Dam Analysis

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Updated as on "2001.01.08"
1.0 External Water Pressure Protection Code : 89121
2.0 Internal Water Pressure (Pore Water Pressure or Uplift)
3.0 Silt Pressure
4.0 Ice Pressure
5.0 Earthquake Loads
6.0 Weight of structure
7.0 Forces from gates and other appurtenant structures
8.0 Subatomoshpheric pressure between water nippee and dam body at spillway sections


A Construction Condition : Dam Completed But no Water (U/S & D/S)

B Normal Operating Conditions : Full Reservoir and Normal Tail Water, With Normal Uplift
C Flood Discharge Conditions : Full Reservoir and Tail Water at Flood Elevation With Normal Uplift
D Combination A + Earthquake
E Combination B + Earthquake
F Combination C, With Extreame Uplift (Drainage Inoperative)
G Combination E, With Extreame Uplift (Drainage Inoperative)

f u= 70.13 Degree a RWL cc
f d= 59.04 Degree
gc = 2.40 T/m3
gw = 1.00 T/m3
H= 144.50 m a b
a= 13.33 m
b= 8.00 m H
cc = 6.67 m
m= 0.65 -- from 0.5 to 0.75 0.36
Block Area(m2) x(m) y(m) 0.6
1 3109.4 31.6 43.7 1 1
2 1156.0 51.4 72.25 2 CG (x,y)
3 5699.1 83.0 45.9 TWL
Coordinate of CG from U/S toe 1
x= 63.284 m h1
y= 48.30 m Y 47.4 8.0 82.70
fu fd
X T= 138.108

Horizontal Seismic Coefficient (ah) = 0.55

Additional Wt. due gates etc = ''Wg' = 0.0 T/m
Bottom Width of Dam = (T) = 138.11 m
Elevation of Reservoir Level from Base of Dam 'Hu' = 140.0 m
Elevation of Tailwater Level from Base of Dam 'Hd' = 18.0 m During Normal Operation
Maximum Tailwater Level During Flood 'Hdm' = 28.0 m During Flood Discharge Conditions
Maximum Silt level in reservoir 'Hslt' = 108.0 m
Effect. Unit Wt of Silt for Horizontal Pressure (ghslt) = 0.360 T/m3
Effect. Unit Wt of Silt for Vertical Pressure (gvslt) = 0.925 T/m3
Unit Cohesion at Base (Coh) = 83.00 T/m2
Reservoir Water Pressure (Pu) = (gw.Hu2/2) = 9800.0 T/m
Tail Water Pressure (Pd) = (gw.H /2) =
-162.0 T/m
Weight of Dam Section = (Wd) = 23914.8 T/m
Load of water wedge on dam at U/S =Wwu = 3528.0 T/m --Assumed that 'a' >Free Board
at x1 = 16.7 m
y1 = 93.2 m
Load of water wedge on dam at D/S =Wwd = 97.2 T/m --Assumed that '(H-cc)' >h1
at x2 = 134.5 m
y2 = 12.0 m

Addl Vertical Load due to Silt at U/S Side (Wslt) = 1949.8 T/m
at x3 = 13.0 m
y3 = 72.0 m
Addl Horizontal Press due to Silt at U/S Side (Pslt) = 2099.5 T/m
at x4 = 26.0 m
y4 = 36.0 m

Uplift Force (Wu) = 6026.1 T/m

Inertia Force Due to Earthquake on Weight of Dam :
Vertical Force, Vev = -8768.8 T/m
Horizontal Force, VeH = 12483.2 T/m

Total Vert. Load (Wv)=(Wg+Wd+Wwu+Wwd+Wu+Vev+Wslt) = 26747.2 T/m

Total Horizontal Load (WH ) = (Pu+Pd + VeH + Pslt) = 24220.8 T/m

Moment Computation : About Toe Sign Convention:

Moment due to 'Wd' (Md) = 1789391.2 T-m/m +ve --> restoring moment
Moment due to Addl wt. of Gates (Mg) = 0.0 T-m/m -ve --> overturning moment
Moment due to Wwu, Mwu = 428182.8 T-m/m
Moment due to Wwd, Mwd = 349.9 T-m/m
Moment due to Water Pressure at U/S, Mpu = -457333.3 T-m/m
Moment due to Water Pressure at D/S, Mpd = 972.0 T-m/m
Moment due to Uplift, Mu = -517153.6 T-m/m
Moment due to Silt Load at U/S Side, Mvslt = 243914.0 T-m/m
Moment due to Silt Pressure at U/S Side, Mhslt = -75582.7 T-m/m
Moment due to Earthquake Forces (Me) = -1492636 T-m/m
Total Restoring Moment about toe of dam (MR) = 2462809.9 T-m/m
Total Overturning Moment about toe of dam (Mo) = 2542706.0 T-m/m

Calculation of Factor of Safety

1. Factor of Safety Against Overturning :
= MR/Mo = 0.97 < 1.2, Structure is Unsafe Against Overturning
2. Sliding :
Without Considering the Shear Strength, Factor of Safety Against Sliding:
FS = m.Wv / WH = 0.72 < 1.0, Structure is Unsafe Against Slidinging
With Shear Strength, Shear Friction Factor :
SFF =[m.Wv/Ff + T.Coh/Fc] / WH = 0.80 < 1.0, Structure is Unsafe Against Slidinging
Calculation of Stresses :
Distance of Point of action of Resultant from Toe = M / V = -2.99 m
Distance of Point of action of Resultant from Centre of Base 'ec' = 72.04 m
Compressive Stress at Toe, pn1 = (V/T)*(1+6.ec/T) = 799.8 T/m2 = 8.00 N/mm2
Compressive Stress at Heel, pn2 = (V/T)*(1- 6.ec/T) = -412.5 T/m2 = -4.12 N/mm2

Principal stress atToe of Dam, s1 = pn1.Sec2b = 0.0 T/m2 = 0.00 N/mm2

Principal stress at Heel of Dam, s2 = -18.9 T/m2 = -0.19 N/mm2
[s2 = pn2.Sec2a - gw.H.tan2a]
Shear Stress at Toe t1 = pn1.Tanb = 0.0 T/m2 = 0.00 N/mm2
Shear Stress at Heel t2 = -(pn2 - gw.H).tana 52.2 T/m2 = 0.52 N/mm2

A Construction Condition : Dam Completed But no Water (U/S & D/S)
B Normal Operating Conditions : Full Reservoir and Normal Tail Water, With Normal Uplift
C Flood Discharge Conditions : Full Reservoir and Tail Water at Flood Elevation With Normal Uplift
D Combination A + Earthquake
E Combination B + Earthquake
F Combination C, With Extreame Uplift (Drainage Inoperative)
G Combination E, With Extreame Uplift (Drainage Inoperative)
Tail Water Pressure During Flood (Pdm) = 392.0 T/m
Moment due to Tail Water During Flood (Mdm) = 3658.7 T/m
Load of water wedge on dam at D/S during Flood=Wwdm = 235.2 T/m
at x2m = 132.5 m
y2m = 18.7 m
Moment due to Wwdm, Mwdm = 1317.1 T-m/m


Total Vert. Load (Wv) 23914.8 35516.0 24966.8 15146.0 14694.9 19822.3 9810.5
Total Hor. Load (WH ) 0.0 12061.5 11507.5 12483.2 24544.8 11507.5 24544.8
Restoring Moment (MR) 1789391.2 2462809.9 2466463.8 2218896.0 2462809.9 2462809.9 2462809.9
(T-m /m)
Overturning Moment(MO) 0.0 1050069.7 1050069.7 1227906.8 2542706.0 2915661.6 2915661.6
(T-m /m)
Factor of Safety Against O 1.8E+10 2.3 2.3 1.8 0.97 0.8 0.8
>1.5, OK >1.5, OK >1.5, OK >1.5, OK <1.5, Revise <1.5, Revise <1.5, Revise
Factor of Safety Against Sl 1.6E+08 1.9E+00 1.4E+00 7.9E-01 3.9E-01 1.1E+00 2.6E-01
>2.0, OK < 2, Revise < 2, Revise < 2, Revise < 1.5, Revise <1.2, Revise < 1.2, Revise
Factor of Safety Against Sh 1.4E+08 1.5E+00 1.2E+00 7.8E-01 3.9E-01 1.0E+00 3.0E-01
> 1.0, OK > 1.0, OK > 1.0, OK < 1, Revise < 1, Revise > 1.0, OK < 1, Revise
Dist.of Pt. of action of Resultant from Toe 74.82 39.78 56.73 65.43 -5.44 -22.85 -46.16
m m m m m m m
Dist.of Pt. of action of Re -5.8 29.3 12.3 3.6 74.5 91.9 115.2
m m m m m m m
Compressive Stress at Toe, pn1 13.0
(Kg/cm2) 58.4 27.8 12.7 45.1 71.7 42.7
< 70, OK < 70, OK < 70, OK < 70, OK < 70, OK > 70, Revise < 70, OK
Compressive Stress at Heel, p21.7 n2 (Kg/cm ) -7.0
2 8.4 9.2 -23.8 -43.0 -28.5
< 70, OK Tension < 70, OK < 70, OK Tension Tension Tension
Principal stress atToe of Dam 17.6 (Kg/cm2) 79.5 37.7 17.3 61.3 97.5 58.0
<70,OK > 70, Revise < 70 OK < 70 OK < 70 OK > 70, Revise < 70, OK
Principal stress at Heel of Dam24.5 (Kg/cm2) -7.9 9.5 10.4 -26.9 -48.6 -32.2
< 70, OK Tension < 70, OK < 70, OK Tension Tension Tension
Shear Stress at Toe 7.8 35.1 16.7 7.6 27.0 43.0 25.6

Shear Stress at Heel 7.8 -2.5 3.0 3.3 -8.6 -15.5 -10.3
Calculation of Uplift Forces : w1

f u= 70.13 Degree RWL

f d= 59.04 Degree
gc = 2.40 T/m3
gw = 1.00 T/m3
H= 144.50 m
a= 13.33 m
b= 8.00 m
cc = 6.67 m

Block Area(m2) x(m) y(m)

1 3109.4 31.6 43.7
2 1156.0 51.4 72.25 2 CG (x,y)
3 5699.1 83.0 45.9 TWL
Y 47.4 8.0 82.70
fu fd
X T= 138.11


gw.[Hd+(Hu-Hd)/3] = U X= gw.Hd= 18.0

58.7 Y=

gw.Hu = 140

Without Drainage Gallery

Bottom Width of Dam = (T) = 138.11 m

Elevation of Reservoir Level from Base of Dam 'Hu' = 140.0 m
Elevation of Tailwater Level from Base of Dam 'Hd' = 18.0 m
Maximum Tailwater Level During Flood 'Hdm1' = 28.0 m During Flood Discharge Conditions
Uplift Pressure at U/s (Upu) = (gw.Hu) = 140.0 T/m
Uplift Pressure at D/s (Upd) = (gw.Hd) = 18.0 T/m
Uplift Pre. at Face of Drainage Gallery (As per USBR Recommendations) :
Upg = gw.[Hd+(Hu-Hd)/3] = 58.7 T/m

Total Uplift Force (U) = -6026.1 T/m

Uplift Moment (Mu) at Toe = 517153.6 T-m/m

Uplift Pressure at D/s during Flood (Udm) = (gw.Hdm) = 0.0 T/m

Uplift Pre. at Face of Drainage Gallery During Flood Conditions :
Upgm = gw.[Hd+(Hu-Hdm)/3] = 55.3 T/m

During Normal Discharge During Flood Discharge

With Drains Drains Choaked With Drains Drains Choaked

Total Uplift Fo -6026.1 -10910.5 -4661.0 -9667.5

(Und) (Undc) (Ufd) (Ufdc)

Total Uplift M -517153.6 -947330.6 -449171.7 -890109.3

(Mund) (Mundc) (Mufd) (Mufdc)

A. Hydrodynamic Effects due to Resorvior (U/S):

Pe =Cs.ah.gw.Hu Where,
Pe = Hydrodynamic pressure due to earthquake
Cs = A dimensionless cofficient which varies with shape and depth
ah = Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient
gw = Unit weight of water
Hu = Reservoir Depth
Cs = Cm/2{z+z0.5} z = y{2-y/h)/h
Cm = Maximum value of Cs as per Fig. 10 of IS : 1893 - 1984
For y=h, Cs = Cm = 0.587
'qu' = 18.16 Degree y = Depth below surface
Cm = 0.587
ah = 0.55
h = 140.00 m
gw = 1.00 T/m3
Peu = 45.17 T/m2
Hydrodynamic Forces :
Total Hydrodynamic Pressure Vhu = 0.726 . Peu . hu = 4591.3 T/m
Total Hydrodynamic Moment Mhu = 0.299 . Peu . hu = 2
264729.5 T-m/m
Forces Due to Horizontal Earthquake Accelaration :
Base Shear (Vbu) =0.6* ah.Wd = 7891.9 T/m
Base Moment (Mbu) =0.9. ah.Wd.Y = 571796.7 T-m/m
Forces Due to Vertical Earthquake Accelaration :
Vertical Force = 2/3.ah.Wd. = 8768.8 T/m
Moment about Toe of Dam = 656110.1 T-m/m

B. Hydrodynamic Effects due to Tailwater :

'qd' = 29.78 Degree

Cm = 0.492
ah = 0.55
h = 18.00 m
gw = 1.00 T/m3
Ped = 5.81 T/m2
Hydrodynamic Forces :
Total Hydrodynamic Pressure Vhd = 0.726 . Ped . hd = 75.9 T/m
Total Hydrodynamic Moment Mhu = 0.299 . Ped . hd =2
562.6 T-m/m

C. Total Forces Due to Earthquake :

Horizontal Base Shear at U/S = 12483.2 T/m
Vertical Force = -8768.8 T/m
Total Moment about Toe of Dam (Me) = ### T-m/m

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