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Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 27 (3), p 473-484 , 2011 ISSN 1450-9156

Publisher: Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun UDC 636.085.3

DOI: 10.2298/BAH1103473R



D. Ružić-Muslić, M. P. Petrović, Z. Bijelić

Institute for Animal Husbandry, Autoput 16, P. Box 23, 11080 Belgrade-Zemun, Republic of Serbia
Corresponding author: muslic.ruzic@.gmail.com
Invited paper

Abstract: Although sheep breeding in our country mainly had extensive

character, there is still room for implementation of the new concept of expression
of nutritional value of proteins, primarily in fattening of lambs. For the purpose of
maximum use of the genetic potential of high-yielding meat/fattening sheep breeds,
share of undegradable protein in diet must be taken into consideration, since high
protein requirements of such animals cannot be satisfied by microbial protein
synthesis from usual protein and energy sources. Therefore, in contemporary,
science based systems for assessment of protein value of feeds, degradability of
proteins from food in rumen plays major role. In absence of data in domestic
literature related to undegradability of proteins in certain feeds, results obtained in
this study should be perceived as direction for future norming of diets in fattening
of lambs in the intensive rearing system.

Key words: lambs, undegradable protein, gain, digestibility, meat quality


Main goal of norming of proteins in diets for lambs is to provide adequate

quantities of amino acids to satisfy their maintenance and production requirements.
Amino acids available for absorption and production are provided from three
sources (Grubić et al., 1997):
- protein synthesized in rumen by micro-organisms (microbial protein)
- protein in food not degraded by micro-organisms (undegradable protein)
- protein of endogenous origin which is in normal production
circumstances minor (Orskov, 1982).
Micro-organisms in rumen of ruminants degrade dietary protein to peptides, amino
acids and ammonia, and subsequently use these substances for synthesis of own
proteins. During each of these degradation and synthesis process certain losses
occur (usually around 20%), which means that due to the action of micro-
474 D. Ružić-Muslić et al.

organisms reduced amount of amino acids reaches the place of digestion and
absorption/intake of proteins.
In order to obtain optimal pool of amino acids for certain production, it is
necessary to provide in diet for lambs protein fraction which avoids degradation in
rumen (undegradable protein), which is achieved, among other things, through use
of different protein sources.
Significance of rumen undegradable protein was indicated by Zeremski et
al. (1989) and Grubić et al. (1993). Namely, in order to utilize to maximum genetic
potential of high yielding meat breeds, share of NP in diet must be considered.
Microbial synthesis of proteins from usual protein and energy sources is not
enough to satisfy high requirements of such animals in proteins (Shahrbabak et al.,
2009; Hussein et al., 1991; Grubić et al., 1992). Recently, with the considerable
increase, i.e. improvement of production capacities of ruminants, a disproportion
between conventionally expressed protein value of food and production achieved
de facto was established (Grubić et al., 1991b), which initiated new research
resulting in new systems to valuate protein value of feeds.
In contemporary systems for assessment of protein value of feeds which
are based on scientific findings, and expression of ruminant requirements in
proteins (INRA 1989; ARC 1992; NRC 1985; NRC 2001) degradability of protein
in rumen has important role. It refers to the degree to which proteins of certain
feeds are degraded in rumen and reticulum, i.e. amount of amino acids provided by
this feed at the level of duodenum. Feeds with easy degradable proteins are not
preferred in ruminant nutrition (Jovanović et al., 2001). As a rule, in order to
achieve high production it is necessary to provide in diet more proteins which as
undegraded reach the place of digestion and adoption.
According to Grubić et al. (1991), for each production level there has to be
optimal ratio between proteins degraded in fore-stomachs under the action of
micro-organisms (degradable protein – DP) and proteins which avoid degradation
(undegradable protein – UP). The simplest procedure to influence the volume and
rate of dietary protein degradation in rumen is in adequate choice of protein source
(Grubić et al., 1992). Zeremski (1989) states that the use of animal feeds which
have low protein degradability in reticulum-rumen has important role in utilization
of production potential and intensive fattening of lambs. Proteins deriving from
mentioned feeds belong to the high valuable proteins because they contain essential
amino acids necessary for growth and development of lambs. Excellent sources of
high valuable proteins which degrade slowly in rumen are: fish meal, meat-bone
meal, blood and soybean meal.
According to Titgemeyr et al. (1988), value of protein source in ruminant
nutrition is determined by its ability to provide:
1. limiting amino acids in small intestine and
2. nitrogen available to micro-organisms in rumen and reticulum.
Undegradable protein – important factor in balancing of diet ... 475

The effect of undegradable protein on production parameters

of fattening lambs

Feeds with proteins which pass through reticulum-rumen and reach

duodenum undegraded, influence greater yield in lambs, provided that sufficient
quantities of energy have been provided (Zeremski, 1988).
It is known that in ruminants, micro population of rumen degrades protein
to peptides, amino acids and ammonia, and subsequently these substances are used
for synthesis of own proteins. During each of these degradation and synthesis
processes certain losses occur (usually around 20%), which means that due to the
action of micro-organisms reduced amount of amino acids reaches the place of
digestion and absorption/intake of proteins. If the degradation volume is greater,
proportionally the quantity of amino acids which is left directly for the animal is
smaller (Grubić et al., 1992). Specific role of absorbed amino acids from small
intestine of lambs is protein synthesis which contributes to growth of body tissues.
This is especially important in intensive fattening of weaned lambs which have
high genetic potential for growth. So, feeds whose proteins have passed the
reticulum-rumen and reached duodenum undegraded, such as fish meal, meat-bone
meal, etc., enable higher yields in lambs.
This was confirmed in studies by Ružić-Muslić (2006, 2007d) where the
level of undegradable protein (43:51:58%) influenced very significantly (P<0,01)
the final fattening result expressed as average daily gain, i.e. final body mass of
fattening lambs.

Table 1. Production results of fattening lambs

Levels of undegradable protein

43% 51% 58%
Initial body mass, kg 18.12 18.08 18.17
Initial age, days 60 60 60
Final body mass, kg 30.78a 33.52b 35.17b
Total gain,kg 12.70a 15.40b 17.00b
Average daily gain, kg 0.169a 0.205b 0.227b
Use of dry matter kg / kg gain 4.54 3.71 3.30
Use of total, proteins, g/ kg gain 732 596 549
Use of NEM, MJ/kg gain 33.77 29.37 26.25

Difference between a and b is statistically significant at the level of (P<0.01)

The highest daily gain (0.227kg) and the best conversion of dry matter
(3.30kg) was realized by lambs on treatment with 58% of UP in mixture. Results
476 D. Ružić-Muslić et al.

similar to ours, in regard to the effect of source of undegradable protein were

obtained by Orskov et al. (1971), Miller (1978), Grubić et al. (1991), Walz et al.
(1998), Peter et al. (2000), Memiši et al. (2002). Grubić et al. (1991), in the
analysis of the relationship between average daily gains and protein value of the
diet expressed through total, digestible and undegradable proteins in diet,
established the highest correlation coefficient (r=0.72) between daily gain and
share of undegradable protein in diet, slightly lower between gain and crude
protein (r=0.72) and the lowest between gain and digestible proteins (r=0.68).
With the increase of share of undegradable proteins in total proteins, use
of energy decreased by 4.4 -7.5 MJ NEM for each kilogram of realized gain. Data
on feed conversion and conversion of nutrients obtained in this study are in
concordance with results of Kozarovski (1988), Grubić et al. (1991) and Mekić
(1994). Grubić et al. (1991), in the research of the effect of concentrate mixtures
with 9 and 12% of fish meal, i.e. share of UP in total proteins of 38:55:62%
established conversion of DM on analogue treatments: 3.75 : 3.44 : 3.30 kg. In
fattening of lambs of Ile de France genotype, fed concentrate mixtures with
different content of UP in total proteins (40:50:60%), to the age of 90 days, Mekić
(1994) established that with the increase of level of UP the intake of concentrate
decreased: 2512 : 2493 : 2357 g per kilogram of gain of lambs.

The effect of undegradable protein on digestibility of


The level of adoption of proteins in lambs is not under significant effect of

undegradable protein in mixtures, whereas the digestibility of fat, fibre and
nitrogen free extracts is under the influence of mentioned treatment (Ružić-Muslić,
2006, 2007c). Matras et al. (2000) in their study of nutrient digestibility in lambs
fed diet I based on ground barley and urea (high level of degradable protein in
rumen) and diet II which contained cracked corn and corn gluten flour (high level
of undegradable protein), established average coefficients of protein digestibility:
60.2% (I) and 63.5% (II). Similar results are reported also by Christensen et al.
(1993) who established the difference (P>0.05) in digestibility between low
degradable proteins (55%) and proteins of high degradability (70%). In the
research by Tiwari et al. (2000) no difference in protein digestibility was
established in calves fed diets containing protein components, which were different
in regard to degradability (untreated walnut meal, walnut meal treated with
formaldehyde and fish meal). Similar conclusion was reached by Viswanathana
and Fontenota (2009), Keery et al. (1993), Ludden and Cecava (1995), stating that
the level of adoption of protein showed no significant differences between protein
sources (P>0.05), which were different in regard to degree of degradability.
Undegradable protein – important factor in balancing of diet ... 477

With the increase of share of undegradable proteins in mixtures

(43:51:58%) tendency of increase of fat digestibility was observed (Ružić-Muslić,
2006). Obviously, optimal conditions in regard to degradable/undegradable protein
ratio and available energy were realized on treatment III, which are obviously
optimal conditions for activity of rumen micro-organisms. Our results are in
concordance with results obtained by Ljumović et al. (1967) who established, in the
study of the effect of different protein sources (alfalfa hay and sunflower meal) in
diets for fattening lambs on nutrient digestibility, that the digestibility of fat was
74.99% and 62.60%, respectively. Also, our data is in concordance with results
obtained by Jovanović et al. (1972), Negovanović et al. (1983) and Ružić (1997).
Pejić et al. (1986) point out that digestibility of fat depends on its triglyceride
structure, length of fatty acid chain and diameter of fat particles, since only
particles of certain size have enough energy to enter the digestion and resporbtion
system. This is explained by Km/e which represents the ratio between particles of
mycelar and emulsion phase and increases significantly with the decrease of the
length of fatty acids chain.
Digestibility of crude fibre shows trend of decrease with the increase of
level of undegradable protein in mixtures for nutrition of fattening lambs (Ružić-
Muslić, 2006). This trend is in accordance with research by Husein et al. (1991)
who reported noticeable improvement in fibre digestion in rumen on treatments
with high degradable protein. This is explained by the fact that increase of micro-
organisms and their activity depend on the quantity of degradable protein and
available energy. If the level of undegradable protein is higher, conditions for
growth and activity of micro flora are inadequate resulting in decreasing trend of
the degree of fibre digestion. At the same time, if fish meal is main protein
component in the diet structure, and corn is main energy component, larger
quantities of propionic, butyric and lactic acids are formed and the rumen pH value
decreases on this type of nutrition with lower fibre content and higher amount of
easy digestible carbon hydrates. Usual mechanisms of buffering of rumen pH in
this case is not enough, so lower pH value inhibits the growth of cellulolytic
bacteria resulting in depression in fibre digestion. Our results differ from results
obtained by Milis et al. (2004) who established following fibre digestibility
coefficients - 65% : 66% : 64% : 73%, respectively, on treatments with
35%:34%:43%:42% of undegradable protein in diets for sheep nutrition, which is
associated with structure of the diet and associative effect of used feeds (cotton
meal, wheat bran, corn gluten, combination of corn gluten and gluten feed).
478 D. Ružić-Muslić et al.

Table 2. Digestibility of nutrients, %

L e v e l o f u n d e g r a d a b l e p r o t e i n,%
43 51 58
Total protein 52.58±5.98 51.30±3.51 55.12±1.95
Crude fat 76.13a±3.49 77.98a±1.95 87.17b±1.30
Crude fibre 67.40ad±6.19 45.87c±4.32 22.39ae1.91
NFE 83.87a±3.21 b
76.05 ±3.13 82.96±1.52
Difference between a and b is statistically important at the level of (P<0,05), between a and c at the
level (P<0,01), and between d and e at the level (P<0,001)

The effect of undegradable proteins on yield and quality of

lamb meat

Level of undegradable protein in mixtures used in fattening of lambs

doesn't have significant effect on dressing percentage values, meat yield according
to categories and morphological composition of the carcass side (Ružić-Muslić,
2006,2007b). Results of mentioned study are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Yield of meat and share of individual tissues, %

L e v e l o f u n d e g r a d a b l e p r o t e i n,%
43 51 58
Dressing perc.
Cold carcass with 56.49±1.37 55.97±1.78 55.38±1.22
offal, kg
Yield of meat according to categories
Meat category I,% 32.27±2.68 37.35±1.35 37.51±2.11
Meat category II,% 33.19±2.21 32.67±1.68 32.83±1.36
Meat category
27.78±2.71 29.59±2.53 29.10±2.35
Share of individual tissues,%
Muscle 43.52±4.61 42.27±1.80 41.92±3.12
Fat 26.68±6.68 31.76±3.07 30.68±4.42
Bone 28.23±6.33 25.06±3.14 25.93±5.60
Connective 1.19±0.64 0.93±0.52 1.01±0.53

Established differences in dressing percentage values were within the range

of random deviations (P>0.05), which means that different levels of UP in diets for
lambs had no significant effect on studied trait. Obtained results are in concordance
with results obtained in the study of the effect of different shares of undegradable
proteins (41:50:60%) in total mass of the diet on fattening and slaughter properties
of Il de France lambs to the age of 88 days, by Mekić et al. (1999) who established
Undegradable protein – important factor in balancing of diet ... 479

that different levels of UP protein had no effect on value of dressing percentage –

warm carcass with offal, considering that obtained values were: 54.16 : 56.54 :
57.36%. Also, Shahrbabak et al. (2009) state that different levels of undegradable
protein - 19.86 : 26.47 : 33.08 g/kg of DM in diets used in fattening of Kermani
breed lambs, had no effect on weight of edible carcass parts and surface of MLD.
Al Jassim et al. (1991) point out that the effect of rumen undegradable protein was
greater in lambs compared to goats and expressed on food efficiency and
utilization, but not on carcass quality.
According the data presented in Table 3, share of I category meat (leg and
loin) in the mass of left carcass side of lambs on treatments 43:51:58% was: 37.27 :
37.35 : 37.51%, respectively. Meat of the II category (back, shoulder, neck) was
determined in following percentages: 33.19 : 32.67 : 32.83%. Relative share of III
category meat (chest with second fore thigh, second thigh) was: 27.78 : 29.59:
29.10%. So, studied nutrition treatment had no effect on carcass side mass and
share of individual meat categories, considering that determined differences were
not statistically significant (P>0.05). This is in accordance to results obtained by
many authors (McClelland et al., 1976; Butterfield, 1988, quote Petrović, 2000,
Shahrbabak et al., 2009) who point out that the variability relating to the quality of
meat mainly depends on the genotype and pre-slaughter age, and less on
paragenetic factors.
Morphological composition of carcass side was determined based on tissue
ratio in three rib cut, and presented in Table 3.
Results of the relative shares of individual tissues in three rib cut show that
the levels of undegradable protein in mixtures for nutrition of lambs had no
statistically significant effect on morphological composition of carcass sides
(P>0,05). However, the most favourable meat/bone ratio was determined in animal
on treatments with 51% and 58% of UP. Lambs on treatments with 43% realized
per 1 kg of bones by 0.4 kg less meat compared to animals on treatment with 51%
and by 0.3 kg less compared to lambs on treatment with 58%. Confirmation of
these results we find in studies by Šokarovski et al. (1988), Tahirović and Mašnić
Obtained results relating to carcass quality, as well as share of individual
tissues (muscle, fat, bone and connective tissue) showed that they were not under
the effect of the nutrition treatment, which is in concordance with results obtained
by Attija et al. (2007). Explanation is in the fact that lambs had similar weights of
the empty carcass and carcass composition, considering that their pre-slaughter
weights are similar. These parameters mainly depend on pre-slaughter body mass
(Colomer-Rocher and Espejo, 1972; Atti et al., 2003).
480 D. Ružić-Muslić et al.


In order to utilize to the maximum the genetic potential of high yielding

sheep breeds for production of meat, the share of UP in diet must be considered
since microbial synthesis of protein from usual sources of protein and energy is not
enough to satisfy the high requirements of lambs in intensive rearing system.
Feeds with proteins which pass through reticulum – rumen and reach
duodenum undegraded induce higher yield in lambs, provided that there is
sufficient amount of energy.
Level of undegraded protein in mixtures used in lamb nutrition has no
significant effect on level of protein adoption, whereas the digestibility of fat, fibre
and nitrogen free extracts was under the influence of said treatment.
Different levels of UP in diets for lambs have no significant effect on
dressing percentage values, yield of meat according to different categories and
morphological composition of carcass sides.


This research is part of the Project EVB: TR-31053 financial supported by

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia

Nerazgradiv protein – značajan faktor balansiranja obroka

za jagnjad u tovu

D. Ružić-Muslić, M. P. Petrović, Z. Bijelić


Iako ovčarska proizvodnja u našoj zemlji ima uglavnom ekstenzivan

karakter, u njoj ipak ima mesta za primenu novog koncepta izražavanja hranidbene
vrednosti proteina, pre svega u tovu jagnjadi.
U cilju maksimalnog iskorišćavanja genetskog potencijala
visokoproizvodnih rasa ovaca za meso, mora se voditi računa o udelu
nerazgradivog proteina u obroku, s obzirom da se mikrobiološkom sintezom
proteina iz uobičajenih izvora proteina i energije ne mogu zadovoljiti visoke
potrebe takvih grla u proteinima.
Zbog toga, u savremenim, naučno zasnovanim sistemima za ocenu
proteinske vrednosti hraniva, važno mesto zauzima razgradivost proteina hrane u
Undegradable protein – important factor in balancing of diet ... 481

U nedostatku domaćih podataka o nerazgradivosti proteina pojedinih

hraniva, rezultate istraživanja u ovom radu treba shvatiti kao davanje određenih
rešenja i putokaz za normiranje obroka za tov jagnjadi u intenzivnom sistemu



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Received 30 June 2011; accepted for publication 15 August 2011

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