Genlang 1

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A is the interpretation: debaters should refrain from using gender discriminatory language in

round to promote inclusion and prevent misgendering fellow debaters or judges.

B is the violation: the use of “you guys” clearly discriminates against non binary folks in the
debate space making them feel unincluded, and unsafe further perpetuating the gender
exclusionary rule public forum debate already exhibits.

C is the role of the ballot: drop the debaters for verbally participating in gender discrimination
inside of round McGill University explains in 2019 that the use of “you guys” instead of gender
neutral phrases such as you all, you folks, you friends, you people, even calling us by name,
etc. directly discriminates, and excludes women as well as nonbianary folks. If you use gender
neutral terms you never violate. Misgendering is never ok. Exclusion is never ok. Drop them.
Changing language is a pre-requisite to shaping gender equality—phrases like “you guys”
reinforce patriarchal system.
Kleinman 07 (Sherryl Kleinman, Professor in Department of Sociology at the University of
North Carolina, “Why Sexist Language Matters.” March 12, 2007. MR.)
Gendered words and phrases like "you guys" may seem small compared to issues like violence against women, but
changing our language is an easy way to begin overcoming gender inequality. For years I've been up inches of space
in the newsletter of a rape crisis center? Because male-based generics are another indicator -- and more importantly,
a reinforcer -- of a system in which "man" in the abstract and men in the flesh are privileged over women. Some say
that language merely reflects reality and so we should ignore our words and work on changing the unequal gender
arrangements that are reflected in our language. Well, yes, in part. Link—noun, pronoun

Masculine pronouns and nouns perpetuate male dominance in the workplace.

RSCC 10 The RSCC, online Writing Lab. “Avoiding Sexist Language.” The January 28, 2010. MR.
When people use sexist language they are actually showing a bias, even if they are unaware of the bias or if it is
unintentional. Your usage is sexist if you refer in general to doctors, managers, lawyers, company presidents,
engineers, and other professionals as "he" or "him" while referring to nurses, secretaries, and homemakers as "she"
or "her." Our goal as communicators is to identify with our audience, not to inadvertently insult them. Follow these
guidelines to eliminate sexist expressions from your communications: 1. Use neutral expressions: Use "chair," or
"chairperson," rather than "chairman" Use "businessperson" rather than "businessman" Use "supervisor" rather than
"foreman" Use "police officer" rather than "policeman" Use "letter carrier" rather than "postman" Use "homemaker"
rather than "housewife" 2. Use plural forms. Instead of using "The manager . . . he," use "The managers . . . they."
3. When possible (as in direct address), use "you." For example, "You can begin to eliminate sexual bias by
becoming aware of the problem." But be careful to avoid using "you." If used too often, it can sound as if you're
ordering your reader around. 4. Drop endings such as -ess and -ette used to denote females (e.g., poetess, authoress,
bachelorette, majorette). 5. Avoid overuse of pairings (him or her, she or he, his or hers, he/she). Too many such
pairings are awkward. 6. Avoid sexist salutations such as "Dear Sir", or "Gentlemen." It is always preferable to use
the person's name. If you do not know whether a woman is married or not, use Ms. If you are unable to find out the
gender of the person, use the position title on an attention line (Attention: Quality Assurance Supervisor) instead of a

2 impacts
First is discourse. By advancing us into later rounds, or voting up the theory you signal to the
rest of the debate community that they do not have to stand down and be silent when they feel
excluded or violated in the debate space, we aren’t saying our opponents are bad people but
rather have fallen victim to the exclusionary norm that remains in public forum and has escaped
most other forms of debate. Gender neutral terms are a must especially when our pronouns are
easily accessible on tabroom.

Second is education. 2 Warrants.

First, Exclusion is the easiest way to make a debate round less educational. By making
debaters feel as if they don’t belong here you decrease the educational value of the round for
them. Inclusion is a prerequisite to equal education.

Second, This is an underrepresented issue, Debbie 18’ explains that the movement against
“you guys” is growing but only at a very slow pace, in so far is the topic of the Persian gulf is
more discoursed at this tournament but also around the world you prefer topics that don’t get
talked about enough as they offer more educational value.

Women’s agency is lost when gender language is used.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10 (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. “Feminist Philosophy of Language” MR.)
Much of feminist philosophy of language so far can be described as critical—critical either of language itself or of philosophy of
the changes are needed for the
language, and calling for change on the basis of these criticisms. Those making these criticisms suggest that
sake of feminist goals — either to better allow for feminist work to be done or, more frequently, to bring an end to
certain key ways that women are disadvantaged. In this entry, I examine these criticisms. I also examine work by feminists that seems to
suggest some of the criticisms are misplaced: that, for example, philosophy of language is better able to help in feminist projects
than critics suppose. My focus in this entry will generally be on the analytic tradition. There has been a great deal of feminist concern over the
supposedly gender-neutral use of terms like ‘he’ and ‘man’. It is commonly said that these terms have both gender-specific meanings, as in sentences
(1) and (2), and gender-neutral ones, as in sentences (3) and (4). He drank the wine. A man went into a bar. When a student comes into the room, he
even the supposed gender-neutral meanings of
should pick up a handout. Man is a primate. Feminists, however, have pointed out that
these terms are not really gender-neutral. Janice Moulton (1981a) and Adele Mercier (1995) provide examples in which there is no doubt
that a gender-neutral meaning is intended, but this meaning seems unavailable. As a result, the sentences seem ill-formed: Man has two sexes; some
men are female. Man breastfeeds his young. Ask the candidate about his husband or wife. We are, then, making a classificatory error if we claim that
‘man’ and ‘he’ are gender-neutral terms. In order to avoid such a classificatory error, we need to do more careful work on what the meanings of these
terms actually are. Perhaps the meaning of ‘he’ that has been called ‘gender-neutral’ is not really gender-neutral, but something much
more complex. Mercier suggests, for example, that we should understand the ‘gender-neutral’ use of ‘man’ as referring to either (a) a person or
persons of unknown sex; or (b) males or a combination of males and females. This explains why ‘men’ in (5) and ‘man’ in (6) are anomalous: these
terms are being used to refer exclusively to persons known to be female. The supposed ‘gender-neutral’ meaning of these terms, then, is not truly
gender neutral. But, on its own, this does not show that there is a problem with those uses that have traditionally been classified as gender-neutral, as
in sentences (3) and (4). (Discovering that we have misclassified an adjective as an adverb would not show anything wrong with actual uses of the
term in question.) Further reasons are needed in order to object to the use that is made of these terms. 1.2 Invisibility of women Feminist concerns,
however, go beyond mere classificatory ones. Feminists have also argued that terms like ‘he’ and ‘man’ contribute to making women
invisible — that is, to obscuring women's importance, and distracting attention from their existence. Fighting the invisibility of women is an important
feminist project in many areas,[1] and language that makes one less likely to think of women clearly contributes to this invisibility. There is good
psycholinguistic evidence that those who encounter sentences (like (3) and (4)) using the terms ‘ he’ and ‘man’ think more readily of males
than of females.[2] If this is right, then the use of these words can be seen as contributing to the invisibility of women. This gives feminists a good
reason to object to the ‘gender-neutral’ use of these terms. 1.3 Maleness as norm If one's only worry concerned the obscuring of women's presence,
however, it would be difficult to object to certain other terms to which feminists do commonly object: gender-specific occupational terms like
‘manageress’ (still common in the UK, though not in the US) or ‘lady doctor’. These terms certainly do not contribute to the invisibility of women.
Instead, they call attention to the presence of women. Moreover, they call attention to women's presence in positions of authority — doctor and
manager. Nonetheless, most feminists who think about language find these terms objectionable. The clearest reason for objecting to
‘manageress’ and ‘lady doctor’ is that the use of these terms seems premised on the idea that maleness is the norm,
and that women filling these jobs are somehow deviant versions of doctors and managers . This is also a key objection to the
use of ‘he’ and ‘man’. Moulton (1981a) understands these terms on the model of brand names, like ‘Hoover’ or ‘Scotch tape’ that become generic terms
for a product type. The message of such terms, she suggests, is that the brand in question is the best, or at least the norm. According to Moulton,
terms like ‘he’ and ‘man’ work in the same manner: they are gender-specific terms for men whose use has been extended to cover both men and
women. This, Moulton argues, carries the message that maleness is the norm. As a result, the use of these terms as if they were gender
neutral constitutes a sort of symbolic insult to women.
Sexist language is the root cause of patriarchy—leads to male supremacy and loss of
women’s agency.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10 (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. “Feminist
Philosophy of Language” MR.)
1Sme feminists (e.g. Penelope 1990; Spender 1985) argue that English is, in some quite general sense, male. (Corresponding arguments are also
put forward about other languages.) One thing that is meant by this is that English can be said to be male in a manner similar to that in which particular
— by encoding a male worldview, by helping to subordinate women or to render them
terms can be said to be male
invisible, or by taking males as the norm. One sort of argument for this begins from the examination of large quantities of specific terms,
and the identification of patterns of male bias, and proceeds from this to the conclusion that the male bias of English is so widespread that it is a
mistake to locate the problem in a collection of words, rather than in the language as a whole. The first stage of this sort of argument is, obviously, a
there are more words for males
lengthy and complex one. The sorts of claims (in addition to those we have already seen) cited include (a) that
than for females in English, and that more of these words are positive (Spender 1985: 15, citing Stanley 1977); (b) that a “word
for women assume[s] negative connotations even where it designated the same state or condition as it did for men ”
(Spender 1985: 17), as with ‘spinster’ and ‘bachelor’; (c) that words for women are far more frequently sexualized than
words for men, and that this holds true even for neutral words, when they are applied to women . Dale Spender, citing
Lakoff (1975), discusses the example of ‘professional’, comparing ‘he's a professional’ and ‘she's a professional’, and noting that
the latter is far more likely than the former to be taken to mean that the person in question is a prostitute . The
sexualisation of words for women is considered especially significant by the many feminists who take sexual objectification to be a crucial
element, if not the root, of inequalities between women and men. (For more on such examples, see also Baker 1992.) This widespread encoding of
Males (though not, as she notes, all of them) have had
male bias in language is, according to theorists like Spender, just what we should expect.
far more power in society, and this, she claims has included the power to enforce, through language, their view of
the world. Moreover, she argues, this has served to enhance their power. There is sexism in language, it does enhance the position
of males, and males have had control over the production of cultural forms. (Spender 1985: 144) This, Spender claims, provides
circumstantial evidence that ‘males have encoded sexism into language to consolidate their claims of male supremacy’
(Spender 1985: 144). Spender takes the evidence for this claim to be far more than circumstantial, however, and to support it she discusses the efforts
of prescriptive grammarians. These include, for example,the claim that males should be listed before females because ‘the male
gender was the worthier gender’ (Spender 1985: 147, emphasis hers), and the efforts (noted earlier) to establish ‘he’ as the
gender-neutral third-person English pronoun. According to theorists like Spender, men's ability to control language gives them great
power indeed. We have already seen ways in which what one might call the maleness of language contributes to the invisibility of
women (with respect to words like ‘he’ and ‘man’). If one takes the maleness of language to go beyond a few specific terms,
one will take language's power to make women invisible to be even stronger. We have also seen ways that what might be called
maleness can make it more difficult for women to express themselves. Where we lack words for important female experiences, like
sexual harassment, women will find it more difficult to describe key elements of their existence . Similarly, where the
words we have — like ‘foreplay’ — systematically distort women's experiences, women will have a difficult time
accurately conveying the realities of their lives. If one takes such problems to go beyond selected particular terms, and to infect language
as a whole, it is natural to suppose that women are to a large degree silenced — unable to accurately articulate key
elements of their lives, and unable to communicate important aspects of their thoughts
Sexist language shapes reality—creates a patriarchal society.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10 (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. “Feminist Philosophy of Language” MR.)
Spender and others also suggest that the maleness of language constrains thought, imposing a male worldview on all of us,
and making alternative visions of reality impossible, or at least very difficult to articulate . These arguments often draw upon
the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (Sapir 1949; Whorf 1976). This is generally described as roughly the hypothesis that “ our worldview is determined
by the structures of the particular language that we happen to speak” (Cameron 1998b: 150). Some suggest that male power
over language allows men to shape not just thought, but also reality . For example, Spender claims that men “created
language, thought, and reality” (1985: 143). This is a very strong version of what Sally Haslanger has called discursive
constructivism.[3] She defines this view as follows: Something is discursively constructed just in case it is the way it is, to
some substantial extent, because of what is attributed (and/or self-attributed) to it. (Haslanger 1995: 99) Feminists like Spender and
Catherine MacKinnon (1989) argue that male power over language has allowed them to create reality. This is partly due to the fact that our
categorizations of reality inevitably depend on our social perspective: “there is no ungendered reality or ungendered
perspective”. (MacKinnon 1989: 114. Haslanger discusses this argument in detail in her 1995.)

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