PD Discussion LAC Template 1

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Professional Development objectives

Specific Topics
related to modalities

-Select and used appropriate

- Develop and organize appropriate teaching and learning resources to
teaching and learning resources using address learning goals
ICT. knowledge and skills in learning
instruction and assessment through the -Familiarization and Navigation of
different offline and online
different learning resources and
learning Portals
different platform.

- Plan and manage learner diversity and -Design monitoring learning plan
student inclusion
-Design and implement related
learning instructional
methodologies that highlights
learner’s diversity and inclusion.

- Develop a learning paradigm and - Differentiated Lesson Plan

pedagogy that highlights ease of - Localizes Assessment
learning continuous processes Methodology Incorporating
inclusive to learner’s diversity and Learning Portfolios

PHASES Activities Persons Involved Time Frame Resources Success

Funds Source of
Planning - Identify the current Leader – Head Teacher 1st week of Cash -MOOE -Approved
problem Facilitator – Master October -School Fund proposed budget
-Consultation among Teacher -Personal -Approved
the persons involved Trainees – MAPEH -PTA proposed topic
-Present the topic Members -Donation -Approved
proposal for approval. Teachers -Cash Gift training matrix
-Identification of Speaker – ICT
resource speaker Coordinator/Instructo
-Forming Committees r
-Submission of the Documenter –
proposed budget for Selected Member
-Choosing the date for
LAC session and the
Implementation - Conduct training for 3rd week of - - -New insights
ICT integration in October gained
learning instruction -Interactive and
and assessment dynamic
through the different collaborations
learning resources. between the
speaker and the
-Registered in
different LR
-Access to
different LR
-LRs are reflected
in the DL/DLL
Evaluation - Accomplished LAC 3rd week of - - -Output
form 3 and 4 October – Accomplished
-Documentation after the -Strengths and
-Feed backing about LAC session weaknesses of
the conduct of the the LAC Session
LAC session identified and

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