My Health My Responsibility
My Health My Responsibility
My Health My Responsibility
Have you heard the saying “Health is wealth?” Why do you think health is compared to wealth? Can you work well if
you are sick? Can you enjoy life fully if you are in poor health? Why should you keep yourself healthy? Who should be
responsible for your health? How can you maintain good health? These are some of the questions that this module
In this module, you will also learn about common diseases and how to prevent them.
Let’s See What You Already Know
dehydration mental
nutrition environment
doctor common cold
hygiene sneezing and coughing
flu well-being
1. To have good ____________, eat the right kinds and amounts of food.
2. It is a good health habit to see a ____________ for a check up at least once a year.
3. A person can spread tuberculosis to others by ____________ without covering his/her mouth or nose.
4. Keep our ____________ clean and orderly to help prevent the spread of common diseases.
5. Health refers to physical and mental ____________.
6. A person who has good personal ____________ takes a bath every day.
7. ____________ is caused by a virus. It often comes with sneezing, excessive secretions, and cough with thick
8. ____________ health refers to how a person thinks, feels, and acts when faced with problems.
9. The signs and symptoms of ____________ are severe cold, dry cough, sore throat, fever and body weakness.
10. When we lose water or fluids in our body, we suffer from ____________.
Well, how was it? Do you think you fared well? Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 45.
If all your answers are correct, very good! This shows that you already know much about the topic. You may still
study the module to review what you already know. Who knows, you might learn a few more new things as well.
If you got a low score, don’t feel bad. This means that this module is for you. It will help you understand important
concepts that you can apply in your daily life. If you study this module carefully, you will learn the answers to all the items
in the test and a lot more! Are you ready?
In this lesson, you will learn about health, the characteristics of a healthy person and what we can do to become and
stay healthy. You will also learn that physical health or well-being is just one aspect of good health.
♦ define health;
♦ give the importance of good health; and
♦ tell what you can do to stay healthy.
2. What do you think a person needs to be healthy?
Discuss your answers with your co-learners and your Instructional Manager. You will learn more about health and how
you can stay healthy as you read on.
Let’s Read
Study the following comic strip. It is about a couple who takes very good care of the family’s health. Then, answer the
questions that follow.
Dear, haven’t you noticed? None of our children have I think our weekly outings in the park also help them.
been sick in the past year. I’m proud to say that they You know, rest, relaxation and recreation are also
are happy, smart and God-fearing children. needed for good health. Our children are able to rest
their body and mind after their daily tasks in school.
That’s true, dear. That’s
because we have taught I agree with you. It is also
them to always practice important that they have faith
personal hygiene, get in God. My grandmother
enough sleep and taught me the importance of
exercise and eat having faith in God.
healthy foods.
We have to hurry now. We
We are also lucky to live in this
don’t want to be late for Yes, Honey! A
barangay. There’s no pollution The most important of our regular check-up. regular check-up
here. The surroundings are clean all is that our children by our doctor will
and the people take care of know that they are help keep our
their health. responsible for their family healthy. It
own body. If they get will help us to
sick, they are the ones stay healthy.
who will suffer. They
won’t be able to do the
things that they usually
do. That’s why they
take good care of their
Answer the questions below. Write your answers on the blank provided. You may look at the comic strip again so that
you can write words correctly.
1. Why have Nelson and Lani’s children not been sick in the past year? What do they do to stay healthy?
2. What is good about Nelson and Lani’s barangay?
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 45.
Let’s Learn
Health means physical and mental well-being. This means that a healthy person does not only have a healthy body,
but a healthy mind as well. He/She is not only free from any disease, but is also happy and active. Good health allows us
to enjoy the good life.
Mental Health refers to emotional well-being. It refers to Mental Health
how a person thinks, feels, and acts in different situations.
There are practices that contribute to good health or physical and mental well-being. These are known as health habits.
Read on to find out what these health habits are.
Personal hygiene involves sanitary practices and habits. These practices help prevent diseases by keeping the body
clean. These include:
♦ Brushing the teeth after meals ♦ Combing or brushing the hair regularly
♦ Wearing clean clothes ♦ Wearing shoes or slippers to protect the feet from dirt and germs
Do you practice these health habits every day?
Make sure that the food you eat is clean. Never leave food
uncovered. Pests like flies and cockroaches may contaminate or
infect it.
Have Enough Rest, Relaxation and Exercise
Regular exercise is good for the body. If you can’t do it, try
activities that will make your body move. For example, walk
faster or do some stretching exercises. If you can walk to where
you’re going, then walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or
Have Strong Faith in God
Faith in God and prayers may help you deal with stress and
problems in life. When you face some difficulties in life, you can
find peace and comfort through prayers. Have peace of mind so
that you can have a healthy mind.
Help keep the community clean and green. Plant trees, nice
plants and vegetables. They help make the air fresh and clean.
Visit the Doctor Regularly
Visit your doctor at least once a year. He can tell you if you
are in good health. He can also tell you how to stay healthy and
how to treat illnesses.
Good health means a sound mind in a sound body. It means not just taking good care of your body. It also means
taking care of your mind. Learn to use your time wisely so that you will have enough rest, sleep and relaxation. Learn to
solve problems in everyday life. Learn to relax after work.
What do you do after working hard? What else can you do with your family and friends to relax?
A strong faith in God can contribute to good mental health. Prayer can help you to become stronger. It can give you
peace of mind and happiness.
Do you practice all the health habits you just read about? Which ones don’t you practice? What should you do about
them? Remember, your health is your responsibility. What other health habits do you know and practice? Write them
below. Discuss your answers with your co-learners and Instructional Manager.
Let’s Think About This
Think about your own health or physical and mental well-being. What do you do in order to keep yourself healthy and
strong? How often do you do it? Get a piece of paper. Make two columns and label them as I did below. Then write what
you do to stay healthy under the correct column.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Let’s Remember
♦ Health refers to physical and mental well-being. It is also the condition of being free from disease.
♦ Each person is responsible for his own health. So you are responsible for your health.
♦ There are practices that contribute to good health. They are often called health habits. These are:
Let’s See What You Have Learned
4. Having proper nutrition means ____________________.
a. eating only what we like to eat
b. eating healthy foods
c. not eating vegetables and fruits
d. eating junk foods
5. If we want to have a healthy body and mind, we should avoid taking ____________________.
a. drugs
b. alcohol
c. tobacco or cigarette
d. all of the above
6. Health means having a healthy ____________________.
a. body
b. mind
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
7. Prayer brings ____________________.
a. peace of mind
b. comfort
c. happiness
d. all of the above
8. A person’s emotional well-being refers to his
a. mental health
b. physical health
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
9. Faith in God may help you ____________________.
a. deal with stress
b. deal with problems in life
c. both a and b
d. keep the community clean
10. We can help keep the community clean by ____________________.
a. disposing garbage properly
b. cleaning the house and our surroundings
c. planting trees and plants
d. all of the above
Well, how did you fare? Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 46. If all your answers are
correct, very good! If not, you may ask your Instructional Manager to help you understand better the points in this lesson
which are not clear to you.
In this lesson, you will learn about common diseases that may affect your body and mind.
Do you feel any of these symptoms? If your answer is yes, take care, you might be sick. You may need to consult a
doctor or rest from work. Read on to learn more about common diseases and their symptoms.
Let’s Read
The ladies of this barangay are having a meeting in the barangay hall. Lani is present at this meeting. The barangay
chairman has invited a health worker to talk on common diseases. The health worker is talking about the common diseases
among children. This is the chart the health worker used. Read it carefully.
Disease Symptoms
Disease Symptoms
What should you do if you see any of the symptoms in a member of your family? The health worker’s advice was to
consult a doctor immediately. The ladies could not wait to share what they had just learned with their family members,
neighbors and friends.
1. Which of these diseases have you had? How long did it take you to get well?
3. Were the symptoms the same as those the health worker gave?
Let’s Think About This
You now know that if you do not take care of your body, you may get sick. What will happen if you do not take care
of your mind? Let’s say, you work and worry too much and have no time for rest and relaxation. Will you suffer from any
illness of the mind? Was there ever a time that you felt very sad and hopeless? Think of your answers to these questions.
Then read our next discussion to learn about illnesses related to the mind.
Let’s Learn
Mental health is the ability to work, love and play in a balanced measure. If there is no balance between these things,
our mind may get sick. For example, if we just keep on working and have no time for rest and relaxation, our mind may get
tired. We suffer from stress. If we do not manage our stress, we may suffer from illnesses of the mind. The following are
common mental illnesses.
1. Depression
Physical Symptoms or Features (may last for 15 days or more):
♦ Cannot sleep well. The person gets up very early in the morning say, at 3:00 a.m. and can’t sleep again.
♦ Loss of appetite/weight
♦ Dryness of mouth
♦ Constipation (cannot move his/her bowel.)
♦ Feels worst in the morning and slightly better from noon to evening
♦ Gets easily tired and is low in energy
♦ Palpitation (fast heart beat) and sweating
This condition can cause death. A large number of those who commit suicide are people suffering from depression.
2. Panic Attacks
3. Anxiety Disorder
♦ sweating
♦ diarrhea
♦ muscle tension (strain)
♦ breathlessness (difficulty in breathing)
♦ blushing and confusion (becoming red in the face)
What should one do if he/she sees the above symptoms in him/herself or in a member of his/her family? The best thing
to do is to see a doctor. A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats and cures illnesses of the mind. He/she can also help people
with their emotional problems. Give yourself enough time for sleep, rest and relaxation. It will help you maintain good
mental health.
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Identify the correct mental illness based on the symptoms given below.
__________ 1. Sudden feeling of fear and anxiety. The person experiences chest pain, sweating, nausea and
vomiting and feels that something bad is going to happen.
__________ 2. The person experience sweating, diarrhea, muscle tension, blushing and confusion.
__________ 3. The person feels sad and hopeless. He/she experiences loss of appetite/weight, dryness of the
mouth and constipation.
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 46.
If you got all the answers right, very good! If not, you may ask your Instructional Manager to help you understand
better the points in this lesson which are clear to you.
Let’s Remember
♦ The mind can also get sick, if not properly taken care of. Some common illnesses of the mind are:
– depression or the extreme feeling of sadness and hopelessness;
– panic attacks or sudden feeling of fear and anxiety; and
– anxiety disorder or the feeling of stress, worry or tension.
Let’s See What You Have Learned
I. Match the items in column A and B. Draw a line to connect each mental and physical illness or disease with the
appropriate illustration.
Panic Attacks
II. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. A child has no appetite. He does not want to play and easily gets tired. What does this suggest?
a. He is sick. c. He is sleepy.
b. He is bored. d. He is hungry.
2. The symptoms of a person with tuberculosis are ____________.
a. loss of appetite c. weight loss
b. prolonged cough d. all of the above
3. The symptoms of this disease are sneezing, cough with thick sputum, general pains and aches and excessive
a. common cold c. diarrhea
b. tuberculosis d. dehydration
4. A person feels sad and hopeless. He experiences loss of appetite, sleep and weight. He gets easily tired and
most often wishes to no longer live. What mental illness is he suffering from?
a. panic attacks c. anxiety
b. dehydration d. depression
5. An infection in the intestine brought about by microbes and worms that enter the body through the
mouth is called ____________.
a. dehydration c. pertussis
b. diarrhea d. tuberculosis
Well, how did you fare? Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on pages 47–48.
If all your answers are correct, very good! If not, ask your Instructional Manager to help you understand better the
points in this Lesson which are not clear to you.
Why do people get sick? What do you think about the situation in the picture? How important is cleanliness in
preventing diseases?
In this lesson, you will learn how to prevent common diseases. You will learn how to keep your home and community
Let’s Try This
In the first lesson, you learned about health habits. Practicing these health habits is important in preventing diseases.
Let’s see if you can still recall these health habits. Put a check (3) mark before a statement that describes a good health
habit and an (7) mark before those that show poor health habits.
________ 4. Det works so hard that she no longer has time to relax and engage in recreational activities.
________ 5. Yas lives a healthy lifestyle. She does not take alcohol and drugs or smoke cigarettes.
________ 6. Karen usually sleeps very late but wakes up very early for her work.
________ 8. Diwa loves to play in their backyard without wearing any slippers.
________10. Joan loves to eat potato chips, fish crackers and candies.
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 48.
Let’s Think About This
Why is it important to practice good health habits? What will happen if you don’t eat the right amount of healthy foods
or a well-balanced meal? We get important nutrients from different kinds of foods. These help our body function well.
They also protect our body from diseases. If we don’t get enough of these nutrients, our body will become weak. Then
we will easily get sick. Eating a well-balanced meal will make sure that we get all kinds of nutrients needed by our body.
Also, it is important to practice the health habits you learned in Lesson 1. They help prevent diseases.
Read on to learn more about other health habits and other ways of preventing diseases.
Let’s Learn
Have yourself and your family vaccinated.
Remember this. If symptoms of a disease persist, go to your family doctor or to the nearest health center immediately.
Let’s Review
______ 1. It is safe to use the spoon, plate and glass of a person who has tuberculosis.
______ 2. Contagious diseases are those that can be easily transferred from one person to another.
______ 3. To remain healthy, a person should drink eight glasses of water and fruit juices every day.
______ 5. Living a healthy lifestyle and eating balanced meals will help prevent diseases.
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 49.
Aside from health habits, you also learned from Lesson 1 that keeping the home and the community clean will help
prevent diseases. Read our next section to learn more about this.
Let’s Read
The ladies in Barangay Sampaguita, especially Lani, learned very much from the barangay meeting. Now, they want to
learn how to prevent diseases. Luckily, the sanitary health officer will hold a survey on the health condition of Barangay
Sampaguita. Some out-of-school youth will help him. The survey will be done through checklists to be answered by the
community people. It will help them know whether their barangay is safe from common diseases that are spreading in other
Let’s Try This
Here is a sample checklist that the sanitary health officer will use to find out the health condition of Barangay
Sampaguita. Answer it to know the condition of your own community.
Fill in the blanks with the complete information. Read the questions. Then put a check (3) mark in the box that applies
to you.
Yes No
2. What kind?
4. How do you dispose your garbage?
Throw anywhere
5. How often?
No Tuberculosis ________________months
Hepatitis Yes
Flu No
Other diseases
Let’s Think About This
List down five ways to keep your environment clean and orderly. Base your answers on your own neighborhood and
the checklist you filled out earlier.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________
To prevent diseases, your home and your community should be clean and orderly. Here are ways of keeping your
environment clean and orderly.
Let’s Remember
In this lesson, you learned that our surroundings and environment play a big role in your health. Cleanliness and
orderliness are the keys to good health. If you practice the good health habits you learned in Lesson 1, you will be healthy
and free from common diseases.
Let’s See What You Have Learned
Study the following statements. Put a check (3) mark beside the number of the statement that tells how to prevent
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 49. If you got all the answers right, very good! If not,
you may ask your Instructional Manager to help you understand better the points in this lesson which are clear to you.
Let’s Sum Up
♦ Health means the physical and mental well-being of a person. It is also the condition of being free from an illness
or disease.
– common cold
– dehydration
– diarrhea
– flu
– pertussis
– tuberculosis
♦ Some of the common illnesses of the mind are:
– depression
– panic attacks
– anxiety disorder
♦ To prevent common diseases, practise good health habits and keep your home and community clean and orderly.
Remember, health is wealth! Without a healthy body and mind, you will not be able to enjoy life. Take care of your
self. Keep in mind that you are responsible for your own health.
What Have You Learned?
5. Another way of preventing diseases is to __________________.
a. let insects step on your uncovered food
b. have enough sleep, rest and relaxation
c. let your nails grow long and untrimmed
6. This is an example of a junk food.
a. fruit
b. eggs
c. potato chips
7. This is the name of the loss of body fluids that may be caused by diarrhea.
a. tuberculosis
b. dehydration
c. flu
8. This disease is also called “whooping cough.”
a. pertussis
b. tuberculosis
c. flu
9. A person with this illness feels sad and hopeless. He/she may also wish to no longer live.
a. anxiety
b. depression
c. dehydration
10. A person suffering from panic attacks experiences __________________.
a. chest pain and dizziness
b. breathlessness and tremors
c. both a and b
Compare your answers with those in the Answer Key on page 50.
9 – 10 Very good! You have learned much from this module. You may now proceed to the next one.
7 – 8 Good! You just need to review the lessons that you do not clearly understand.
Answer Key
4. environment 9. flu
B. Lesson 1
Let’s Try This (pages 6–7)
1. Nelson and Lani’s children have not been sick in the past year because they take good care of their health.
They practice personal hygiene, get enough sleep and exercise and eat healthy foods.
2. Nelson and Lani’s barangay is clean. There is no pollution. People take care of their health.
3. Each person is responsible for his own health. If a person does not take care of his/her body, he/she will be
the one to suffer the consequences. If he/she becomes sick, he/she will not be able to work, play or do
anything that he/she likes. Therefore, I must take care of my health. I am responsible for my own health.
Let’s See What You Have Learned (pages 15–17)
1. (c) Boiling drinking water is a good health practice. It makes sure that the water you drink is safe.
2. (d) Taking a bath every day is the best way to keep our body clean.
3. (d) It is important to see the doctor regularly because he/she can check our health condition, advise us
how to stay healthy and tell us what to do in case we get sick.
4. (b) Eating healthy foods provides proper nutrition for our body.
5. (d) Avoid taking alcohol and drugs and smoking cigarettes to have a healthy body and mind.
6. (c) Health means having a healthy body and mind.
7. (d) Prayer brings peace of mind, comfort and happiness.
8. (a) Mental health means a person’s emotional well-being.
9. (c) Faith in God may help you deal with stress and problems in life.
10. (d) We can help keep the community clean by disposing garbage properly, cleaning the house and our
surroundings and planting trees and plants.
C. Lesson 2
Let’s Try This (page 25)
Panic attacks 1.
Anxiety disorder 2.
Depression 3.
Let’s See What You Have Learned (pages 27–28)
I. A B
Panic Attacks
II. 1. (a) Loss of appetite, not wanting to play due to weakness and getting tired easily are signs of sickness.
2. (d) Loss of appetite, prolonged cough and weight loss are signs and symptoms of tuberculosis.
3. (a) Sneezing, cough with thick sputum, general aches and pains and excessive secretions are signs and
symptoms of the common cold.
4. (d) Feeling sad and hopeless, loss of appetite, sleep and weight, getting angry easily and most often
wishing not to live are symptoms of depression.
5. (b) Diarrhea is an infection brought about by microbes and worms that enter the body through the
D. Lesson 3
Let’s Try This (page 30)
(3) 1. Practicing personal hygiene like taking a bath everyday helps prevent diseases.
(3) 2. To maintain good health, eat a balanced meal.
(3) 3. A regular visit to the doctor can help Timmy prevent and treat diseases.
(7) 4. Det should have enough time for relaxation and recreation to keep her mind and body healthy.
(3) 5. Yas can maintain her good health by having a healthy lifestyle.
(7) 6. Karen should get enough sleep to keep her body and mind healthy.
(3) 7. Prayer will help Joy deals with stress and problems in life.
(7) 8. Diwa should wear shoes or slippers to protect her feet from dirt or germs.
(3) 9. Marivic is practicing good personal hygiene by trimming her nails regularly.
(7) 10. Joan should eat nutritious foods and not junkfoods like potato chips, fish crackers and candies.
Let’s Review (page 33)
(F) 1. Healthy persons should not use the spoon, plate and glass of a person who is sick of tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is a contagious disease. This disease may be transferred to another person by using his
personal belongings.
(T) 2. Contagious diseases are those that can be transferred from one person to another.
(T) 3. To stay healthy, a person should drink eight glasses of water and fruit juices everyday.
(F) 4. Even adults can prevent getting diseases through vaccination.
(T) 5. Living a healthy lifestyle and eating balanced meals will help prevent diseases.
(3) 1. Disposing garbage properly and regularly will help keep the community clean and free from diseases.
(3) 2. Getting a vaccination will help you be immune from diseases, such as hepatitis and tuberculosis (TB).
(3) 3. Exercising regularly will help make your body strong.
(3) 4. Cleaning your house will eliminate viruses and germs that cause diseases.
(3) 5. Boiling drinking water will help you avoid germs and bacterias present in them.
(3) 6. You can avoid contracting disease, especially those that are contagious if you avoid going near a
person infected by it.
(7) 7. Eating plenty of junk foods will not contribute to good health, since junk foods are not nutritious.
(7) 8. Using the things that belong to a sick person may cause the virus that is making him/her sick to
transfer to you.
(3) 9. You will be able to prevent diseases by visiting your doctor regularly.
(3) 10. Clean gutters and canals to avoid mosquitoes that carry diseases to breed in these areas.
E. What Have You Learned (pages 42–44)
1. (b) Pertussis is a disease that affects the body’s air passages. It causes uncontrolled coughs.
2. (b) Taking a bath every day is one way of maintaining good hygiene.
3. (a) A person with tuberculosis or TB can easily infect another person when coughing and sneezing without
covering his/her mouth or nose.
4. (c) Eating healthy foods in the right amount will make our body strong and healthy. Our body will then
be able to defend itself against diseases.
5. (b) Having enough sleep, rest and relaxation are important health practices to prevent diseases.
6. (c) Potato chips is an example of a junk food because it does not contain nutrients.
7. (b) We lose a lot of water from our body when we have diarrhea (frequent and loose bowel movement). This
loss of body fluids is called dehydration.
9. (b) Depression is characterized by feelings of sadness and hopelessness. The person may also occasionally
wish to no longer live.
10. (c) A person suffering from panic attacks experiences chest pain, dizziness, breathlessness and tremors.
Artesian well A means of getting a constant supply of water with little or no pumping needed
Inflammation A condition in which a part of the body experiences heat, swelling, redness and pain as reaction to
Microbes An organism (especially bacteria that causes a disease) that is too small or tiny to be seen by the naked eye
Sputum Saliva; material discharged from the throat and ejected (let out) from the mouth
Vaccine A mixture of killed microorganisms (viruses or bacteria) injected into persons to prevent or treat infectious
Virus An organism that exists only in living cells and is able to cause diseases
Olson-Dorland. A Reference Handbook and Dictionary of Nurses (Asian Edition). W.B. Philadelphia, USA: W.B.
Sounders Company, 1968.
IndiaMart Intermesh Ltd. Mental Health. <> June 12, 2001, date
Dr. Rene J. McGovern, Ph.D. Mental Health. <> June 09,2001, date accessed.
STAKES, the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, 1999, Finland. <http://>