Arm Robot (Scorbot ER-III) : A. Introduction
Arm Robot (Scorbot ER-III) : A. Introduction
Arm Robot (Scorbot ER-III) : A. Introduction
(Scorbot ER-III)
A. Introduction
Scorbot is one of practicum tool at Polytechnic ATMI Surakarta. Scorbot more
commonly called as "Arm Robot". Scorbot are located in PLC Lab, because it is used to
PLC programming practice. For Grade 2 students in ATMI, only students who
Mechatronic Engineer (TMK) and Design Engineer (TPM) that practice in this section.
For industrial machine students (TMI) will enter PLC section when they are in grade 3.
Although Mechatronic Engineer (TMK) and Design Engineer (TPM) practice in the PLC
Section, but only TMK students who apply the PLC program into the Scorbot. At the
PLC Lab ATMI Surakarta There are 3 Set Scorbot / Arm Robot, So every practice one
scorbot used by 3 students. PLC Lab is located on the 2nd floor of the Intercamp
B. Content
Arm Robot is the designation for a tool called "SCORBOT-ER III" at ATMI Surakarta.
Armm Robot is the product of "Eshed Robotec", Robot companies from Israel.
Nowadays "Scorbot ER-III" is no longer manufactured. Scorbot called Arm robot,
because it was made as closely as possible with the function of the human arm.
Robot Arm has 5 kinds of movement, namely:
- Spinning (CW-CCW)
- backwards and forwards
- Up and down
- Clamp-unclamp
- Adjust the clamp movement (both rotating or up and down)
The Arm Robot consists of several components that are connected to each other, so it
can make certain movements. Robot Arm is a combination from electronic control with
mechanical movement. Components of the robot arm consists from: Gear, Limit
switches, Cam, DC Motor, Body, Timing Belt and connecting cable.
1. Body / frame
Trigger Switch.
7. The connecting cable
or Power supply.
C. Conclusion
Scorbot / Arm Robot created to be able to facilitate the work of human. In addition, the
robot arm can also minimizing the risk of work that can happen when it is done directly
by humans. In its development the robot arm still has shortcomings, namely the
movement created is still stiff. Nowadays, robot arm being developed to obtain more
universal movement and finer movements. Hopefully the development of the robot arm
does not make people more lazy, but can make people do something more effective
and productive.
Be smart and wise
Thank You
- God Bless
English Task
(Scorbot ER-III)
Prepared By :
Wisnu Adi Pamungkas
TMK 2A / 17