Change To Pre-Arrival Notification (Pan) : Shipping@mpa - BSD@mpa -
Change To Pre-Arrival Notification (Pan) : Shipping@mpa - BSD@mpa -
Change To Pre-Arrival Notification (Pan) : Shipping@mpa - BSD@mpa -
19 of 2019
27 November 2019
Shipping Community
1. The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) would like to inform the
shipping community that the Pre-Arrival Notification (PAN) has been revised to
incorporate the requirements for reporting on the use of compliant fuel in accordance
with IMO 2020 Fuel Oil Sulphur Limit.
3. The revised PAN will require ships calling the Port of Singapore to declare their
method of compliance with regard to Regulation 14.1 of MARPOL Annex VI, i.e.,
whether the ship will be using compliant fuel (sulphur content not exceeding 0.50%
m/m) or exhaust gas cleaning system (scrubber). Ships using non-compliant fuel
(sulphur content exceeding 0.50% m/m) are also required to declare and provide
reasons for non-complaint fuel.
4. Ships entering the Port of Singapore with non-compliant fuel due to the
unavailability of compliant fuel from the previous port are required to complete and
submit a copy of the Fuel Oil Non Availability Report (FONAR) to and
5. Shipowners, agents and masters are reminded that the discharge of wash water
from scrubbers operating in open-loop mode is prohibited within the Singapore port
limit from 1 January 2020. More information on the implementation and enforcement
of IMO 2020 Fuel Oil Sulphur Limit can be found at the following website:
1For ships operating within an emission control area, the sulphur content of fuel oil used on board ships shall not
exceed 0.10% m/m since 1 January 2015. The emission control areas under Regulation 14 of MARPOL Annex VI
are the Baltic Sea area, the North Sea area, the North American Emission Control Area, and the United States
Caribbean Sea Emission Control Area.
6. The revised PAN has also been streamlined to make it more user-friendly to the
sections on Ballast Water Management Convention and Green Port Programme.
7. Pursuant to Section 44(2) of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Act
(Cap. 170A), and Regulations 3 and 63A of the Maritime and Port Authority of
Singapore (Port) Regulations, the Port Master hereby directs that owners, agents or
masters of the following vessels are to declare the required information using the
revised PAN form in this circular:
9. Please submit the completed PAN to the MPA Security Department via email at least 24 hours before the ship’s arrival in Singapore. The ship’s
agent based in Singapore may submit the PAN through MPA digitalPort@SG. For
vessels which are not required to declare PAN, they will submit the revised declaration
in the Notification of Arrival.
10. The owners and agents of vessels are encouraged to forward soft copies of the
revised ePAN to their shipmasters.
11. Any queries to this circular should be directed to Port Security Unit at Tel: 6221
3127, or Mr. Peh Ling Woon at Tel: 6325 2463.
This form may take 10 minutes to complete. You will need the following information
to complete the form:
Shall complete this form and email to at least 24 hours before arrival into
Singapore. A ship coming from a nearby port, with less than 24 hours steaming time to Singapore,
shall immediately on departure from such port complete this form and email to
before arrival into Singapore.
* Facility/Location :
* Expected date and time of arrival:
* Purpose of call :
2.3.1 * Is the ship carrying any Dangerous Cargo? This includes dangerous cargo carried in packaged
form, ie IMDG Dangerous Goods (DG) cargo OR Hazardous Noxious Substances (HNS,
chemicals in bulk). Y/N
2.3.2 * Reminder. Before the arrival of vessel in port, please forward the dangerous cargo details
24 hr beforehand to the local agent for proper declaration
3.2 List last 10 port calls (ship/port interface conducted) - Chronological order beginning
with most recent call :
Date Special or Additional
No Date To Port Facility Port Name Security Level
From Security Measures
3.3 List of most recent 5 ship-to-ship activities during the period specified in 3.2 -
Chronological order beginning with the most recent call :
No Date To Lat Lon Activity Security Measures Applied
3.4 * Does the ship have any privately contracted security personnel onboard? Y/N
3.5 * Does the ship have any refugees, stowaways, or persons rescued from sea onboard?
3.6 Remarks :
4 Declarations
4.1.2 Does the ship have a strong room? Y/N If yes, location :
4.3.1 Will vessel be using LNG as a marine fuel during entire port stay, or does it exceed
current IMO’s EEDI requirements?
Yes. Please choose from one of the 2 options:
3. Vessel complying with Regulation D1, D2, D4 or “Other approach”? Select regulation
(D1: Ballast water exchange standards/
D2: Ballast water performance standards /
D4: Prototype ballast water treatment technologies/
Other approach – as annotated in the IBWMC)
4.5.1 Please specify the method for compliance with MARPOL Select method
Annex VI Regulation 14.1 with regard to 0.50% m/m fuel oil sulphur
content limit throughout the vessel’s stay in Singapore port waters.
Does the vessel have enough compliant fuel oil on board throughout the
vessel’s stay in Singapore? Y/N
Has arrangement been made to procure compliant fuel in Singapore? Y/N
Hybrid Type
(Note: Scrubber shall only be operated in closed-loop mode or ship to
use compliant fuel)
4.5.3 Please specify the type of compliant fuel oil (<=0.50% sulphur content)
that will be used on board.
Vessel will be using Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (LSFO)
Vessel will be using Marine Gas Oil (MGO)
Vessel will be using Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Vessel will be using other alternative fuel oil to comply with the requirement
Please specify:
4.5.4 Has the vessel completed the Fuel Oil Non Availability Report (FONOR)?
Yes (Please send a copy of the FONOR to;
Has arrangement been made to dispose the non-compliant fuel oil
in Singapore? Y/N
Has arrangement been made to procure compliant fuel oil in Singapore? Y/N
The vessel took on board compliant fuel oil as per Bunker Delivery Note (BDN)
but later test results show the fuel to be non-compliant
Other reason for not completing the FONOR, please specify:
4.6.1 * Name :
4.6.2 * Title :