Fox Chapel Model MUN/Forensics Code of Conduct: Professionalism

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Chapel Model MUN/Forensics Code of Conduct

The purpose of this code of conduct is to ensure pleasant participation and fair treatment for
everyone during MUN and Forensics trips. We, the officers and sponsors of MUN/Forensics,
ask the students to meet these expectations at all times during events.
Professionalism is a reciprocal relationship. We have high expectations for the students and the students
should have expectations of the adults. Students and adults are expected to conduct themselves
professionally at all times and to treat the competition staff with respect. This includes

• meeting the expectations for Western professional attire - Dress codes are enforced at conferences
and tournaments; western business attire is expected, which means NO denim (including skirts), no
spaghetti straps (shoulders and upper arms must be covered), skirts must be knee length, no athletic
shoes, and the young men must wear dress shirts, dress pants, and ties for most events.
• avoiding the use of obscene or inappropriate language - Proper decorum is expected at all times.
• refraining from the inappropriate use of electronics in committee or competition - Generally, cell
phones, laptops, iPads and the like are prohibited to be used during competition.
• participating actively in the event. Students must be in the assigned competition rooms and
engaging in the activity. That is, be an active listener, ask questions when appropriate, make
speeches and presentations, sit in the front one-third of the room, and take good notes. Leaving
rooms for extended breaks, not being in the room when assigned, and failing to engage in the event
are unacceptable and unprofessional behaviors.
• being prompt and prepared for all meetings, curfews, departure times, etc.
Fox Chapel curfews for specific trips must be followed (except in the selective case of crisis committees in
which students are pulled out after the usual conference hours). Generally speaking, all students must be
in their rooms between 10:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. These times may be adjusted as the event schedule may
dictate at the discretion of the teacher/chaperone.

• Students may socialize in each others' rooms as long as the doors are propped entirely open prior to
curfews and the noise level does not disturb other hotel guests.
• Once students are in their rooms at curfew they must not leave the room except in the case of an
emergency. Chaperons will check rooms for entrances or exits after curfew.
• Violators will first receive a warning, and depending on the seriousness of the offence the teachers
reserve the right to punish the offender further.
Students must obey all legal, moral, and ethical directives of the chaperons and competition staff.
In addition to the stipulations above, the individual rules mandated by specific conferences and
tournaments must also be followed. This includes required position papers, script submissions, and
registration deadlines.

If a student consistently or seriously violates any aspects of this policy, he or she may be
removed from participation in the conference for the rest of the trip while being supervised
by the teacher / chaperone. Parents will be notified as soon as is practical and they may be
asked to come and retrieve their child.
Policy on Illegal Activities and Illicit Behavior
Fox Chapel Model MUN/Forensics Code of Conduct

Students are expected to follow school rules on trips.

• No drugs or alcohol, no sexual harassment, no firearms or other weapons, no theft, etc.

• Should the chaperones/teachers have a reasonable suspicion of the presence of illegal items, they
have the right to search through all student possessions.
• Reasonable suspicion could result in the immediate withdrawal of that student from participation in
the conference, and the student will be kept under close supervision with the teacher(s)/chaperones
for the rest of the trip.
• If evidence is found, items will be confiscated and the parent or guardian of the student will be
notified, and will be expected to provide immediate transportation home for that student.
• If the behavior is illegal (under-age alcohol possession / consumption, illegal drugs, weapons), then
the local police will be contacted prior to the parents. Parents must then come to wherever the
student is being held in custody in order to provide representation and transportation for the student.
Until the parent / legal guardian arrives, the coach on site will act in loco parentis for the student
and may give consent to reasonable searches, medical procedures, and legal questions. All of this
will done in good faith to protect the interests and safety of the student.
Due to the fact that the organizations/schools that run these conferences have a no-tolerance policy,
meaning that any suspicion of illegal items or inappropriate behavior may result in our school’s ejection
from the conference or tournament, we need to agree to an even stricter policy to ensure 100% compliance.
Finally, students are expected to take responsibility for the event and the club's activities by assisting the
teacher/chaperone in enforcing the code of conduct. Students should help each other to avoid any
violations of the code of conduct. If students know or suspect that others are violating the code of conduct,
then they must inform the teacher/chaperone as soon as possible. If students do not act on their knowledge
of violations, then they will be considered complicit in the same infraction and will face the same discipline
as outlined below.

Any infractions will be dealt with as per the student handbook. The principal and dean of
students will be notified and discipline referrals will be submitted on the first day of school
after our return. The student in question will be removed from the team for the rest of that
school year. The student may apply for reinstatement at the beginning of the next school
year. There is only one opportunity for reinstatement.
For questions regarding the Code of Conduct, please contact Mr. Matusiak.
In signing this, I agree to the terms that I have read concerning the expectations for professional
conduct and the consequences for violating those standards.
______________________________ ______________________________ __________
Parent/Guardian name (printed) Parent/ Guardian signature date
______________________________ ______________________________ __________
Student name (printed) Student signature date

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