M2021 SIIIA SCM Shakeel S Jajja New - Students

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Course Title: Supply Chain Management

Semester: Semester III-A Class: MBA 2021

Instructor: Dr. Shakeel Sadiq Jajja Email: ssj@lums.edu.pk

Room # 3-0008 Telephone: 03004722048x

Office Call/WhatsApp or take Admin Sharha Mumtaz

Hours: appointment for a Zoom Assistant (sharha.mumtaz@lums.edu.pk)
Telephone: 03324116068x

Students should consider sending an email before choosing to contact on phone. If you do feel the
need to contact on phone please use office hours for making the contact and consider sending an sms
before you call.


Supply chain management has become the key to competitive advantage in today’s marketplace.
The crisis Covid-19 has made the need for efficient and effective supply chain management
extremely explicit.

Over decades the field of supply chain management has evolved from being limited to
warehousing, transportation and logistics to a much more comprehensive function for
organizational competitiveness. Today’s supply chain managers are inevitably involved throughout
the product life cycle starting from product development to its consumption and recycling. As a
result, in many industries supply managers have become dominant influencers driving operational
strategy and increasingly corporate strategies. The pursuit of concurrent focus on various
competitive and conflicting priorities such as quality, cost, variety, and innovation have led to
globalization of supply chains that has its own challenges associated with local dynamics such as
economics, society, and technology.

This course seeks to delve into the discussions into four main discussion areas:

1. Constitution of supply chain management and drivers and maintenance of supply chain
2. Management of demand, supply, and network of supply chain
3. Strategic choices, development, and leverage of supply base
4. Triple bottom line of supply chain management


At the end of this course, the participants shall be able to

1. Appreciate the dynamics and significance of supply chain management in Covid-19
2. Understand constituent of (global) supply chain management
3. Understand strategic, tactical, ethical, and operational issues and performance drivers in
supply chains
4. Design and manage a supply chain network

5. Understand and manage supply chain’s upstream decisions

6. Understand and manage supply chain’s downstream decisions
7. Understand how supply chain function interacts with other organizational functions


1. Leadership and teamwork: Students will be able to assume leadership roles, perform
leadership tasks responsibly, and work effectively in teams.
2. Functional, integrative and strategic abilities: Students will demonstrate understanding of
the functional and strategic aspects of business and management, be able to integrate across
functional areas, and develop feasible strategies and action plans.
3. Critical thinking and decision making: Students will be able to identify key problems,
collect and use information critically, and generate viable alternatives and solutions.
4. Global perspective and flexibility: Students will demonstrate understanding of global and
multi-cultural perspectives within the local context and be able to work effectively in multi-
cultural settings.
5. Social, ethical, economic and environmental responsibility: Students will be able to
understand the broader ramifications of their decisions and assess the impact of economic,
ethical, environmental factors on the policies, strategies and operations of the organization.
6. Effective communication: Students will be able to communicate clearly and persuasively in
writing and verbally, in ways appropriate for a variety of objectives and audiences.
7. Entrepreneurialism and innovativeness: Students will be able to create, identify, assess,
shape and act on opportunities in a variety of contexts and organizations.
8. Managing pressures, complexities and uncertainties: Students will be able to manage
pressures and resource constraints, and think, decide and act in complex and ambiguous

Indicate below how the course learning objectives specifically relate to any program learning
goals and objectives.

Program Learning Goals and Course Learning Objectives Course Assessment Item

Goal 1 – Leadership and  LO 4,5,6  Project, CP (Simulation)


Goal 2 – Functional, integrative  LO 2,3,4,7  Quizzes, CP, Final Exam

and strategic abilities

Goal 3 – Critical Thinking –  LO 1,3,4,5,6  Quizzes, CP, Project

Decision making capabilities
Goal 4 – Global perspective  LO 1,2,5,6,7  CP, Final Exam, Project
and flexibility

Goal 5 – Social, Ethical, LO 1,2,3 CP, Project

Economical and Environmental

Goal 6 – Communication  LO 3,4,5,6,7  CP, Project, Final Exam


Goal 7 – Entrepreneurialism  LO 4,7  CP, Project

and innovativeness

Goal 8 – Managing pressures,  LO 1,3,4,5,6,7 Project, Final Exam, CP

complexities and Uncertainties

Grading System


CP 30%

Quiz 10%

Project 30% (Project report: 20%; Project presentation: 10%)

Final exam or Viva voce 30%

Class Participation

There are two pre-requisites for effective participation. 

The first is through preparation, while the second is active listening. 

One of the following six grades are recorded as Class Participation for each student in each session:

-1 or -2  Absent, or was engaged in cross-talking or whispering during the session.

0   Late, no participation, or was unprepared for the session

0.5   A few case facts only

1.5   Active Participation

2.5   Preparation + Active listening (challenge someone's analysis)

3.5   Preparation + Active listening + Explained concept(s) well.

4.5   Added to my learning


There will be short surprise quizzes usually given at the beginning of the class. The purpose of the
quizzes is to determine the extent to which you have analyzed the case and/or reading assigned for the
class. These quizzes could also test comprehension of material related to the previous class.

Simulations/ exercise:
Interactive simulations shall be used during the course to learn about managing supply chain issues.
The grade shall depend upon how well the supply chain has been managed during simulation.


Final Exam or Viva Voce

The course requires you to work on a project in a group format of up to 5 students. The project should
entail a comprehensive examination of supply chain issues in the backdrop of Covid-19 in a service or
manufacturing sector/subsector of your choice. The project report should base on primary (e.g.,
interviews and meetings) and secondary data (e.g., reports and newspaper articles) to:

1. Identify form/function of main players in the supply chain which may include but not be
limited to: tier 3 suppliers → tier 2 suppliers → tier 1 supplier → original manufacturer or
service provider → distribution network → consumer/customer
2. Identify the form/function of supporting players for example banks, technology providers, and
3. Identify and examine the key supply chain performance parameters, and related
issues/problems and underlying causes
4. Recommend specific interventions from the perspective of ‘original manufacturer or service
provider’ that may improve its supply chain performance
5. Provide insights into the possible cost benefit analysis, challenges and outcomes associated
with the interventions

Each group is required to submit a 1~2 page project proposal in printed form by 4 th session.

Each group will be presenting your project in 14th session in short (duration of the presentation will be
shared later) presentations.

On 14th session each group will email the project report to my admin assistant (Sharha Mumtaz
<sharha.mumtaz@lums.edu.pk>). This computer typed report can be up to 8 pages (single spaced) of
text plus up to 5 pages of exhibits.

Final exam will be a typical case based exam with some specific questions.


Viva voce will be considered as the final exam. In this, groups of 3-4 students will appear in the exam
of 30-40 minutes (audio and video on). The viva will base on discussion on 1-2 class sessions (i.e.,
case, reading, simulation and exercise). The instructor will share the class session to be used for
discussion at the opening of the viva and give up to five minutes to the group’s students to individually
recall the class session before the viva’s discussion for evaluation begins. Additionally, the instructor
can share a situation and base the viva’s discussion on the situation. In this discussion the students will
have to demonstrate their understanding of the subject, while keep the discussion focused on the class
session or situation, e.g., by presenting their view with supporting argument and or challenging the
alternative. This is approximate description of the exam’s nature thus expect some changes that if come
will be communicated before the exam.


Academic Integrity:

The University code, rules and policy on academic integrity will be strictly enforced. The use of

unauthorized materials, plagiarism, benefiting from the work of other students or communication with
fellow students during an examination, and other similar activities that defeat the intent of any
academic assignment will be handled strictly in accordance with the University policy.


Midterm Exam: No: If yes please specify the format (e.g. if

closed book/closed notes or open
book/open notes etc.)

Final Exam: Yes Close book/Close notes/One page crib

sheet allowed

Double Session: Yes Session 4-5, 8-9, 11-12

Joint Session (combined of two No


Simulation: Yes Session 8-9

Video Recording: No If yes, then which session(s):

IT Lab sessions Yes Session 8-9

Additional session or review session Yes (45 If yes, then after which session(s):
minutes) Right after session 14

Course Cap (applicable for elective Please mention If yes, then what should be the cap?
courses) if you would
like to cap the 35
Standard Cap in an Elective Course is course at a
50 number other
than 50:


Any other requirement (e.g. No If yes, what requirement:

laptop/computer etc.):
And in which session(s):
Session Reading Assignment questions
Title of case Learning objectives
No. material

Foundations of Supply Chain Management and Maintenance of Competitiveness

Session 1 Domino’s Pizza Supply chain Elements, objectives,

strategy (book and significance of
chapter) supply chain
(Skim) management

Session Tesla, Inc. What is New technologies

2 disruptive disrupting established
innovation? supply chains

State of
Adoption and
g of Battery
Vehicles in
Pakistan and
India (Skim)

Demand, Supply, Network, and Risk Management

Session 3 Supply Chain The Bullwhip The Bullwhip Effect -

&4 Management Effect in
Simulation: Root Supply Chains
Beer Game V2
Session Reading Assignment questions
Title of case Learning objectives
No. material

Session 5 Zara: IT for Fast IT Doesn’t Need and application of See the case.
Fashion Matter information technology
for supply chain
Does IT management
matter? An
HBR Debate

Session 6 Global supply Making Supply Chain Design, -

&7 chain Supply Meet Demand Forecasting,
management Demand in an Resource Allocation,
Uncertain and Production
World Planning.

Session 8 Nissan: Creating Managing supply chain

Recovering resilient disruption
supply chain supply chains
operations (Chapter 10)

(Chapter 11) –

Managing, Developing, and Leveraging Supply Base

Session 9 Strategic Strategic Factors affecting in-

Outsourcing at Sourcing: To sourcing versus out-
Bharti Airtel Ltd. Make or Not sourcing choice
to Make
Session Reading Assignment questions
Title of case Learning objectives
No. material

Session A High-Tech Handle with Challenges of -

10-11 Joint Venture and care: convergence of internal
Purchasing negotiating and external
Agreement strategic stakeholders on details
alliances of purchasing

Session MTL: Has The Building Deep Strategic orchestration

12 Time Come to Supplier for supply chain
Say Goodbye to Relationships technology and
MF? innovation

Balance of Tipple Bottom Line of Supply Chain

Session Apple and Its Don’t tweak Challenges of managing

13 Suppliers: your supply triple bottom line in
Corporate Social chain – supply chain
rethink it end management
to end

The influence
of institutional
pressures and
culture on
Session Reading Assignment questions
Title of case Learning objectives
No. material

Session Project presentations


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