9852 1866 01a Technical Manual RC 50
9852 1866 01a Technical Manual RC 50
9852 1866 01a Technical Manual RC 50
RC 50 Technical Manual
Reverse Circulation
Technical Manual
Read this instruction manual before operating this equipment.
Secoroc Down-the-hole Equipment
RC 50 Technical Manual
Reverse Circulation
Read this instuction manual
before operating this equipment.
WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills. 3
The RC 50 – Reverse Circulation
READ THIS MANUAL CAREFULLY to learn how to operate ABBREVIATIONS used throughout this manual.
and service your DTH correctly. Failure to do so could result
in personal injury or equipment damage. Consult your acfm Actual Cubic Feet per Minute
Secoroc dealer if you do not understand the instructions API American Petroleum Institute
in this manual or need additional information. C Centigrade
dia. Diameter
THIS MANUAL should be considered a permanent part of deg. Degree
the DTH , and should remain with the DTH and available for F Fahrenheit
reference at all times. ft. Feet
ft.-lb Foot Pounds
WARRANTY is provided as part of Secoroc gpm Gallons per Minute
support program for customers who operate and maintain in. Inches
their equipment as described in this manual. kg kilogram
l Liter
MEASUREMENTS in this manual are given in both English lbs. Pounds
and metric units, and are used to provide additional worldwide lpm Liters per Minute
understanding. Metric units are shown between parentheses m Meter
‘’( )’’. Use only correct replacement parts and fasteners. mm Millimeter
mm Hg Millimeters of Mercury
The instructions, illustrations, and specifications in this m3/min Cubic Meters per Minute
manual are based on the latest information available at time psi Pounds per Square Inch
of publication. Your DTH may have improvements and options psig Pounds per Square Inch Gauge Pressure
not yet contained in this manual. rpm Revolutions per Minute
scfm Standard Cubic Feet per Minute
Safety Alert Symbol
4 WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills.
Safety regulations SAFETY
Be aware of safety information
Follow instructions
Carefully read all safety messages in this manual and on your
machine´s safety labels. Keep safety labels in good condition.
Replace all missing or damaged safety labels.
A signal word – DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION – is used
with the safety-alert symbol.
Replacement safety labels can be obtained at no cost from
DANGER identifies the most serious hazards.
your local Epiroc dealer or representative or by contacting
the factory.
DANGER Learn how to operate the DTH and how to use the controls
Danger is used to indicate the presence of a hazard on the machine properly. Do not let anyone operate this DTH
which will cause severe personal injury or death if without proper instruction.
the warning is ignored.
If you do not understand any part of this manual and need
assistance, contact your local Epiroc dealer.
Warning is used to indicate the presence of a
hazard which can cause severe injury or death if Keep DTH in good working condition
the warning is ignored. Keep your DTH in proper working condition.
WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills. 5
Avoid electrocution, stay away Do not work in trench
Electrocution possible. Serious injury or death may result if the Do not work in trench with unstable sides which could cave
machine strikes an energized powerline. Take the following in. Specific requirements for shoring or sloping trench walls
precautions to prevent electrocution. Also refer to the operating are available from several sources including Federal and State
instructions. O.S.H.A. offices, and appropriate governing agency. Be sure to
contact suitable authorities for these requirements before
n Always contact your local utility company when working in working in a trench. Federal O.S.H.A. regulations can be
the vicinity of utilities. obtained by contacting the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. State
n Locate underground utilities by qualified persons. O.S.H.A. regulations are available at your local state O.S.H.A.
office, and appropriate governing agency.
n Do not raise, lower, or move drill guide or boom near power
Check laws and regulations
n Always wear proper electrically insulated linemanís gloves Know and obey all Federal, State, and Local, and appropriate
and boots. governing agency laws and regulations that apply to your work
n Never touch metal parts on machine while standing on bare
ground if machine comes in contact with a powerline.
Place warning barriers around work site
n Always stay in cab during all drilling operations. Set up orange cones around the work area with warning signs
facing outward.
n Never step onto or off of a machine if an electric strike
occurs. Place pedestrian and traffic barriers around the job site in
accordance with Federal, State, and Local, and appropriate
governing agency laws and regulations.
Loose parts
Make sure the drill rod to rotary head spindle joint is securely
tightened before running the rotary head in reverse rotation. Observe environmental
A loose connection could result in the drill rod unscrewing protection regulations
completely; a falling drill rod could strike personnel. Be mindful of the environment and ecology.
Live air
Never get under a downhole drill to examine the exhaust air;
n Failure to follow any of the above safety instructions
live air is dangerous. Also, part failure could cause the bit to fall
or those that follow within this manual, could result
out of the downhole drill which could result in bodily injury. A
in serious injury or death. This DTH is to be used
piece of cardboard can be inserted under the bit to check
only for those purposes for which it was intended as
for the lubrication being carried through the downhole drill.
explained in this instruction manual.
Air pressure
Make certain that the air line lubricator (or lubrication system) is
capable of handling the higher air pressures associated with the
downhole drill (up to 30 bar (430 psi) air pressure). When
pressurized, an unsuitable lubricator could burst and possibly
cause injury to personnel in the area.
6 WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills.
General information n All maintenance for the RC 50 hammer should be performed
after the backhead and chuck joints have been loosened,
Follow instructions preferably while still on the drill rig.
Along with correct operational technique; proper and timely REMOVAL OF CENTER COLLECTION TUBE
service and repair of a DTH can extent component life and
reduce operational expenses considerably. The sections The design of the RC 50 Center Collection tube allows for the
following describe how to disassemble, inspect, repair and tube to be removed in one of four different methods.
reassemble the RC 50 Reverse Circulation DTH.
Method 1 –
Depending on the degree to which you plan on servicing a Bit and Chuck are still attached to the hammer.
DTH, a number of tools are required. The following lists the Using a slightly bent rod, such as threaded rod, insert the rod
tools needed for acomplete overhaul of the RC 50 Reverse about 10 inches through one of the blow holes in the bit.
Circulation DTH. Obviously a stand is required for holding the
DTH and it is presumed that backhead and chuck threads
have been loosened. Complete overhaul includes measuring
and inspecting all clearnaces at seal locations and other wear
DTH service
In most cases, a Reverse Circulation DTH will only require
servicing when the collection tube wears out or when
performance deteriorates due to internal parts wear. The
design of the Collection Tube allows the tube to be inspected
or replaced without completely disassembling the hammer. Using a hammer or brass bar, tap the end of the rod, driving
However, the hammer should be disassembled and inspected the collection tube out of the backhead end.
on a regular basis to maintain peak performance.
WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills. 7
Method 2 –
Bit and Chuck have been removed from hammer.
Using a brass bar, gently tap against the bottom end of the Raise the tube/backhead assembly a few inches off the
collection tube until it is loose. wood block, and drop the assembly back onto the block.
Method 3 –
Backhead and collection tube assembly
have been removed as one unit.
8 WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills.
The following disassembly procedure starts with the 4. Remove the adapter tube from the collection tube. Be sure
presumption that the chuck and backhead threads have been to remove the crush ring that is within the base of the
loosened. collection tube bore.
WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills. 9
6. Pull the cylinder from the casing by gripping the valve 9. Lay the casing on its side and remove the bearing.
seat lip on the ID of the cylinder.
10. Drop the casing again to unseat the piston ring. Pull the
piston stop ring from the casing.
7. Unscrew the bit (not shown), chuck, chuck sleeve and bit
retainers from the casing.
12. Inspect the tail seal for damage. Pry out of bore and replace
if needed.
10 WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills.
DTH inspection
3. Measure casing bore using a dial bore gage. Measue in a
The following lists critical measurements which are required location approxiamately 16 in. (406 mm) from the chuck end.
to determine what parts, if any, require replacements or
repair. Refer to the section 4 (specifications) for finding the
appropriate discard point clearances. Bear in mind that discard
point clearances represent an increase in clearance of 50%
over the maximum as-new clearance. In some applications this
clearance increase may represent too much performance loss
and in other applications the opposite may be true.
WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills. 11
DTH assembly
The DTH assembly process is identical to the disassembly 4. A brass (or soft steel) bar is useful for seating the bearing.
process yet in reverse. The following guidelines should be
n All parts should be clean and free of grit dirt and other
foreign material.
n All nicks and burs on parts should have been removed.
n All parts should be coated with rock drill oil and preferably
the same type to be used on the drilling rig.
n All damaged o-rings should have been replaced. All seals
should be oiled or greased to avoid cutting or tearing.
n If corrosion is common it may be useful to spray the threads
on the casing with a corrosion protector such as LPS
Hardcoat or an equivalent. Make sure the threads are clean
and dry and sufficient drying time is allowed.
1. Oil the piston liberally with rock drill oil and insert piston into
casing with the small diameter end on the chuck end of the 5. Attach bit retaining rings to the bit, chuck and chuck sleeve
casing. assembly.
2. Insert the bearing stop ring sideways and turn to lock in its
groove when it is positioned near its groove. The ring will
produce and audible “snap” when it snaps into its groove.
Sometimes the bearing is useful for seating the bearing snap
ring. The ring will be 10 in. (254 mm) from the casing end
when seated properly.
6. Insert and screw the bit-chuck assembly into the casing.
3. Insert the bearing into the casing until it stops against the
bearing stop ring.
12 WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills.
7. Seat collection and adapter tube assembly into backhead.
9. Install cylinder. Make sure the end with the elongated holes
is inserted first.
WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills. 13
Minimum requirements for
compressor capacity and pressure
Altitude - feet (meters) sea level 0 (0) 2,000 (609.6) 4,000 (1219.2) 6,000 (1828) 8,000 (2438.4) 10,000 (3048)
Atmospheric pressure
PSIA (mm Hg) 14.70 (760.2) 13.66 (706.4) 12.68 (655.7) 11.77 (608.7) 10.91 (564.2) 10.10 (522.3)
Temperature F (C)
0 (-18) 1.07 0.99 0.92 0.86 0.79 0.74
20 (-7) 1.05 0.97 0.90 0.84 0.78 0.72
40 (4) 1.02 0.95 0.88 0.82 0.76 0.70
60 (16) 1.00 0.93 0.86 0.80 0.74 0.69
80 (27) 0.98 0.91 0.85 0.78 0.73 0.67
100 (38) 0.96 0.89 0.83 0.77 0.71 0.66
120 (49) 0.94 0.88 0.81 0.76 0.70 0.65
Figure 1. Altitude Correction Multipliers
14 WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills.
Secoroc RC 50 Std 52347630
Specifications Secoroc RC 50 Solid 52348158
4-1/2 REMET
(box connection)
Physical Data English Metric
Outside diameter (in & mm) 5.13 130
Length w/o bit shoulder to shoulder (in & mm) 45.4 1152
Length with bit extended (in & mm) 50.2 1276
Length with bit retracted (in & mm) 48.5 1232
Weight w/o bit (lb & kg) 158 72
Backhead across flats 4 in. A/F
Minimum bit size (in & mm) 5.5 140
Maximum bit size (in & mm) 6.00 152
Bore (in & mm) 4.476 113.7
Piston weight (lb & kg) 38 17
Stroke (in & mm) 2.50 64
Maximum pressure differential (psig & bar) 500.0 35
Maximum choke diameter (in & mm) n/a n/a
Make-up torque (ft-lb & Nm) 5000 6770
Performance Data
200 psi/14 bar (scfm & l/s) 380 180
200 psi (bpm) 1,750
250 psi/17 bar (scfm & l/s) 460 220
250 psi (bpm) 1,900
300 psi/21 bar (scfm & l/s) 580 270
300 psi (bpm) 2,100
350 psi/24 bar (scfm & l/s) 700 330
350 psi (bpm) 2,250
400 psi/28 bar(scfm & l/s) 820 390
400 psi (bpm) 2,350
450 psi/31 bar (scfm & l/s) 930 440
450 psi (bpm) 2,450
500 psi/35 bar (scfm & l/s) 1,050 500
500 psi (bpm) 2,550
Figure 3. Physical Specifications
WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills. 15
Parts list
16 WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills.
Kits and accessories
Product No. Part description Product code
Drop centre design
90516075 140 mm bit, RC 50 (5 1/2”) 100-5140-97-7217,08-20
90516132 146 mm bit, RC 50 (5 3/4”) 100-5146-97-7217,08-20
90516133 152 mm bit, RC 50 (6”) 100-5152-97-7217,08-20
90516134 165 mm bit, RC 50 (6 1/2”) 100-5165-97-7217,08-20
WARNING: This manual contains data SPECIFIC to Reverse Circulation Downhole Drills. 17
RC 50
9852 1866 01a - RC 50 2018. 04