Ineffective Airway Clearance: Fowler's

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SUBJECTIVE CUES: GOAL OF CARE Assess past patterns of After 8 hours of nursing
The patient verbalized After 1 week of sleep in normal environment: intervention the client
that “Nahihirapan ako Ineffective nursing amount, bedtime rituals, has been able to:
maghinga kase barado intervention the depth, length, positions, aids,
ilong ko pati may client will and interfering agents. - Verbalized feel
ubo” I have a hard After 8 hours of nursing intervention - Assess respiratory status for of rested
time to breath because the client will: rate, depth, ease, use of
my nose is block and I Clearance accessory muscles, and work
have coughs.  Patient will achieve the return of breathing - achieve and
of and ability to maintain - Auscultate the lung fields for maintain a patent
patent airways and respiratory the presence of wheezes, airway.
OBJECTIVE CUES: status baselines. crackles (rales), rhonchi, or
decreased breath sounds.
Restlessness  Patient will achieve and
- - Monitor patient for cough and
noted maintain a patent airway. - achieve and
production of sputum, noting
amount, color, character, and maintain a patent
Changes in  Patient will have clear breath
patient’s ability to expectorate airway.
respiratory rate sounds to auscultation and will
have respiratory status secretions, and the ability to
and depth
parameters with optimal air cough. - have clear breath
- Rhinorrhea exchange. - Position patient in sounds to
high Fowler’s or semi- auscultation and
- Decreased  Patient will be compliant and Fowler’s position, if possible. will have
breath sounds be able to accurately - Administer bronchodilators as respiratory status
administer medications on a ordered
- parameters with
daily basis, preventing - Encourage fluids, up to 3-4 optimal air
-V/S taken as follows exacerbations of the disease
L/day unless contraindicated. exchange.
T: 36.7 process.
- Encourage deep breathing
P: 70
 Patient will be able to cough exercises and coughing
R: 17 exercises every 2 hours.
up secretions and perform
coughing and deep-breathing

Changes may vary from minimal to
extreme caused by bronchial swelling,
increased mucus secretions caused by
oversecretion of goblet cells and
tracheobronchial infection, narrowing
of air passageways, and presence of
other disease states that complicates
the current condition.

Wheezing is caused by squeezing of

air past the narrowed airways during
expiration which is caused by
bronchospasms, edema, and secretions
obstructing the airways.Crackles or
rales, result from consolidation of
leukocytes and fibrin in the lung
causing an infection or by fluid
accumulation in the lungs.

Mucus color from yellow to green

may indicate the presence of infection.
Tenacious, thick secretions require
more effort and energy to expectorate
through coughing, and may actually
create an obstruction stasis that leads
to infection and respiratory changes.

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