Moving Charge in A Magnetic Field

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Moving charge in Magnetic field

1 Two particles A and 5 of masses

m, and m, and having 7 field 0.5T
the same charge are moving in a plane with
A proton cnters a region of uniform magnetic
speeds v, with a velocity u at an angle 45° with B. IfP is the pitch
and 7 respectively. A uniform magnetic field B exists of the helical path followed, the radius of the helix is
perpendicular to this
plane. The trajectories of the 27T P
particles are shown in the figure. Then
(A) 27 (D)
P (C)p T

8 A proton is projected in a plane perpendicular toa

uniform magnetic ficld B. The areal velocity (arca swept
per unit time) of the proton is
(A) dircctly proportional to its kinctic energy
(A) m 0, m,03 (B) m m (B) inversely proportional to its kinetic energy
(C) m, m, and v,< v (D) m, =

m, and C)directly proportional to its kinetic energy

2 A particle of mass and charge q moves
m m, =d
with a constant (D) directly proportional to the charge on proton
velocity along the positive X direction.
It enters a 9 Two protons enter a region of uniform magnetic field
region containing a uniform magnetic field B directed with velocities v i and (2v)i. The angular frequency of
along the negative Z direction extending from x a to =

x b. The minimum value of v

= revolution is o. Then
required so that the o, (C) o, <, (D) o, o, =0
(A) =a, (B) »,
particle can just enter the region x > b is
10 A magnetic field with a slit system shown in s i
(A) (B) 4-a)B the figure is used as a momentum filter for
m high energy particles. For a field B, the filter
qaB (D) 6+a)B transmits a-particles each of energy 5 MeV.
2m If the magnetic field is increased to 2 B, the S: | |
3 Protons moving with different speeds enter a region of energy of the deuteron passed by the filter is
a uniform magnetic field in a direction at (A) 5 MeV (B) 10 MeV
the field.
right angles to (C) 2.5 MeV (D) 1 MeV
They will move along circular paths 11 Two particles with the same charge but of different
(A) of same radius.
(B) with larger radii for the faster protons. masses
m, and m, accelerated through the same potential
(C) with smaller radii for the faster protons. difference enter a region of a uniform magnetic field
(D) either (B) or (C) depending on the magnitude of and describe circular paths of radii r, and r,. Then
m,m, is equal to
the magnetic field.
4 In
the previous question, time period of revolution (7)
(A) (B) C) (D)
will be
(A) same for all the protons. 12 An electron travelling with a velocity of 1.6 10° ms

(B) greater for faster protons. enters a region of uniform magnetic field and moves
(C) smaller for faster protons. along a circular are. If the strength of the magnetic field
(D) either (B) and (C) depending on the magnitude is 9.1 x 10T and extends
upto a distance of 5 cm from
of B. the point of entry of the electron, the
5 A proton projected with a velocity v deseribes a circle angle of deflection
of the electron when it comes out of the
field is
of radius R in a uniform magnetic field B. The velocity
with which an a-particle should be projected so that (A) 30° (B) 45 (C) 60 (D) 90°
it describes a circle of the same radius R in the same 13 Two particles having the same mass m

magnetic field, is and carrying charges tq and -q enter

a region of unifornm magnetic field B
4 (B) (C)v (D) 2 directed normally into the paper, with
speeds v, and v, as shown in figure.
6 The cyclotron frequency of an electron moving in a
Ifd is the initial separation between the
uniform magnetic field 0.02 T is particles, then
the particles will not collide if
(A) 5.6 x 10* Hz (ignore electrostatic
(B) 6.6 x 10* Hz 2m
(C) 8.6x 10* Hz (A) d> , +o,) (B) d> +3,)
qB qB
(D) 7.6 x 10* Hz (C) v = v0,
(D) d R+0,)
A positivec charge q is projected into a region of magn
14 A charged particle of specific charge a is
released from
time / 0 with=
the origin of the co-ordinate system at with a velocity v
field of widthaB
avelocity constant 7=v,(i+i) in a uniform magnate
taken by
field B =B,i asshown in figure. Then timc
the charged particle to emerge out of
The co-ordinates of the particle at time l= are
this region is
2 (B)
2B,a aß, B,a (A J24B 4qB 2qB

(D) 24B
(B) B.a 2B,a, C)24B
20 A charged particle enters a region of uniform magnetic
- 0.0 field B with a velocity õ at an angle O as shown in the
(C2B,a figure. Then the ratio of radius to pitch of helix is

(D) 0, 2 (A) tan (B)tan

B,a Ba
A particle having a charge q enters a
15 (C) cot 6 (D)
region of uniform magnetic field B
Select the correct statement among the following:
(directed inwards) and is deflected 21
by a distance y after traveling a (A) A magnetic field can accelerate a charged
distance x as shown in the figure. particle.
The magnitude of the momentum of Hr
(B) Amagnetic field cannot accelerate a charged
the particle is particle.
(C) Amagnetic field can increase the speed of a
(A)9 (B) (C) () charged particle.
of uniform
(D) A magnetic field cannot change the velocity of a
16 A charged particle moving in a region charged particle.
lead and loses
magnetic field penetrates a layer of In which of the following situations will a charge
one half of its kinetic energy. The radius of 22 experiences a zero force?
changes to
(A) The charge is at rest in an electric field.
twice the original radius The charge moves parallel to an electric field.
(A) (B)
(B) v2 times the original radius (C) The charge is at rest in a magnetic field.
(D) The charge moves perpendicular to a magnetie
C) half the original radius
(D)timesthe original radius 23 A proton moving in a region of uniform magnetic field
17 A charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field 3i + 4j and an acceleration
has a velocity 7 =

loses 4% of its kinetic energy. The radius of curvature

a =3i +xj. The value of r is
of its path changes by
(A) 2% (B) 4% (A) 1 (B)-1
(C) 10% (D) none (C)-1.5 (D)-2.25
18 A charged particle of mass m and charge q enters a
24 An velocity vi enters a region of d
electron having a
region of a uniform magnetic field B with a speed o
The magnetic field is directed normally into the plane of uniform magnetic tield Bj . The direction of
the paper. The plane is frictional having the coefficient magnetic force on it is along
of friction u. The radius of curvature of the path after
(A) k (B)-k
the time (C) i (D)j
mU mo,
aB B24B (C)AgB (D)
25 In the
following diagram, the
charged particle is directed magnetic force on the 32 For a
positively charged particle moving in the
(A) normally out of the plane of
B xx x XY plane initially along the x-axis, there is a
diagram change in its path due to the presence of electric field
(B) along -ð and/or magnetic field beyond the point P as shown in
C)to the left of d figure. The curved path in the XY plane is found to be
D) to the right of ö non-circular. Which one of the following combinations
are possible?
26An electron accelerated
by potential difference V
a (A) E = 0; B = bj +ck
enters a region of uniform transverse
it experiences a magnetic force F. Ifmagnetic
field and (B) E -ai; B -ck+bi
potential is tripled, the force will be accelerating (C) E = 0; B = cj +bk
(A)F (B) 3F C) 3F (D) E = ai ; B = ck+bj
27 The power supplied by the magnetic force acting 33 In a region where both a non-zero uniform electric field
on a and a non-zero uniform magnetie field co-exist, the path
moving charged particle
(A) is always zero. of a charged particle
(B) is never zero. (A) must be a circle (B) may be a circle
(C) may be a straight line (D) must be a helix
(C) is zero only when is
perpendicular to B
A n electron is moving along xi. A uniform electric
(D) is zero only when õ is parallel to B.
field E(-j) is present. What should be the direction of
28 Aproton entering a region of a magnetic field of strength
2.6 mT in a direction at an angle 15° with the the magnetic field so that the net force on the electron is
magnetic zero?
field experiences a magnetic force 6.5 x 10-17N. The
kinetic energy of the proton is (Given: sin 15° 0.258) = (A) i (B) (C) k (D)-k
(A)0.65 x 10-16 J (B) 5.86 x 10-19 J 34' A proton is released from rest in a region of steady and
(C)0.58 x10-17 J (D) 5.86 x10-16 J uniform electric and magnetic fields which are parallel
29 Two charged particles are projected into a region of a to each other. The particle will move in a
uniform magnetic field in a direction perpendicular to (A) straight line (B) circle
the field. If they are defiected in the opposite directions, (C) helix (D) eycloid
then one can conclude that 35 Two positive point charges each having magnitude q
(A) the charges are of opposite signs. but of sufficiently large masses move parallel to one
(B) the charges are of same sign. another with the same non-relativistic velocity õ (non
has more mass than the relativistic means that their velocities are very small1
(C) one charged particle
other. compared with the velocity of light in vacuum) as
than the shown in the figure. The ratio of the magnitudes of the
(D) one charged particle has larger charge
magnetic and electrie interaction forces between
30 A region has a uniform electric field and a uniform them is
the positive r axis.
magnetic field both directed along (A)
at an angle 80°
An electron is projected from the origin
with the r-axis. The electron
of increasing pitch. (C) (D)
a helical path
along 72
(A) move
m o v e along a
helical path of decreasing 36 A rectangular current loop carrying a current / is placed
move in a circle. conductor as shown in the
(C) near a long straight parallel
come to rest. figure. Then the loop
(D) momentarily
electrons passes through a velocity filter D
of (A) remains stationary.
31 A stream
electric and magnetic
arrangement consisting of crossed
(B) tends to move away from the
0.2 mT respectively.
kV/m and B = wire.
fields and B =50 through the
kinetic energy of an electron passing (C) tends to move towards the wire.
(D) tends to rotate around the wire
filter is (in eV) (C) 16.9 (D) 17.7 with the wire as the axis.
(B) 16.2
(A) 15.8

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