An Apology For Poetry by Sir Philip Sydn
An Apology For Poetry by Sir Philip Sydn
An Apology For Poetry by Sir Philip Sydn
Philip Sidney in his "Apology for Poetry" reacts against the attacks made on poetry by the
puritan, Stephen Gosson. To, Sidney, poetry is an art of imitation for specific purpose, it is
imitated to teach and delight. According to him, poetry is simply a superior means of
communication and its value depends on what is communicated.
So, even history when it is described in a lively and passionate expression becomes poetic. He
prefers imaginative literature that teaches better than history and philosophy. Literature has the
power to reproduce an ideal golden world not just the brazen world.
Against these charges, Sidney has answered them in the following ways-
Poetry is the source of knowledge and a civilizing force, for Sidney. Gossoon attacks on poetry
saying that it corrupts the people and it is the waste of time, but Sidney says that no learning is
so good as that which teaches and moves to virtue and that nothing can both teach and amuse
so much as poetry does. In essay societies, poetry was the main source of education. He
remembers ancient Greek society that respected poets. The poets are always to be looked up.
So, poetry is not wasted of time.
To the second charge, Sidney answers that poet does not lie because he never affirms that his
fiction is true and can never lie. The poetic truths are ideal and universal. Therefore, poetry
cannot be a mother of lies.
Sidney rejects that poetry is the source of abuses. To him, it is people who abuses poetry, not
the vice- versa. Abuses are more nursed by philosophy and history than by poetry, by describing
battles, bloodshed, violence etc. On the contrary, poetry helps to maintain morality and peace by
avoiding such violence and bloodsheds. Moreover it brings light to knowledge.
Sidney views that Plato in his Republic wanted to banish the abuse of poetry not the poets. He
himself was not free from poeticality, which we can find in his dialogues. Plato never says that all
poets should be banished. He called for banishing only those poets who are inferior and unable
to instruct the children.
For Sidney, art is the imitation of nature but it is not slavish imitation as Plato views. Rather it is
creative imitation. Nature is dull, incomplete and ugly. It is artists who turn dull nature in to golden
color. He employs his creative faculty, imagination and style of presentation to decorate the raw
materials of nature. For Sidney, art is a speaking picture having spatiotemporal dimension. For
Aristotle human action is more important but for Sidney nature is important.
Artists are to create arts considering the level of readers. The only purpose of art is to teach and
delight like the whole tendency of Renaissance. Sidney favors poetic justice that is possible in
poet's world where good are rewarded and wicked people are punished.
Plato's philosophy on ' virtue' is worthless at the battlefield but poet teaches men how to behave
under all circumstances. Moral philosophy teaches virtues through abstract examples and history
teaches virtues through concrete examples but both are defective. Poetry teaches virtue by
example as well as by percept (blend of abstract + concrete). The poet creates his own world
where he gives only the inspiring things and thus poetry holds its superior position to that of
philosophy and history.
In the poet's golden world, heroes are ideally presented and evils are corrupt. Didactic effect of a
poem depends up on the poet's power to move. It depends up on the affective quality of poetry.
Among the different forms of poetry like lyric, elegy, satire, comedy etc. epic is the best form as it
portrays heroic deeds and inspires heroic deeds and inspires people to become courageous and
In this way, Sidney defines all the charges against poetry and stands for the sake of universal
and timeless quality of poetry making us know why the poets are universal genius.