EC368 Robotics

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EC368 Robotics 3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite: EC 307 Power Electronics & Instrumentation, EC 305 Microprocessors &
Course objectives:
 To impart knowledge about the engineering aspects of Robots and their applications.
Robots: Introduction, anatomy, Robot specifications, Robot characteristics, Areas of
application, classification of robots. Robotic arm, Sensors, Encoders, Tachometers, Robotic
drive systems and actuators, Specification, principle of operation and areas of application of:
DC motor, Stepper motor, Servo motor and brushless DC motor, Microprocessor control of
electric motors, speed control using PWM and direction control using H- Bridge, Robotic
vision systems, Image processing techniques, kinematics, inverse kinematics, Velocity
kinematics, Application of velocity kinematics for all serial manipulators, Digital and
Programmable Logic (PLC) controllers. Robot Programming, Industrial applications of
Robots, Mobile robots, Micro robots, Recent developments in Robotics.
Expected outcome:
i. The students will have a thorough understanding about Robots and their applications
ii. The students will be able to analyse and design robotic structures.
Text Books:
1. Mikell and Groover, Industrial Robotics – Technology, Programming and Applications,
McGraw Hill, 2/e, 2012
2. Saeed B. Niku Introduction to Robotics. Analysis and control, applications- Wiley
student edition, 2010
3. Spong and Vidyasagar, Robot Dynamics and Control, John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
1. Ashitava Ghosal, Robotics, Fundamental concepts and analysis, OXFORD University
Press, 2006
2. Fu, K.S,Gonzalez,R.C,Lee, C.S.G.,Robotics, Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence,
McGraw-Hill, 1987.
3. John. J.Craig, Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, PHI, 2005.
4. Klafter, R.D., Chmielewski, T.A, Negin, M, Robotic Engineering An Integrated
Approach, PHI, 2007
5. Robert J. Schilling, Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis & Control, Pearson Education,
6. S. R. Deb, Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 1994.
Course Plan
Module Course content End
Introduction – Definition and origin of robotics, Robot
Anatomy, Robot specifications, Robot characteristics –
accuracy, precision, and repeatability, Areas of application,
classification of robots. 7 15
Robotic arm – Components and structure, Types of joints and
workspace, Common kinematic arrangements, Wrists, End
Sensors: Types and applications of sensors in Robotics,
position and displacement sensors, Strain gauge based force-
torque sensors, Tachometers.
Robotic drive systems and actuators: Hydraulic, Pneumatic and
II 6 15
Electric drives. Specification, principle of operation and areas
of application of: Stepper motor, Servo motor and brushless DC
motor. Microprocessor control of electric motors, speed control
using PWM and direction control using H- Bridge
Robotic vision systems: Imaging, Sensing and Digitization,
Image processing techniques, Areas of application in robotics.
III Introduction to kinematics: Position and orientation of objects, 7 15
Rotation, Euler angles, Rigid motion representation using
Homogenous Transformation matrix.
Forward kinematics: Link coordinates, Denavit-Hartenberg
Representation, Application of DH convention to different
serial kinematic arrangements fitted with spherical wrist.
IV 9 15
Inverse kinematics – General properties of solutions, Kinematic
Decoupling, Inverse kinematic solutions for all basic types of
three-link robotic arms fitted with a spherical wrist.
Velocity kinematics – Derivation of the Jacobian, Application
of velocity kinematics for serial manipulators, importance of
V Manipulator Dynamics. Introduction to Legrangian mechanics 6 20
and Dynamic equation for 2 DOF robots, Introduction to
position control and force control of robotic manipulators,
Robot actuation and control using PID controllers.
Robot Programming – Programming methods, Robot language
classification, Robot language structure, elements and its
functions. Motion, End-effecter and Sensor commands in VAL
VI 7 20
programming language. Simple programs.
Industrial applications of Robots in material handling and
assembly. Mobile robots, Recent developments in Robotics.
Question Paper Pattern (End Semester Examk Pattern)

Max. Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

The question paper shall consist of three parts. Part A covers modules I and II, Part B covers
modules III and IV, and Part C covers modules V and VI. Each part has three questions
uniformly covering the two modules and each question can have maximum four subdivisions.
In each part, any two questions are to be answered. Mark patterns are as per the syllabus with
70 % for theory and 30% for logical/numerical problems, derivation and proof.

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