Module 1.1: What Do You Think? (SUBMITTED, Aug. 23, 2020) : 1. What Is Your Personal Idea of NSTP?

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Module 1
 Module 1.1: What do you think?(SUBMITTED, Aug. 23, 2020)
1. What is your personal idea of NSTP?
I always equate the National Service Training Program (NSTP) with Reserve
Officer Training Corps (ROTC) which mainly involves physical training. I was scared
that I might fail NSTP since my previous school does not implement any ROTC, so my
physical strength is incredibly weak. However, thanks to Professor Milos, we were
oriented about this course, and now I know that NSTP doesn’t necessarily mean ROTC
instead, we can choose any of the three kinds of NSTP.
2. When you think of the word service, who comes to mind immediately as
#PersonWithAHeartForService? Why?
Personally speaking, Gina Lopez was the first person who popped into my mind
when I read this question. Miss Gina isn’t a politician but an environmentalist instead,
and she was the one who influenced me to be kind and compassionate not just with my
fellow human beings, but to my surroundings as well. She indeed serves the Filipino
people but shows it by being a role model on how to respond with the way we handle our
environment. She was also a vehement anti-mining advocate and an eco-warrior,
motivating the people to have jobs that do not necessarily destroy our environment. More
than that, if you have been watching her G Diaries show, you would say that Miss Gina’s
heart isn’t limited to the environment but she also helps kids in her way.

 Module 1.2: What do you think?

1. What struck you most in the video?
The opening song of the video touched my heart as it reminds us that we are
Filipinos, and we should never be ashamed to be one. Moreover, I also like how the
lyrics were presented clearly, telling us the characteristics of being a Filipino that
even though we are considered to be a diverse country, our roots still prove that we
are coming from a single Filipino descendant.
2. What do you think is the main problem of the youth of today?
Youths tend to popularize imported brands, trends, and fashion styles here in the
country. We buy their goods, listen to their song, and impart their culture to ours. As
petty as this may sound, but too much support with these brands and antagonizing our
own culture deteriorates our identity as a Filipino. Let us support local products and
microbusinesses, and more importantly, let us not forget to serve the Filipino people
right after we graduate.

Module 2
Module 2.1 ENGAGE: Recall

1. Did you or any family member have ever experienced any kind of fear or threats,
whether in the past or still ongoing?
Yes, our family had a fair share of fears and threats in the past.

2. What are these experiences and how did or how are you coping with this?  What were
the courses of action as a response?
Recently, my dad received a death threat via text message because of his duty when our city
underwent General Community Quarantine (GCQ). He and his team were strict at that time in
the entry and exit of transportation wherein vehicles shouldn't be too crowded and they must
have their quarantine pass. He reported this scenario to their senior police officer and luckily, the
death threat never happened again.

3. From the news that you have heard and read, what issues on human security have you
noted? What have you observed in your locality? What made an impact on you? How did
you respond?
The Republic Act No. 11479 or commonly known as the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 has been
one of the most talked issues during the pandemic. Various Filipino Rights Groups have
expressed their condemnation in the passing of this bill due to the broad definition of tagging
someone as a terrorist. I firmly agree with what most people have been fighting for, as this bill
may be taken against those who oppose and criticize the wrongdoings of this administration. 

I may have not witnessed any incident or tagging yet, but this action has been evident almost
three months ago. On the 5th of June this year, people around the country have been protesting
against the passing of this bill. Although social gatherings have been strictly prohibited, the
activists still managed to observe social distancing and proper hygiene. However, 10 minutes
after the protest, police officers began to arrest UP students and drag them to the prison. Anger
surely engulfed me when I heard this news and.  As my response, I have been voicing out my
opinion and continue to educate people through various social media platforms. This is to open
their eyes and minds to the corruption and greed happening in our country amidst the pandemic.

1. What are the salient points you have learned from this video?
 Learning the Human Security Approach (HSC) helps us to understand and tackle today's
multidimensional challenges in an integrated manner.
 People will only begin to feel safe when they live free from fear, want, and indignity.
 The root cause of most threats humans experience is insecurity, which comprises the
following dimensions:
o economic
o food
o wealth
o environmental
o personal
o community
o political
 However, we cannot target one dimension of insecurity alone. All of them must be
tackled together since they are interconnected.
 As a response, the United Nations devised a method that strengthens the protection and
empowerment of communities known as the Human Security Approach that is people-
centered, comprehensive, context-specific, and prevention-oriented.
 This approach engages individuals to
o Analyse their vulnerability
o Set priorities
o Develop effective strategies to tackle insecurity.
 To address the threats posed by poverty, hunger, disease, and violence, the right people
must their skills and expertise to respond to these challenges.

2. What do you think is the best approach for human security? And why?

Public and private organizations must collaborate and interact with each other to find new
means in ensuring the safety of their people. The right individuals, those who are free from greed
and corruption, should implement laws and regulations that would contribute to a peaceful and
stable community. Some of these actions include; reducing environmental scarcity conflicts,
strengthening conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms, reducing gender-based violence,
and promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships. Enhancing one’s organizational relationships or
partnerships allows them to synergize their laws and plans in promoting a community wherein
people co-exist with one another. More importantly, members within a community must actively
participate in the plans of their leaders to ensure that these schemes would benefit the majority.

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