1.who Is Antoni-WPS Office

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1.Who is Antonio Pigafetta?

-Antonio Pigafetta was a Venetian scholar and explorer. He joined the Spanish expedition to the Spice Islands
led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, the world's first circumnavigation, and is best known for
being the chronicler of the voyage. During the expedition, he served as Magellan's assistant until Magellan's
death in the Philippine Islands, and kept an accurate journal, which later assisted him in translating the
Cebuano language. It is the first recorded document concerning the language.Pigafetta was one of the 18
men who made the complete trip, returning to Spain in 1522, under the command of Juan Sebastián Elcano,
out of the approximately 240 who set out three years earlier. These men completed the first
circumnavigation of the world while others mutinied and returned in the first year. Pigafetta's surviving
journal is the source for much of what is known about Magellan and Elcano's voyage.

2. According to Pigafetta, how did the locals of the island welcome Magellan?

- According to Pigafetta, locals like Rajah Humabon and his wife Juana welcomed Magellan and his crew
festively and peacefully. These locals even gave hem too much they could offer like a bar of gold, rice, water,
ornaments, balanghai, and etc. Magellan or one of his crew members were able to cure the Rajah's ill
grandson, so in return, the latter has allowed some of his followers to be baptized as Christians. However, not
all locals were very welcoming as Magellan was soon killed by in a battle with another native leader, Lapu-

3. How are the islander's way of life, cultural practices, and religious beliefs described? What does Pigafetta's
account tell us about the conditions of the Visayan islands in the 16th century?

-The islander's way of life, cultural practices, and religious beliefs was based on what they could get or obtain
in their island. The people were contented on the resources that exist already on their island when they were
born. The first thing that Pigafetta notice was the islanders mostly used coconut on everything especially
when it comes to their food. Also, according to Pigafetta, the gold in island is abundant and the iron is scarce.
Men and women enjoyed equality to some extent, they have no sovereign but only ruled by princes, and
chiefs for every barangay state, and the islander's weren't religious

.4. Based on Pigafetta's account, how did the battle of Mactan start?

-It was all started when Magellan sent a message to the natives saying to recognize the King of Spain but one
of the local chiefs, who was Lapu-Lapu, refused to obey the Spanish King and was not pleased after knowing
it. As the battle continued, the Spaniards realize their huge disadvantages againstthe natives. Magellan
became desperate, so he ordered soe of his crew to distract the natives by burningtheir houses, making the
natives fury. Magellan was hit by a poisoned arrows, wounded in the arm by a bamboo lance, and a large
javelin was thrust into her left leg, making him fall face down in the water. And that's how the Spaniards lost
in the battle

.5. Why was Pigafetta's journal not published?

It was not published because during Pigafetta's time, he was unable to find a financier who would pay the
deposit required by the printer because that time, the interest on Magellan expedition had died down

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