kind
whatsoever to the process of the publication and not taking what belongs to one of
those gifts.
§ 2. The Ordinary, even if it does not act the role of the judge is bound by the
oath to carry out, however, a pleasure, a secret to be kept.
§ 3. Not only did the secrecy oath to witnesses must also, without exception or
manager, to tell the truth before they are interrogated about the truth of life
after making an inquiry; experts, translators, Revisores and a secretary, a task
well, with the experience before, conversion from one language into another,
revision, transcription own; a task he fulfilled their experience after the
completion of the conversion, transcription, revision. It also provides the oath of
office to faithfully fulfill runner or message.
§ 4. Postulatores and vice postulators afford to take an oath of insult or swear to
tell the truth, the whole process if no fraud increase.
§5. It belongs to the Sacred Congregation, that they take an Oath is concerned, the
provisions of the law of the same proper to it.

Chapter 1: The whole process from ordinary instructing its own right

Canon 2038 §1. The introduction of the cause of beatification for the Servant of
God, from the Offices of the Apostolic as their own possession, should be seen in
the right of the evidence produced in the purity of the doctrine of his writings,
which the joyful effects of his reputation of holiness, virtues and miracles or
martyrdom, the peremptory time of the absence of any obstacle that may seem; has
been furnished to the same does not, however, of the worship of the public soon. §
2. Why the behest of the postulator ordinary, if the request is not admissible to
do so, must: 1 o writings of the Servant of inquiry 2 o informative process to
instruct the reputation of sanctity, after the virtues or martyrdom, the cause of
martyrdom and miracles 3 o the deployment process on the cult. Canon 2039 §1. To
this the Ordinary of the place in which the Servant of God, is the highest of the
last day for the competent body, or that she worked has seen; who, however, that
his opinion was to instruct himself to go by it should not be, if it is the nation
that is the Servant of God. § 2. Since ancient process exists on the reputation of
sanctity or martyrdom thirty years old, but the cause of the Holy See, before the
introduction of administering the law for whatever reason it gets left at the same
ordinary or their successors to complete the informational process belongs to the
continuation of the reputation of holiness or of martyrdom.

Canon 2040 §1. The Tribunal must be satisfied that the president, who is himself in
person or through ordinary priest assigned to, and in the second case the two other
judges from the Ordinary choosing between judges synodates. § 2. Ordinary stairs
decision to designate a president, whether it is the task assigned to reserve or
assigned with two other judges named the promoter of the faith, and the notary, by
a decree of the same name.

Canon 2041 §1. Sessions are to be officials of the tribunal for the examination of
the witnesses shall be an oath, and are received in a day, he should be remembered
that, as far as possible, in the time and in the place of the holy place. § 2.
After each session acts should be sealed closed and sealed by the judge, not to be
opened until the following session, after the judge recognized that the seal intact
and untouched; If the seal is intact and untouched to find a judge to convey to the
Sacred Congregation. Art. 1: Gathering seciptorum Servant of God. 2042.
unpublished writings of the Servant of God can come not only works, but even of
those which has already been published have been impressed upon us; item no
sermons, letters, diaries, autobiographiae time has elapsed or who is himself by
himself, or by others so exaraverit. Canon 2043 §1. An edict to all the parishes
and even in public with the Ordinary, if it be possible, or at some other suitable
by the way, made known to all the writings of the Servant of God, from the obvious
to the power of which may be handed over to the tribunal to order that, in the mind
the behavior of, and the prescriptions of the can.2023-2025, and urges it.
§ 2. If a case of God, for the sake of religion, is not an ordinary also be issued
for each individual religious houses; These things are bound to the serious
obligation to see to it that there be no publication of the Superiors, and if one
has the express mention of the prescription of can. 2025, § 2, as well as all the
subjects that have been written for confirmation.

§ 3. The role of the promoter of the faith, the proclamation made public even in
places where there is hope that they will find someone who has read anything from
within himself.

Canon 2044 §1. Ordinary, not only upon the request of the postulator, but also the
duty of carefully written are true. § 2. When a diocese is found to be written in
a foreign country, the judge is to ask the Ordinary of that diocese, that they may
come to himself, he did it to examine, together with the norm of law and the acts
are to be sent to the. Canon 2045 §1. If one of the owners of the autographa to
retain the wish to remain united, and their finish off the apographum an authentic
certificate of the notary takes care of himself, to the Sacred Congregation is to
be transmitted, together with the process of the. § 2. In matters concerning the
access to their writings in the library, or the register office asservata, must
abide by the provisions of can. 2036, par.par. 2 and 3
And 2046. The notary is the number of writers, the quality of as well as Canon may
describe it carefully, as well as all the acts of discovery of these; Further, as
to what must be signed by the ordinary or his delegate and the promoter of the
faith of the ordinary seal.

Canon 2047 §1. The postulator of the oath before the ordinary sending out written
investigation had to be done carefully, and then carefully about the same
distances. § 2. If it is a question of the servants of God, which is to the
establishing of a religious not divine, the supreme authority of religion
Moderatrix or the consent of the superior of the monastery, take an oath with one
accord him show himself to careful preparation of the writers, a further
investigation been supplied, all the things which he possessed the Servant of God
has published writings which they enjoyed, they are not consistent to take any of
their citizens, or to other persons of the same Servant of God has published
writings still retain. 2048. If it can cause some martyr written investigation can
also be sealed after the commission of the introduction of the cause within the
congregation, according to instructions from the promoter of the faith in general
for that matter any size. Art. 2: The informative process.

Can 2049. Processus informativus per Ordinarios instruitur; et si inchoatus non

fuerit intra triginta annos a morte Servi Dei, ut ad ulteriora procedi possit, In
any case, must be approved by fraud or deceit or culpable negligence trial. Canon
2050 §1. On the witness on the reputation of holiness and martyrdom and miracles
can be observed. 2019, 2020. § 2. It is not necessary that there is proof in the
form of the virtues, martyrdom, his miracles, but it is enough desire to prove that
the report in general, spontaneous, not by the art, or after making ordinary effort
has been established, to arise from the honest and serious persons, and continuous,
in the day of the past and from the law in force in the present, amongst the
greater part of the people. § 3. The foregoing general questions Can. 1774,
witnesses a problem in the first place, the judge is proposed, what is the life,
virtues, miracles or martyrdom of the Servant of God, to their knowledge come and
how she can see and whether they know about the same as public report, and then
questioned about the interrogatories from the promoter faithfully and postulator
joints displayed. The promoter of the faith, 2051. I acquitted, but that he is
unable to process all can come to himself, lift up the informative letters which
are mentioned in Can. 2025, spent examined and it is established that they were out
of the can. 2023-2025. By means of the witnesses shall be the Tribunal of all
persons, whether with an examination of the evidence by 2052. Canon has judged to
have been collected over to the exhibition and all written laws, or by the
documents of the Servant of God, which an individual could not, in the acts to be,
having heard the promoter of the faith, to notify the postulator so that, if the
other attributes, for he may offer both brought within a certain period of time,
this time, the processing end is imposed.

The promoter of the faith, and have not objected, the Canon 2053., by order of the
judge, the notary is not published to the process; the secretary from the court
designated by transcribing expressed.

Canon 2054. The copy of the process, or, as they say, a certified copy, exactly as
it happened containing the Archetype, the hand of be transcribed.

Canon 2055. was acquitted, and a certified copy of it, so be made with the original
by a notary, and from him, in addition, its bestowal, in the presence of one of the
judges, and to the promoter of the faith; which connection has been completed, to
the as well as proof of the authenticity of the transcript has been the signature
of the notary as well as their own, and with the seal of a certified copy of the
judge, and the promoter of the faith community.

Canon 2056 §1. After the gathering, the archetypal closed and sealed carefully
guarded and protected in the archive will never be disclosed without the permission
of the Holy See. § 2. The transcript of the notary is to draw the truth of the
matter is closed, and sealed up by the seal of the Ordinary of the instrument in
the Lord and for this we duplicate is to be promptly carried out, and the other to
Rome to be transmitted, the other in the archive of the curia.
ART. III: Of course the absence of cult.

Can 2057. The tribunal proposed witnesses in addition to the postulator two other
leads from the office to ask whether all of the Server public culture have ever
been made available.
Can 2058. Tribunal adeat praeterea et diligenter inspiciat sepulcrum Servi Dei,
cubiculum in quo habitavit vel obiit, et si qua sint alia loca ubi cultus signa
adesse merito quis suspicari possit.

Can 2059. Si in processus decursu non levia habeantur indicia cultus interea Servo
Dei praestiti, munus esto promotoris fidei instare ut ulterior inquisitio hac de re

Can 2060. Tribunal debet sententia definire utrum cultus Servo Dei fuerit
praestitus, necne.

ART. IV: De transmissione processus scriptorum Servi Dei, processus informativi et

de non cultu ad Sacram Congregationem

Can 2061. Ordinarius statim ac expleverit perquisitionem scriptorum, ea Romam una

cum processiculo mittat diligentiarum, idest cum iuridica relatione diligentiarum
quibus in perquirendis scriptis usus est.

Can 2062. Si post perquisitionem scriptorum Servi Dei alia in decursu causae
reperiantur, ea statim ad Sacram Congregationem transmittenda sunt, nec ad
ulteriora procedi potest, nisi prius revisa fuerint.

Can 2063 §1. Transumptum processus informativi Ordinarius postulatori tradat ad

Sacram Congregationem transmittendum.
§2. Una cum transumpto mittat quoque litteras tum iudicum ad Sacram Congregationem
tum promotoris fidei ad Promotorem fidei generalem, ut Sacra Congregatio certior
fiat tum de fide testibus praestanda tum de omnibus actis legitime absolutis.
§3. Transmittat quoque Ordinarius descriptionem formae sigilli, quo transumptum
obsignavit, vel eiusdem sigilli exemplar.

Can 2064. Item Ordinarius expletum processum de non cultu ad Sacram Congregationem
per postulatorem transmittat.

CAPUT II: De causae introductione apnd Sacram Congregationem

ART. I: De revisione scriptorum.

Can 2065. Statim ac scripta Servi Dei Romam transmissa fuerint, sunt illa quidem
examini subiicienda; sed Sacra Congregatio debet opportune investigare utrum,
praeter exhibita, alia quoque Servi Dei scripta sive a privatis custodita sive in
publicis archivis consignata exstent.

Can 2066 §1. Revisores scriptorum in singulis causis deligantur a Cardinali

Ponente, audito Promotore generali fidei; eorumque nomina secreto serventur.
§2. Ad hoc munus adsciscantur sacerdotes qui laurea saltem in theologia vel, si
religiosi fuerint, aequivalenti titulo sint donati.

Can 2067 §1. Scripta Servi Dei tradantur a secretario revisoribus ad id munus
adscitis ita ut singulorum scriptorum examen fiat a duobus revisoribus, quorum
alter alteri sit ignotus.
§2. Nihil obstat, si scriptorum Servi Dei numerus ingens sit, quominus ea in
plures partes dividantur, quarum unaquaeque distinctis revisoribus tradatur.

Can 2068 §1. Iudicium revisorum debet referre num in scriptis aliquid habeatur quod
fidei ac bonis moribus adversetur, et edocere generali quadam ratione quaenam
indoles, quinam virtutum habitus vel defectus ex scriptis appareant propria fuisse
Servi Dei.
§2. Hoc iudicium revisores scripto proferant, argumentis et rationibus suffultum.
Can 2069. Si quando iudicia revisorum discrepent, designetur ad normam can. 2066
tertius revisor, qui munus suum eodem modo expleat.

Can 2070. Promotor generalis fidei obiectiones ex scriptis Servi Dei ac revisorum
iudicio desumptas, si quas habeat, Patribus Cardinalibus discutiendas proponat.

Can 2071. Si quid in scriptis Servi Dei fidei non omnino consonum contineri certo
fuerit demonstratum aut aliquid habeatur quod in praesenti fidelium offensioni esse
possit, Romanus Pontifex, audito Patrum Cardinalium voto et perpensis omnibus casus
circumstantiis, decidit num ad ulteriora procedi possit.

Can 2072. Favorabile Romani Pontificis iudicium non secumfert scriptorum

approbationem, neque impedit quominus Promotor generalis fidei et consultores
possint aut debeant in discussione virtutum obiectiones ex scriptis Servi Dei
desumptas proponere.

ART. II: De discussione processus informativi.

Can 2073. Processus informativus ab Ordinario confectus et Romam transmissus,

postquam sigillorum integritas recognita fuerit a Protonotario Sacrae
Congregationis, si nihil obstet, accedente Romani Pontificis speciali decreto,
aperiatur coram Cardinali Praefecto Sacrae Congregationis qui eum cancellario
transcribendum committat.

Can 2074. Cardinalis Ponens curet ut, si opus sit, per interpretem probatum versio
processus in Urbe fiat, quae postea revisoris examini subiiciatur.

Can 2075. Transumptum processus ab Ordinario missum in tabulario Sacrae

Congregationis asservetur; eiusque exemplar a cancellario ad iuris praescriptum
recognitum postulatori tradatur.

Can 2076 §1. Advocatus et procurator transumpti vel, si plura sint, omnium
transumptorum summarium conficiant et informationem quae summario adnectatur.
§2. Summario addi debet fides Sub-promotoris generalis fidei testantis summarium
ipsum concordare cum actis Sacrae Congregationi exhibitis.

Can 2077. Litterae postulatoriae, quibus personae insigniores in dignitate sive

ecclesiastica sive civili constitutae vel personae morales expostulant a Summo
Pontifice ut causae beatificationis alicuius Servi Dei manus apponatur, utiliter
exhibentur, dummodo sponte et ex propria scientia datae sint.

Can 2078. Si, scriptis perpensis, decretum fuerit ad ulteriora procedi posse,
Promotor generalis fidei obiectiones suas exaret contra causae introductionem,
quibus respondeat advocatus causae.

Can 2079 §1. Fidei Promotor generalis obiectionibus ab ipso pro causae
introductione concinnandis praemittat sobriam et perspicuam synopsim, quae Servi
Dei vitam exhibeat.
§2. Ad hanc synopsim conscribendam adhibeat non modo documenta in summario relata,
sed etiam alia, si qua sint, opportune consulenda.

Can 2080. Obiectiones et responsiones breviter et perspicue, scholastica fere

methodo, secundum veteres Sacrae Congregationis consuetudines, exarentur.

Can 2081. Informationes orales non solum ad iudices, sed etiam ad eos omnes qui
suffragium ferre debent, tam in isto iudicio quam in ceteris, quae secutura sunt,
Can 2082. Iudicium circa valorem processus informativi ab Ordinario instructi,
circa famam sanctitatis vel martyrii et circa absentiam cuiuslibet obstaculi
peremptorii profertur a Patribus Cardinalibus in comitiis ordinariis, Cardinali
Ponente referente ac proponente dubium: an signanda sit commissio introductionis
causae in casu et ad effectum de quo agitur.

Can 2083 §1. Si Patrum Cardinalium iudicium fuerit favorabile, proponatur

Sanctissimo ut signet, si placeat, commissionem introductionis causae.
§2. Si Sanctissimus commissionem signaverit, Secretarius Sacrae Congregationis hac
de re decretum conficiat et publici iuris faciat.

Can 2084 §1. Edito decreto introductionis causae, Ordinarii nihil ultra circa eam
agere possunt sine expressa licentia Sacrae Congregationis.
§2. Servum Dei, cuius causa introducta tantum est, venerabilis titulo decorari
prohibitum est; et caveant postulatores ne occasione introductionis causae quidquam
fiat in honorem Servi Dei, quod publicum cultum redoleat.

ART. III: De discussione processus super non cultu.

Can 2085. Signata commissione introductionis causae, a Patribus Cardinalibus in

comitiis ordinariis particularibus discutiendum est dubium num confirmanda sit
sententia de non cultu ab Ordinario prolata. Si sententia Patrum Cardinalium cultum
praestitum fuisse edixerit, eorundem Patrum arbitrio, omnibus circumstantiis
attentis, causa suspendatur quousque omnia signa vetiti cultus remota fuerint, et
haec obedientia ad certum tempus, ab ipsis Patribus statuendum, fuerit praestita.

Can 2086 §1. Si Ordinarius processum super non cultu nondum confecerit ante causae
introductionem, ad eundem processum deveniendum est auctoritate apostolica.
§2. Ad hunc finem fidei Promotor generalis interrogatoria exaret quae una cum
litteris remissorialibus, de quibus in can. 2087 seqq., a Sacra Congregatione
expediuntur ad iudices ab ipsa designatos.
§3. Quando agitur de martyribus, in quorum causa Ordinarius omiserit processum
super non cultu instruere ante causae introductionem, litteris remissorialibus ad
conficiendum processum super martyrio et causa martyrii addatur commissio ad
colligendas probationes super non cultu una cum peculiaribus interrogatoriis a
fidei Promotore generali propositis.

CAPUT III: De processibus apostolicis

ART. I: De processu apostolico instruendo.

Can 2087 §1. Edito decreto de non cultu, impetrentur a Summo Pontifice et
expediantur a Cardinali Praefecto litterae remissoriales, quas vocant, ad
instruendum processum apostolicum tum super fama sanctitatis, miraculorum aut
martyrii, tum super virtutibus et miraculis in specie vel super martyrio eiusdemque
§2. Hi duo processus distincte fiant; sed primus omitti potest, si Cardinali
Praefecto et Promotori fidei generali nec necessarium nec opportunum videatur de
continuatione famae iterum inquirere.
§3. Signata commissione et nondum edito decreto de non cultu, si periculum sit ne
quidam oculati testes interim deficiant, concedantur statim litterae remissoriales
ad instruendum processum apostolicum super virtutibus et miraculis in specie vel
super martyrio eiusdemque causa, ne pereant probationes.

Can 2088 §1. Litterae remissoriales dentur ad quinque saltem iudices, in

ecclesiastica dignitate, si fieri potest, constitutos.
§2. Si inter iudices cooptatus fuerit Ordinarius, ipse praesidem agat; secus
praeses ab ipsa Sacra Congregatione designatur; expedit autem ut saltem praeses non
sit idem ille qui praefuit in informativo processu.
§3. Si agatur de processu super miraculis, nominetur praeterea unus saltem
peritus, qui sessionibus tribunalis adsit et iudicem rogare possit ut necessarias
interrogationes testibus proponat ad maiorem assequendam verborum rerumque

Can 2089. Litteris remissorialibus addantur peculiares litterae Promotoris

generalis fidei, quibus duos sub-promotores designet qui eius nomine processui

Can 2090. Interrogatoria conficiantur a Promotore generali fidei super

obiectionibus in causae introductione agitatis et super testimoniis receptis in
processu informativo ad normam can. 2050, itemque super extraiudicialibus
informationibus, quas ipse exquirendas existimaverit, adhibita quoque opera periti,
si de miraculis agatur.

Can 2091 §1. Litterae remissoriales tradantur causae postulatori qui eas ad
delegatum praesidem tribunalis transmittendas curet.
§2. Una simul mittantur ad aliquem ex sub-promotoribus, clausa et non aperienda
nisi in actu examinis, interrogatoria, super quibus qui inducentur testes, sint

Can 2092. Iudices delegati, antequam muneris obeundi initium faciant, Ordinario
ostendant litteras delegationis, qui debet eisdeni praestare auxilium auctoritatis

Can 2093 §1. Receptis litteris remissorialibus, praeses tribunalis curet quantocius
tribunal convocare et nunquam hanc convocationem differat ultra trimestre, nisi
iustum intercedat impedimentum, de quo tamen intra idem tempus Sacram
Congregationem monere ne omittat.
§2. Tribunal in ipsa prima sessione eligat notarium, eius adiunctum, peritum, si
casus ferat, et cursorem, ac de eiusmodi electione fidem faciat notarius Curiae.

Can 2094. Quamvis omnes, ad quos remissoriales litterae datae sunt, adesse possint
singulis processus apostolici sessionibus, ad validitatem tamen sufficit ut adsint
praeses cum duobus iudicibus vel ipso annuente et absente, tres alii iudices,
itemque unus ex sub-promotoribus fidei, notarius vel adiunctus.

Can 2095. Processus saltem intra biennium, computandum a die aperitionis

litterarum, absolvendus est; quo biennio elapso, cum processus continuari nequeat
sine venia Apostolicae Sedis, Sacra Congregatio moneatur de impedimentis ob quae
apostolicum mandatum non fuerit ad exitum perductum.

Can 2096. Antequam absolvatur processus apostolicus super virtutibus in specie,

fiat a tribunali recognitio iuridica exuviarum Servi Dei secundum praescripta
litterarum remissorialium.

Can 2097 §1. In transcriptione, collatione et Romam transmissione exemplaris

actorum originalium serventur quae supra can. 2054-2056, 2063 pro informativo
processu praescripta sunt.
§2. Processus exhibeatur, aperiatur et transcribatur apud Sacram Congregationem ad
normam can. 2073-2075.

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