Ingles Jhon Emigdio
Ingles Jhon Emigdio
Ingles Jhon Emigdio
Read the text and answ
er the questions
The food pyramid is a good guide
to eating a healthy diet. Carbo
hydrates are especially
good for children and athletes b
ecause they can give a lot of
energy and fibre. Fruit and
vegetables are really
good for everyone. They can kee
p you healthy because they are
in fibre, vitamins and minerals t
hat prevent many illnesses. Fibre
is necessary for good
digestion. Dairy products can hel
p you to have strong bones and
teeth because they are rich
in calcium. Proteins can help yo
ur muscles and brain. They are
rich in iron. Iron is good for
your blood and brain. Fats and
sugar are not very beneficial.
Some oils like olive oil is goo
but too much fat and fried foo
d is unhealthy. The same with
you can only eat a few!
1. Can you reduce illnesses eating
fruit and vegetables?
R//: Well, this would reduce the number of cases of diabetes, some types of
cancer and overweight and obesity. Fruits and vegetables are the coconut of
2. Can carbohydrates help your di
The mineral calcium helps your muscles, nerves, and cells to function
normally. Your body also needs calcium (as well as phosphorous) to
make healthy bones. Bones are the main calcium storage site in your
body. Your body cannot make calcium. The calcium the body needs is
obtained only through the food you eat or through supplements. If you
don't consume enough calcium in your diet or if your body doesn't
absorb enough calcium, your bones may weaken or not grow properly
4. Is iron bad for your brain?
R//: Lack of iron affects how the brain works. A study shows that
having low levels of this mineral affects cognitive performance.
There is no doubt that having good health is important. Maintain
adequate levels of vitamins, glucose, etc.
5. Are all oils bad for your body?
6. Are sweets good for your healTh?
R//: To survive, our bodies need a type of sugar, called glucose. "Glucose is
the brain's main food and is a very important source of fuel for the entire
body," reports Dr. Kristina Rother, a pediatrician and NIH expert on
sweeteners. However, there is no need to add glucose to your diet, as your
body can generate the glucose it needs by breaking down food molecules like
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
nutrients functions
1. Protein
2. Vitamins and
digest food
Página -2-
3. Fibre
4. Carbohydrates
5. Fats
absorb minerals
c. increases your
your muscles to
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. e