Angular (How To Start Angular App) .Odt

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The simple approaches like using the jQuery Library may

not sufficiently address the needs that you have on hand.

This is where the availability of well structured frameworks
like Angular which rely on standard,
oftware engineering paradigms or software engineering patterns like the model view
controller or the model view view model or the model view whatever, helps us to
implement these web applications effectively and scalably.
Now in this context, we're going to could talk about this in a little more detail
as we go along in this course.
We'll also talk about how we bind the model to a view and
the use of controllers and the view models to accomplish these things.

Angular evolved from its earlier incarnation as AngularJS.

(Angular a évolué à partir de son incarnation antérieure sous le nom d'AngularJS.)

AngularJS was designed primarily by Misko Hevery and was introduced around 2012,
and quickly became a very popular data application framework.
Angular has been designed from the beginning
with mobile support so you can easily address mobile platforms,
and also provides server-side rendering to speed up
the rendering of your web application on the browsers.
Also, Angular provides powerful templating engine (moteur de création de modèles
)and powerful templating support. (prise en charge des modèles

Semantic versioning which uses the syntax as major version,

minor version, and patch.
Patch meaning that these are primarily bug fixes,
minor version meaning small enhancements,
and a major version maybe introducing breaking changes.

Step 3 – Create a New Angular Application

Now, create a new application named hello-angular4 using the Angular CLI tools. Execute the
commands to do this:
ng new hello-angular9

✔ Packages installed successfully.
Successfully initialized git.

This will create a directory named hello-angular4 in your current directory, and create an
Step 4 – Serve Angular Application
Your basic Angular application is ready to serve. Change directory to hello-angular4 and run your
Angular application using ng serve command.
cd hello-angular9
ng serve

You can access your angular application on localhost port 4200, Which is the default host and port
used by Angular application.
• http://localhost:4200
You can change host and port for running Angular application by providing –host and –port
command line arguments.
ng serve --host --port 8080

The IP address listens on all interfaces and publically accessible.

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