Final Program Proposal - Sabrina Creighton
Final Program Proposal - Sabrina Creighton
Final Program Proposal - Sabrina Creighton
Problem Statement
There is a performance gap in the Complex Investigations Unit (CIU) between the
expected handling of customer-based alerts and actual handling. For each customer-
based alert, an investigator must review the alert documentation and then perform a
thorough investigation. For those that must be filed, there is a significant delay between
the generation of the alert and when the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) is filed with
the appropriate government agency. Historically, this group has conducted training as a
side-by-side, and the training team has not owned this program.
Needs Analysis
A needs assessment was conducted in accordance with our Training Needs
Assessment process. We identified the following opportunities:
The current training model used by this group is inconsistent from desk to desk,
and from site to site.
Performance is inconsistent across the investigators in the department
Because this is a production-based environment, the “trainer” struggles to
complete assigned work, so they may speed through training.
The inconsistency in training leaves investigators with unanswered questions or
feeling unsure about steps in the process, which causes investigators to work
slowly through alerts.
In addition, a survey was conducted with fifteen (15) associates that had been both
learners and teachers in the current program. This two-part survey was intended to
collect information about how the current program operated, the experience these
associate had as learners, and the learner experiences they observed as teachers. Part
1 and Part 2 of the survey were delivered separately, 1 week apart. Survey participants
were advised that this was a 2-part survey, but not the context of each part. The main
purpose of evaluating the existing program was to gain knowledge about whether it has
achieved or failed its objectives, and what we should consider in attempting to build a
better program.
What the results confirmed for me was that the trainer is operating in multiple roles at
one time. They don’t feel that they have adequate time or resources to create training
and they feel pulled in many directions while training someone. This seems to be
Program Evaluation
I will use both formative and summative evaluation techniques to evaluate the outcome
of this program. Using both types of evaluations will provide opportunities to evaluate
the program during its development and implementation, and improve the program as