Teacher's Notes IELTS Speaking Unit 10: ACCOMMODATION: Pre-Lesson Activities
Teacher's Notes IELTS Speaking Unit 10: ACCOMMODATION: Pre-Lesson Activities
Teacher's Notes IELTS Speaking Unit 10: ACCOMMODATION: Pre-Lesson Activities
Pre-Lesson Activities
The following pre-lesson activities will give students the opportunity to learn or revise topic
vocabulary on the subject of ‘Accommodation’. Prior to the lesson, as a homework activity,
ask students to do the following:
Lesson Activities
It is not suggested that you carry out the following activities in the order they are listed -
nor that you use all of them in your next lesson! However, think about how you might use
any of the suggestions or worksheets to support your lesson objectives.
1. Worksheet 1
For vocabulary Exercise 1, students read through the newspaper article and complete
the gap-fill exercise. Answers appear below.
If you would like to create a similar newspaper-style text, simply use the service at
the link below. It’s simple and effective:
Exercise 2 gives students the opportunity to practise using some of the target
vocabulary in a speaking activity. Students may need time to revise the meaning of the
words first in which case they could visit the vocabulary link above.
The activity could be carried out in one of two ways:
a) If you want to give students further practice in forming questions you could allow a
few minutes for them to form the questions first.
b) Alternatively, make the exercise more engaging by placing a time limit of 2 minutes
on the activity. Students simply ask their partner ‘a detached house in the country OR
city apartment block?’, and their partner should quickly say which one they prefer and
In either case, the object of the activity should be for both students to work their way
through all the statements and then report back to the class.
3. Worksheet 3
There is a recording of a student’s answer to the Part 2 Long Turn on the IELTS
Speaking website and the transcript and our feedback appears in Worksheet 3.
This was a good attempt by Baya. He uses some advanced vocabulary throughout and
the final half of the talk is particularly fluent. Unfortunately, the recording isn’t as clear
as it could be but hopefully your students will be able to follow the talk.
Ask students to prepare for the following lesson on the subject of ‘clothes and fashion’
by visiting this page: