Mental Health Nursing

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Q.P.Code 105355 Reg. No.:.................... .

First M.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations - June 2013

(Mental Health Nursing)

Clinical Specialty-1

Time: 3 hrs Max marks : 100

• Answer all questions.

Essays (4x20=80)

1. Discuss the mental health services available at primary health centers, district,
state and national level. Describe scope and activities of mental health non-
governmental organizations. (10+10=20)
2. Explain the mechanism of action and clinical utility of lithium. List the side effects
and toxic effects of lithium. Enumerate the role of nurse in administration of
lithium to manic patient. (10+5+5=20)
3. Mrs. Meena aged 28 years old, clerk in a private company, currently suffering
from panic anxiety disorder and admitted in acute psychiatric ward. Discuss
various treatment modalities for panic disorder and nursing management by
using nursing process approach. (10+10=20)
4. Describe nursing implications of therapeutic use of self and self awareness.
Narrate therapeutic impasses in nurse patient relationship and list the
interventions to overcome therapeutic impasses. (10+5+5=20)

Short notes (4x5=20)

5. Describe types of admission in psychiatric hospitals - role of a nurse.

6. Seclusion and restraints .
7. Outline rehabilitation program for an alcoholic patient.
8. Describe nursing interventions for middle stage Alzheimer's dementia patient.


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