Plant and Animal Organ System and Their Functions
Plant and Animal Organ System and Their Functions
Plant and Animal Organ System and Their Functions
Cell membrane
it is a structure used by
unicellular organisms for gas
exchange. Gases directly pass
through the cell membrane through
Example: Bacteria
Body surface / Skin
it is a respiratory surface covered with thin
and moist epithelial cells that allow oxygen and
carbon dioxide exchange. Gases can only cross
the cell membrane when they are dissolved in an
aqueous solution, and thus the surface should be
flatworms and frogs
they greatly increase the
surface area for gas exchange in
aquatic organisms. Gills are
convoluted outgrowths containing
blood vessels covered by a thin
layer of epithelial cells. They can
be found either externally or
external gills—axolotl (an amphibian)
Internal gills—fish
Tracheal systems
they are composed of a series of
respiratory tubes that carry the
gases directly to the cells for gas
exchange. Gases enter and exit
through the openings at the body
surface called spiracles.
Grasshoppers and cockroaches
these are ingrowths of the
body wall that connect to the
outside environment by a
series of respiratory tubes
and small openings. The
lungs are one of the most
complex respiratory organs Example:
of animals. Humans
In plants, gas exchange mainly occurs in the leaves.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are two biological
processes involved in gas exchange in plants. In photosynthesis,
plants take in carbon dioxide from the air to make food; during
the process, oxygen is released as a by-product. At the same
time, plants take in oxygen to be used in cellular respiration,
releasing energy and carbon dioxide as by-products.
Plants have different
mechanisms for gas exchange
compared to animals. Plants
are able to perform this
process using the structures
present in the leaves.
Gases enter the leaves
through specialized pores
called stomata (singular:
stoma). Each stoma contains
guard cells that control the
opening and closing of the
pores. The stomata normally
open when light strikes in the
morning, and they close during
the night.
This happens because of the change in
turgor pressure, or the pressure involved
when the guard cell is pushed against the
cell wall. When turgor pressure develops
within guard cells the thin outer walls of the
guard cells bulge out, and the inner walls
form into a crescent shape. This change in
shape opens the stomata. When the guard
cells lose turgor pressure, the elastic inner
walls regain their original shape, closing the
stomata. The closing and opening of the
guard cells allow the exchange of gases
between the leaves of the plant and the
Roots and stems also contribute to gas exchange but only with a minimal
effect. Woody stems and mature roots are covered with an outer bark
composed of cork cells. These cork cells are impregnated with suberin, a
waxy, waterproof substance that does not allow gases and water to pass
through. However, these woody stems and mature roots are perforated by
nonsuberized pores called lenticels.
provide a pathway
for the direct exchange
of gases between the
internal tissue of the
plant and the atmosphere
Transport of Materials
and Circulatory System
of Plants and Animals
All organism should be able to transport
important particles or molecules into their
bodies. At the same time, they should be able
to remove wastes and other unwanted
substances from them. This is why plants and
animals have various types of circulatory
These circulatory systems allow important
biological fluids to be transported around the
organism, so that the organism can breathe,
gain nutrition, and maintain its internal
environment for survival.
Transport of materials in Plants
Plants have two main circulatory
• Xylem- transport water
and nutrients from the
roots to the different
parts of the plant
• Phloem- transports
sugars and other
metabolic products
from the leaves to the
rest of the plant
Plants also have the following
supporting organs:
• Tr a c h e i d s - elongated
cells in the xylem that
help in the transport of
water and nutrients
a) Structure: Heart is a powerful muscular
organ lying between lungs in the upper part
of thorax of our body. It is four-chambered-
two (right and left) atria (sing. atrium, also
called auricles), and two (right and left)
The heart is made of specialized muscle cells
(also called cardiac muscle fibers), which
contract and relax all the time without getting
tired. The contraction and relaxation follows
a rhythm called heartbeat to pump blood In one minute, normal human heart beats
into the vessels. about 72 times.
Blood vessels
Blood vessels, which are tube-like
structures, connected to the heart.
Blood vessels are of three kinds:
• Arteries: Carry blood from heart to
various parts of body.
• Veins: Bring blood from various
parts of body to the heart.
• Capillaries: Thin vessels between
the artery and the vein. The capillaries
allow the exchange of materials
between blood and tissues.
Blood is a connective tissue that circulates throughout the body. It is made
up of a fluid medium called plasma in which float three types of blood
cells, called red blood cells, white blood cells and blood platelets. Blood
cells are manufactured in the bone marrow.
a) Red blood cells
(RBC or Erythrocytes)
Body fluids are vital to animals. Different animals exert various ways of regulating
their internal body fluids. Fluid regulation in animals depends on their excretory systems.
Water and minerals enter the body of the animals when they drink and eat the food.
However, most of the water and the minerals are lost by evaporation from the skin and
lungs, as well as by excretion. To maintain homeostasis in animals, the amount of water
acquired by the body should be equal to the amount of water lost.
Terrestrial and aquatic animals have different ways of regulating their body fluids.
Aquatic Animals
o Marine invertebrates — the
marine environment has a
greater solute concentration
than that of the body of
marine invertebrates. For this
reason, seawater may be
toxic to them. However,
marine invertebrates have a
high concentration of urea in
their blood, which matches
the tonicity of the water. This
allows the animals to survive
in their environment.
o Marine vertebrates — the body
fluids of marine vertebrates are at
a lower concentration than that of
seawater, which is why marine
vertebrates must reabsorb the
water for them to remain in
healthy state. They excrete ions
such as sodium and chloride at a
minimal rate because a high
amount of water must be retained
inside them.
o Freshwater vertebrates — the
body of freshwater vertebrates is
hypertonic, as compared to their
environment. This allows water to
continue to diffuse into the body
of the fish. The kidneys, which
deal with water uptake, allow
large amount of ions such as
sodium and chloride to go out of
their bloodstream. However,
these organisms need to reabsorb
some important ions via active
Terrestrial Animals
body fluids are regulated
by the excretory system. The
excretory system removes the
metabolic wastes and retains
proper amounts of water,
salts, and nutrients.
Te r r e s t r ia l animals have
various ways of reducing
water loss. Some live in
moist environments, develop
impermeable covering, and
even produce concentrated
urine. The excretory system
of terrestrial animals serves
to collect water and filter
body fluids, and it
eliminates excretory wastes
from the body.
Chemical and Nervous
Compared to plants, animals have chemical and nervous control that enable
them to respond to environmental stimuli. Chemical control is under the regulation
of the endocrine system and includes the various hormones. Chemical control is
slow-acting but the effect is long-term. On the other hand, nervous control is under
the regulation of the nervous system with its system of neuronal mechanisms.
Nervous control is fast-acting and the effect is short-term, although frequent
stimulation can be stored to produce a longer-lasting behavioral response.
Nervous System
• Dendrite - Receives
information and passes it
to the cell body
Forebrain—the cerebrum (top portion of brain, largest region), which is the major section of
forebrain, controls motor outputs as well as speech, reasoning, and emotions. The thalamus
and hypothalamus are also part of the forebrain.
Hindbrain—the hindbrain consists of the cerebellum (smaller portion toward lower back of
brain), which coordinates voluntary muscle activity, and the medulla oblongata (extension of
central portion of brain directly above the spinal cord), which regulates many involuntary
responses of internal organs.
On the other hand, some invertebrates do not have a main organ for
nervous control. Instead, they have a simple kind of nervous system known
as nerve nets. Nerve nets consist of individual nerve cells that form a
netlike arrangement throughout the animal’s body.
the spinal cord is link between the brain and
the peripheral nervous system. It conducts
signals to and from the brain. Reflexes may be
controlled by either spinal cord or the brain.
VASCULAR STRANDS serve as the nerves in plants. The
leaves contain strands that combine to form the vascular bundles
of the stem and the vascular cylinder of the roots. The roots
contain vascular tissues and its strands are supported by
numerous cells forming the vascular cylinder.
Endocrine System
• The endocrine system is the
collection of glands that produce
hormones that regulate
metabolism, growth and
development, tissue function,
sexual function, reproduction,
sleep, and mood, among other
• The endocrine system is made
up of the pituitary gland,
thyroid gland,
parathyroid glands,
adrenal glands, pancreas,
ovaries (in females) and
testicles (in males)
• The endocrine and the nervous system coordinate with each
other through a series of feedback mechanisms to maintain
• Animal’s hormone is mostly produced by the endocrine
system. Hormones are chemical signals secreted by
endocrine glands that communicate regulatory messages
within the body.
• The pituitary gland is called the master
gland of the endocrine system. This is
because it controls many other
hormone glands in the body.
• The master gland controls the thyroid
gland, adrenal gland, ovaries and
testicles. While it may be in charge of
these glands, it gets it orders from its
neighbor, the hypothalamus.
• The pituitary gland is located in the
brain, between the hypothalamus and
the pineal gland, just behind the bridge
of the nose. It is about the size of a pea
and is attached to the brain by a thin
stem of blood vessels and nerve cell
• The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-
shaped organ in your throat, and it is
very important to your health and well-
being. The thyroid is part of the
endocrine system, which is essentially a
collection of glands. Glands produce
hormones that regulate mood and
various functions in the body.
Some of the substances that need to be maintained inside your body include
glucose, water, a healthy amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and mineral salts
such as sodium and chlorine. Internal conditions such as temperature, blood
pressure, and hormone concentration also need to be regulated.
Cell Wall
Control Mechanism
the stimulus-response model shows that event happen when a certain stimulus changes the internal condition
of the body. The following is a brief definition of the stimulus-response feedback model:
1. Stimulus – a structure that produces the change (signal)
2. Receptor – a structure that detects the change (sensor)
3. Control center – a structure that determines the appropriate response to the stimulus (integrator)
4. Effector – can be organs, glands, or tissues that are instructed to adjust the amount of output that produces a
desired effect
5. Response – the outcome of the adjustment that should remove the initial stimulus
Feedback Mechanism
• A form of regulation
– The body detects a change in internal
environment & responds to the change
• 2 Types of Feedback Mechanisms:
– Negative feedback
– Positive feedback
The Negative Feedback Mechanism
• Many functions in the body are based on the energy sourced from
glucose. Without glucose, metabolic reactions would not occur.
Therefore, glucose should be regulated, as too much or too less of it
might result in brain damage and loss of consciousness.
• Hormones such as insulin and glucagon play
important roles in regulating blood glucose levels in
the body by allowing the glucose level to decrease or
increase, respectively.
Insulin – is a hormone that facilitates glucose transport into
the cells. (helps decreases the blood sugar level)
Glucagon – is a hormone produced by the pancreas that
raises the blood glucose level by stimulating the breakdown
of glycogen into glucose and by allowing glucose
production from amino acids and fatty acids.