8. Course Summary
Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of
successful systems. It focuses on defining customer needs and required functionality early in the
development cycle, documenting requirements, then proceeding with design synthesis and system
validation while considering the complete problem including operations, performance, test,
manufacturing, cost, and schedule. This subject emphasizes the links of systems engineering to
fundamentals of decision theory, statistics, and optimization. It also introduces the most current,
commercially successful techniques for systems engineering.
9. Course Objectives
CO1: Identify a Robot for a specific application.
CO2: To develop student‘s skills in understanding sensor and allied devices.
CO3: Apply and understand the safety issues during the handling of robots.
CO4: Understand and Apply robotic programing
CO5: Appreciate the usage and application of robots in various domains.
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to achieve the following:
CO1: Understanding of various aspects of Robotics
CO2: Analyze usage and application of the Robotics Engineering in the actual environment.
Basic concepts of robotics (Laws of robotics, robotic systems), RIA definition. History of Robotics,
Automation and robotics, Robot anatomy (Robot configurations, Robot motions, Joint notation
scheme), Robot Manipulators kinematics, Kinematics: Forward and inverse kinematics, Problems on
kinematics, Precision movement (Spatial resolution, accuracy, repeatability)
Work volume, robot specifications, Types of Robot drives, electric drive, Hydraulic, pneumatic
drives, Basic robot motions, Point to point control, continuous path control. Robot control - unit
control system concept. Servo and non-servo control of robot joints. Adaptive and optimal control.
End effectors-Introduction, classification, Mechanical, Magnetic grippers, Vacuum and adhesive
gripper, Gripper force analysis and design, Problems on gripper design and force calculation, Sensor
devices, Types of sensors - contact, position and displacement sensors, Force and torque sensors,
Proximity and range sensors, acoustic sensors. Robot vision systems - Sensing and digitizing, Image
processing and analysis.
Robot work cell design and control, Safety in robotics, Robot cell layouts – multiple, Multiple robots
and machine interface, Robot cycle time analysis
Robot language, classification, Programming methods - off and on-line programming, Lead through
method-powered and Manual lead through, teach pendent method, VAL systems and language,
Simple program, Palletizing program, Welding robot program, Program on Loading/Unloading of
Application of Robots with examples.
Material handling, Constrains, Application - Machine loading and unloading.
Assembly Robot, Assembly operation, RCC device, Benefits Inspection robot, used in Quality
control. Welding Robot, features, sensors, Advantages, -Painting Robot, Requirement, and Spray
painting, Mobile robot, mobility and application.
Microbots, types and Application, Recent developments in robotics- safety considerations..
1. Klafter.R.D, Chmielewski.T.A and Noggins, "Robot Engineering: An Integrated Approach",
Prentice Hal of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
Reference Book(s)
1. Fu K.S, Gonzalez, R.C., Lee, C.S.G., "Robotics control, sensing, vision and intelligence",
McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore, Digitized 2007.
2. Craig.J.J, "Introduction to Robotics mechanics and control", Addison- Wesley, London, 2008.