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VOL. 15, NO.

15, AUGUST 2020 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2020 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Ahmed Faize, Gamil Alsharahi and Mohammed Hamdaoui
Department of Physics, Polydisciplinary Faculty of Nador, Mohammed First University, Morocco
Applied Mathematics and Information Systems Laboratory, Morocco

Ground-penetrating Radar (GPR) is a modern and widely used technology that works to detect buried objects and
study surfaces using a non-destructive method by transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves. This work aims to
model radar GPR signals to detect human bodies under the rubble resulting from earthquakes, wars, etc. by the GprMax2d
program, which depends on the method FDTD. Many models and simulations have been done using the 500 MHz
frequency to detect human bodies, relying on the physical properties of human tissue, such as conductivity and dielectric.

Keywords: earthquake, ground penetrating radar, simulation, detection, human body.

1. INTRODUCTION detection tool for buried human bodies under rubble

The GPR is a non-destructive method and it is caused by an earthquake for example.
based on the use of high-frequency electromagnetic
waves, including reflection or diffraction that allows the 2. HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTION
detection of buried objects. GPR radar appeared at the beginning of the
The possibility of detecting buried objects, to twentieth century. Since the 70s, it is used for the
localize the structures, and to determine the nature of the exploration of the subsoil in several research fields such as
subsurface has always fascinated the word of research and the detection of landmines [2], geology [3], civil
engineering. However, there is no universal technique able engineering [4], glaciology [5] [6] and archeology [7].
to provide easy answers and accurate information’s on the To date, they are several manufacturers selling
geophysical component of the soil, as well as on their different types of Radars whose applications depend
spatial distribution. The existing approaches include mainly on their optimizations. These optimizations can be
seismic methods, methods of electrical resistivity and performed on the handling of the device and its
induced polarization techniques generally referred to accessories. However, the performance of the GPR radar
imaging of the near-surface [1]. is limited by several parameters of various origins [8].
GPR is an interesting device that can allow a non- The objective of this work is to perform some
destructive auscultation of the underground without any simulations of GPR signals, on the body whose
excavation. It is based on the use of high-frequency characteristics are those of a human tissue, buried in a
electromagnetic waves, including reflection or diffraction dielectric medium. These simulations were performed
that allows the detection of buried objects. using the software GprMax2D [9], which is based on the
Within the context of this work, we are interested finite difference time domain (FDTD)
in the use of an imaging method based on the propagation The FDTD stands out for its simplicity of
of electromagnetic waves emitted and recorded on a implantation and flexibility of adaptation [10] [12]. In
sensor. The GPR emits high-frequency waves in the 1996, Yee [11] proposed the foundation of this technique
direction of the subsoil, whose ratings range from 10 MHz and several improvements have been made so far. The
to 2.6 GHz. Detecting and/or location through the soil is FDTD numerical method allows the resolution of
highly needed to see the content of the soil without Maxwell’s equations in a volume of three-dimensional
destruction or excavation. It will be, then, possible to draw calculation. The code for scientific computing software
diagrams of the subsoil and to locate searched objects. GprMax, which we used for simulations of GPR signals, is
In this work, we studied the possibility of using based on this method.
GPR for detecting human targets under the rubble caused Modeling was an integral part of the
by an earthquake. Results were obtained after simulating interpretation of geophysical data. Early work on
some models whose dielectric characteristics are those of numerical modeling for electromagnetic problems, can be
human tissues. The models studied are assumed to be attributed to the early 70 [12], several methods have been
buried under construction debris. The simulation is proposed to simulate the signals received by the GPR.
performed using GprMax software, whose calculations are Recently several approaches have been used to solve
based on the finite difference time domain (FDTD). Our Maxwell’s equations to model the signals captured by the
results revealed that the use of GPR as a tool to detect the GPR [2]. The results of the simulations used in this work
human target, existing eventually under rubble containing are obtained using the software GprMax (cited above) as
some level of iron will be very difficult and even images called radar-grams.
impossible. However, in the absence of conductive
substances such as iron remains GPR may be useful as a

VOL. 15, NO. 15, AUGUST 2020 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2020 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

spatial increment ∆x = ∆y = ∆l = = 0.0115 m. The
The operating principles of GPR are as follow: a 10
total simulated length is 3.3 m x 2.0 m, which corresponds
transmitting antenna sends into the ground pulses of a very
to 300 x 182 cells ((3.3/∆x) x (2.0/∆x)).
short time, at different frequencies ranging, according to
the antenna used (from 20 MHz to 2 GHz). These pulses
cause a wave front that propagates through the medium
The simulations carried out on a body, with
investigated. When the waves encounter an obstacle, with
dielectric characteristics of a human tissue, are presented
different dielectric properties on the initial propagation
in Figure-2 (a) shows buried human body under the sand,
medium, part of their energy is reflected, while the other
which is considered as a homogenous medium. Its
continues its spread to the depth of soil. The reflected
radargram (presented right side) shows hyperbolas, which
waves are captured on the surface, by the receiving
reveal its existence in this area. Figure-3 shows the same
antenna, and passes into an acquisition system where the
body buried under rubble composed with a mixture of
signal is sampled and stored as digital data at the central
sand, stones and wall (en brick), which covered
processing unit, which is part of the GPR equipment.
completely the considered body. On its radar-gram, in the
An example of 2D acquisition is shown
same figure and at the same location, the hyperbola is still
schematically in Figure-1. The radar system, represented
visible. However, when the body is buried under a mixture
by two antennas (T: transmitter and R: receiver), is
of sand, stones and iron bar, the hyperbolas disappear
deployed on the surface along a horizontal profile (Figure-
1a). Figure 1b shows the registration of the propagation
As a conclusion, the use of GPR as a tool to
time of electromagnetic waves according to the position of
detect the human target, existing eventually under rubble
the GPR device used. The hyperbola which is observed in
composed of reinforced concrete (high percentage of iron)
this figure is an extremely important index, because it
will be very difficult and even impossible. However, in the
gives, in general, information on the location of buried
absence of conductive substances such as iron remains
GPR may be useful as a detection tool for buried human
bodies under rubble caused by an earthquake for example.

(a) (b)
Figure-2. B scan of GPR signals obtained using
GprMax2D, Simulated human body buried (𝜀𝑟 = 53, 𝜎 =
1.43 𝑆/𝑚 ) under sand.

Figure-1. Diagram of the signals received by the GPR.

The medium used for our simulation corresponds
to a homogeneous medium; which is dry sand with
dielectric properties(𝜀𝑟 = 3 et 𝜎 = 0.0001 𝑆/𝑚 ). This
medium contains a simulated model of human being
tissues with dielectric characteristics (𝜀𝑟 = 53, 𝜎 =
1.43 𝑆/𝑚 ) . The signals refracted by this model were
simulated and analyzed using the software GprMax2D, for
the central frequency of 500 MHz. This frequency
corresponds to a wavelength directed in the simulated (a) (b)
c 3.108 Figure-3. B scan of GPR signals obtained using
medium: λ = = = 0.115 m.
3f√εr 3.500.106 .√3
GprMax2D, Simulated human body buried (𝜀𝑟 = 53, 𝜎 =
An example of the geometrical model used for 1.43 𝑆/𝑚 ), under a mixture of sand, wall and stones.
modeling of the radar signal refracted from human body
buried at 0.4 m depth. Each signal emission and signal
reflection is recorded during a period of 45 ns with a

VOL. 15, NO. 15, AUGUST 2020 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2020 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

(a) (b)
Figure-4. B scan of GPR signals obtained using
GprMax2D, Simulated human body buried (𝜀𝑟 = 53, 𝜎 = (c)
1.43 ) under a mixture of iron still, sand and stones.

In Figures 5 and 6, we will simulate the detection

of human bodies in circular and rectangular forms
respectively buried in concrete using code developed with
GprMax2d and Matlab.

Figure-5. (a) model detection human body as form
circular (b) B-scan, (c) B-scan after removing the
noise and (d) amplitude of the signal (Ez).




VOL. 15, NO. 15, AUGUST 2020 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2020 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.

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