FS5 Episode 5
FS5 Episode 5
FS5 Episode 5
At the end of this activity, we will be skillful in designing a product-
oriented performance assessment.
As you observe a class, note down your significant observation of
the product-oriented activity in the classroom, then make an assessment plan.
Name of the School Observed: Sagay National High School
School Address: Sagay National High School
Date of Visit:
Grade Level:
Subject Area:
Subject Matter:
“Repairing Rice Cooker”
1. check the wire using multi-tester.
2. check if there is a thermal cut off
3. check the wire insulation
4. check if there is a light in cook and warm
Learning Objectives:
The students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate the procedure in repairing rice cooker.
2. Appreciate the importance in repairing rice cooker.
3. Discuss the procedure in repairing rice cooker.
What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of our product-
oriented performance assessment design?
- The teacher should follow the steps in planning for product – performance
based assessment which is to set the competency to be assessed set the task to be
performed by the students and set the criteria in scoring the task. The task should
have complexity of skills. The teacher should provide scaffolding in the entire
performance of the students. Feedback and appropriate judgment must be accurate
and clear.
Do you think your originally designed product-oriented performance
assessment can appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objective? Why or
why not?
Write your reflection of thoughts, feelings, personal learning
strategies, insights, or new understanding from your experience in using
authentic assessment.
In this field study I realized that being a future TLE educator I should be more
knowledgeable and skillful enough so that I could able to impart all the knowledge and
skills that I possess to my students so that they will be also knowledgeable and skillful.
Also I should be observant in knowing my student personalities because in every
diverse group of students has different abilities and capabilities that I should enhance
through the use of different learning styles, methods and strategies to cater the needs of
my students. Also I should be a good role model inside the classroom and I should
serve to be a facilitator to facilitate my students in every task that they are doing. I know
that all these things that I’ve learn from this field study I could able to use this when I’m
already in my field of teaching. Authentic assessment is important to use because it is
used to determine what students do and cannot do, in contrast to what they do or do not
know. In other words, authentic assessment helps students to perform a meaningful
task where they can apply their knowledge and understanding in a real- world scenario.
Batulat, Marie C.
I learned many things that are useful in the field of teaching in this field study
specially in conducting authentic assessment to the diverse learners. I was motivated to
explore and discover assessment tools to help and motivates the learners to learn and
pursue excellence in the learning process. Variety of assessment methods, strategies
and assessment tools are vital for learning. Authentic assessment is very useful and
effective to the students. It measures not only cognitive aspects but the application of
knowledge and mastery of skills which is essential to strengthen and maximized the
student’s potential to be more productive in the learning process. The teachers will be
able to determine what the students know and are able to do in a certain task. Teacher
must be well knowledgeable to choose and to utilized meaningful authentic assessment
to the students. We must be fully equipped with all the techniques, the learning
strategies so that we will be able to provide an appropriate assessment to the students.
Mahinay, Mailyn A.
As of now, I usually give my opinion base on the result of the assessment that
usually based on the assessment subject that I’ve been studied and learned and the ,
learnings from observation that I have done in Sagay national high school.
I believe someday when i will become a teacher and handling many kinds of learners, I
will become more strategic teacher in making an authentic assessment, because i will
be able to have enough time to observe my student learning capabilities. Wherein my
assessment plan and strategies will be based on their learning capabilities. the
assessment plan and strategies that i will be giving to my student will really give me an
information how much learning i gave to my students and fill the learning gaps that need
to be filled.
Patpat, Jean S.