Moving Charge in A Magnetic Field
Moving Charge in A Magnetic Field
Moving Charge in A Magnetic Field
(B) greater for faster protons. enters a region of uniform magnetic field and moves
(C) smaller for faster protons. along a circular are. If the strength of the magnetic field
(D) either (B) and (C) depending on the magnitude is 9.1 x 10T and extends
upto a distance of 5 cm from
of B. the point of entry of the electron, the
5 A proton projected with a velocity v deseribes a circle angle of deflection
of the electron when it comes out of the
field is
of radius R in a uniform magnetic field B. The velocity
with which an a-particle should be projected so that (A) 30° (B) 45 (C) 60 (D) 90°
it describes a circle of the same radius R in the same 13 Two particles having the same mass m
(D) 24B
(B) B.a 2B,a, C)24B
20 A charged particle enters a region of uniform magnetic
- 0.0 field B with a velocity õ at an angle O as shown in the
(C2B,a figure. Then the ratio of radius to pitch of helix is