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Stress at u/s= 1219.265/*(1-0.348) 24.928 t/sq.

Stress at d/s= 1219.265/*(1+0.348) 51.539 t/sq.m

Stability Analysis of CONCRETE DAM-(NOF-block) (BM)

Factor of safety againgt sliding:

 (wu)tanø CA 
F 
   P
 Fø Fc 

F= factor of safety against sliding
w= Total mass of the dam = 1505.91 t/m
u= Total uplift force = 390.75 t/m
tan ø = Coefficient of internal friction of the material 0.7813
C= Cohesion at contact between rock and concrete 105
A= area under consideration for cohesion
Fø= partial factor of safety in respect of friction 1.5
Fc= partial factor of safety in respect of cohesion 3.6
P= Total horizontal force 740.1

For load combination B, take Fø = 1.5 and Fc = 3.6

So, factor of safety = 2.04

1160.8 6.0m

W4 1152.8

1149.9 W5


Hs W1 w2 W3 6.75m 1131

W6 Hw2


2.790m 6.00m 23.1m

Load combination C:
Reservoir at MWL, normal uplift, without eathquake, Max. TWL

Wt/force Lever arm Moments

(1). Self Weight 1505.91 t/m 17487.6

(2). Weight of water:

(a). Water at MWL
W4 = 8.29999999999995*2.79000000000001*1
23.16 t/m 1.395m 32.3
W5 = 0.5*2.79000000000001*27.9000000000001*1
38.92 t/m 0.930m 36.2
(B). Water at Max. TWL
W6 = 0.5*9*6.75*1 30.38 t/m 29.640m 900.3
Total weight = 92.45 t/m 968.8

(3). Water pressure:

Hw1 = 0.5*36.2*36.2*1 655.220 t/m 12.067m 7906.3
Hw2 = 0.5*9*9*1 40.50 t/m 3.00m 121.5
Net pressure = 614.720 t/m 7784.8

(4). Silt pressure 140.11 1303.05834

Stability Analysis of CONCRETE DAM-(NOF-block) (BM)
(5). Silt weight 36.0014625 33.48

(6). Uplift pressure (Normal):

U1 = 31.89*9*1 287.01 t/m 15.945m 4576.374

U2 = 4.79000000000001*9.067*1 43.43 t/m 2.40m 104.013
U3 = 0.5*27.1*9.067*1 122.85 t/m 13.82m 1698.243
U4 = 0.5*4.79000000000001*18.133*143.43 t/m 1.60m 69.342

Total uplift pressure = 496.72 t/m 6447.972

4.79m 27.10m

18.067m U1 9.00m

U2 U3

Net vertical force = 1137.64 t/m

Net moments = 21129.77

x= 21129.766/1137.641 18.573 m
e= 15.945-18.573 -2.628 m
6e/b = -0.494

Stress at u/s= 1137.641/31.89*(1-0.494) 18.051 t/sq.m

Stress at d/s= 1137.641/31.89*(1+0.494) 53.297 t/sq.m

For load combination C, take Fø = 1.5 and Fc = 3.6

Permissible tensile stress = 0.01xfc = 0.01x1500 15 t/sq.m
FOS against Sliding = 1.93

Load combination D:
Combination A, with earthquake Eq. force acting from D/S to U/S

(1). Self weight 1505.91 t/m Moments = 17487.6

(2). Horizontal earthquake Force: =0.6 x w x ah

Where, w = weight of the element (t/m)

H1 = 0.6*93.4092000000006*0.126.7254624 t/m
H2 = 0.6*558.719999999999*0.12 40.22784 t/m
H3 = 0.6*853.78*0.12 61.472 t/m

Total force = 108.425 t/m

Moments = 0.9 x w x h x ah
Mb = 0.9*93.4092000000006*9.3*0.12 93.8
Mb = 0.9*558.719999999999*19.4*0.12 1170.6
Mb = 0.9*853.78*10.267*0.12 946.7

Total = 2211.1
(3). Vertical earhquake:

V1 = W*C'/3
= 93.4092000000006*0.019 1.806 t
Lever arm= 3/4*2.79000000000001 2.0925 m Moment= 3.779

Stability Analysis of CONCRETE DAM-(NOF-block) (BM)

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