History 3

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Renz Jorges Jared San Fernando BSIT-1F

Lesson 1: First Voyage Around the World

Activity 3: Research ME!

Research on The First Voyage Around the World by Ferdinand Magellan

: by Antonio Pigafetta

Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items

1. What was the purpose of the voyage of Magellan?

2. What were the reasons for their stay in the island?

3. How did Pigafetta describe the natives of the island?

4. What were the traditions or way of living of the natives as observed by the travelers?

5. What were the cultural practices imparted by Magellan&# group/Spaniards to the



1. To find an island that is rich in spices, to gain fame and to discover different routes. he first went
to Indonesia, Africa, and brazil. He then saw a calm sea which is why he called it pacific. Pacific
(Peaceful).it took them 99 days to cross pacific. Upon searching for spices, Magellan landed in an
island in Philippines (Cebu).

2. Because he wants Rajah Humabon to be allied and serve for Spain, but rajah challenge him first
to deal with Lapu-Lapu. Magellan Agreed and he asked Lapu-Lapu right away, but when Lapu-
Lapu denied his request he threatened him. Because Magellan can’t accept the decision of Lapu-
Lapu he burned the house of the indigenous Filipino, thinking that they might get terrified but
he was wrong. When they saw their house burning, they were to greater fury and killed some of
his men. Magellan then was hit by a arrow on his foot. He thought that maybe the arrow has a
poison, so he asked his men to have a frontal assault. In the end Magellan died on Filipino’s arm
while some of his men managed to escape.

3. The native peoples are not so tall, has a tanned/black skin, fuller lips and a flat/bridge nose .
basically looks like aeta or igorot. They have tattoos on their skin and different kind of
clothing,practices, rituals.
4. The indigenous pilipinos has many different practices such as rituals, music, dance and
delicacies. The natives are mostly living near oceans and seas , farms and bodies of water are
the main source for their food. They have different clothes and way of wearing it. No surnames
but the tattoos on their skin represents their experiences in war and their strength.

5. In the arrival of the Spaniards in the philippines they influence the natives with their own
philosophy of living. The examples of this are Surnames, before the arrival of the Spaniards
native filipinos doesn’t have surnames but when the Spaniards came they told filipinos that they
must have a surname base on your physical appearance or qualities. Catholism, the Spaniards
brought catholic religions to philippines although not all of them agreed with this new belief
catholism widely spread and accepted. Patriarchal Politics, A type of government where you
can rarely or wont see any woman as part of it. All of the sectors are men. Another example of
this in the modern era is the probihition of same sex marriage.

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