Music 9 1 Quarter MUSIC OF THE MEDIEVAL (700-1400), RENAISSANCE (1400-1600), AND BAROQUE (1685-1750) PERIODS

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MUSIC OF THE MEDIEVAL (700-1400), RENAISSANCE (1400- 1600),


Module 1 :Music of Medieval Period (700-1400)

: Music of Renaissance (1400-1600)
At the end of this module, you as a learner are expected to:

 Listen perceptively to selected vocal and instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance and
Baroque Periods.

 Explain the performance practice (setting, composition, role of composers/performers and

audience) of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Periods.

 Relate Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music to its historical and cultural background through

 Sing selections of medieval chants, troubadour songs, madrigals, and oratorios with correct pitch,
rhythm, expression and style.

 Describe musical elements of given Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music

 Explore other arts and media that portray Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque elements.

Pre- Assessment
Classify the items in the box according to the historical period to which it belongs. Write the
word in the column below.
Music of the Medieval Period (700- 1400)
Western music composed in the Middle Age is called Medieval music. Medieval era started
from the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5 th century and ended in the early 15th century.
Chant, also known as plain song. Is a monophonic sacred form used as the earliest music of
the Christian church. The Roman Catholic Church tried to standardized the Mass and chant by
combining the Gallican and Roman regional liturgies. Rome was the religious center of Western
Europe, and Paris was the political center. The setting consisted mainly of a body of chants known
as Fregorian chant.
Music is sacred and secular in the Medieval period. Early Medieval period was known as
liturgical genre by way of monophonic Gregorian chant.
Plucked string instruments such as gittern, lute, mandore, and psaltery were used for medieval

Instruments used in Medieval Period

Gregorian Chant
Gregorian chant is the main practice of Western plainchant. It is a form of monophonic, sacred
song without accompaniment of the Western Roman Catholic Church. Pope St. Gregory the Great for
introducing Gregorian chant, however scholar says that it was created from a later Carolingian
synthesis of Gallican chant and Roman chant.
Gregorian melodies are traditionally written using neumes. Neumes is an early form of musical
notation from which the modern four-line and five line staff develop.

This music sheet is a notated Gregorian Chant written in Neumes.

Gregorian chant before was sung by men’s and boy’s choirs in churches. It is also sung by
women and men of religious orders in their chapels.
Liturgical Drama

Liturgical drama is a European musical tradition in the early Middle Ages. In its original form, it
shows Roman drama with Christian stories such as the Gospel, the passion, and the lives of the
saints- grafted on. Liturgical dramas were believed to be performed by traveling actors and
Troubadour Music
Troubadours compose and perform Old Occitan lyric poetry in the Middle Ages. The term
troubadour refers to man since it sounds masculine, and female troubadours are referred as
trobairitz. According to Dante Aliighieri, troubadour lyric is musical, poetical and rhetorical fiction.
Themes of troubadour songs are centered on chivalry and country love. Majority of these songs
were standard, intellectual, and metaphysical. Humorous and rude satires characterize many of their
songs. Their songs can be classified into three styles. These are trobar clus or close, trobar leu which
means light and troba ric which is rich.
The troubadors and trouveres music was a dialect tradition of monophonic secular song. Their
song may be accompanied by instruments, sung by professional, occasionally traveling musicians
who were skilled as poets as they were singers and instrumentalist. Typical subjects of troubadour
song were chivary, courtly love and war.
Adam de la Halle
Adam de la Halle was also known as Adam le Bossu (Adam the Hunchback). He was the son
of a well – known citizen of Arras, Henri de la Halle. He received his education at the Cistercian
Abbey of Vaucelles, near Cambral. Adam was destined for the church but he eventually married. His
patrons were Robert II, Count of Artois, and Charles of Anjou, brother of Louis IX.

Adam de la Halle Adam de la Halle’s manuscript

Adam was one of the oldest secular composers whose literary and musical works include
chansons and poetic debates. He was a trouvére, poet and musician, whose literary and musical
works include chansons and jeuxpartis (poetic debates) in the style of the trouveres, polyphonic
rondel and motets in the style of early liturgical polyphony. His musical play, ―Jeu de Robin et
Marion‖ was considered the earliest surviving secular French play with music
His works include:
1. Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion
2. La Chanson du roi de Sicile
Listen to the link below that features ― LeJeu de Robin et Marion‖

Music of the Renaissance Period (1400- 1600)

Renaissance is a French word means rebirth, which describes the period. This was the time of
artistic growth, cultural awakening, great intellectual achievement, and scientific discovery.
This period can be considered the door to the modern world of music. Elaborate polyphonic
style, harmony, instruments, music theory, and notation were introduced. Instrumental music
designed for dancing in ceremonies or courts was ordinarily used but unaccompanied choir were still
preffered.Renaissance period was known as the Golden Aged of Vocal Polyphony.
Characteristics of Renaissance Music:
 Mostly polyphonic
 Imitation among the voices is common
 Use of word painting in texts and music
 Melodic lines move in a flowing manner
 Melodies are easier to perform because these move along a scale with a few large leaps

Mass is a form of sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into music.
Characteristics of the Mass:

 Polyphonic
 May be sung a cappella or with orchestral accompaniment
 Text may be syllabic (one note set to each syllable), neumatic (a few notes set to one syllable),
or melismatic (many notes to one syllable)
Five Main Sections of Mass:
1. Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy)
2. Gloria (Glory to God in the Highest)
3. Credo (I Believe in One God)
4. Sanctus and Benedictus (Holy, holy and Blessed Is He)
5. Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)

Listen to the link below that features one of the main sections of the mass.
―Gloria‖ by Joasquin de Prez

Madrigal A secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy. It is written
and expressed in a poetic text and sung during courtly social gatherings. It is the most important
secular form during the Renaissance period.
Characteristics of the Madrigal:
 Polyphonic
 Sung a cappella
 Frequently in 3 to 6 voices
Famous Composers of the Renaissance Period
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina is said to be the greatest master of Roman Catholic Church
music during the Renaissance period. Majority of his compositions are sacred music. He was
committed to sacred music and has a keen interest in satisfying the desires of church leaders in the
sixteenth century. Palestrina’s Pope Marcellus Mass is held up as the perfect example of counter -
reformation style. Kyrie is part of the first two sections of the Pope Marcellus Mass.

His career reflects his commitment to the music of the church. He received his early training
and spent the majority of his career in various churches in Rome, including the pope’s chapel. He
was as an organist and choir master at both the Sistine Chapel and at St. Peter's which may have
influenced his distinctively pure and restrained style in musical compositions.
Palestrina also served as an organist in St. Agapito. His first book Masses became popular
and was greatly appreciated by Pope Julius III. He had planned to become a priest but eventually
changed his mind and married a wealthy widow. This improved his wealth and enabled him to pursue
a musical career for the rest of his life.
Palestrinian Style is the smooth style of the 16th century polyphony. Jis rules are as follow:

 Flow music is a dynamic, not rigid or static.

 Melody should contain few leaps between notes.
 If a leap occurs, it must be small and immediately countered by opposite step wise motion.
 Dissonances are either passing note or offbeat. If it is on the beat, it is immediately resolved.
Palestrina was the only composer of this century who consistently followed by his own rules. He was
also the Savior of Church Music at the time of reforms for the Council of Trent.
Listen to the links below that feature the opening Kyrie
(Excerpt from “Pope Marcellus Mass)

Thomas Morley 1557 – 1602

Morley was born in Norwich, East England, the son of a brewer. He was a singer in the local
cathedral from his boyhood, and he became master of choristers there in 1583.Thomas Morley was
the most famous composer of secular music in his time. He was a singer in the local cathedral during
his childhood and was believed to have studied music with William Byrd, an Elizabethan composer of
sacred music. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Oxford and became an organist at St. Paul’s in

He tried imitating Byrd in his early works but veered towards composing madrigals that show a
variety of color, form and technique. Most of his madrigals are light and easy to sing with some
aspects of Italian style. His Musica Transalpina, a collection of Italian madrigals fitted with English
text, was published in 1588 by Nicholas Yonge. Shortly after, he began publishing his own collections
of madrigals and made significant contribution to the history of music.

Morley was called Father of English Madrigal. He was the initial and chief figure in the
wholesale transplantation of the Italian madrigal tradition to England. He was responsible for the
quick assimilation of Italian styles and forms into a burgeoning English tradition. Morley translated the
Italian canzonet into a native form alone.

Answer the questions below.
1. What are the characteristics of the Medieval chant?
2.By what other name is Medieval chant know?
3.Who is the famous composer of the Medieval era?
4.How does Troubadour music differ from Gregorian chant?
5.Why were the troubadours popular during the Middle Ages?
6.Describe the style of Troubadour music.
7.Identify the contributions of the popular composers of music of the Renaissance period.
8.Were Mass music often used in mass celebration?Why?
Applying What you Learned
Fill in the columns with characteristics of each kind of music to compare and contrast them.

Mass Madrigal Music Troubadour Music Gregorian Chant

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