BCG Case Study
BCG Case Study
BCG Case Study
11 March, 2020
Barbados Dairy Cooperative (BDC) is examining its latest sales data for
its Sunrise products. Its four key products performed differently in
the local industry and as a result some critical decisions are to be made
concerning the corporation’s product portfolio. The sales data are:
Sunrise Butter is the company’s headache, for some time it has been a
weak product in the industry with negative cash flow. The fact is that
the market for butter is declining. Frequent advertising and sales
promotion failed because of the healthy lifestyles of customers.
Butter sales are weak.
Sunrise Spread was introduced in 2012 and there was great response
and it grew as a result of competitive pricing and healthy eating habits
in a market that is showing a steady rate of growth. Cash flow is very
unstable. However, the competitors became fierce rivals and their
offensive marketing strategies are taking effect.
16 marks