Paper - 36 Paniagua LHeureux Yang Lunne ngm2016
Paper - 36 Paniagua LHeureux Yang Lunne ngm2016
Paper - 36 Paniagua LHeureux Yang Lunne ngm2016
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4 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Jean-Sebastien L’Heureux on 24 April 2017.
The preconsolidation stress (pc') is determined from high-quality oedometer test results by a
variety of interpretation methods. Sample quality in the database varies from very excellent to fair
(i.e. class 1-2). Results show that the five methods applied give very similar pc' values when the
samples are of good quality, with pc' varying up to 14% between the five methods.
Modelling, analysis and design - Study on the practices for pc' evaluation from oedometer tests
Modelling, analysis and design - Study on the practices for pc' evaluation from oedometer tests
Figure 1. Methods for evaluating pc': (a) Casagrande (Holtz and Kovacs, 1981), (b) Janbu (Lunne et al.
2008), (c) Pacheco Silva (Grozic et al. 2003), (d) Becker (Becker et al. 1987) and (e) Karlsrud (Karlsrud
and Hernandez-Martinez, 2013).
Modelling, analysis and design - Study on the practices for pc' evaluation from oedometer tests
Depth (m)
summary of some index properties of the clay
1 1
2 12 2 1
1 2 1 2 221 1 22
materials tested. In particular, water content 15 2
22 1
(w), unit weight (γT), plasticity index (IP),
clay content (clay) and sensitivity (St). 20
2 1
Stjordal 33-43 17-19 7-8 37-38 200
26-35 19-20 6-13 30-33 10-160 15
Bårdshaug 3
Nykirke 25-35 20 4-9 20-55 65-80
Onsøy 60-65 15-16 32-42 20-60 4,5-6 20
Ghana 90-145 13-15 70-95 45-65 2-6
22-38 18-20 20-42 30-45 1-3
Bothkennar 66-72 15-16 42-53 17-35 8-13
Very good Good to fair
to Excellent
1: very 5 5
5 4 5 4
Qua- 2: good to 4: very 5
good to 3: poor
lity fair poor
excellent 6
10 5 5 4
The data is categorized as high quality (i.e.
Figure 2. Sample quality for oedometer tests, for
class 1 and class 2) which varies from good
OCR between a) 1 and 2, b) 2 and 4 and c) 4 and
to fair and very good to excellent. Figure 2 6. The OCR is shown over the symbols.
Modelling, analysis and design - Study on the practices for pc' evaluation from oedometer tests
100 Quality 2
100 Quality 2
100 Quality 2
Quality 1 Quality 1 Quality 1
0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
pc' (kPa) from Janbu's method pc' (kPa) from Janbu's method pc' (kPa) from Casagrande's method
Figure 3. Comparison of pc' obtained by: a) Janbu's and Casagrande's methods, b) Janbu's and
Karlsrud's methods and c) Casagrande's and Karlsrud's methods.
8 8 8
(a) (b) (c)
OCR from Casagrande's method
6 6 6
OCR from Karlsrud's method
2 2 2
Quality 2 Quality 2
Quality 2
Quality 1 Quality 1
Quality 1
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
OCR from Janbu's method OCR from Janbu's method OCR from Casagrande's method
Figure 4. Comparison of OCR' obtained by: a) Janbu's and Casagrande's methods, b) Janbu's and
Karlsrud's methods and c) Casagrande's and Karlsrud's methods.
Modelling, analysis and design - Study on the practices for pc' evaluation from oedometer tests
0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
pc' (kPa) from Janbu's method pc' (kPa) from Casagrandes's method pc' (kPa) from Karlsrud's method
0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
pc' (kPa) from Janbu's method pc' (kPa) from Casagrande's method pc' (kPa) from Karlsrud's method
Figure 5. Comparison of pc' obtained by: a) Pacheco Silva's and Janbu's methods, b) Pacheco Silva's
and Casagrande's methods, c) Pacheco Silva's and Karlsrud's methods, d) Becker's and Janbu's
methods, e) Becker's and Casagrande's and f) Becker's and Karlsrud's methods.
8 8 8
6 6 6
Pacheco Silva OCR
4 4 4
2 2 2
Quality 2 Quality 2 Quality 2
Quality 1 Quality 1 Quality 1
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
OCR from Janbu's method OCR from Casagrande's method OCR from Karslrud's method
8 8 8
6 6 6
OCR from Becker's method
4 4 4
2 2 2
Quality 2 Quality 2 Quality 2
Quality 1 Quality 1 Quality 1
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
OCR from Janbu's method OCR from Casagrande's method OCR from Karlsrud's method
Figure 6. Comparison of OCR obtained by: a) Pacheco Silva's and Janbu's methods, b) Pacheco Silva's
and Casagrande's methods, c) Pacheco Silva's and Karlsrud's methods, d) Becker's and Janbu's
methods, e) Becker's and Casagrande's and f) Becker's and Karlsrud's methods.
Modelling, analysis and design - Study on the practices for pc' evaluation from oedometer tests
Internationally, most oedometer tests are behaviour after sampling and unloading, or
performed as IL tests (with 24 h load steps). recompression, up to the point at which it
The test in the database used in the present reaches first the in-situ condition and then the
study are mostly CRSC tests. It is generally apparent pc' it has experienced in the past,
observed that, pc' from IL tests will be 15 - and then the "virgin" compression beyond pc'.
20% lower than CRSC tests. This unloading-reloading process might
cause more disturbance in the skeleton and
3.4 Additional methods applied to samples therefore quality reduction.
with variable quality When comparing all methods, a very
Twelve tests results of the ones studied with significant difference is that Casagrande's
Casagrande (1936), Janbu (1969) and method and Pacheco-Silva's method as well
Karlsrud (1991) methods (i.e. tests with as most international methods use double
quality 1 and quality 2, six of each one) were logarithmic scales. Whereas Janbu's method
chosen to apply Pacheco Silva (1970) and suggests that a linear scale should be used to
Becker et al. (1987) methods. In addition, six avoid misinterpretations since double
tests results with quality 3 were included to logarithmic scales can hide large scatter in
study the effect of sample quality in the the data.
application and determination of pc'. One of the main difficulties in applying the
Figure 5 and Figure 6 shows the values of pc' graphical methods is the definition of the
and OCR obtained with these approaches for tangents to the data. Usually a stress-
the different specimens evaluated. As deformation curve from a CRSC odometer
observed before, Janbu's method tends to test has more data points than traditional
have higher values of pc' than the other incremental loading methods and the "best-
methods. When compare to Pacheco Silva's fit" lines require some judgement and
method, Janbu's method results up to 14% subjectivity.
difference in OCR and 10% difference in pc'. 700
kPa) and OCR (i.e. OCR > 4-5) values, and 200
in particular for samples with quality 2 and 3.
The difference between Pacheco Silva's and 100 Quality 3
Quality 2
After these results, no strong pc' and OCR
variations are observed for high quality
OCR from Pacheco Silva's method
samples interpreted using Casagrande's,
Karlsrud's, Pacheco Silva's and Becker's
methods. Janbu's method gives the highest 4
Modelling, analysis and design - Study on the practices for pc' evaluation from oedometer tests
Table 3. Final evaluation of the pc' interpretation methods applied in the present study
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