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Precast captures moments in time
“The Heritage Circle” is the culmination of a A crisp, clean concrete finish was Project Details
five year community project which has created integral to the success of the Project name: The Heritage Circle
a striking public artwork in one of Western Heritage Circle, as the artwork Sculptured Wall Panels,
Australia’s premier regional parks, G.O. Edwards relies on image clarity for historical Burswood, WA
Reserve. Innovative in design and enhancing purposes and good “relief” so that Precast Supplier: Delta Corporation Limited
the natural landscape, the artwork celebrates the Principal: Town of Victoria Park
the artwork effectively captures
Town of Victoria Park’s unique indigenous and Sculptor: Smith Sculptors
natural light and shade elements.
colonial history.
Manufacturing the precast panels presented
Comprised of six precast concrete panels
in a circular formation, each panel stands several challenges for WA precast manufacturer,
approximately 2.5 metres tall and 3 metres wide, Delta Corporation Limited. Cast onto an
and weighs approximately 5 tonnes. Each one intricate sculptured fibreglass mould, the
depicts a different theme through a montage precaster’s main concern was that the concrete
of images relating to past life in Victoria would stick to the fibreglass and possibly
Park – Flora & Fauna, Momentous Events & damage the pattern during de-moulding of the
Community, Sport & Recreation, Industries, precast panels.
Transport and Architecture. The panels capture
A trial fibreglass mould was prepared with a
moments in time often long forgotten.
special concrete mix selected to colour match
Initially, through its community committees and the existing limestone sections of the site. Using
staff, the Town provided ideas for the artists, Smith appropriate mould release agents and casting
Sculptors, who scrupulously carved the images techniques the casting process proved correct, One of the six precast concrete panels, which make
into polyurethane blocks. Once carved, the panels meeting with the rapturous approval of the up the montage of images relating to past life in
were sealed and a fibreglass cast was set. sculptors and the Town of Victoria Park. Victoria Park

President’s Column
Amidst a very busy NPCAA As New Zealand’s largest precast manufacturer, We continue our work to promote precast flooring,
agenda, our most recent meeting Stresscrete was the perfect choice for a factory and on our review of the first edition of the Precast
was held in Christchurch New visit, allowing the Australian delegates to Concrete Handbook (which, incidentally, is now
Zealand. The joint meeting with compare notes with their Kiwi counterparts. available on disk from SAI Global). We also
Precast New Zealand (PCNZ) The tour of two of Stresscrete’s projects – the continue to work with Australian Standards on
began with most of the 21 Canterbury Department of Health Board Car Park, reviews of various Standards, with the Australian
NPCAA delegates arriving to a
and the Dressmart Shop and Car Park, showed Safety and Compensation Council on a national
cold and wet Wednesday
us alternative applications of hollowcore and code of practice for both on-site prefabricated
afternoon in the city. By
Thursday morning the sky was reinforced the economies of a precast solution. concrete (sometimes referred to as tilt-up) and
clear, the sun was shining while off-site manufactured concrete (precast), and with
Our thanks to the PCNZ members for their warm Curtin University on precast course material for
the air was crisp and cold, it was a perfect start hospitality and a special thank you to Alan
to a fantastic couple of days. undergraduate engineers.
Kirby of Cement and Concrete Association New
After separate NPCAA and PCNZ meetings, Zealand and to John Marshall of Stresscrete for I also take this opportunity to welcome our
we joined together in the afternoon to their efforts to make our trip one to remember. newest Associate Member – Coates Hire, and
discuss industry issues of relevance to both I would also like to thank our Executive Officer our newest (and first) Professional Associate
organisations, such as the testing of hollowcore Sarah Moore for the effort she put in to make the Member – BDO Chartered Accountants and
performance in areas of high seismic risk. This trip a success. Advisors. Don’t forget to check out the full list of
was further explained by Professor John Mander Members on the back page of this publication.
and Dr Stefano Pampanin during our tour on the Successful Precast Design Workshops for
following day of the seismic testing facilities at engineers have been held in Sydney, Brisbane, Gavin Stollery
the University of Canterbury. Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. President
ACN 051 987 181 • ISSN 1037-9908

Use of Hollowcore Flooring in Composite Steel –

Concrete Construction: Part 1 – The Advantages
This article presents the transfer of knowledge
from UK to Australia for the use of precast
concrete hollowcore slabs in steel-concrete
Dr Dennis Lam, University composite construction and the advantages
of Leeds, UK over metal deck composite flooring. Whilst it
(2005 Royal Society Visiting is common practice to use precast concrete
Fellow, University planks in Australian building construction,
of Wollongong, Australia) the benefits of composite behaviour with steel
beams have not yet been fully realised with
these systems, (National Precast Concrete
Association of Australia, 2003). The use of
precast hollowcore slabs in steel composite Figure 2 (b): Typical composite steel and precast
construction has seen rapid growth in concrete floor plan
popularity since it was first developed in the
1990’s. Composite steel beams incorporating
precast hollowcore slabs illustrated in Figure
1 are intended to offer designers with an
alternative to the traditional steel frame with
steel deck flooring method and advantages
Professor Brian Uy, over the steel decking system. The main
University of Wollongong, advantages of this form of construction are that
Australia precast hollowcore slabs can span up to 15
metres without propping. The erection of 1.2
metre wide precast concrete units is simple
and quick, shear studs can be pre-welded
on beams before delivery to site thereby
offering the savings associated with shorter
construction times.
The practical application of the method
is illustrated in Figure 2(a), showing the
application of this form of construction in
Australia in the Sydney Airport, Domestic
Terminal Carpark. The application of precast
was necessary in this project for the following
reasons, according to Cleaver, (2005):
Figure 1: Composite beam with precast hollow • The existing car park had to remain in
core slabs operation, whilst construction took place

• No propping was permitted, as this

would affect the 24-hour a day operation
of parking

• The design solution for the structure had

to meet stringent weight considerations

• The new car parking floors had to provide

a clean, modern appearance.

Furthermore, Figure 2(b) also illustrates

conceptually how the method eliminates
the need for secondary steelwork by spanning
the pretensioned precast planks between
primary steelwork.

Figure 2 (a): Erection of hollowcore (manufactured Figure 3 shows a direct comparison of the Figure 3: Comparison between the composite
by Rescrete Industries) at Sydney Airport, Domestic metal deck flooring composite system with the hollowcore systems to the composite metal deck
Terminal Carpark composite system with precast hollowcore flooring systems (Lam & Uy, 2003)


Figure 4: Alternative methods for composite slabs with a typical bay of 9m × 9m. The
hollowcore system comparison showed a typical saving of 50%
over steel weight, number of components and
more significantly on steel surface area when
fire protection and paint treatment are taken
into consideration.

In addition, the extra floor depth over the

composite metal deck flooring system could be
compensated using the shelf-angle or slimfloor
system as shown in Figure 4. With careful
Figure 4(a): Shelf angle system and proper detailing, this system should
exhibit satisfactory seismic performance and
fire rating. It has been illustrated in aseismic Figure 7: Transverse joint of the hollowcore slabs
zones that the governing load combinations for
multi-storey composite sway or braced frames,
reversal of moment in joint regions would not
be experienced, (Hensman and Nethercot,
1999; and Loh et al, 2004). Therefore, it would
not be expected that this form of construction
would suffer any adverse effects. Research on
active fire protection using catenary action in
these systems is also on-going by the authors.
Figure 4(b): Slimfloor system
The New South Wales Government White Paper
Construct (New South Wales Government
1998) has placed an emphasis on seizing
opportunities to build a better construction Figure 8: Hollowcore slabs with opened cores
industry. These reports highlight the need to
reduce on-site activities and waste as part
of the drive to encourage the construction
industry to contribute positively towards Australia’s leading engineers,
sustainable development through greater architects and builders use precast…
efficiency, improved quality and greater
certainty in the delivery of construction
It’s that simple.
projects. For multi-storey buildings, the
use of precast concrete slabs in the floors
Be part of the booming
– particularly if this can be done without the precast industry…
need for in-situ screeds will drastically reduce
Figure 5: Precast hollowcore slabs the volume of on-site concreting required. Become an NPCAA Professional
Associate Member.
Hollowcore slabs possess longitudinal voids
and are produced on a long prestressing For an annual fee of just $2000, you get:
bed either by slip forming or extrusion and • To network with NPCAA Members.
are then saw cut to length (Figure 5). The
depth ranges from 150 to 400 mm, with the • To attend precast workshops at Member Rates
performance limited to a maximum span / (and become an accredited precast practitioner).
depth ratio of around 50, although 35 is more • To promote your services to NPCAA Members.
usual for normal office loading conditions. A
50mm (nominal) dry bearing length is used, • To market your services as a NPCAA Member.
although the British Standard BS8110 (1997)
• To participate in forums which change
permits an absolute minimum bearing length
practices in the precast industry.
of 40mm where saw cut units bear onto steel
surfaces. Current Australian design provisions • Referrals to organisations seeking advice on
recommend a minimum bearing length of professionals who are “precast friendly”.
70mm for this method of construction which
lead to a minimum required width of 220mm • Precast Concrete Handbook – 20% discount
for the steel flange (National Precast Concrete off the purchase price.
Figure 6: Longitudinal joint with pre-welded Association of Australia, 2003). Research on • National Precaster – 10 copies of each issue to
headed shear studs the effect of reducing the in-situ concrete infill support your own marketing, submit editorial
gap width to minimise the width of the steel
for publication and be listed as a Member;
flange is on-going at the University
of Wollongong. • Website promotion on the NPCAA website,
For more information contact Sarah Moore,
PAGE 3 Executive Officer on 02 9799 3421 or 0414 880 351.

The longitudinal & transverse joint between Optimisation of Shear Stud successful in the design and construction of
the units (Figures 6 & 7) is filled with in-situ Design Capacity office, commercial industrial, hotel, stadium
concrete so that horizontal compressive and car park developments.
membrane forces can be transferred through The use of hollowcore and solid slabs for
the slab. The compressive strength of the composite steel beam design allows the Raised Access Floor
in-situ concrete infill may vary from 20 to optimisation of shear stud design due to the lack
of restriction in positioning the shear studs. No additional finishes may be required to the
40 MPa, but 35 MPa is normally used for top surface of hollowcore units prior to the
design. Shear connectors are pre-welded Elimination of Deflection installation of a raised access floor.
to the steel beams and an adequate amount
of concrete is to be placed and compacted The use of hollowcore and solid slabs Conclusions:
around the shear connectors. The spacing of in composite steel beam design eliminates
the shear connectors is determined from the the difficulties experienced with local deflection This article has presented the use of
of a metal deck solution between steel hollowcore flooring in composite steel
requirements of the shear force interaction
beam supports. – concrete construction and the advantages
along the steel / concrete interface. The sides
over the traditional composite metal deck
of the hollowcore slabs are shaped on the
Fire Resistance flooring system. Research is on-going to
casting bed to the profile shown in Figure 7 to
provide for the transfer of knowledge from the
allow for the transverse shear transfer. The tops Standard precast floors can be supplied with UK to Australia taking account of the subtleties
of the hollow cores in the slabs are typically left a standard fire resistance of up to 4 hours, far that exist in relation to hollowcore manufacture
open at 300mm centres for 500mm in length to superior than metal flooring systems can offer. between the two nations.
permit the placement of tie steel across the slab Available fire ratings are HC150 = 2hrs; HC200
(Figure 8). Research work by Lam et al (2000) = 3hrs; HC250 = 3hrs and HC400 = 4hrs. References:
showed that given the correct geometry and
Immediate Unpropped Working Platform BS 8110: Parts 1 (1997), ‘Structural Use of Concrete:
material properties, full or partial interaction
Code of Practice for Design of Simple Construction,’
between the precast slab and steel beam is British Standards Institution, London.
Once a precast concrete floor is placed on
possible. For typical geometry and serial sizes, Hensman, J.S. and Nethercot, D.A. (2001),
site, it is immediately available as a working
the composite beams were found to be twice as ‘Numerical study of unbraced composite frames:
platform. Steel deck systems by comparison generation of data to validate use of the wind moment
strong and three times as stiff as the equivalent
can present problems in achieving level method of design’, Journal of Constructional Steel
isolated steel section.
surfaces whilst concrete is poured and in Research 57, pp. 791-809.

The advantages of providing access whilst in the wet condition. Lam, D., Elliott, K. S. and Nethercot, D. A.
(2000), ‘Experiments on composite steel beams with
composite beam design No Propping precast concrete hollow core floor slabs’, Proceedings
with precast planks of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and
Propping is not required with the precast slabs Buildings, Vol. 140, pp.127-138.
Steel Economy designed compositely with the steel framed Lam, D. and Uy, B. (2003), ‘Recent Research and
Development in Composite Steel Beams with Precast
building. Large savings can be achieved when Hollow Core Slabs’, Journal of Australian Institute of
The use of precast hollowcore and solid
compared with the large amount of propping Steel Construction, Vol. 37 (2), pp. 1-13.
slabs for composite steel beam design
required with fully in-situ and semi-in-situ Loh H.Y., Uy, B. and Bradford, M.A. (2004),
provides a reduction in the total tonnage of
floor systems. ‘The effects of partial shear connection in the
structural sections compared with the use of hogging moment regions of composite beams: Part 1
non-composite and composite metal deck Diaphragm Action – Experimental study’, Journal of Constructional Steel
steel solutions. Research 60, pp. 897-919.
Precast floor slabs are structurally grouted to National Precast Concrete Association Australia
Speed of Erection provide a floor with full diaphragm action as (2003) Hollowcore flooring: technical manual.
required in most multi-storey frames. This can New South Wales Government (1998) Construct
Time-consuming activities such as propping, New South Wales: Seizing opportunities to build a better
be achieved without a structural topping.
shuttering and concrete pouring may be virtually construction industry, New South Wales Government
eliminated. Using a precast floor, a large volume White Paper.
Finished Soffit
of work is carried out off-site and saves what Standards Australia (2003) AS2327.1 – 2003,
Precast floors are manufactured on high quality Composite structures – Part 1: Simply supported beams,
can be a complex and time-consuming site Standards Australia.
operation subject to the vagaries of the climate. steel beds and are suitable in appropriate cases
for direct decoration.
Reduced Site Operations Precast Concrete Handbook
Factory Engineered Components
The use of hollowcore and solid slabs in
composite steel beam design greatly reduces Precast floors are factory produced, being Everything you
the amount of in-situ concrete work on site. manufactured in an environment which is more need to know
The ability of hollowcore slabs to provide readily controlled than a building site. Quality about Precast.
bay centres of 7.5m and greater, far exceeds control systems are properly implemented and Now available
that provided by a metal deck solution. This are independently examined on a regular basis on CD-ROM.
enables a reduction in the number of steel under the quality assurance scheme.
Call Standards
members for a building and consequently on Product Application Australia on
site programme time. In addition, the provision 1300 65 46 46
of factory welded shear studs on the steel Composite steel beam design offers an now to order
beams removes the stud welding operation economic solution whenever a steel frame is your copy!
from the site critical path. being considered. It has been proven


John Burke – a tribute

secured and unsecured creditors and see
the receiver retire in June 1979. Only 2% A national Association is
of receiverships end up with the company formed
surviving and only a small percentage of
John Burke has always looked at the big
those pay creditors in full. For John and his picture… and in this case on a scale much
team to successfully run and build a company larger than Rescrete. He always recognised
with “Receiver and Manager Appointed” on that the work of an industry Association
the letterhead is indeed an achievement to be would be crucial to the success of the
proud of. Modest as he is, John suggests that precast industry as a whole, the benefits of
“being too thick to know when to give which not only Rescrete, but also others,
up helps”. would enjoy. With Godfrey Smith (SCI) and
Anyone who knows John Burke would agree others, John started the NPCAA and was
that the next phase in John’s life will not be While others have come and gone, the the first president.
retirement, but rather a transition from one set Rescrete companies have been continuously
of priorities to another – an “organic rather profitable since February 1975, to a point As President, John’s ambition for the
than a cataclysmic change” as John so well where by 2005, Rescrete has become the Association was, firstly, to upgrade the
describes it. largest player in the precast market in Australia, image of the precast industry to reflect
and probably one of the most diversified better the sophistication of its people
Born in Newcastle in 1943, John Burke internationally. and processes, secondly, to increase
graduated with a BE Civil at Sydney the total volume of precast purchased
University in 1964 and a Master of Science John and his team can today be proud of and, finally, to have the industry better
in Management from New York’s Rensselaer Rescrete’s fine reputation, being widely represented in the various commercial and
Polytechnic Institute in 1969. His working recognised as a team of professionals with an technical forums in which we had a stake.
life began in estimating and design in the enormous amount of technical competence. In addition, the Association provided its
States and Canada, after which he returned Members with the opportunity to meet
to Australia to work as Production Engineer Lessons we can all learn from other manufacturers and suppliers, and
with Melocco Bros at their Gladesville Factory. to share ideas and appreciate that their
Following his transfer to Melocco’s Melbourne John attributes Rescrete’s fine reputation to problems were seldom unique to each.
factory in 1970, John was appointed State a number of things. In his words, “we had a
Fourteen years later, and thanks to the
Manager, Precast Concrete. set of ethics that stood us in good stead - we
dedication of John and others during
paid our bills on time, we were fair with people these formative years, the NPCAA is now
On 1 April 1973 John joined Rescrete and with firms who were fair with us, but were
Industries as a minor shareholder and a well recognised voice for the precast
always prepared to take on those who weren’t. industry in Australia, with a plethora of
Managing Director. One wonders if he
We didn’t allow shoddy work from consultants achievements to chalk up. On behalf of
knew back then that he would never again
to be reflected in our work without a fight, we the industry, our thanks to you John, and
be promoted.
confronted our problems rather than hoping our very best wishes for your transition,
A precaster transforms they would go away if ignored and we knew organic as it may be!
how to say no. We had an uncompromising Sarah Moore
The 1970’s were difficult years and saw most approach to contractual issues and are proud Executive Officer
precasters in Sydney closing their doors. of never having been to arbitration or litigation
Rescrete did not escape this difficult time and
over a contractual matter.”
went into receivership in November 1974 but
continued to trade. But times move on…
Need to find a
With a new group of shareholders in 1976, a
new holding company Hepta Holdings Pty Ltd
As the Directors of Rescrete, John, Serge and
Emil had for years recognised that organising
precast supplier?
was incorporated – so named because there constructive succession was their major Then go to
were 7 equal shareholders, among them, John
problem. They didn’t, in the interest of their
Burke, Serge Arciuli and Emil Ludvik. All 7
employees, the industry and, of course,
shareholders were talented in their own areas
themselves, want to be leading the company and click on
and all had one thing in common – they were
all commercial – they all knew that companies in their old age and so, when opportunity ‘FIND AN NPCAA PRECASTER’
that make losses go broke, and they all fought presented, sold the company to Hanson.
Once there, you can select the
for every dollar within the constraints of As John says “All good things end and that’s type of product in which you are
their trade and their ethics. All retired over
sometimes sad but I am proud that we had the interested, and find the details
the years until John, Serge and Emil were left
ability to get out when we were on top of the for quality precasters in your State
owning the company.
game rather than waiting for the effluxion of
who can supply your needs.
In the years that followed, under John’s time to force our hand. And of course we had
leadership, the company was able to pay all a lot of fun along the way.”

Smartfloor provides a smart solution
for Brisbane Mater Hospital
An 11 storey carpark taking shape at form composite structural sections.
South Brisbane is the first building to The thickness of the topping slab varies National Precast Concrete
incorporate a precast, prestressed and with span and loading. The topping slab, Association Australia
post-tensioned concrete beam shell reinforced with steel mesh, develops a
developed by Queensland Precaster, diaphragm action that provides strong
Asurco Contracting n [08] 8240 0999
Precast Solutions. resistance to lateral loads. The system
Bianco Walling Constress n [08] 8359 0666
is lighter than conventionally reinforced
Delta Corporation n [08] 9296 4111 (WA) or [08] 8363 4817 (SA)
Due for completion in late 2005, the new concrete floors of equal capacity and Duggans Concrete n [03] 6266 3204
$22.5million Water Street carpark will provides long, unobstructed spans, Georgiou Group Precast n [08] 92099200
provide an additional 1018 parking spaces which in return make it possible to Girotto Precast n [03] 9794 5185 (VIC) or [02] 9608 5100 (NSW)
for staff and visitors to the six hospitals reduce beam column and footing loads, [07] 3265 1999 (QLD)
that form the Mater Hospital complex. providing further economies all round. Hicrete Precast SA n [08] 8260 1577
Hollow Core Concrete n [03] 9369 4944
Site access was a high priority issue for This flooring system is a formwork-free Humes (NSW) n [02] 9832 5537
builder Watpac, because the construction solution that is suitable for any project, Paragon Precast Industries n [08] 9454 9300
floor plate took up the entire site which with spans up to 8 metres, off-site quality Precast Concrete Products n [07] 3271 2766
didn’t leave an area for site offices, controlled production, and offering Precast Solutions n [07] 3807 4511
materials etc. The constricted site immediate access for sub trades below. Precast WA n [08] 9332 6310
conditions made the selection of off-site It becomes an immediate safe working Reinforced Earth n [02] 9910 9910
manufactured structural components platform, with minimal reinforcing to Rescrete Industries n [02] 9627 2666
a necessity. tie and mesh to place. Its low sound Rocla Building Products n [02] 9928 3552
SA Precast n [08] 8346 1771
transmission and excellent fire rating,
Precast concrete provided the answer, Sasso Precast Concrete n [02] 9604 9444
combined with its extremely cost efficient
not only in reducing on-site construction attributes make it hard to go past in any
Structural Concrete Industries n [02] 9411 7764
but also in providing a clean, attractive, rational structural selection process.
Ultrafloor n [02] 4932 4433 or [03] 9614 1787
and economical structural solution. The Westkon Precast Concrete n [03] 9312 3688
“The combined use of formwork and precast ASSOCIATE MEMBERS
precaster delivered a complete precast
Ability Building Chemicals n [03] 9457 6488
package with their innovative Smartfloor concrete components has given us the perfect
Actech International n [03] 9357 3366
prestressed precast floor system. The result. The main benefit of this system is
Barossa Quarries n [08] 8564 2227
Beamshell system was also used, where speed. We expect to save about five to six
Baseline Constructions n [02] 9080 2222
precast prestressed ‘shell’ beams act weeks on this project”. Blue Circle Southern Cement n [02] 9033 4000
compositely with the in-situ topping and John Earnshaw, Project Manager, Construction Cathay Pigments Australasia n [02] 9150 6666
the precast flooring planks to create an and Project Management Australia Pty Ltd. Cement Australia n [07] 3335 3096
economical two-way structural system. Coates Hire Propping n [02] 8723 6300
The result is a system that offers Degussa Construction Chemicals n [02] 8811 4200
considerable savings in structural depth Grace Construction Products n [07] 3276 3809
Hallweld Bennett n [08] 8347 0800
compared to one-way flooring systems.
Hilti (Aust) n 13 12 92
By reducing beam depth to the minimum
Huntsman Composites n [08] 8347 4666
the system affords a clean, almost LW Contracting n [02] 4735 6716
level, soffit that aids the even spread of OneSteel Reinforcing n [02] 8424 9802
lighting. It is noticeable in carparks where Ramset Fasteners n 1300 780 063
there are deep beams that the beams Reid Construction Systems n 1300 780 250
cut off the lighting at night, leaving dark RJB Industries n [03] 9794 0802
areas that can seem threatening. When Sika Aust n [02] 9725 1145
staff work late shifts, as at the Mater, Smorgon Steel Reinforcing n [03] 9279 5549
this factor is of real importance in itself, A level soffit aids the even spread of lighting Sunstate Cement n [07] 3895 1199
Xypex Australia n [02] 6040 2444
and is a positive and lasting benefit of
this flooring system, something which Project Details
BDO Chartered Accountants & Advisors n [02] 9286 5850
is sometimes not considered when Project name: Mater Hospital Complex OVERSEAS MEMBERS
selecting a carpark structural system. Water Street Carpark, Cem–FIL International n [66 2] 3660240
South Brisbane Golik Precast Ltd (Hong Kong) n 852-2634 1818
The precast flooring system measured
Precast Supplier: Precast Solutions Pty Ltd Halfen-Deha Pte Ltd (Singapore) n 02 9642 8396
up in other areas as well, having been
Redland Precast Concrete Products n 852-25900328
developed to meet an increasing demand Principal: Mater Misericordiae
Health Services
for precast and prestressed concrete
Brisbane Ltd The information provided in this publication is of a general nature and should
components, where time and cost not be regarded as specific advice. Readers are cautioned to seek appropriate
savings compared to conventional forms Project Manager: Construction & Project professional advice pertinent to the specific nature of their interest.
Management (Aust)
of construction, are required. The two- Pty Ltd Published by
way structural spanning capabilities lend
themselves well to any project, having
Architect: Peddle Thorp Architects National Precast Concrete
the flexibility to fit any building plan, Structural Engineer: Cardno Alexander Browne Association Australia
unlike one-way spanning systems. Precast Design Bruce Lemcke 1/184 Old Canterbury Rd
Engineer: Engineering Summer Hill NSW 2130 Australia
The system, once complete, consists Construction Manager: Watpac Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 396 Summer Hill NSW 2130
of a fully bonded concrete topping to Tel [02] 9799 3421 Fax [02] 9799 8423
Executive Officer - Sarah Moore

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