Gearboxes Design Guide PDF
Gearboxes Design Guide PDF
Gearboxes Design Guide PDF
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Hypoid gearboxes: What are they and where are they used?................. 6
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ecall a basic premise of gear function: When Pitch circle
two gears with an unequal number of teeth
or engaging elements mesh, the mechanical
advantage makes their rotational speeds and
torques different. In the simplest of setups, gears are
flat with spur teeth — with edges parallel to the shaft
— and the input gear’s shaft is parallel to that of the Reaction force
output. ... but helical gearsets are
more efficient. Cross-axis
Spur gears mostly roll through meshing, sets are another option.
so can be 98% or more efficient per
reduction stage. However, there
is some sliding between tooth
surfaces, and initial tooth-to-tooth
contact occurs along the whole
tooth width at once, causing small
shock loads that induce noise and
wear. Sometimes lubrication helps
mitigate these issues. Planetary gearsets
are compact and
In slightly more complex setups, parallel- run to 10,000 rpm.
axis gearsets have helical gears that engage Here, a lightweight
Schaeffler differential
at an angle between 90° and 180° for more for a hybrid vehicle has an
Straight-tooth bevel gearing tooth contact and higher torque capacity. axial spline to boost efficiency.
can be used for all applications
Helical reducers are suitable for higher- Zerol bevel gearsets are
requiring transmission of power a special veriation of
and motion between intersecting horsepower applications where long-term straight right-angle
shafts. Image courtesy Boston operational efficiency is more important bevel sets.
Gear of Altra Industrial Motion than initial cost. Helical gear teeth engage
gradually over the tooth faces for quieter and
smoother operation than spur gearsets. They
also tend to have higher load capacities.
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common Gear GeometrIES
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General speed
reducers, shaft-
mount sets, and
worm drives
ear reducers (also called speed reducers) are commonly Most worm gears are cylindrical with teeth of consistent size. Some
paired with electric motors. Essentially, these consist worm-gear reducers use a double-enveloping tooth geometry —
gears combined in such a manner as to alter the motor’s with a pitch diameter that goes from deep into short and back to
output torque. Typically, the torque increases in direct deep — so more teeth engage. No matter the version, most wheel
proportion to the reduction of rotations per unit of time. gears in worm-based reducers sport cupped teeth edges that wrap
around the worm shaft during engagement.
Speed reducers come in two varieties: base mounted and shaft
mounted. Shaft-mounted types come in two versions. One is truly In many cases, the sliding engagement lowers efficiency but
shaft mounted in that the input shaft of the drive motor supports it extends life, as worm-gear mating holds a film of lubricant during
… with a special coupling to address torque reactions. The other operation. The ratio of a worm-gear is the number of wheel teeth
mounts to the machine housing so the input shaft doesn’t support to the number of threads (starts or leads) on the worm.
the reducer’s weight or address torque reactions.
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Servogearing and the special
ervo systems are precision-motion setups with feedback between the terms gearhead and gearbox. But in a few contexts,
and (in most cases) fairly stringent accuracy demands. the term gearbox specifically refers to housed gearing as described
So for these designs, engineers should pick servogear above while the more general term gearhead also refers to assemblies
reducers with good torsional stiffness, reliable output of otherwise open gearing that installs within some existing machine
torque, and minimal backlash. OEMs tasked with integrating servo frame. The latter are often targeted to compact, consumer-grade,
systems should look for quiet reducers that easily mount to the or battery-powered mobile designs necessitating especially tight
motor and require little or (if possible) no maintenance. In fact, integration and omission of potentially redundant subcomponents. In
advanced machinery often integrates servogears into application- one variation, a series of parallel plates might support gear-train shafts
specific electromechanical arrangements … and several of these (and bearings) and allow bolting to a motor face.
arrangements are common enough to have specific labels. Here is
a look at some of the most widespread. Though beyond the scope of this Design Guide, note that other
open gearing simply mounts to the electric-motor output and
Gearmotor: This complete motion component is a gear reducer operates exposed to the environment. Some such open gearing is
integrated with an ac or dc electric motor. Usually the motor self-lubricating — constructed of dimensionally stable polyamides
includes the gears on its output (typically in the form of an or similar materials engineered to meet stringent cleanliness,
assembled gearbox) to reduce speed and boost available output vibration, weight, and cost requirements.
torque. Engineers use gearmotors in machines that must move
heavy objects. Speed specifications for gearmotors are normal
speed and stall-speed torque. MORE ON PLANETARY GEARSETS
600 Gearing quality (in the form of tooth
400 dimensional accuracy or tolerances) are
200 OF 300 MM quantified by ISO, DIN, and AGMA values
plotted against radial runout. In some contexts,
100 ratings and standards from the American
40 Petroleum Institute (API) are also applicable.
The quality metric is somewhat controversial,
10 ISO U.S. AGMA 13 ≈ INTERNATIONAL ISO 4 ≈ German DIN 4 ≈ Japanese JIN 0 because there is no universal system of
6 DIN U.S. AGMA 10 ≈ INTERNATIONAL ISO 7 ≈ German DIN 7 ≈ Japanese JIN 3
accountability to ensure suppliers meet
U.S. AGMA 8 ≈ INTERNATIONAL ISO 9 ≈ German DIN 9 ≈ Japanese JIN 5
any given quality value. For this reason, it’s
2 recommended that design engineers require
1 gear suppliers to disclose the manufacturing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and measuring methods used for maintaining
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 published quality values.
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Servogearing and the special case of planetary sets
RING GEAR The gear ratio pure torsional reactions and coaxial shafting. Another advantage
of a planetary to planetary gearbox arrangements is power-transmission
SUN GEAR set requires efficiency. Losses are typically less than 3% per stage, so rather
calculation, than waste energy on mechanical losses inside the gearbox, these
because there gearboxes transmit a high proportion of the energy for productive
are several motion output.
ways they can
convert an input Planetary gearbox arrangements distribute load efficiently, too.
rotation to an
output rotation. Multiple planets share transmitted load, which greatly increases
torque density. The more planets in the system, the greater load
Typically, one of these ability and the higher the torque density. This arrangement is also
three gear wheels stays very stable due to the even distribution of mass and increased
stationary; another is an input that provides power to the system, rotational stiffness. Disadvantages include high bearing loads,
and the last acts as an output that receives power from the driving inaccessibility and design complexity.
motor. The ratio of input rotation to output rotation depends on
the number of teeth in each gear and on which component is In servo systems, besides boosting output torque, gearboxes impart
held stationary. another benefit — reducing settling time. Settling time is a problem
when motor inertia is low compared to load inertia … an issue that’s
Planetary gearsets offer several advantages over other gearsets. the source of constant debate (and regular improvement) in the
These include high power density, the ability to get large industry. Gearboxes reduce the reflected inertia at the controls by a
reductions from a small volume, multiple kinematic combinations, factor equal to the gear reduction squared.
ypoid gearboxes are a type of spiral bevel gearbox — the tooth profile and longitudinally. This gives hypoid gearboxes
with the difference that hypoid gears have axes that are very smooth running properties and quiet operation. But it
non-intersecting and not parallel. In other words, the axes also requires special extreme pressure (EP) gear oil to maintain
of hypoid gears are offset from one another. The basic effective lubrication due to the pressure between the teeth.
geometry of the hypoid gear is hyperbolic rather than having the
conical geometry of a spiral bevel gear. Hypoid gearboxes are generally used where speeds exceed 1,000
rpm ... although above 8,000 rpm ground gears are recommended.
In a hypoid gearbox, the spiral angle of the pinion is larger than
the spiral angle of the gear, so the pinion diameter can be larger However, hypoid gearing is also useful for lower speed applications
than that of a bevel gear pinion. This provides more contact that require extreme smoothness of motion or quiet operation. In
area and better tooth strength, which allows more torque to be multi-stage gearboxes, hypoid gears are often used for the output
transmitted and high gear ratios (up to 200:1) to be used. stage, where lower speeds and high torques are required.
Because the shafts of hypoid gears don’t intersect, bearings can be The most common application for hypoid gearboxes is in
used on both sides of the gear to provide extra rigidity. the automotive industry, where they are used in rear axles —
especially for large trucks. With a left-hand spiral angle on the
The difference in spiral pinion and a right-hand spiral angle on the crown, these
angles between applications have what is known as a below-center
the pinion and the offset ... which allows the driveshaft to be
crown (larger gear) located lower in the vehicle. This lowers the
causes some sliding vehicle’s center of gravity and in some
along the teeth, but cases reduces interference with the
the sliding is uniform, interior vehicle space.
both in the direction of
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How to size and select a gearbox
pplication-tailored and custom gearboxes are increasingly Boston Gear right angle bevel gear drives feature compact,
common, mainly because they’re easier than ever to rugged construction and precision-forged, straight-tooth bevel
manufacture to specification. gears, making them ideal for industrial applications where low-
speed/high-torque drives are required. Image courtesy Boston
That’s not to say that the design work isn’t challenging. However, Gear of Altra Industrial Motion
modern manufacturing lets some suppliers make gearboxes and
components to meet specific application requirements.
Does the machine need a shaft or hollow-bore input … or a shaft
New supplier approaches to giving engineering support as well or hollow-bore output?
as new machine tools, automation and design software now
let OEMs and end users get reasonably priced gearing even in How will the gearing be oriented? For instance, if specifying a
modest volumes. right-angle worm gearbox, does the machine need the worm over
or under the wheel? Will the shafts protrude from the machine
When enlisting help from a consultant or manufacturer, an engineer horizontally or vertically?
is more likely to get gearing that mounts properly and performs to
specification after reviewing the following and answering as many Does the environment necessitate corrosion-resistant paints or
of these questions as possible: stainless-steel housing and shafts?
What’s the input speed and horsepower? Service factor: The starting point for most gearbox manufacturers
is to define a service factor. This adjusts for such concerns as type
What’s the gearbox target output speed or output torque? This of input, hours of use per day, and any shock or vibration associated
partially defines the required gear ratio. with the application. An application with an irregular shock (a
grinding application, for example) needs a higher service factor
What are the characteristics of use? How many hours per day will than one that’s uniformly loaded. Likewise, a gearbox that runs
the gearbox run? Will it need to withstand shock and vibration? intermittently needs a lower factor than one used 24 hours a day.
How overhung is the load? Is there internal overhung load? Class of service: Once the engineer determines the service factor,
Remember that bevel gears usually can’t accommodate multiple the next step is to define a class of service. A gearbox paired to a
supports, as their shafts intersect … so one or more gears often plain ac motor driving an evenly loaded, constant-speed conveyor
overhang. This load can deflect the shaft which misaligns the gears, 20 hours per day may have a service class 2, for example.
in turn degrading tooth contact and life. One potential fix here is
straddle bearings on each side of the gear. This information comes from charts from gearbox manufacturers
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How to size and select a gearbox
C la s s II S e r v ic e : G e a r s e t w it h s i n g l e r e d u c ti o n ( a 1 . 2 5 s e r v ic e f a c t o r )
Reducer Output Input horsepower at 1,750 rpm
ratio rpm 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 1.5 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20
Most of the time, design engineers
pair gearsets with electric motors.
5 350 710 710 710 710 713 715 718 718 724 730 - - - -
These setups get a roman-numeral
10 175 710 710 710 713 715 718 721 724 726 730 738 752 752F 760F
service class number (I, II or III, for
15 117 710 710 713 713 718 721 724 726 730 738 752 752 760 -
example) that equates to the stand-
20 88 710 713 713 715 718 721 726 730 732 752 752F 760 - -
alone gearset service factor (in this
25 70 713 713 713 718 721 724 726 730 732F - - - - - case, 1.0, 1.41 or 2.0).
30 58 713 713 715 718 721 724 730 732 738F 752 760 - - -
40 44 713 713 715 721 724 726 732 732F 752 752F 760F - - -
50 35 713 715 718 721 726 730 732F 738F 752 760F - - - -
60 29 713 718 721 724 730 732 738 752 752F - - - - -
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How to size and select a gearbox
Boston Gear’s 800 Series contains a focused selection of One final tip: Once the gearmotor has been chosen
compact, heavy duty helical gear drives that offer long-life and installed in the application, perform several testruns
performance and simplified maintenance. A broad range of in sample environments that replicate typical operating
reduction ratios suit an even broader range of specifications, scenarios. If the design exhibits unusually high heat, noise
while a variety of input shaft configurations maximize flexibility. or stress, repeat the gear-selection process or contact the
Image courtesy Boston Gear of Altra Industrial Motion manufacturer.
Bore code
Motor hp
10 I
Pitch line velocity in gearbox sizing
n gearbox sizing, it’s important to determine the required input Where PLV = pitch line velocity (m/sec); dp = pitch diameter (m); ω
speed in rpm and ensure that it doesn’t exceed the gearbox = rotational speed (rpm)
maximum speed capability. But the linear velocity of the gear
teeth known as pitch line velocity also plays a significant role in Pitch line velocity is important for gear design and selection for
gearbox performance. several reasons.
Pitch line velocity is measured at the pitch line of the gear, which The American Gear Manufacturers Association standard 9005-D94
is midway along the length of the gear teeth. For circular gears, Industrial Gear Lubrication specifies that a gear’s pitch line velocity
the pitch line is more correctly referred to as the pitch circle — an is one of the primary criteria for selecting gear lubrication.
imaginary circle that rolls without slipping when aligned with the
pitch circle of the mating gear. Pitch line velocity also determines the contact time between gear
teeth, which has a significant impact on the required oil viscosity.
Strictly speaking, pitch line is the correct term when referring to a
linear gear rack, and pitch circle is the correct term when referring High pitch line velocities are usually accompanied by light loads
to a circular gear. However, the term pitch line is often used when and short contact times, making low-viscosity oils suitable.
discussing the equivalent linear velocity of a circular gear — as in However, low pitch line velocities are associated with high loads
pitch line velocity. and long contact times, which make high-viscosity or even EP-rated
oils necessary.
Pitch line velocity is a function of the gear’s pitch diameter and its
rotational speed: In addition to lubrication considerations, pitch line velocity also
affects the load capacity and service life of gear teeth. The ability of
gears to transmit the required torque for the desired operating life
depends on the ability of the gear teeth to withstand bending stress.
Technically speaking, a linear rack has a pitch line and a circular gear has a pitch circle.
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Pitch line velocity in gearbox sizing
Tooth bending stress is determined according to the Lewis formula: gear and the quality of the gear (Qv) and can be obtained from
AGMA charts. This velocity factor Kv is used to modify the Lewis
Wt = tangential force on tooth (N); P = diametrical pitch (mm-1) Thus the higher the pitch line velocity, the greater the bending
stress on the gear teeth.
F = face width (mm); Y = Lewis form factor
Note: The AGMA has developed an equation for bending stress
But as gear teeth come into initial contact, they experience greater that replaces the Lewis Form Factor with a geometry factor J and
stresses, based on the velocity of the gear. In order to account for includes factors for other conditions that affect gear service life
these stresses, a velocity factor Kv was developed. such as overload, load distribution, and mounting.
The velocity factor depends on both the pitch line velocity of the
Qv = 8
1.5 Slow axes • farm machinery
Qv = 9
Qv = 10
1.3 Medium-speed industrial drives
Household appliances Qv = 11
1.2 Automotive
Qv = 12
1.1 Qv = 13
Aircraft • Rocket engines Qv = 14
10 20 30 40 50
The velocity factor depends on both the pitch line velocity of the gear and the quality of the gear (Qv) and
can be obtained from AGMA charts as the one shown here. Of course, design engineers should require their
gear suppliers to disclose in detail the methods used to ensure published quality values.
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Deep dive on spur gears
pur gears are a type of cylindrical gearing with shafts efficiency.
that are parallel and coplanar ... and teeth that are Multiple spur
straight and oriented parallel to the shafts. They’re gears can
arguably the simplest and most common type of work in series
gear – easy to manufacture and suitable for a wide range of (referred to
applications. as a gear train)
to achieve large
The teeth of a spur gear have an involute profile and mesh one reduction ratios.
tooth at a time. The involute form means that spur gears only
produce radial forces (no axial forces), but the method of tooth The two types of spur gears are
meshing causes high stress on the gear teeth and high noise external and internal. External gears
production. Because of this, spur gears are typically used for have teeth that are cut on the outside Spur gear image courtesy Boston
lower speed applications, although they can be used at almost surface of the cylinder. Two external Gear of Altra Industrial Motion
any speed. gears mesh together and rotate
in opposite directions. In contrast,
Involute gear teeth have a profile that is the involute of a circle. internal gears have teeth cut on the inside surface of the cylinder.
So as two involute gears mesh, they contact at a single point An external gear sits inside the internal gear, and the gears rotate
where the involutes meet. This point moves along the tooth in the same direction. Because the shafts are positioned closer
surfaces as the gears rotate ... and the line of force (known as together, internal gear assemblies are more compact than external
the line of action) is tangent to the two base circles. In this way, gear assemblies. Internal gears are primarily used for planetary
the gears adhere to the fundamental law of gearing — that the gear drives.
ratio of meshing gears’ angular velocities must remain constant
throughout the mesh. Spur gears are generally best for applications needing moderate
speed reduction and torque multiplication — such as ball mills
Spur gears can be made from metals such as steel or brass or and crushing equipment. High-speed applications that use
from plastics such as nylon or polycarbonate. Plastic gears are spur gears (despite their high noise levels) include consumer
quiet but at the expense of strength and loading capability. appliances such as washing machines and blenders. Though noise
Unlike other gear types, spur gears don’t experience high limits the use of spur gears in passenger automobiles, they’re
losses due to slippage, so they generally have high transmission common in aircraft engines, trains, and even bicycles.
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Summary of
helical gear
elical gears and spur gears bearing selection for helical gears. Because the
are two of the most common bearings have to withstand both radial and axial
gear types and can be used in forces, helical gears require thrust or roller bearings,
many of the same applications. Spur which are typically larger (and more expensive) than
gears are simple and inexpensive to manufacture, but the simple bearings used with spur gears. The axial forces vary
helical gears offer some important advantages over spur gears. in proportion to the magnitude of the tangent of the helix angle.
Although larger helix angles provide higher speed and smoother
The teeth of a helical gear are set at an angle (relative to axis of motion, the helix angle is typically limited to 45° due to the
the gear) and take the shape of a helix. This allows the teeth to production of axial forces.
mesh gradually, starting as point contact and developing into line
contact as engagement progresses. One of the most noticeable The axial loads produced by helical gears can be countered by
benefits of helical gears over spur gears is less noise, especially at using double helical or herringbone gears. These arrangements
medium- to high-speeds. Also, with helical gears, multiple teeth have the appearance of two helical gears with opposite hands
are always in mesh, which means less load on each individual mounted back-to-back, although in reality they are machined from
tooth. This results in a smoother transition of forces from one tooth the same gear. Note that the difference between the two designs
to the next, so that vibrations, shock loads, and wear are reduced. is that double helical gears have a groove in the middle, between
the teeth, whereas herringbone gears do not.
But the inclined angle of the teeth also causes sliding contact
between the teeth, which produces axial forces and heat, This arrangement cancels out the axial forces on each set of teeth,
decreasing efficiency. so larger helix angles can be used. It also eliminates the need for
These axial forces thrust bearings.
play a significant
role in Besides smoother motion, higher speed capability, and less noise,
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Summary of helical gear designS
another advantage that helical gears provide over spur gears is the ability to
be used with either parallel or non-parallel (crossed) shafts. Helical gears with
parallel shafts require the same helix angle, but opposite hands (i.e. right-
handed teeth vs. left-handed teeth).
Crossed helical gears provide flexibility in design, but the contact between teeth is closer to
point contact than line contact. That means they have lower force capabilities than parallel
shaft designs — so are not the most suitable for heavy loads or axes needing very dramatic
speed reductions.
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The enduring use of worm gears
orm gears are found in industrial applications, The meshing of the worm and the gear is a mixture of sliding and
heavy equipment, and even consumer rolling actions, but sliding contact dominates at high reduction
applications. The efficiency of a worm gear ratios. To minimize friction (and therefore heat) the worm and gear
varies based on the ratio and manufacturing are made of dissimilar metals — for example, the worm may be
methods. made of hardened steel and the gear made of bronze or aluminum.
Worm gears are constructed of a worm and a gear (sometimes Although the sliding contact reduces efficiency, it provides very
called the worm wheel) with non-parallel and non-intersecting quiet operation. (The use of dissimilar metals for the worm and
shafts oriented 90° to each other. The worm is analogous to gear also contributes to quiet operation.) This makes worm gears
a screw with a V-type thread ... and the gear is analogous to a suitable for use where noise should be minimized, such as in
spur gear. The worm is typically the driving component with the elevators. In addition, the use of a softer material for the gear
worm’s thread advancing the teeth of the gear. means that it can absorb shock loads, like those experienced in
heavy equipment or crushing machines.
Like a ball screw, the worm in a worm gear may have a single start
or multiple starts — meaning that there are multiple threads or The primary benefit of worm gears is their ability to provide high
helices on the worm. For a single-start worm, each full 360° turn reduction ratios and correspondingly high torque multiplication.
of the worm advances the gear by one tooth. So a gear with 24 They can also be used as speed reducers in low- to medium-
teeth will provide a gear reduction of 24:1. speed applications. Plus because their reduction ratio is based
on the number of gear teeth alone, they are more compact than
For a multi-start worm, the gear reduction equals the number other types of gears. Like fine-pitch lead screws, worm gears are
of teeth on the gear, divided by the number of starts on the typically self-locking, which makes them suitable for hoisting and
worm. This is different from most other types of gears, for lifting applications.
which the gear reduction is a function of the diameters of the
two components.
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WORM GEARS The Boston Gear 700 Series is the industry standard for
modular worm gear construction. Units feature a rugged
fine grained cast iron housing for maximum strength and
durability. Enhanced rigidity and one-piece construction
ensure precise alignment of the worm and gear. The
high-strength steel output shaft allows for high torque
capacity and overhung loads. Image courtesy Boston
Gear of Altra Industrial Motion
The worm in
a worm gear
assembly can
have one start
(thread) or
multiple starts.
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17 I
any of today’s precision applications necessitate gears capable of
dramatic speed reductions, power densities, and transmission accuracies.
Leading choices in these designs include trochoidal and cycloidal gearing
as well as gearsets relying on wave-inducing subcomponents having an
elliptical or Reuleaux or other polygonal shape.
Recall from geometry that trochoidal and cycloidal gearing includes elements that
rotate and trace curves around some other element. More specifically, cycloids traced
by a point on a rolling element’s circumference include epicycloids (for which the
element rolls along the outside of a sun gear or other reference component) and
hypocycloids for which the element rolls within a ring or other reference component.
In contrast, trochoids (and their subtypes) are traced not by a point on the rolling
element’s circumference but rather some point within or without. One particularly
common subtype of epicyclic gearing is planetary gearing. Because we’ve covered
planetaries in previous sections of this Design Guide, here we’ll review other variations
that are increasingly common in high-end machine tool, aerospace, material handling,
and robotic applications requiring precision servo motion.
Consider the latter — in a robotic joint employing a motor (running at a few thousand
rpm) fitted with gearing for output speeds to 100 times slower. Gearing in such
designs also serves to boost acceleration torque for top power density — a priority
design objective for SCARAs and collaborative robotics for which the total assembly is
essentially a cantilevered mass.
Recall that conventional gearing used in such designs (including some planetary
gearsets) usually exhibit a very small amount backlash. This is often limited to only a
few arc-min. (100ths of a degree) and serves to accommodate lubrication and thermal
expansion. However, this backlash can in some cases degrade system accuracy by
unacceptable amounts. So let’s take a look at other gear options that avoid the issue.
Strain-wave gearing uses the metal elasticity (deflection) of a gear to reduce speed.
Key benefits of strain-wave gearing include zero backlash and high power density and
positional accuracy.
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Note that the gear types covered here are often associated with high-precision axes employing
hollow shaft gear-output transmission to accommodate the feeding of hoses and cables through
the center of the assembly. That’s especially helpful where there is an end effector on the last axis
in the design. Such hollow-shaft output also allows the installation of feedback devices.
The flexspline usually serves as the output. elliptical shape of the bearing. This conforms the teeth on the
outer surface of the flexspline to the elliptical shape. That way,
The cup has a rigid boss at one end to provide a rugged the flexspline effectively has an elliptical gear-pitch diameter on
mounting surface. The wave generator is inside the flexspline so its outer surface.
the bearing is at the same axial location as the flexspline teeth.
The flexspline wall near the brim of the cup conforms to the same The circular spline is a rigid circular steel ring with teeth on the
inside diameter. It is usually attached to the housing and does not
rotate. Its teeth mesh with those of the flexspline. The teeth of the
STRAIN-WAVE GEAR-ASSEMBLY SUBCOMPONENTS flexspline engage the teeth of the circular spline along the major
(long) axis of the ellipse. So there are two areas of meshing made
Elliptic cam on bearing by the ellipse inscribed concentrically within the ring. Roughly
30% of the teeth are engaged at all times — in contrast with six
or so teeth engaged at any time for an equivalent planetary-gear
Ring gear set, and one or two teeth for an equivalent spur-gear set.
The pressure angle of the gear teeth transforms the output torque’s
tangential force into a radial force acting on the wave-generator
bearing. The flexspline and circular spline teeth engage near the
ellipse’s major axis and disengage at the minor axis. The flexspline
has two less teeth than the circular spline, so every time the wave
generator rotates one revolution, the flexspline and circular spline
shift by two teeth. The gear ratio is the number of flexspline teeth
÷ (number of flexspline teeth – number of circular spline teeth).
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Now let’s consider the thrusted-tooth design mentioned earlier. The gearbox also boasts up to 91%
This newer high-torque gearbox offering offers extreme torsional efficiency — 18 to 29% better than
rigidity and zero-backlash operation for applications that need traditional strain-wave and cycloidal
superior precision in output motion. In contrast with other gear geared arrangements.
offerings that transmit power over lines of contact on gear teeth,
meshing gears in the frive make almost full-surface contact. This As part of a drive system, hydrodynamic
allows for tooth contact that’s up to 6.5 times that of certain types tooth contact of the gear drive also delivers
of conventional involute teeth. high overload capability. Emergency stop torque
is 150 to 300% better than comparable systems, and torsional
How does it work? In short, the gearbox guides a large array of rigidity is to 580% higher ... so gearboxes of other designs might
individual teeth along an internal ring gear. The tooth geometry need to be up to three times larger to deliver the same torque as
follows a logarithmic spiral that lets multiple teeth transmit power a given thrusted-tooth gearbox.
at once through hydrodynamic contact — covering much larger
surface areas than traditional line contact. The result is a gearbox The gear design also allows for a very large hollow-shaft diameter
with zero backlash even at the zero crossing. The logarithmic in relation to the outer diameter — to 70% larger in some cases.
spiral path of the teeth allows for synchronization accuracy
shaft. The cam has lobes or teeth that engage with
a cam follower — typically with pin or needle
bearings. The eccentric cam rotation induces
rotation of an output shaft at a lower speed N
and accurate positioning is required, for in- FREE PLAY BETWEEN TEETH
stance in robotic applications, machine tools, ZERO IN CYCLOIDALS
20 I
Best methods for gearbox lubrication
ike other types of rotating equipment, gearboxes rely Oil splash lubrication is often used for helical, spur, and bevel
on lubrication to reduce friction and provide cooling for gearboxes. This method is also referred to as an oil bath, because
optimal operation and life. Gearbox manufacturers provide it uses a reservoir is filled (or partially filled) with oil. As the gears
recommendations for the type of lubrication to be used and rotate, they dip into this oil bath and splash the oil onto the other
the typical lubrication intervals, but the actual gearbox-lubrication gears and bearings. But if the gear teeth are fully submerged, a
requirements also depend on the environmental conditions to condition known as churning occurs.
which the gearbox is exposed ... whether it is regularly maintained
... and whether it experiences overloading. Essentially, churning is when the gears or bearings must work
harder to push through the lubricant. A good analogy is walking
There are several methods for lubricating a gearbox, with the most along the edge of the water at the beach: Walking through ankle-
common being grease lubrication, oil splash, and forced oil. deep water is relatively easy, but if you move to knee-deep water,
walking requires much more effort.
Grease lubrication is suitable for low-speed operation, but it
provides less cooling than oil, and is not recommended for The effectiveness of oil splash lubrication is heavily dependent
continuous-duty or heavily loaded applications, even at low on the speed of the gears. A common rule of thumb is that
speeds. With any lubrication, using the proper quantity of lubricant a tangential speed of at least 3 m/sec is required for splash
is important, and this is especially critical with grease. Using lubrication to be effective.
too little lubrication prevents an adequate lubrication film from
forming, but too much lubrication (especially grease) adds viscous
drag and results in power loss.
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Best methods for gearbox lubrication
The oil drop method pumps or drops oil directly onto the
surfaces where it’s needed. A pump takes lubrication from a
reservoir and delivers it to the gears or bearings via an internal
piping system. This method can often be found in conjunction
with the splash (otherwise known as the oil bath) method — where
SAE 20 SAE 30 SAE 40 SAE 50
some components may be difficult to reach via oil splash.
22 I
Best methods for gearbox lubrication
Most have anti-wear additives ... and PAOs are available with EP guidelines — and plant personnel should execute more frequent
additives as well. lubrication if the application is particularly challenging. A first sign
of lubricant trouble is elevated operating temperatures due to the
• Polyalkylene glycol (PAG) synthetic oils have a high viscosity decreased ability of the oil or grease to minimize friction.
index and a wide operating temperature range. They also have
superior lubricity properties when compared to other types of In some instances, some end users include gearbox oil monitoring
lubrication. PAGs contain anti-wear additives, but unlike PAOs, in their preventative maintenance schedules. That’s especially true
PAG synthetic oils are not available with EP additives. What’s where the designs employs a circulating oil or oil sump system.
more, they tend to be incompatible with paints, seals, and In short, oil samples from the gearboxes in question are sent to
polycarbonates. laboratories for analysis. Returned are data sheets that include
details about the lubricant’s pH levels, viscosity, additives, and
Using the wrong type of lubrication and not providing sufficient contaminants — whether in the form of dirt, metal component
lubrication are two of the most common causes of worm gear shavings, or water. Lubricant replacement is indicated where such
failure. oil monitoring indicates:
In addition to choosing the right type of lubricant, ensuring that • A viscosity increase beyond 10% or so of the expected values
the worm gear has the right quantity of lubricant is critical to • The presence of shavings beyond the allowable parts per million
proper operation. Worm gears are typically lubricated by the • Contamination with water or (especially for off-highway
splash method, and another unique characteristic of worm gear equipment) hydraulic fluid
lubrication is that the mounting orientation plays a significant role
in determining how much lubrication is needed. In contrast, wear-particle analysis tracks the quantity, type, and
size of contaminant in gearbox lubricant. Though less exhaustive
Case in point — worm gears are most commonly mounted in than oil monitoring, it’s indispensable where a design is subject
the worm-over orientation, where the worm sits above the gear, to shock loading, vibration, and accelerated wear due to other
but they can also be mounted in a worm-under orientation. To unavoidable mechanical challenges.
ensure that it’s properly lubricated in the worm-under orientation,
the gear assembly requires up to 50% more lubricant than in the Where a gearset employs grease, the lubricant analysis is
worm-over orientation. somewhat more complicated. No wonder greases are more
common in lubed-for-life gearbox offerings to serve in
GENERAL LUBRICANT MAINTENANCE inaccessible or remote machinery.
RECOMMENDATIONS In contrast with oil lubricants, grease’s apparent dynamic viscosity
can increase threefold or more before it’s a concern … and in
some designs, a slight amount of water ingress is tolerable.
However, grease lubricant is usually far less forgiving of the
If gear lubricant is left in service beyond its useful life, the gear
ingress of solid contaminants.
assembly will exhibit excessive wear, diminished efficiency, and
eventual failure. End users should follow published relubrication
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gearbox FEATURES
for washdown
ashdown processes are common in the food and
beverage and pharmaceutical industries, where
cleanliness of the manufacturing and handling
equipment plays an important role in the quality and
safety of the product. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group
(EHEDG), along with other government and industry-specific This 26-ft long by 102-in. wide custom leaf product mixing
system consists of five sections, each section features a 4-ft
agencies, provide regulations and standards for the safe and
wide by 4-ft long belt conveyor which transfers product to a 4-ft
hygienic processing, handling, and packaging of food, beverage,
wide cleated inclined conveyor. Boston Gear Stainless Steel 700
and pharmaceutical products. However, these standards often Series speed reducers were mounted to 3/4 hp stainless steel
address overall machine or process design and leave the choice of motors on all ten conveyor drives in the system. Image courtesy
individual components, such as bearings, motors, and gearboxes, Boston Gear of Altra Industrial Motion
up to the equipment designer and manufacturer.
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gearbox FEATURES for washdown environments
Both 304 and 316 series stainless are suitable for washdown and
hygienic applications, although 316 has better resistance against
pitting, especially when exposed to the caustic chemicals found in many The primary task of gearbox seals is to keep lubrication inside
washdown solutions. But the use of stainless steel presents a higher up- the gearbox and keep liquids and contamination out. Washdown
front cost than painted designs, and 316 series stainless even more so conditions make this especially difficult, since the seals must
than 304. To mitigate the cost, some manufacturers use 316 stainless for withstand the high pressure of the washing operation and be
the housing and 304 stainless for other components with less exposure impervious to harsh chemicals. This is why it’s common to find
(such as shafts and some hardware). gaskets or o-rings on the input side of the gearbox and two-part
seals on the output shaft. Most gearboxes for washdown and
Geometry to maximize gearbox cleanability: Another important hygienic applications use seals made of Viton due to its broad
design aspect of washdown or hygienic gearboxes is their shape. chemical compatibility, ability to withstand high temperatures, and
The purpose of washdown is to clean the equipment and prevent excellent mechanical properties.
bacteria from growing, but if the gearbox has crevices, seams, or
grooves where particles can be trapped, thorough cleaning will be The most common system used to classify a product’s washdown
difficult or even ineffective. This is why many gearboxes designed compatibility is the IP rating, which is published by the International
for these applications have a round housing with smooth surfaces Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). IP stands for International
and no external seams. And if corners are necessary in the design, Protection but is sometimes referred to as Ingress Protection. IP
they’re executed with a radius rather than sharp angles. ratings that convey suitability for washdown are:
Gearbox lubrication and seals: In the ideal world, lubrication would • IP65 — protection against water jets
never make its way out of the gearbox and into the process. However, • IP66 — protection against powerful water jets
in the real world such leaks can (and do) happen. To prepare for this • IP67 — protection against immersion up to 1 meter
possibility, applications that pose the risk of incidental contact with the • IP69k — protection against powerful high-temperature water jets
product should be lubricated with NSF H1 food-grade grease or oil.
Heavy washdown applications should consider products that are
IP69K rated.
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Stainless Worm Gear 700 Series Boston Gear offers the industry’s largest line up of
Stainless Helical Bevel 2000 Series reliable gear drives, open gearing and gearheads.
Stainless Helical In-line 2000 Series With well over a century of frontline experience, Boston Gear is recognized
globally as a premier resource for extremely reliable, high-performance power
Cast Iron 700, 800 and 200 Series
transmission components. Boston Gear offers thousands of standard gearing
Spiral Bevel Right Angle Products products combined with the ability to custom engineer unique solutions
when required.
Micron TRUE Planetary® Gearheads
Long-lasting Boston products are hard at work in key markets including food
Bauer Gearmotor products processing, material handling, precision assembly, packaging equipment and
aerospace and defense in applications such as conveying, filling, labeling,
Open Gear Worm, Helical, Bevel, Rack
sealing, cartoning, bagging, wrapping, robotics, component handling, capping,
Custom Gears and Gearboxes and tensioning.