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Concrete Renaissance: Design and Construction of The Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer, Ravello, Italy

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Civil Engineering Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers

Volume 166 Issue CE1 Civil Engineering 166 February 2013 Issue CE1
Pages 19–26 http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/cien.12.00008
Concrete renaissance: design and Paper 1200008
construction of the Auditorium Oscar Received 20/03/2012 Accepted 14/06/2012
Niemeyer, Ravello, Italy Keywords: concrete structures / dynamics / seismic engineering
Martuscelli, Coppola and Di Placido

proceedings ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Concrete renaissance: design and

construction of the Auditorium
Oscar Niemeyer, Ravello, Italy
1 Giampiero Martuscelli MSc, MACI 3 Massimo Di Placido MSc
Technical Director, Interprogetti, and visiting professor University of Senior Structural Engineer, Interprogetti, Naples, Italy
Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
2 Ida Coppola MSc, MICE
Senior Structural Engineer, Interprogetti, Naples, Italy

1 2 3

The Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer in Ravello, southern Italy is an iconic new concrete building perched above the
Amalfi coast. The €16·7 million, 400-seat venue was completed in 2010 and provides a much-needed venue for this
world heritage site’s wealth of renaissance-inspired art and cultural events. The main structural feature is a 35 m
vaulted roof supported on a slab cantilevering 12 m out from supporting walls, giving the building the appearance
of floating in air. This paper reports on the many multi-disciplinary design and construction challenges involved in
delivering this unique and geometrically complex building on a steep and confined site. A key issue was the need to
respect the architectural vision while achieving an efficient and sustainable design.

Notation community hosts a series of concerts and cultural initiatives known

as the Ravello Festival. The traditional venue for these events was the
C seismic intensity coefficient ‘infinity terrace’, a purpose-built temporary stage in the garden of the
c' soil effective cohesion renaissance building Villa Rufolo.
E average elastic modulus However, the lack of a venue that could host such events during
g gravity acceleration the winter period was seen as a severe constraint on the village’s
I seismic protection factor economic viability. The aim of the auditorium project was to
R seismic response coefficient provide such a venue, facilitating further growth and overall social
Sg spectral acceleration
sustainability of this historical site.
T fundamental period of the structure
vs shear wave velocity A preliminary design was donated by the well-known Brazilian
vp compressional wave velocity architect Oscar Niemeyer in 2000, assisted in particular by José Carlos
β seismic structure coefficient Sussekind for the structural design. The following design phases
γ soil unit weight involved Italian teams closely supervised by the architect. Tender
ε seismic foundation coefficient documentation was produced in 2003 by the technical office of Ravello
ν soil Poisson ratio Municipality and, 3 years later, the project was finally approved.
σc rock average compressive strength Tenders were adjudicated in September 2006. The winning
Φ soil friction angle contractor, a joint venture of Consorzio Cooperative Costruzioni
and Pa Co Costruzioni Spa, appointed its own team of designers
1. Introduction which transformed the tender documentation into construction
design. Interprogetti was appointed at that stage as structural
Ravello, on the Amalfi coast in southern Italy, is a world heritage designer, Gnosis Architettura was in charge of the architectural
site, combining beautiful landscapes with a wealth of renaissance art design and Macchiaroli & Partners worked on the mechanical,
and culture. electrical and plumbing design.
Over the centuries the village has attracted many artists and Work started on site in November 2006 and the building construction
visitors, particularly in the spring and summer months when the was completed 36 months later (Figure 1; Monda and Lombardo, 2010).

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Civil Engineering Concrete renaissance: design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue CE1 February 2013 the Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer, Ravello, Italy
Martuscelli, Coppola and Di Placido

Figure 1. The iconic vaulted auditorium cantilevers 12 m out from its

steep site high above the Amalfi coast

2. Site details the widest part.

A comprehensive site investigation was carried out, including
The site boundary is defined by a hairpin bend in a 6 m wide access
road, Via della Repubblica, which winds to a small village further up n boreholes and laboratory tests on selected samples
the mountainous coastal terrain (Figure 2). The resulting trapezoidal n standard penetration tests
area is 70 m long, 46 m wide at one end and 10 m at the other. The n down-hole test
site had a 1:2·8 slope, resulting in a 20 m difference in level across n determination of the seismic refraction profile.

344.5 338.0 336.7
346.4 344.7 343.5 342.8 341.5 340.2 339.0





Via della Repubblica


0 m 10

Figure 2. The long, narrow site is defined by a hairpin bend in a

mountain access road

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Civil Engineering Concrete renaissance: design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue CE1 February 2013 the Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer, Ravello, Italy
Martuscelli, Coppola and Di Placido

Layer 1 2
Definition Pyroclastic deposits Calcareous bedrock
Description Brown pyroclastitic deposits, with sand and lime, humus Grey calcareous rock, of poor quality, with fractured surfaces
strata, broken road paving fragments, cm size filled in with red silt grain size distribution particles
Soil friction angle, φ : degrees 28 30
Soil Poisson ratio, ν 0·37 0·50
Soil unit weight, γ : kN/m3 16 22
Soil effective cohesion, cʹ: MPa 0·01 0·10
Soil average elastic modulus, E: MPa Not applicable 7000
Rock average compressive strength, σc: MPa Not applicable 25
Table 1. Soil characterisation

Boreholes revealed the presence of two different soil strata:

pyroclastic deposits and calcareous rock. The first layer was shaped
in a series of stepped terraces and its thickness varied across the site
from 3 m to 6·5 m. The bedrock formed a 20º angle with the existing
slope and presented a fractured layer, about 3 m thick, located at Underground car park
varying levels from the ground surface. The laboratory tests and the
indirect standard penetration tests led to the ground characterisation, Technical
summarised in Table 1. building
A down-hole test provided a direct correlation between the
mechanical properties of the soil strata and the shear waves velocity.
Measurements were performed at 1 m spacing in the borehole for a
total depth of 20 m. The results confirmed the presence of two strata. Figure 3. The project was designed as three structurally separate parts:
The average velocity was vs = 86 m/s in the pyroclastic deposit and the main auditorium, an underground car park and a largely below-
vs = 950 m/s in the calcareous bedrock. ground technical building
The seismic refraction profile was traced along a line connecting
two of the boreholes for 75 m length. This technique provided the
actual profile and thickness of the underlying geological strata by
using the physical principle that sound waves propagate at different
velocities through different earth materials: the denser the material
Structural joints

the faster the wave. Two refractors were identified corresponding to

values of compressional wave velocity vp = 353 m/s for the top 5 m
and vp=2377 m/s for the underlying bedrock. Car park

The results of these tests were used to work out the Medvedev
Technical building
stiffness parameter. The corresponding soil amplification factor for
the seismic accelerations equalled 1·1; however, a factor of 1·2 was
Via della Repubblica
used in line with the minimum code recommendations (MLP, 1996). 0 m 10

3. Structural configuration
Figure 4. Plan of below-ground structures showing structural gridlines
and the construction joints between the three building parts
The project comprises three structurally separate parts: the main
auditorium, an underground car park and a largely below-ground
technical building (Figure 3). The roofs of the latter two units provide
a large, rectangular terrace leading to the auditorium.
The main feature of the auditorium is its in situ concrete vaulted
roof, the base slab of which dramatically cantilevers 12 m beyond the
downhill supporting walls. An eye-shaped opening in the vault looks
out from the stage over the sea, while a large glass facade at the north
end visually links the auditorium to the terrace. The concrete wall at In situ concrete was chosen for
the south end features a large circular window.
In situ concrete was chosen for the auditorium due to its ability
the auditorium due to its ability
to be shaped into complex forms, the opportunity to concentrate to be shaped into complex
material along the main load paths, the option to reduce self-weight
by using lightweight aggregate and the solution it offered to site forms and the opportunity to
access and logistics problems. The car park and technical building
were designed and built more conventionally, using precast floors
concentrate material along the
and in situ columns with shear walls for lateral stability (Figure 4). main load paths
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Civil Engineering Concrete renaissance: design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue CE1 February 2013 the Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer, Ravello, Italy
Martuscelli, Coppola and Di Placido

Tensile forces Compression forces 3.1 Auditorium vault

Perimeter Diagonal Steel The vaulted auditorium roof spans up to 35 m and its geometry
concrete wall arches cables
is defined by a series of polycentric arches with variable curvature.
Structurally, the vault is unusual in that the downhill support is
more flexible than normal, being provided by the edge of a 12 m
cantilever floor slab. However, most of the vault load is actually
carried at the highly stiffened corners of the floor slab, with the loads
flowing by way of diagonal arches around the central eye-shaped
window (Figure 5).
Edge beam
The stiffness at the south end of the floor edge is provided by the
concrete facade wall; a different solution was implemented at the
north end of the floor edge, where stiffness is provided by a series of
Via della Repu
bblica diagonal prestressed steel cables incorporated into the glass facade.
Also, towards the downhill side the vault roof becomes flat. This
Figure 5. Elevation of the auditorium showing how vault compression enables it to acquire an in-plane stiffness that allows the formation
forces are carried around the central eye-shaped window and back of an arch-shaped load path, which in turn leads stress from the vault
into the facade wall and tie cables
towards the two corner supports.
The thin shell roof varies from 160 mm to 300 mm thick. It is
stiffened by a series of arch-ribs, which continue vertically in the
0 1m
uphill support wall. The structure of the cantilever floor section is
provided by a grillage of beams, 1·5 m deep, which fan out radially
from the curved downhill supporting wall. This is stiffened locally by
rebates at the intersection with the radial floor beams.

3.2. Facade structures

The double-skin glass facade is composed of two glass walls separated
by a 600 mm ventilated cavity. The diagonally arranged glass panels are
completely transparent from the inside but dark and reflecting from the
outside. They are supported by a double layer of Ø219 mm × 20 mm
circular hollow sections spaced at 4 m intervals and connected by a series
of tie beams, which are also spaced at 4 m centres.
High-strength steel tie cables are incorporated in the facade to
support the cantilevered floor slab edge-beam, with two pairs of
cables for each tie element. Each spiral-wound cable has a central
core and fire-protection coating, and the spiral layout generates
Ø8/15 radial stresses between adjacent cables to resist localised transverse
Figure 6. Each tie cable is anchored in the auditorium floor edge-beam The zinc-coated cable end-connectors are linked to four high-
by way of four threaded bars in sleeves, which were tensioned from strength threaded bars, which pass through precisely aligned steel
beneath (dimensions in mm) sleeves cast into the concrete edge-beam (Figure 6). Cable tensioning
was carried out from underneath the beam using hydraulic jacks
connected to the threaded bars, after which the sleeves were grouted.

0.07 3.3 The seismic resisting system

According to the Italian building regulation in force at the time,
DM 16/01/1996 (MLP, 1996), Ravello is a category 3 seismic
zone, corresponding to a low level of seismicity and to a maximum
ultimate limit state spectrum acceleration of 0·678 m/s2. The


0.03 response spectrum used for the design is calculated by Sg/g = CRebI
(Figure 7), where

n C is the seismic intensity coefficient, 0·04 for a category 3 zone
0 n R is the response coefficient, 1·0 for T < 0·8 s, 0·862/T2/3 for T ≥
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
0·8 s, where T is the fundamental period of the structure
T: s
n e is the foundation coefficient, 1·2 based on code indications
(MLP, 1996) and site investigation results
Figure 7. Ultimate limit state seismic response spectrum according to n b is the structure coefficient, 1·2 for structures with shear walls
Italian building regulation DM 16/01/1996 (MLP, 1996) – for a category
3 seismic zone, the maximum design acceleration is 0·678 m/s2
and frames
n I is the seismic protection factor, 1·2 for public-use buildings.

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Civil Engineering Concrete renaissance: design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue CE1 February 2013 the Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer, Ravello, Italy
Martuscelli, Coppola and Di Placido

The seismic-resisting system is formed of a series of shear walls, 4.1 Analysis results
mainly located along the perimeter of the building, that allow distribution In line with the expectations, the final structural analysis results
of the seismic horizontal loading over a wide foundation base. showed that the internal forces acting on individual structural members
Design for the vertical component of seismic loading was also would be significantly affected during construction. Figure 10 shows
required due to the nature of the structure: the maximum spectrum the bending moment and shear force diagrams in the key elements at
acceleration was 1·356 m/s2 for structures exceeding 20 m span and the end of each construction phase.
2·712 m/s2 for cantilever structures. In accordance with the code An initial analysis performed on a model without cables in the
requirements (MLP, 1996), the corresponding design actions were facade confirmed that the ribbed beams of the vault did not perform
then combined with the remaining ultimate limit state loads by using a in accordance with the classic arch theory. This was mainly due
combination factor equal to 1·5. to the flexibility of the floor supporting the vault itself, which
caused significant tensile forces inside each rib to be combined with
4. Structural analysis
The proposed construction sequence is shown in Figure 8, with
temporary propping for the cantilevered floor slab and vault roof.
This resulted in a complex series of temporary loading conditions,
in addition to which it was necessary to consider time-dependent
actions such as shrinkage and creep. Structural analysis for the main 1. Contiguous pile wall 2. Excavation to foundation level
with ground anchors
construction phases and long-term loading was therefore undertaken
using a finite-element model of the whole structure.
The geometric model was built by using shell elements for
the structural surfaces and frame elements for the linear structural
components (Figure 9). Both had time-dependent material properties,
with the Young’s modulus of concrete elements changing according to 3. Foundations, first and second 4. Temporary props to
level construction cantilever floor
the CEB-FIP formulations (CEB-FIB, 1972). Different stress–strain
curves were adopted for lightweight and ordinary concrete used for the
vault and the remaining structures respectively.
As well as the traditional static and seismic induced dynamic loads,
thermal loads due to annual variation (±15°C) and shrinkage loads
were considered. These, along with creep, were particularly relevant 5. Cantilever floor construction 6. Temporary props to vault and
for the structure due to its high level of redundancy. The cable prestress completion of concrete works
was then introduced as an equivalent thermal load able to produce in
each cable a tensile force equal to 330 kN.
The structural analysis was carried out for each of the following
phases, which cover a period of nearly 28 years.

n Phase A (180 days’ duration): construction of the concrete

structures and of the structural steelwork (with the exception of 7. North facade construction,
removal of props to vault,
8. Removal of props below
cantilever floor
steel cables), installation of the cantilever props. tensioning of steel cables
n Phase B (6 days’ duration): tensioning of the steel cables.
n Phase C (15 days’ duration): de-propping under the cantilever Figure 8. Construction sequence showing the main construction stages
n Phase D (10 000 days’ duration): long-term loads.

For each of the phases a linear analysis was performed corresponding

to a set configuration of the different design parameters: geometry,
restraints, loads and material properties. A realistic duration was
assigned to each phase and the analysis was carried out for the start
and end condition of each phase, which meant time-dependent material Geometric model
properties could be taken into consideration. This resulted in eight sets
of results for the four phases, which were then superimposed and used
for the final design.
Short-term loads, such as wind, seismic loads and live loads, were
considered outside the phase analysis. These were applied to the
structures in their long-term configuration using short-term material
properties. Seismic effects were determined by means of a response Axial load distribution Bending moment distribution
spectrum modal analysis (see Section 5.3). The number of analysed
modes was such to excite at least 85% of the total mass for each Figure 9. A finite-element model was built of the auditorium roof to
analyse axial loads and bending moments
considered direction.

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Civil Engineering Concrete renaissance: design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue CE1 February 2013 the Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer, Ravello, Italy
Martuscelli, Coppola and Di Placido

Structural element Reinforcement rate: kg/m3

Shell roof 230
Arch ribs 300
Central ‘eye’ window trimmer beams 225
Cantilever floor beams (radial grillage) 210
South cantilever wall 90–150
Phase A – axial load diagram Phase A – bending moment diagram
Below-ground columns 270
Foundation pads 225

Table 2. Reinforcement rates

bending. The presence of the cables in the north facade allowed a

drastic reduction of this effect and a significant optimisation of the
reinforcement detailing.
Phase B – axial load diagram Phase B – bending moment diagram Thermal loads and shrinkage caused distortional effects on the
structure comparable with those induced by gravity loads. Creep was
also crucial for the design of both the concrete cantilever beam and the
steel facade system. These were subject to increasing load levels as the
concrete stiffness reduced. Passing from phase C to phase D, deflections
at the cantilever tip increased by 25%, while a 35% and 90% increase
was noted in the bending moment and shear force values respectively
at the fixed end of the cantilever beam. The axial load in the steel
Phase C – axial load diagram Phase C – bending moment diagram
cables grew by up to 4% and this was taken into consideration when
calibrating the pre-tensioning load.
The design of the cables also took into consideration the capacity
limits of the edge cantilever concrete beam. The values of the shear
force and the axial loads acting on it needed to be kept within acceptable
In terms of dynamic behaviour, the fundamental vibration period of
the structure is around 0·2 s. This classifies this structure as very stiff,
subject to the plateau seismic accelerations.
Phase D – axial load diagram Phase D – bending moment diagram The analysis provided the actions on which the design checks were
based. The average reinforcement rates resulting from the exercise are
summarised in Table 2 for the key structural elements.
Figure 10. Dramatic changes in bending moment and shear force were
predicted during the four analysed construction and use phases
5. Construction
5.1 Retaining wall and foundations
Construction work started in November 2006 with the installation of
a contiguous pile wall along the site boundary where the road level was
higher than the project foundation level (Figure 11).
The piles, 220 mm in diameter, were horizontally constrained by two
or three rows of anchors. These provided the required stiffness during
the construction process and in the long-term condition. The wall was
then completed with a sprayed concrete layer. The wall is completely
independent from the structure of the auditorium, which does not carry
any soil horizontal pressure in the long term.
The building foundations were then built, consisting of pads linked
in two orthogonal directions by foundation beams. The foundation pads
are typically 0·9 m thick and foundation beams are either rectangular,
0·3 m × 0·6 m, or T-shaped, 1·5 m × 1·0 m.

5.2 Superstructure
Superstructure construction started with the technical building and
proceeded with the construction of the auditorium and car park up to
terrace level. Once completed, the roof of the car park became the new
Figure 11. Foundations of the technical building being constructed working platform, and was used to carry out all activities related to
inside the contiguous pile retaining wall
construction of the vault and completion of below-ground areas.

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Civil Engineering Concrete renaissance: design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue CE1 February 2013 the Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer, Ravello, Italy
Martuscelli, Coppola and Di Placido

Figure 12. Cable anchor sleeves ready for concreting into the Figure 13. Concreting the top of auditorium roof vault was delayed by
auditorium slab edge-beam heavy rain until winter

Particular care was used when constructing the tie-cable anchors

in the auditorium floor edge-beam, ensuring precise alignment and
good visual quality in what would be the most exposed element of the
structure (Figure 12).
Adjustable props were then used to support the curved formwork
underneath the auditorium vault. Double-layer formwork was used to
form the steeply sloping edge section, into which class S4 concrete
was poured and vibrated from the top. Class S3 concrete was used
for the remaining curved area of the vault, and this was hand-finished
to overcome access limitations and still be able to satisfy the design
tolerances (Figure 13).
The vault concrete pours were made difficult by bad weather
conditions: the wettest spring and summer for a decade delayed
concreting until the winter, with temperatures close to 0°C. The overall Figure 14. Extensive temporary propping was required under the
vault concrete volume was 470 m3 and it was eventually placed over a cantilever section of the auditorium floor and roof during construction
period of 9 days.
The tension of the facade cabling system and subsequent removal
of the temporary propping under the auditorium cantilever floor slab
(Figure 14) was a particularly crucial moment in terms of site safety and
for the general success of the project. A monitoring system was put in
place to control the structural movements during this phase.
Optical prisms were positioned in relation to a reference system and
C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1
were monitored daily over a 1-month period: 3 weeks before and 1
week after the removal of the temporary props (Figure 15). Theoretical
displacements had been previously determined for the monitored
positions by using the three-dimensional design model. A comparison
between the theoretical and the actual displacements showed the real
structure to be stiffer than the modelled one. Ci Monitoring points on
the top surface of the
T2 T3 vault
5.3 Key technical interfaces Ti Monitoring points at
A multidisciplinary approach was a key aspect to this project, T1 beams’ locations
particularly in relation to the acoustic and services performance of
the building. The local architect proposed a series of solutions that Figure 15. Location of the ten points on the auditorium roof that were
were fully integrated into the structural scheme. For example, the monitored daily before, during and after the 15-day period during which the
cantilever props were removed – the building proved to be stiffer than expected
south concrete wall is partially covered with soundproof material and
a series of medium density fibreboard hard panels (Figure 16). These
are concentric with the glass circular opening and slide along the wall, auditorium. Movable wavy reflecting panels in methacrylate were also
covering it with sound-absorbing material during concert performances. suspended from the ceiling. The fixing details of all the acoustic devices
Vertical reflecting transparent panels were also provided along the to the main concrete structures – south wall, vault and floor slab – were
edges of the seats and were positioned at such an angle that the sound coordinated at design stage according to the required construction
waves coming from the stage are directed towards the central area of the tolerances (Gnosis Architettura, 2010).

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Civil Engineering Concrete renaissance: design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue CE1 February 2013 the Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer, Ravello, Italy
Martuscelli, Coppola and Di Placido

Figure 16. Acoustic measures in the auditorium included moveable

fibreboard panels on the south concrete wall, angled transparent barriers in Figure 17. External view of the completed auditorium and terrace,
front of the seating and acrylic reflective panels suspended from the ceiling looking south

Also during the design stage, service routes and related penetrations
into the main structures were discussed and agreed with the mechanical,
electrical and plumbing designer. The air-handling units, located on
the first basement level, inject air by way of dedicated ducts passing
through a service wall. This is integrated with the structural concrete
walls, adjacent to the soil retailing wall, also supporting the top part of
the vault. Adjustable diffusers are located just above the stalls and direct
air to the stage area, and small cylindrical diffusers are located below
the seats. Return ventilation is by way of dedicated ducts running below
the cantilever floor and below the stage, back into another service wall
integrated with the perimeter curved concrete wall.

6. Conclusions
Construction was completed in November 2009, 17 months longer
than the originally estimated and €3·5 million over the original budget
of €13·2 million (Figure 17). The delay and cost-overrun are attributed
to the unexpected complexity of the iconic design. Figure 18. Internal view of the multi-purpose auditorium, showing the
The Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer was officially opened in January north-facing glass facade incorporating tie cables and the seaward-
2010. Ravello now has an excellent venue where a wide range of events facing eye-shaped window
can be hosted, from exhibitions and visual arts to concerts, theatre and
dance events (Figure 18).
The building fully respects the original architectural vision but still References
achieves an efficient design. It required a careful selection of construction
technologies to fulfil both architectural and structural requirements.
CEB-FIP (Comité Européen du Béton-Fédération Internationale de la
Précontrainte) (1972) Recommandations Internationales pour le Calul et
The multidisciplinary approach that strongly characterised the project l'Exécution des Ouvrages en Béton – Principes et Recommandations, 2nd
added a further element of complexity since the structural layout is edn. CEB-FIP, Paris, France (in French).
a key interface with architectural and service components as well as Gnosis Architettura (2010) Niemeyer e l’Aleph. L’universo nel Dettaglio. Paparo
Edizioni, Napoli, Italy (in Italian).
specialist requirements.
MLP (Ministry for Public Works) (1996) Decreto Ministeriale 16 Gennaio 1996.
Norme tecniche relative ai criteri generali per la verifica di sicurezza delle
Acknowledgements costruzioni e dei carichi e sovraccarichi. Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici, Rome,
Italy (in Italian).

The principal members of the project team were as follows: project Monda C and Lombardo I (2010) Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer Ravello. Arte'm,
Naples, Italy (in Italian).
preliminary design and coordination up to construction completion –
Oscar Niemeyer, A. Sussekind; architecture detailed design – Gnosis
Architettura; architectural design consultants – Alessandro Castagnaro,
What do you think?
Renato De Fusco and Carmine Ianniello (acoustics); structural design If you would like to comment on this paper, please email up to 200 words
– Interprogetti and Giuseppe Sarubbi; services design – Macchiaroli & to the editor at journals@ice.org.uk.
Partners, Elletipartners and Luigi Conte; project coordination – Aldo If you would like to write a paper of 2000 to 3500 words about your own
Cappotto, Gerardo Trillo and Ravello Municipality; site supervision – experience in this or any related area of civil engineering, the editor will be
happy to provide any help or advice you need.
Rosa Zeccato and Ravello Municipality.

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