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Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transport Engineering (DIME)

Master’s degree in Energy Engineering

Class LM-30
Approved by resolution of the Degree Programme Board on 29th April 2022

General Part

Art. 1 Premise and area of competence
Art. 2 Admission requirements and procedures for verifying individual preparation
Art. 3 Training activities
Art. 4 Enrolment in individual training activities
Art. 5 Curricula
Art. 6 Total time commitment
Art. 7 Study plans and prerequisites
Art. 8 Attending the Classes and Teaching activity Methods
Art. 9 Examinations and other profit exams
Art. 10 Recognition of credits
Art. 11 Mobility, studies abroad, international exchanges
Art. 12 Procedures for the final examination and knowledge of the foreign language
Art. 13 Guidance services and tutoring
Art. 14 Verification of obsolescence of credits
Art. 15 Degree Programme Table

Art. 1 Premise and area of competence

This Regulation, in accordance with the Statute and the University Degree Regulation (general part
and special part), disciplines the organisational aspects of the teaching activity of the Master’s
degree course in Energy Engineering, as well as any other subject devolved to it by other legislative
and regulatory sources.
The Degree Regulation of the Master’s degree course in Energy Engineering is resolved, pursuant
to article 25, paragraphs 1 and 4 of the University Degree Regulation, general part, by the Degree
Programme Board (DPB) of Energy Engineering to the majority of the members and submitted for
the approval of the Board of the DIME Department, after consultation with the Polytechnic School,
with the prior favourable opinion of the Joint Committee of the School.
The resolutions of the DPB can also be taken in telematic mode according to the above-mentioned
regulations and, in particular, of Article 14 "meetings with telematic mode" of the current General
Regulation of the University (in force since 19/12/2018).

Art. 2 Admission requirements and procedures for verifying individual preparation

Admission to the Master's degree course in Energy Engineering is subject to the possession of
specific curriculum requirements and adequate personal preparation.
In order to be admitted to the Master's Degree in Energy Engineering, all following requirements,
without exception, are required:
- possession of a degree, Master's degree, referred to Ministerial Decree 509/1999 or
Ministerial Decree 270/2004, or a five-year degree (prior to Ministerial Decree 509/1999),
obtained at an Italian University or equivalent qualifications;

- possession of at least 36 ECTS, or equivalent knowledge, acquired in any university course

(bachelor's degree, master's degree, five-year degree, first and second level university
master's degrees) in the disciplinary-scientific sectors (SSD) indicated for the basic training
activities of class degrees L-9 Industrial Engineering;

- possession of at least 45 ECTS, or equivalent knowledge, acquired in any university course

(bachelor's degree, master's degree, five-year master's degree, first and second level
university master's degree) in the disciplinary-scientific sectors indicated for the training
activities characterising engineering class degrees L-9 Industrial Engineering;

- adequate knowledge of the English language equal to B2 level.

In case of possession of degrees different from those indicated above and in case of foreign students
the DPB will verify the presence of curricular requirements or equivalent knowledge on the basis of
the exams taken by the student during the degree course of origin, as well as the presence of any
extracurricular exams, internship activities and work experience acquired.
The curricular requirements must be met before individual preparation can be checked. In order to
be admitted to the Master’s degree course, students in possession of the curriculum requirements
must successfully undergo a test to verify their personal preparation, except in the cases provided
for in the last paragraph. The test will be carried out in the form of a written test (also through a
telematic mode, if necessary) and will be aimed at ascertaining the general preparation of the student
with particular reference to the knowledge of fundamental notions and of applicative and professional
aspects related to engineering issues, including:
- Energy Systems and Machines
- Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
- Electric Systems
- Chemical Processes
The test will be held in front of a Committee appointed by the DPB and composed of professors
belonging to the DPB.
The composition of the Examination Committee, the methods of the test, the place and date of the
test, the subjects to be examined and the evaluation criteria of the candidates are indicated in the
Notice of Admission to the Polytechnic School's Master’s degree courses and on the website of the
Master’s degree course.
The result of the test involves a vote in sixtieths. The written test includes 30 closed questions, which
are awarded 2 points if the answer is correct, -0.5 points if the answer is incorrect and 0 points if
there is no answer. The admission test is considered passed by a vote equal to or greater than thirty-
sixtieths (36/60). The adequacy of personal preparation is automatically verified for those who have
obtained a Bachelor's degree, Italian or foreign, or a qualification judged equivalent according to
what has been indicated about the assessment of curricular requirements, with a final grade of at
least 9/10 of the maximum grade provided for by their degree or who have obtained a final grade
corresponding at least to the "A" classification of the ECTS system.
Adequate knowledge of the English language is verified by appropriate certificates in the student's
possession, achieved no more than 3 years before, or, in the absence thereof, by verification by the
University Languages Centre (Settore Sviluppo Competenze Linguistiche di Ateneo). Possession of
an English language degree satisfies the requirement of linguistic knowledge, but it is anyway
suggested to pass the B2 English test, periodically organised by the University Languages Centre.
For non-EU citizens with residence abroad and foreign degree, the application for a Master program
of the University of Genoa taught in English must be submitted through a dedicated web portal,
selected and adequately promoted by the University. Following the upload of the documents, a check
is made about their completeness. Candidates who pass the eligibility check move on to the next
stage concerning the assessment of qualifications and the final evaluation, after which the student
will be assessed as accepted, conditionally accepted (allocation of bridge careers) or rejected.

The maximum allowed number of registered non-EU students is established by the DPB every year,
communicated to the University International Student Office (Settore Accoglienza Studenti Stranieri
di Ateneo) and published on the Universitaly website.

Art. 3 Training activities

The list of the teaching units and other possible training activities, in the cohort 2022-2023, is given
in the appropriate annex (Annex 1) which constitutes an integral part of this regulation. A responsible
professor is identified for each teaching unit. A professor is responsible for teaching whoever is in
charge of teaching according to the law, i.e. the one to whom the relative Department Board has
attributed the responsibility itself when assigning teaching tasks to professors.
The language used to provide training activities (lessons, exercises, workshops) shall be Italian or
another EU language, where expressly decided by the DPB.
Annex 1 to this regulation specifies the language in which each training activity is carried out.

Art. 4 Enrolment in individual training activities

In accordance with Article 5 of the University Regulations for students, students enrolling in individual
training activities must have a qualification granting access to the university.

Art. 5 Curricula
The Master’s degree course in Energy Engineering is not structured in curricula.

Art. 6 Total time commitment

The definition of the hourly fraction dedicated to lessons or equivalent teaching activities is
established, for each teaching unit, by the DPB and specified in the special part of the regulation. In
any case the following interval of variability of the between classroom hours/ECTS is assumed: 8 ÷
10 hours of lesson or assisted teaching activity.
The definition of the assumed total time commitment, reserved for personal study or other training
activities of an individual type, is laid down, for each teaching unit, in the annex (Annex 1) to this
The director of the DIME Department and the coordinator of the DPB shall be responsible for verifying
compliance with the above requirements, including for the publication of course programmes.

Art. 7 Study plans and prerequisites

Students can enrol full-time or part-time; for the two types of student there are different rights and
The student chooses the type of registration simultaneously with the presentation of the study plan.
The full-time student carries out his training activity considering the study plan prepared by the
degree course, which is distinguished by years of the course programme and published in the
Degree Programme Table of the degree course. The study plan formulated by the student must
contain an indication of the training activities, with the relative credits that he intends to achieve,
provided by the official study plan for this teaching period, up to a maximum of 65 credits provided
in each year.
The part-time student is required to submit an individual study plan specifying the number of credits
he intends to enter.
In the absence of the completion of the study plan by the due date, a standard plan will be uploaded
ex officio, except in cases where it is planned to complete an individual study plan (e.g. change of
course of study, previous part-time individual study plan).
The enrolment of full-time and part-time students is regulated by the University Regulations for
students considering the operational provisions resolved by the Central government bodies and
indicated in the Student Guide (published annually on the University's website). The educational path
of the student was organized according to propaedeutic criteria, indicated in the Teaching
Programmed Offer. The method and deadline for the presentation of the study plan are established
annually by the Polytechnic School and reported in the Degree Programme Table.
The Course of Study may, by express and reasoned resolution, authorise students who have
demonstrated particularly high academic performance in the previous academic year to include in
their study plan more than 65 credits, but in any case, not more than 75.
"Particularly high performance" means that the student has passed all the exams of his/her study
plan by the month of September.
The study plan, which has a shorter duration than the normal one, is approved by the Degree
Programme Board.
The method and deadline for the presentation of the study plan are established annually by the
Polytechnic School and reported in the Degree Programme Table - Engineering Area.

Art. 8 Attending the Classes and Teaching activity Methods

The courses take the form of: (a) lectures, including distance learning by telematic means; (b)
practical exercises; (c) laboratory exercises (d) thematic seminars.
The articulated profile and the demanding nature of the lessons taught in the Course of Study make
the attendance to the training activities strongly recommended for an adequate understanding of the
topics and therefore for a good success in the exams.
The schedule of classes is divided into semesters. As a rule, the semester is divided into at least 12
weeks of lesson plus at least 4 weeks overall for verification tests and profit exams.
The period for profit exams ends with the beginning of the lessons of the following semester.
The lesson schedule for the entire academic year is published on the Course of Study's website
before the start of the lessons of the academic year. The schedule of classes guarantees the
possibility of attendance based on the years of the course programme provided for by the current
Degree Programme Table. For practical reasons, the compatibility of the timetable for all formally
possible optional teaching choices is not guaranteed. Students must then formulate their study plan
taking into account the time of the lessons.

Art. 9 Examinations and other profit exams

Profit exams can be carried out in written, oral, or written and oral, according to the methods indicated
in the sheets of each teaching unit published on the website of the Master’s degree course.
On request, specific learning verification arrangements may be provided which take into account the
needs of disabled students and students with specific learning disorders (D. S. A.), in accordance
with art. 20 paragraph 4 of the University Degree Regulation.
In the case of teaching units structured in modules with several professors, they participate collegially
in the overall evaluation of the student's profit which cannot, however, be split into separate
evaluations on the individual modules.
The calendar of profit exams is established by September 30th for the following academic year and
is published on the website of the Degree Course. The calendar of any intermediate verification tests
is established by the DPB and communicated to the students at the beginning of each teaching cycle.
Examinations are held in periods of interruption of classes. Examinations may be planned during the
period of the classes only for students who, in the current academic year, have not included training
activities in their study plan.
All profit examinations of training activities must be passed by the student at least twenty days before
the expected date for taking the graduation exam.
The result of the examination, with the vote obtained, is verbalized in accordance with art. 20 of the
University Degree Regulation.

Art. 10 Recognition of credits

The Degree Course decides on the approval of applications for change or transfer from another
degree course of the university or other universities in accordance with the rules provided for in the
University Degree Regulation, art. 18. It also decides the recognition, as training credits, for a
maximum number of 12 ECTS, of professional knowledge and skills certified in accordance with the
current legislation.

The evaluation of applications for change will take into account the didactic specificities and the
actuality of the educational content of the individual exams taken, reserving to establish from time to
time any forms of verification and supplementary exams.
Within the framework of the national and regional legislation on alternance education/work, it is
possible for the course of study to provide, for selected students, learning paths that also take into
account work experience carried out at companies under contract.

Art. 11 Mobility, studies abroad, international exchanges

The DPB strongly encourages internationalisation activities, in particular student participation in
mobility and international exchange programmes. For this purpose, it shall ensure, in accordance
with the rules in force, the recognition of the training credits obtained within these programmes and
shall organise the training activities as appropriate in such a way as to make these activities easier
and effective.
The DPB recognizes enrolled students, who have regularly completed a period of study abroad, the
exams taken off-site and the achievement of the related credits with which the student intends to
replace the exams of his own study plan.
For the purposes of the recognitions of these examinations, the student at the time of the compilation
of the plan of training activities, he intends to follow abroad, must produce suitable documentation
proving the equivalence of content between the teaching unit abroad and the teaching unit that
intends to replace taught in the Master’s degree course in Energy Engineering. Equivalence shall be
evaluated by the DPB.
The conversion of marks will take place according to criteria approved by the DPB, in accordance
with the European ECTS system. The DPB also recognises, within the credits attributed to the final
examination (Master Thesis), a portion relating to the preparation of the thesis and related research
and/or internship activities carried out abroad in one of the international university programmes (e.g.
Erasmus Traineeship), according to the criteria adopted by the DPB in its resolutions on the proposal
of the Polytechnic School.

Art. 12 Procedures for the final examination and knowledge of the foreign language
The final examination consists in the presentation and discussion of a written thesis before a special
Committee, aimed at ascertaining the candidate's technical-scientific and professional preparation.
For the purposes of obtaining a Master's Degree, the final examination consists of the writing of a
thesis, elaborated by the student in an original way under the guidance of one or more supervisors,
on a subject defined as relevant to a discipline for which he or she has passed the exam.
In any case, the supervisors must include at least one lecturer from the Polytechnic School or the
The thesis will be carried out in English; in case of use of another EU language, the authorization of
the DPB is required. In these cases, the thesis must be accompanied by the title and an extensive
summary in Italian.
The thesis, carried out in university laboratories, companies and national and international research
institutes, must reveal the student's ability to deal with research and/or application issues. The thesis
must consist of a project and/or the development of an application that proposes innovative solutions
with respect to the state of the art and demonstrates the student's analytical and design skills.
The thesis must also reveal:
- ability to deal with complex problems with a multidisciplinary approach
- correct use of sources and bibliography;
- systematic and argumentative skills;
- clarity in the exposition;
- design and experimental skills;
- critical skills.
The Committee for the final examination is composed of at least five members including the
Committee president and is appointed by the Director of the DIME Department.
The procedure for the final examination consists of the oral presentation of the degree thesis by the
student to the Final Examination Committee, followed by a discussion of any questions raised by the
members of the Committee.
The evaluation of the final examination by the Committee takes place, in the event of passing the
final exam, by assigning an increase, varying from 0 to 6 points, of which 4 points as evaluation of
the final examination and 2 points related to the peculiarities of the thesis work (methodological
originality and relevance of the results) and/or as evaluation of the student's career (marks with
laude, periods of study abroad with recognition of credits and periods of study abroad for the thesis).
The recommendation for publication for the master thesis work can be requested by the supervisor
to the members of the Degree Committee by letter, sent at least 15 days before the graduation
session, explaining the reasons for the request. Requests are eligible for which the thesis work,
thanks to the candidate's contribution, may form the basis for scientific articles at conferences or in
international journals. The request must be accompanied by a thesis summary of about 10 pages,
structured as a scientific article. The recommendation for publication is attributed by unanimous vote
of the Committee to the degree session.

Art. 13 Guidance services and tutoring

The Polytechnic School, in agreement with the DIME Department, organizes and manages a tutoring
service for the welcome and support of students, in order to prevent dispersion and delay in studies
and to promote a profitable active participation in university life in all its forms.
The DPB identifies within it a number of tutors in proportion to the number of students enrolled. The
names of the tutors can be found on the website of the Master’s degree course.

Art. 14 Verification of obsolescence of credits

University training credits (ECTS) acquired within the framework of the degree course can be subject
to obsolescence verification after 6 years. If the DPB recognizes the obsolescence of even a single
part of the relative educational content, the DPB itself establishes the supplementary tests that must
be taken by the student, defining the topics, the methods of verification, the composition of the
Examination Committee.
Once the required tests have been passed, the DPB validates the credits acquired with a resolution.
If the related training activity provides for a vote, it may be varied from the one previously obtained,
on a proposal from the Examination Committee which carried out the verification.

Art. 15 Degree Programme Table

The DIME Department, after consulting the Polytechnic School, approves and publishes annually
the Degree Programme Table. In the Degree Programme Table are indicated the main provisions of
the didactic system and the didactic regulation of the Master’s degree course, to which additional
information may be added.
The Degree Programme Table of the Master’s degree course in Energy Engineering contains the list
of the teaching units activated for the academic year in question. The individual teaching sheets are
published on the website of the degree course.

Annex 1 to the Degree Regulation of the Master’s degree course in Energy
List of training activities and related training objectives

Hours of personal
Hours of assisted
teaching activity


Teaching Teaching

Code course_IT course_EN SSD Type Area Language Learning outcomes
The course introduces the fundamental
mechanisms of heat transfer (conduction,
convection and thermal radiation) and shows
some examples of practical application. The
student will demonstrate a deep knowledge of the
different heat transfer mechanisms and to be able
to apply the fundamental laws to simple
engineering problems. The goal of this course is to
CORE Energy and provide to the student the basis for the thermal
HEAT HEAT LEARNING Nuclear analysis of energy transformation and production
1 66382 TRANSFER TRANSFER 6 ING-IND/10 ACTIVITY Engineering English processes. 48 102
The aim of the course is to provide students with
an overview of the basic mathematical methods
used for the solution and the qualitative study of
certain types of ordinary and partial differential
MATHEMATI RELATED equations of interest in engineering. At the end of
CAL OR the course, the student acquires the ability to study
MATHEMATICA MODELING SUPPLEME Related or the behavior of complex systems through the
L MODELING FOR NTARY Supplement formulation of a simplified mathematical model
FOR ENERGY ENERGY LEARNING ary Learning capable of describing and predict the salient
1 86630 SYSTEMS SYSTEMS 6 MAT/07 ACTIVITY Activity English features of the phenomenon. 48 102
ACTIVITY // Energy and
CHEMICAL OR Engineering
1 86633 FOR ENERGY ENERGY 12 ACTIVITY Activity English 0 0

Pagina 1 di 8

AND The course describes the major alternative energy
CHEMICAL BIOCHEMICA conversion processes. The course will be focused
AND L on chemical and biochemical processes to
BIOCHEMICAL PROCESSES produce sustainable and clean energy for example
PROCESSES AND PLANTS CORE Energy and biodiesel from microalgae, bioethanol from
AND PLANTS FOR LEARNING Nuclear cellulosic and lignocellulosic biomasses and
1 72562 FOR ENERGY ENERGY 6 ING-IND/25 ACTIVITY Engineering English biogas from anaerobic digestion. 48 102
The course aims to provide an in-depth knowledge
of the main processes of industrial chemistry
RELATED related to energy production, a critical analysis of
CHEMICAL CHEMICAL OR the motivations of the solutions used in the
PROCESSES PROCESSES SUPPLEME Related or production of the main products and the criteria for
AND AND NTARY Supplement a correct approach to the design of a chemical
TECHNOLOGIE TECHNOLOG LEARNING ary Learning process in terms productivity, safety and protection
1 86631 S IES 6 ING-IND/27 ACTIVITY Activity English of environment. 54 96
1 86634 SYSTEMS SYSTEMS 12 ING-IND/33 ACTIVITY Engineering English 0 0
The course is designed to provide the theoretical
and methodological skills necessary for the
understanding of the most important problems of
modern electrical power systems, with particular
reference to the integration of renewable energy
sources (RES) and the impact that the change in
the characteristics of the generating units
determines in the electrical network management.
The course, with strong interactive features, is
POWER proposed to support theoretical lectures with a
POWER SYSTEMS large "experiential" part in which, through the use
SYSTEMS MODELLING CORE Energy and of dedicated software, the student can apply
MODELLING AND LEARNING Nuclear personally what learnt during the theoretical
1 65887 AND CONTROL CONTROL 6 ING-IND/33 ACTIVITY Engineering English explanations. 54 96
The course is designed to provide theoretical and
methodological skills for the economic analyses
related to the development of projects in the
sustainable energy sector. In this context, it
encompasses the fundamentals of energy
markets, the procedures to calculate high
efficiency cogeneration and the levelized cost of
electricity. A special focus is devoted to new power
1 86638 MANAGEMENT T 6 ING-IND/33 ACTIVITY Engineering English 48 102
production and distribution infrastructures such as

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smart grids and smart microgrids, with specific

insight concerning with energy management
1 86640 COMBUSTION N 12 ING-IND/08 ACTIVITY Engineering English 0 0
Acquisition of the theoretical, technical and
methodological skills necessary for the
understanding and proper interpretation of most
industrially and energetically relevant combustion
Acquisition of theoretical tools useful to the
comprehension of the physical phenomena to
which the combustion processes are subjected to,
as well as on the implications connected with their
industrial exploitation.
Acquisition of fundmentale skills related to
COMBUSTIO environmental issues, linked to the combustive
COMBUSTION N PROCESS CORE Energy and processes.
PROCESS AND AND LEARNING Nuclear Basic competences on the main combustion
1 80054 EMISSIONS EMISSIONS 6 ING-IND/08 ACTIVITY Engineering English diagnostic techniques. 54 96
The course has two complementary objectives:
first, to provide the conceptual, analytical and
numerical bases of compressible flows prediction,
in presence of turbulence, heat transfer and also
chemical reactions and multiphase flows, typically
found in energy-related industrial processes,
second, to provide an overview, with practical
training on the application of CFD software tools
(Computational Fluid Dynamics) that are
nowadays a fundametal industrial technology for
product development.
The main target of the course is to convey
operational and critical skills to the student; the
emphasis will be more centred on the correct
methodological approach to perform a sound CFD
analysis, even complex, as well as on a proper
'engineering' interpretation of results, in terms of
their physical consistency, trends’ capturing and
1 86641 DYNAMICS DYNAMICS 6 ING-IND/08 ACTIVITY Engineering English 54 96
validation capability, rather than to provide

Pagina 3 di 8

students with competences related to turbulent

Navier-Stokes equations’ numerical programming.
On the other hand, these equations, at least at a
basic level, must be already known in their
properties and application potential.
ACTIVITY // Energy and
OR Engineering
1 86642 ENERGY ENERGY 12 ACTIVITY Activity English 0 0
The aim of the course is to provide students with a
detailed knowledge of the operating principles and
system lay-out of power plants for energy
conversion, such as gas turbine systems, steam
power plant and combined cycles. Moreover, the
course will give the basis for the plant
performances calculation, system behaviour
understanding and plant management knowledge,
with particular regard to the current national and
1 80053 CONVERSION N 6 ING-IND/09 ACTIVITY Engineering English 54 96
international energy scenario.
Provide students with operational tools for the
RELATED design and operation of service systems of
OR industrial processes in accordance with the
SUPPLEME Related or Community rules in force. Particular emphasis is
INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL NTARY Supplement placed on safety concepts for evolving systems
PLANTS FOR PLANTS FOR LEARNING ary Learning group 1 fluids (dangerous fluids) and group 2
1 86644 ENERGY ENERGY 6 ING-IND/17 ACTIVITY Activity English (fluids under pressure) and related risk analysis. 54 96
Introducing the key concepts associated with Earth
observation through remote sensing images for
renewable energy applications. Providing the
students with basic knowledge about remote
sensing image acquisition and about mapping,
through remote sensing image analysis,
bio/geophysical parameters associated with
A Scelta renewable energy sources, including vegetation
REMOTE REMOTE dello biomass, wind velocity field over sea water, solar
2 80048 SENSING SENSING 6 ING-INF/03 A SCELTA Studente English irradiance, and air surface temperature. 48 102

Pagina 4 di 8

Acquisition of the theoretical, technical,

methodological and practical skills necessary for
the experimental investigation of combustive
Acquisition of the theoretical basis of the modern
measurements and diagnostic techniques
applicable to the combustion field as well as of
operative skills in utilizing an experimental
infrastructure and the measurement techniques
theoretically introduced, taking advantage of the
equipment present at the Savona Campus.
The course foresees also the realization of a
ENERGY CORE Energy and simple combustor project and its characterization
ENERGY LABORATOR LEARNING Nuclear by means of the most proper experimental
2 80081 LABORATORY Y 6 ING-IND/08 ACTIVITY Engineering English techniques. 54 96
2 86653 BUILDINGS BUILDINGS 12 ING-IND/10 ACTIVITY Engineering English 0 0
The aim of the course is provide the students the
engineering knowledge on renewable energies as
a whole and to the technologies and engineering
methods to exploit the solar (thermal,
photovoltaics) and low enthalpy geothermal
resources in the high efficiency building contest.
The goals of this course are to provide the
students the capabilities related to modelling and
design criteria definition, energy production
SOLAR AND SOLAR AND CORE Energy and estimation analysis, national and international
GEOTHERMAL GEOTHERMA LEARNING Nuclear standard knowledge and application, basic
2 80043 ENERGY L ENERGY 6 ING-IND/10 ACTIVITY Engineering English economic and financial investment analysis. 54 96
The course provides the basics of the energy
analysis of buildings; in particular, all the
contributions for the evaluation of the heating and
cooling loads are explained in detail. With the final
aim of energy saving and sustainability, possible
actions on the envelope and on the operative
conditions are suggested to reduce the energy
request of the building. Moreover, some elements
ENERGY CORE Energy and about thermal plants are provided and the dynamic
ENERGY AND AND LEARNING Nuclear simulation of buildings is introduced with the use of
2 86655 BUILDINGS BUILDINGS 6 ING-IND/10 ACTIVITY Engineering English a software open-source. 48 102

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FOR FOR CORE Energy and
2 86659 ENERGY ENERGY 12 ACTIVITY Engineering English 0 0
The purpose of this course is to provide the
students with the fundamental know-how related to
fuel cells and to the concept of distributed
generation systems. The attention is mainly
focused on thermodynamic theory and component
performance. Fuel cells are presented putting
emphasis on different technology types, hybrid
system plant layouts, technological and
environmental aspects. This course also proposes
to provide students with basic knowledge and
operative elements to design different small size
FUEL CELLS systems (internal combustion engines,
FUEL CELLS AND microturbines, stirling engines, fuel cells) for
AND DISTRIBUTE applications in distributed generation grids. For
DISTRIBUTED D CORE Energy and this part of the course, special attention is devoted
GENERATION GENERATIO LEARNING Nuclear to combined heat and power generation providing
2 86660 SYSTEMS N SYSTEMS 6 ING-IND/09 ACTIVITY Engineering English students with laboratory experiences. 54 96
Provide general knowledge on energy conversion
systems from renewable sources, with particular
reference to the technologies and methodologies
related to the conversion of energy from wind
power, hydraulic and engine plants based on the
technology of gas turbines.
Provide the operative tools for the dimensioning of
plants and machines for energy conversion from
renewable energy sources. Hydraulic and Wind
Energy and distributed Cogeneration from fossil
fuel or biofuel by means of micro gas turbines.
Provide tools for calculating energy producibility
HYDRO, from wind farms, hydraulic and micro gas turbine.
HYDRO, WIND WIND AND CORE Energy and Provide knowledge for economic and financial
AND MICRO- MICRO-GAS LEARNING Nuclear analysis simplified to compare different energy
2 86661 GAS TURBINES TURBINES 6 ING-IND/08 ACTIVITY Engineering English conversion systems. 54 96
MODELS RELATED To provide the essential methodological tools for
AND OR the statement and the solution of management
MODELS AND METHODS SUPPLEME Related or and control problems relevant to energy and
2 86662 6 ING-INF/04 English 54 96
METHODS FOR FOR NTARY Supplement environmental systems. To provide an introduction

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ENERGY ENERGY LEARNING ary Learning to widespread and flexible software tools (such as,
ENGINEERING ENGINEERIN ACTIVITY Activity for instance, LINGO and MATLAB) for the solution
G of optimization and control problems, and for the
simulation and performance analysis of the
controlled dynamic systems.
Master Thesis is addressed at developing
students’ skills in analyzing, modelling, solving and
presenting the results related to energy
engineering complex problems. Master Thesis
consists in the realization of a detailed Report on
given engineering topics thus enhancing the
MASTER MASTER FINAL For the final students’ abilities in preparing professional reports
2 86663 THESIS THESIS 11 EXAMIN examination English and projects for their next professional career. 0 275

TRAINING Training and Orientation is addressed at

AND Training and developing students’ further skills in design,
TRAINING AND ORIENTATIO OTHER Orientation specific software knowledge and measurement
2 86664 ORIENTATION N 1 ACTIVITY Traineeships English techniques for their next professional career. 0 25
The main objectives of the course are: to provide
an adequate and critical knowledge on
environmental friendly propulsion systems for
different applications, taking into account energy-
related and economic issues. To develop skills for
the analysis and comparison of advanced systems
and technologies for ultra-low emissions Internal
Combustion Engines (ICE), the development of
hybrid propulsion systems and the application of
fuel cells to road vehicles propulsion. To define
criteria for the selection of different systems and
technologies referring to several application fields.
To assess real benefits in terms of energy
ADVANCED consumption and environmental impact for the
ADVANCED PROPULSION Student’s proposed technical solutions compared to
PROPULSION SYSTEMS ELECTIVE elective conventional systems. To outline characteristics
SYSTEMS AND AND GREEN LEARNING learning and properties of alternative fuels to guide for their
2 86665 GREEN FUELS FUELS 6 ING-IND/08 ACTIVITY activity English selection and use. 54 96
The course aims to provide a significant
background to EPC (Engineering, Procurement
PROJECT Student’s
PROJECT and Construction about the job manage) Project
MANAGEMEN Managers starting from the overall definition of the
T FOR methodology based on international standards
2 86666 PRODUCTION 6 ING-IND/17 ACTIVITY activity English 54 96
ENERGY (PMI/IPMA) and focusing to bidding phase with

Pagina 7 di 8

PRODUCTIO associated economic risks evaluation

N (contingencies). The student will learn to achieve
an optimized management of the project ranging
from the construction phase, to the suppliers
selection and qualification up to the final
commissioning according to corporate policies.
The proposed models, which use the Monte Carlo
simulation, Design of Experiments and other
appropriate business tools, will enable students to
acquire the skills needed to deal with the
difficulties arising from acting in stochastic regime.
The course is designed to provide the students the
theoretical and methodological skills necessary for
the development of power system simulation and
optimization models. The course aims to provide
the students the capabilities to model different
power system technologies in off-design and
POWER transient operating conditions, through the use of
POWER SYSTEMS dedicated software, and to develop optimization
SYSTEMS SIMULATION Student’s mathematical models for the design and the
SIMULATION AND ELECTIVE elective operation of energy communities, microgrids,
AND OPTIMIZATIO LEARNING learning nanogrids, and smart charging infrastructures for
2 86667 OPTIMIZATION N 6 ING-IND/33 ACTIVITY activity English electric vehicles. 54 96
The class provides a comprehensive knowledge of
the most up-to-date technologies related to the
nuclear energy. The class helps to achieve the
educational objectives of the course with regard to
the energy uses of nuclear technology. Particularly
the class provides the following contents: basics of
nuclear energy and radioprotection; design and
operation of nuclear fission power plants; front-end
and back-end of nuclear fission fuel cycles;
Student’s innovative systems for the minimization of the
ELECTIVE elective nuclear fission waste; hydrogen production by
NUCLEAR NUCLEAR LEARNING learning nuclear energy; fundamentals of nuclear fusion
2 94763 ENERGY ENERGY 6 ING-IND/19 ACTIVITY activity English engineering 48 102

Pagina 8 di 8
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica, Gestionale e dei Trasporti
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Energy Engineering
Classe LM-30: Ingegneria Energetica e Nucleare
Deliberato dal Consiglio del Corso di Studi del 29.04.2022

Parte generale

Art. 1 Premessa e ambito di competenza
Art. 2 Requisiti di ammissione e modalità di verifica della preparazione individuale
Art. 3 Attività formative
Art. 4 Iscrizione a singole attività formative
Art. 5 Curricula
Art. 6 Impegno orario complessivo
Art. 7 Piani di studio e propedeuticità
Art. 8 Frequenza e modalità di svolgimento delle attività didattiche
Art. 9 Esami e altre verifiche del profitto
Art. 10 Riconoscimento di crediti
Art. 11 Mobilità, studi compiuti all’estero, scambi internazionali
Art. 12 Modalità della prova finale
Art. 13 Orientamento e tutorato
Art. 14 Verifica dell’obsolescenza dei crediti
Art. 15 Manifesto degli Studi

Art. 1. Premessa e ambito di competenza

Il presente Regolamento, in conformità allo Statuto ed al Regolamento Didattico di Ateneo (parte
generale e parte speciale), disciplina gli aspetti organizzativi dell’attività didattica del corso di laurea
magistrale in Energy Engineering, nonché ogni diversa materia ad esso devoluta da altre fonti
legislative e regolamentari.
Il Regolamento didattico del corso di laurea magistrale in Energy Engineering è deliberato, ai sensi
dell’articolo 25, commi 1 e 4 del Regolamento Didattico di Ateneo, parte generale, dal Consiglio dei
Corsi di Studio (CCS) di Energy Engineering a maggioranza dei componenti e sottoposto
all'approvazione del consiglio del dipartimento di riferimento, sentita la scuola previo parere
favorevole della commissione paritetica di scuola e di dipartimento, ove esistente.

Art. 2. Requisiti di ammissione e modalità di verifica della preparazione individuale

L'ammissione alla Laurea Magistrale in Energy Engineering è subordinata al possesso di specifici
requisiti curricolari e di adeguatezza della preparazione personale.
Per l'accesso al Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Energy Engineering sono richiesti, senza esclusione,
tutti i seguenti requisiti curricolari:
- possesso di Laurea, Laurea Specialistica o Laurea Magistrale, di cui al DM 509/1999 o DM
270/2004, oppure di una Laurea quinquennale (ante DM 509/1999), conseguita presso una
Università italiana o titolo equivalente;
- possesso di almeno 36 CFU, o conoscenze equivalenti, acquisiti in un qualunque corso
universitario (Laurea, Laurea Specialistica, Laurea Magistrale, Master Universitari di primo e
secondo livello) nei settori scientifico-disciplinari indicati per le attività formative di base previste
dalle Lauree della Classe L9-Ingegneria Industriale;

- possesso di almeno 45 CFU, o conoscenze equivalenti, acquisiti in un qualunque corso
universitario (Laurea, Laurea Specialistica, Laurea Magistrale, Master Universitari di primo e
secondo livello) nei settori scientifico-disciplinari indicati per le attività formative caratterizzanti
delle Lauree della Classe L9-Ingegneria Industriale;
- adeguata conoscenza della lingua inglese pari a livello B2 o equivalente.
Nel caso di possesso di lauree differenti da quelle sopra indicate e in caso di studenti stranieri il
CCS verificherà la presenza dei requisiti curricolari o delle conoscenze equivalenti, sulla base degli
esami sostenuti dallo studente nel corso di laurea di provenienza, nonché la presenza di eventuali
esami extracurricolari, le attività di stage e le esperienze lavorative maturate.
I requisiti curricolari devono essere posseduti prima della verifica della preparazione individuale. Ai
fini dell’ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale, gli studenti, in possesso dei requisiti curricolari,
dovranno sostenere con esito positivo una prova per la verifica della preparazione personale, salvo
i casi disposti dall'ultimo comma. La prova di verifica sarà svolta sotto forma di test scritto
(eventualmente anche in modalità telematica) e sarà finalizzata ad accertare la preparazione
generale dello studente con particolare riferimento alla conoscenza di nozioni fondamentali e di
aspetti applicativi e professionali relativi alle tematiche proprie dell’ingegneria, tra cui:
- Sistemi Energetici e Macchine
- Fisica Tecnica
- Sistemi Elettrici
- Processi Chimici
La prova è sostenuta davanti ad una Commissione nominata dal CCS e composta da docenti
afferenti al CCS. Nell’ avviso per Ammissione ai corsi di Laurea magistrale della Scuola Politecnica
e sul sito web del corso di laurea magistrale sono indicati: la composizione della Commissione
d’esame, le modalità della prova, il luogo e la data, gli argomenti oggetto d’esame, i criteri di
valutazione dei candidati. L'esito della prova prevede una votazione in sessantesimi. La prova scritta
prevede 30 domande chiuse, a cui vengono assegnati 2 punti se la risposta è corretta, -0,5 punti se
la risposta è errata e 0 punti in caso di nessuna risposta. La prova di ammissione si intende superata
per votazione uguale o maggiore di trentasei sessantesimi (36/60). L’adeguatezza della preparazione
personale è automaticamente verificata per coloro che hanno conseguito la laurea triennale, italiana od
estera, o titolo giudicato equivalente in sede di accertamento dei requisiti curricolari, con una votazione
finale di almeno 9/10 del voto massimo previsto dalla propria laurea o che hanno conseguito una
votazione finale corrispondente almeno alla classifica “A” del sistema ECTS.
L'adeguata conoscenza della lingua inglese è verificata tramite opportune attestazioni in possesso
dello studente, conseguite da non più di 3 anni, o, in assenza di esse, tramite verifica da parte del
Settore Sviluppo Competenze Linguistiche di Ateneo. Il possesso di una laurea in lingua inglese
soddisfa il requisito della conoscenza linguistica, ma è in ogni caso consigliato il superamento del
test inglese B2 periodicamente organizzato dal suddetto Settore.

Per gli studenti di nazionalità extra-UE, con residenza e titolo di studio esteri, la procedura di
presentazione della propria candidatura ai fini della verifica dell’ammissibilità ad una LM in inglese
deve passare attraverso un portale web dedicato, selezionato dall’Ateneo e adeguatamente
pubblicizzato. A seguito del caricamento della documentazione nel portale viene effettuata la
verifica della completezza dei documenti.
I candidati che superano la verifica dei requisiti passano alla fase successiva, relativa alla
valutazione dei titoli e alla valutazione finale del candidato, a valle della quale lo studente verrà
ritenuto ammissibile, ammissibile sotto condizione (attribuzione di carriere ponte) o non ammissibile.
Il numero massimo ammissibile di studenti iscritti provenienti da paesi non appartenenti all'Unione
Europea viene stabilito annualmente dal CCS, comunicato al Settore Accoglienza Studenti Stranieri
di Ateneo e pubblicato sul sito Universitaly.

Art. 3. Attività formative
L’elenco degli insegnamenti e delle altre attività formative attivabili per la coorte 2022/2023, è
riportato nell’apposito allegato (Allegato 1) che costituisce parte integrante del presente
Per ogni insegnamento è individuato un docente responsabile. E’ docente responsabile di un
insegnamento chi ne sia titolare a norma di legge, ovvero colui al quale il Consiglio di Dipartimento
di afferenza abbia attribuito la responsabilità stessa in sede di affidamento dei compiti didattici ai
La lingua usata per erogare le attività formative (lezioni, esercitazioni, laboratori) è l’inglese come
specificato nella parte speciale del presente regolamento (Allegato 1).

Art. 4 Iscrizione a singole attività formative

In conformità con l’articolo 5 del Regolamento di Ateneo, gli studenti che vogliano iscriversi a singole
attività formative, devono essere in possesso di un titolo di studio che permetta l'accesso

Art. 5. Curricula
Il corso di laurea magistrale in Energy Engineering non è articolato in curricula.

Art. 6. Impegno orario complessivo

La definizione della frazione oraria dedicata a lezioni o attività didattiche equivalenti è stabilita, per
ogni insegnamento, dal CCS e specificata nella parte speciale del presente regolamento (Allegato
1). In ogni caso si assumono i seguenti intervalli di variabilità della corrispondenza ore aula/ CFU:
8 ÷ 10 ore di lezione o di attività didattica assistita.
La definizione dell’impegno orario complessivo riservato allo studio personale o ad altre attività
formative di tipo individuale è stabilita, per ogni insegnamento, nella parte speciale del presente
regolamento (Allegato 1).
Il Direttore del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica, Gestionale e dei Trasporti e il
Coordinatore del CCS sono incaricati di verificare il rispetto delle predette prescrizioni, anche ai fini
della pubblicazione dei programmi dei corsi.

Art. 7. Piani di studio e propedeuticità

Gli studenti possono iscriversi a tempo pieno o a tempo parziale; per le due tipologie di studente
sono previsti differenti diritti e doveri.
Lo studente sceglie la tipologia di iscrizione contestualmente alla presentazione del piano di studi.
Lo studente a tempo pieno svolge la propria attività formativa tenendo conto del piano di studio
predisposto dal corso di laurea magistrale, distinto per anni di corso e pubblicato nel Manifesto degli
studi. Il piano di studio formulato dallo studente deve contenere l’indicazione delle attività formative,
con i relativi crediti che intende conseguire, previsti dal piano di studio ufficiale per tale periodo
didattico, fino ad un massimo di 65 crediti previsti in ogni anno.
Lo studente a tempo parziale è tenuto a presentare un piano di studio individuale specificando il
numero di crediti che intende inserire.
L’iscrizione degli studenti a tempo pieno e a tempo parziale è disciplinata dal regolamento di Ateneo
per gli studenti tenuto conto delle disposizioni operative deliberate dagli Organi centrali di governo
ed indicate nella Guida dello studente (pubblicata annualmente e disponibile presso il Servizio
Orientamento, lo Sportello dello Studente della Scuola Politecnica e sul sito web dell'Università).

Il percorso formativo dello studente può essere vincolato attraverso un sistema di propedeuticità,
indicate per ciascun insegnamento nel Manifesto degli studi.
La modalità e il termine per la presentazione del piano di studio sono stabiliti annualmente dalla
Scuola Politecnica e riportate nel Manifesto degli studi.

Art. 8. Frequenza e modalità di svolgimento delle attività didattiche

Gli insegnamenti possono assumere la forma di: (a) lezioni; (b) esercitazioni pratiche; (c)
esercitazioni in laboratorio.
Il profilo articolato e la natura impegnativa delle lezioni tenute nell’ambito dei vari corsi di studio
offerti dalla Scuola Politecnica rendono la frequenza alle attività formative fortemente consigliata
per una adeguata comprensione degli argomenti e quindi per una buona riuscita negli esami.
Il calendario delle lezioni è articolato in semestri. Di norma, il semestre è suddiviso in almeno 12
settimane di lezione più almeno 4 settimane complessive per prove di verifica ed esami di profitto.
Il periodo destinato agli esami di profitto termina con l’inizio delle lezioni del semestre successivo.
Per un periodo di una settimana, a metà semestre, la normale attività didattica (lezioni, esercitazioni,
laboratori) può essere interrotta per lo svolgimento di esami di laurea, di prove in itinere, seminari,
attività di tutorato e attività didattica di recupero.
Il calendario delle attività didattiche (lezioni, esami di profitto, periodi intra-semestrali di sospensione
delle lezioni) per l’intero anno accademico è pubblicato sul sito web della Scuola Politecnica. L’orario
delle lezioni garantisce la possibilità di frequenza per anni di corso previsti dal vigente Manifesto
degli studi. Per ragioni pratiche non è garantita la compatibilità dell'orario per tutte le scelte
formalmente possibili degli insegnamenti opzionali. Gli studenti devono quindi formulare il proprio
piano di studio tenendo conto dell'orario delle lezioni.

Art. 9. Esami e altre verifiche del profitto

Gli esami di profitto possono essere svolti in forma scritta, orale, o scritta e orale, secondo le
modalità indicate nelle schede di ciascun insegnamento pubblicato sul sito web del corso di laurea
A richiesta, possono essere previste specifiche modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento che tengano
conto delle esigenze di studenti disabili e di studenti con disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento
(D.S.A.), in conformità all’art. 20 comma 4 del Regolamento Didattico di Ateneo.
Nel caso di insegnamenti strutturati in moduli con più docenti, questi partecipano collegialmente alla
valutazione complessiva del profitto dello studente che non può, comunque, essere frazionata in
valutazioni separate sui singoli moduli.
Il calendario degli esami di profitto è stabilito entro il 30 settembre per l’anno accademico successivo
e viene pubblicato sul sito web del corso di laurea magistrale. Il calendario delle eventuali prove di
verifica in itinere è stabilito dal CCS e comunicato agli studenti all’inizio di ogni ciclo didattico.
Gli esami si svolgono nei periodi di interruzione delle lezioni. Possono essere previsti appelli durante
il periodo delle lezioni soltanto per gli studenti che, nell’anno accademico in corso, non abbiano
inserito attività formative nel proprio piano di studio.
Tutte le verifiche del profitto relative alle attività formative debbono essere superate dallo studente
almeno venti giorni prima della data prevista per il sostenimento della prova finale.
L’esito dell’esame, con la votazione conseguita, è verbalizzato secondo quanto previsto all’art. 20
del regolamento didattico di Ateneo.

Art. 10. Riconoscimento di crediti
Il CCS delibera sull’approvazione delle domande di passaggio o trasferimento da un altro corso di
studi dell’Ateneo o di altre Università secondo le norme previste dal Regolamento didattico di
Ateneo, art. 18. Delibera altresì il riconoscimento, quale credito formativo, per un numero massimo
di 12 CFU, di conoscenze e abilità professionali certificate ai sensi della normativa vigente.
Nella valutazione delle domande di passaggio si terrà conto delle specificità didattiche e dell’attualità
dei contenuti formativi dei singoli esami sostenuti, riservandosi di stabilire di volta in volta eventuali
forme di verifica ed esami integrativi.
Nel quadro della normativa nazionale e regionale su alternanza formazione/lavoro, è possibile per
il corso di studio prevedere, per studenti selezionati, percorsi di apprendimento che tengano conto
anche di esperienze lavorative svolte presso aziende convenzionate.

Art. 11. Mobilità, studi compiuti all’estero, scambi internazionali

Il CCS incoraggia fortemente le attività di internazionalizzazione, in particolare la partecipazione
degli studenti ai programmi di mobilità e di scambi internazionali. A tal fine garantisce, secondo le
modalità previste dalle norme vigenti, il riconoscimento dei crediti formativi conseguiti all’interno di
tali programmi, e organizza le attività didattiche opportunamente in modo da rendere agevoli ed
efficaci tali attività.
Il CCS riconosce agli studenti iscritti, che abbiano regolarmente svolto e completato un periodo di
studi all’estero, gli esami sostenuti fuori sede e il conseguimento dei relativi crediti che lo studente
intenda sostituire ad esami del proprio piano di studi.
Ai fini del riconoscimento di tali esami, lo studente all’atto della compilazione del piano delle attività
formative che intende seguire nell’ateneo estero, dovrà produrre idonea documentazione
comprovante l’equivalenza dei contenuti tra l’insegnamento impartito all’estero e l’insegnamento
che intende sostituire, impartito nel corso di laurea magistrale in Energy Engineering. L’equivalenza
è valutata dal CCS.
La conversione dei voti avverrà secondo criteri approvati dal CCS, congruenti con il sistema europeo
Il CCS riconosce inoltre, nell’ambito dei crediti attribuiti alla prova finale (Master Thesis) una quota
parte relativa ad attività di preparazione della tesi con relative attività di ricerca e/o di tirocinio svolte
all’estero in uno dei programmi internazionali di ateneo (e.g. Erasmus Traineeship), secondo i criteri
adottati dal CCS nelle proprie delibere su proposta della Scuola Politecnica.

Art. 12. Modalità della prova finale

La prova finale consiste nella presentazione e discussione di un elaborato scritto, di fronte ad
apposita Commissione, tendente ad accertare la preparazione tecnico-scientifica e professionale
del candidato.
Ai fini del conseguimento della laurea magistrale, l’elaborato finale consiste nella redazione di una
tesi, elaborata dallo studente in modo originale sotto la guida di uno o più relatori, su un argomento
definito attinente ad una disciplina di cui abbia superato l’esame.
Tra i relatori deve essere presente almeno un docente della Scuola Politecnica o del Corso di studi.
La tesi sarà svolta in lingua inglese; in caso di utilizzo di altra lingua della UE è necessaria
l’autorizzazione del CCS. In questi casi la tesi deve essere corredata dal titolo e da un ampio
sommario in inglese.
La tesi, svolta presso laboratori universitari, Aziende, Enti di ricerca nazionali o internazionali, dovrà
rivelare le capacità dello studente nell’affrontare tematiche di ricerca e/o di tipo applicativo. La tesi

dovrà essere costituita da un progetto e/o dallo sviluppo di un’applicazione che proponga soluzioni
innovative rispetto allo stato dell’arte e dimostri le capacità di analisi e di progetto dello studente.
La tesi dovrà altresì rivelare:
✓ capacità di affrontare problemi complessi con approccio multidisciplinare
✓ corretto uso delle fonti e della bibliografia;
✓ capacità sistematiche e argomentative;
✓ chiarezza nell'esposizione;
✓ capacità progettuale e sperimentale;
✓ capacità critica.
La Commissione per la prova finale è composta da almeno cinque componenti compreso il
Presidente ed è nominata dal Direttore del dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica,
Gestionale e dei Trasporti.
Le modalità di svolgimento della prova finale consistono nella presentazione orale della tesi di laurea
da parte dello studente alla commissione per la prova finale, seguita da una discussione sulle
questioni eventualmente poste dai membri della commissione.
La valutazione della prova finale da parte della commissione avviene, in caso di superamento della
stessa, attribuendo un incremento, variabile da 0 a 6 punti, di cui 4 punti come valutazione della
Prova Finale e 2 punti legati alle peculiarità del lavoro di tesi (originalità metodologica e rilevanza
dei risultati) e/o come valutazione della carriera dello studente (votazioni con lode, periodi di studio
svolti dallo studente all’estero con riconoscimento di crediti formativi e periodi di studio all'estero per
lo svolgimento della Tesi).
La dignità di stampa per il lavoro di tesi magistrale può essere richiesta dal relatore ai membri della
Commissione di Laurea con lettera, fatta pervenire almeno 15 giorni prima della seduta di laurea,
che illustri le motivazioni della richiesta. Sono ammissibili richieste per le quali il lavoro di tesi, grazie
al contributo del candidato, possa costituire la base per articoli scientifici a Conferenza o su Journal
Internazionali. La richiesta deve essere accompagnata da una sintesi della Tesi di circa 10 pagine,
strutturata come un articolo scientifico. La dignità di stampa viene attribuita con voto unanime della
Commissione alla seduta di Laurea.

Art. 13. Orientamento e tutorato

La Scuola Politecnica, di concerto con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica,
Gestionale e dei Trasporti, organizza e gestisce un servizio di tutorato per l'accoglienza e il sostegno
degli studenti, al fine di prevenire la dispersione e il ritardo negli studi e di promuovere una proficua
partecipazione attiva alla vita universitaria in tutte le sue forme.
Il CCS individua al suo interno un numero di tutor in proporzione al numero degli studenti iscritti. I
nominativi dei tutor sono reperibili nel sito web del corso di laurea magistrale.

Art. 14. Verifica dell’obsolescenza dei crediti

I crediti acquisiti nell’ambito del corso di laurea magistrale hanno validità per 4 anni.
Trascorso il periodo indicato, i crediti acquisiti debbono essere convalidati con apposita delibera
qualora il CCS riconosca la non obsolescenza dei relativi contenuti formativi.
Qualora il CCS riconosca l’obsolescenza anche di una sola parte dei relativi contenuti formativi, lo
stesso CCS stabilisce le prove integrative che dovranno essere sostenute dallo studente, definendo
gli argomenti delle stesse e le modalità di verifica.
Una volta superate le verifiche previste, il CCS convalida i crediti acquisiti con apposita delibera.
Qualora la relativa attività formativa preveda una votazione, la stessa potrà essere variata rispetto
a quella precedentemente ottenuta, su proposta della Commissione d’esame che ha proceduto alla

Art. 15 Manifesto degli Studi
Il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica, Gestionale e dei Trasporti, sentita la Scuola,
pubblica annualmente il Manifesto degli studi. Nel Manifesto, finalizzato alla massima trasparenza
dell’offerta didattica, sono indicate le principali disposizioni dell’ordinamento didattico e del
regolamento didattico del corso di laurea magistrale, a cui eventualmente si aggiungono indicazioni
Il Manifesto degli studi del Corso di laurea magistrale in Energy Engineering contiene l'elenco delle
attività formative attivate per l’anno accademico, con l’indicazione di eventuali propedeuticità, la
denominazione, la tipologia, i crediti formativi, il settore scientifico-disciplinare, il semestre di
svolgimento, il docente o i docenti che svolgeranno l’attività didattica, nonché, attraverso le relative
schede degli insegnamenti, il programma e le modalità di accertamento dei risultati di
apprendimento acquisiti dallo studente.

Allegato 1 Parte speciale del Regolamento didattico del Corso di Laurea Magistrale
in Energy Engineering della Scuola Politecnica

Elenco delle attività formative attivabili e relativi obiettivi formativi


Ore riservate allo studio

Ore riservate attività
didattica assistita
Anno di corso

Nome Nome
Codice insegnamento insegnamento
Ins. ITA ENG CFU SSD Tipologia Ambito Lingua Obiettivi formativi
The course introduces the fundamental
mechanisms of heat transfer (conduction,
convection and thermal radiation) and shows
some examples of practical application. The
student will demonstrate a deep knowledge of
the different heat transfer mechanisms and to be
able to apply the fundamental laws to simple
engineering problems. The goal of this course is
Ingegneria to provide to the student the basis for the
HEAT HEAT ING- CARATTERI Energetica e thermal analysis of energy transformation and
1 66382 TRANSFER TRANSFER 6 IND/10 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese production processes. 48 102
The aim of the course is to provide students with
an overview of the basic mathematical methods
used for the solution and the qualitative study of
certain types of ordinary and partial differential
equations of interest in engineering. At the end
of the course, the student acquires the ability to
MATHEMATIC MATHEMATICA Attività study the behavior of complex systems through
AL MODELING L MODELING AFFINI O Formative the formulation of a simplified mathematical
FOR ENERGY FOR ENERGY INTEGRATIV Affini o model capable of describing and predict the
1 86630 SYSTEMS SYSTEMS 6 MAT/07 E Integrative Inglese salient features of the phenomenon. 48 102
Energetica e
CARATTERI Nucleare //
1 86633 FOR ENERGY FOR ENERGY 12 E Integrative Inglese 0 0
The course describes the major alternative
CHEMICAL CHEMICAL energy conversion processes. The course will
AND AND be focused on chemical and biochemical
ING- CARATTERI Energetica e
BIOCHEMICAL BIOCHEMICAL processes to produce sustainable and clean
1 72562 6 IND/25 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese 48 102
PROCESSES PROCESSES energy for example biodiesel from microalgae,

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AND PLANTS AND PLANTS bioethanol from cellulosic and lignocellulosic

FOR ENERGY FOR ENERGY biomasses and biogas from anaerobic digestion.

The course aims to provide an in-depth

knowledge of the main processes of industrial
chemistry related to energy production, a critical
CHEMICAL CHEMICAL analysis of the motivations of the solutions used
PROCESSES PROCESSES Attività in the production of the main products and the
AND AND AFFINI O Formative criteria for a correct approach to the design of a
TECHNOLOGI TECHNOLOGIE ING- INTEGRATIV Affini o chemical process in terms productivity, safety
1 86631 ES S 6 IND/27 E Integrative Inglese and protection of environment. 54 96
1 86634 SYSTEMS SYSTEMS 12 IND/33 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese 0 0
The course is designed to provide the theoretical
and methodological skills necessary for the
understanding of the most important problems of
modern electrical power systems, with particular
reference to the integration of renewable energy
sources (RES) and the impact that the change
in the characteristics of the generating units
determines in the electrical network
The course, with strong interactive features, is
POWER proposed to support theoretical lectures with a
SYSTEMS POWER large "experiential" part in which, through the
MODELLING SYSTEMS Ingegneria use of dedicated software, the student can apply
AND MODELLING ING- CARATTERI Energetica e personally what learnt during the theoretical
1 65887 CONTROL AND CONTROL 6 IND/33 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese explanations. 54 96
The course is designed to provide theoretical
and methodological skills for the economic
analyses related to the development of projects
in the sustainable energy sector. In this context,
it encompasses the fundamentals of energy
markets, the procedures to calculate high
efficiency cogeneration and the levelized cost of
electricity. A special focus is devoted to new
POWER power production and distribution infrastructures
SYSTEMS POWER Ingegneria such as smart grids and smart microgrids, with
MANAGEMEN SYSTEMS ING- CARATTERI Energetica e specific insight concerning with energy
1 86638 T MANAGEMENT 6 IND/33 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese management platforms. 48 102

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1 86640 COMBUSTION COMBUSTION 12 IND/08 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese 0 0
Acquisition of the theoretical, technical and
methodological skills necessary for the
understanding and proper interpretation of most
industrially and energetically relevant
combustion phenomena.
Acquisition of theoretical tools useful to the
comprehension of the physical phenomena to
which the combustion processes are subjected
to, as well as on the implications connected with
their industrial exploitation.
Acquisition of fundmentale skills related to
COMBUSTION environmental issues, linked to the combustive
PROCESS COMBUSTION Ingegneria processes.
AND PROCESS AND ING- CARATTERI Energetica e Basic competences on the main combustion
1 80054 EMISSIONS EMISSIONS 6 IND/08 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese diagnostic techniques. 54 96
The course has two complementary objectives:
first, to provide the conceptual, analytical and
numerical bases of compressible flows
prediction, in presence of turbulence, heat
transfer and also chemical reactions and
multiphase flows, typically found in energy-
related industrial processes, second, to provide
an overview, with practical training on the
application of CFD software tools
(Computational Fluid Dynamics) that are
nowadays a fundametal industrial technology for
product development.
The main target of the course is to convey
operational and critical skills to the student; the
emphasis will be more centred on the correct
methodological approach to perform a sound
CFD analysis, even complex, as well as on a
proper 'engineering' interpretation of results, in
terms of their physical consistency, trends’
capturing and validation capability, rather than to
provide students with competences related to
turbulent Navier-Stokes equations’ numerical
programming. On the other hand, these
1 86641 DYNAMICS DYNAMICS 6 IND/08 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese 54 96
equations, at least at a basic level, must be

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already known in their properties and application


Energetica e
CARATTERI Nucleare //
1 86642 ENERGY ENERGY 12 E Integrative Inglese 0 0
The aim of the course is to provide students with
a detailed knowledge of the operating principles
and system lay-out of power plants for energy
conversion, such as gas turbine systems, steam
power plant and combined cycles. Moreover, the
course will give the basis for the plant
performances calculation, system behaviour
understanding and plant management
knowledge, with particular regard to the current
1 80053 CONVERSION CONVERSION 6 IND/09 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese 54 96
national and international energy scenario.
Provide students with operational tools for the
design and operation of service systems of
industrial processes in accordance with the
Attività Community rules in force. Particular emphasis is
INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL AFFINI O Formative placed on safety concepts for evolving systems
PLANTS FOR PLANTS FOR ING- INTEGRATIV Affini o group 1 fluids (dangerous fluids) and group 2
1 86644 ENERGY ENERGY 6 IND/17 E Integrative Inglese (fluids under pressure) and related risk analysis. 54 96
Introducing the key concepts associated with
Earth observation through remote sensing
images for renewable energy applications.
Providing the students with basic knowledge
about remote sensing image acquisition and
about mapping, through remote sensing image
analysis, bio/geophysical parameters associated
with renewable energy sources, including
A Scelta vegetation biomass, wind velocity field over sea
REMOTE REMOTE ING- dello water, solar irradiance, and air surface
2 80048 SENSING SENSING 6 INF/03 A SCELTA Studente Inglese temperature. 48 102
Acquisition of the theoretical, technical,
methodological and practical skills necessary for
the experimental investigation of combustive
2 80081 LABORATORY LABORATORY 6 IND/08 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese 54 96
Acquisition of the theoretical basis of the modern

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measurements and diagnostic techniques

applicable to the combustion field as well as of
operative skills in utilizing an experimental
infrastructure and the measurement techniques
theoretically introduced, taking advantage of the
equipment present at the Savona Campus.
The course foresees also the realization of a
simple combustor project and its
characterization by means of the most proper
experimental techniques.
2 86653 BUILDINGS BUILDINGS 12 IND/10 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese 0 0
The aim of the course is provide the students
the engineering knowledge on renewable
energies as a whole and to the technologies and
engineering methods to exploit the solar
(thermal, photovoltaics) and low enthalpy
geothermal resources in the high efficiency
building contest. The goals of this course are to
provide the students the capabilities related to
modelling and design criteria definition, energy
production estimation analysis, national and
SOLAR AND SOLAR AND Ingegneria international standard knowledge and
GEOTHERMAL GEOTHERMAL ING- CARATTERI Energetica e application, basic economic and financial
2 80043 ENERGY ENERGY 6 IND/10 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese investment analysis. 54 96
The course provides the basics of the energy
analysis of buildings; in particular, all the
contributions for the evaluation of the heating
and cooling loads are explained in detail. With
the final aim of energy saving and sustainability,
possible actions on the envelope and on the
operative conditions are suggested to reduce
the energy request of the building. Moreover,
some elements about thermal plants are
Ingegneria provided and the dynamic simulation of buildings
ENERGY AND ENERGY AND ING- CARATTERI Energetica e is introduced with the use of a software open-
2 86655 BUILDINGS BUILDINGS 6 IND/10 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese source. 48 102
CARATTERI Energetica e
2 86659 12 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese 0 0

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The purpose of this course is to provide the

students with the fundamental know-how related
to fuel cells and to the concept of distributed
generation systems. The attention is mainly
focused on thermodynamic theory and
component performance. Fuel cells are
presented putting emphasis on different
technology types, hybrid system plant layouts,
technological and environmental aspects. This
course also proposes to provide students with
basic knowledge and operative elements to
design different small size systems (internal
combustion engines, microturbines, stirling
FUEL CELLS FUEL CELLS engines, fuel cells) for applications in distributed
AND AND generation grids. For this part of the course,
DISTRIBUTED DISTRIBUTED Ingegneria special attention is devoted to combined heat
GENERATION GENERATION ING- CARATTERI Energetica e and power generation providing students with
2 86660 SYSTEMS SYSTEMS 6 IND/09 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese laboratory experiences. 54 96
Provide general knowledge on energy
conversion systems from renewable sources,
with particular reference to the technologies and
methodologies related to the conversion of
energy from wind power, hydraulic and engine
plants based on the technology of gas turbines.
Provide the operative tools for the dimensioning
of plants and machines for energy conversion
from renewable energy sources. Hydraulic and
Wind Energy and distributed Cogeneration from
fossil fuel or biofuel by means of micro gas
Provide tools for calculating energy producibility
HYDRO, WIND HYDRO, WIND from wind farms, hydraulic and micro gas
AND MICRO- AND MICRO- Ingegneria turbine. Provide knowledge for economic and
GAS GAS ING- CARATTERI Energetica e financial analysis simplified to compare different
2 86661 TURBINES TURBINES 6 IND/08 ZZANTI Nucleare Inglese energy conversion systems. 54 96
To provide the essential methodological tools for
the statement and the solution of management
and control problems relevant to energy and
environmental systems. To provide an
introduction to widespread and flexible software
2 86662 ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 6 INF/04 E Integrative Inglese 54 96
tools (such as, for instance, LINGO and

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MATLAB) for the solution of optimization and

control problems, and for the simulation and
performance analysis of the controlled dynamic
Master Thesis is addressed at developing
students’ skills in analyzing, modelling, solving
and presenting the results related to energy
engineering complex problems. Master Thesis
consists in the realization of a detailed Report on
given engineering topics thus enhancing the
students’ abilities in preparing professional
MASTER MASTER PROVA Per la Prova reports and projects for their next professional
2 86663 THESIS THESIS 11 FINALE Finale Inglese career. 0 275
Formativi e Training and Orientation is addressed at
TRAINING di developing students’ further skills in design,
AND TRAINING AND ALTRE Orientament specific software knowledge and measurement
2 86664 ORIENTATION ORIENTATION 1 ATTIVITA' o Inglese techniques for their next professional career. 0 25
The main objectives of the course are: to
provide an adequate and critical knowledge on
environmental friendly propulsion systems for
different applications, taking into account
energy-related and economic issues. To develop
skills for the analysis and comparison of
advanced systems and technologies for ultra-
low emissions Internal Combustion Engines
(ICE), the development of hybrid propulsion
systems and the application of fuel cells to road
vehicles propulsion. To define criteria for the
selection of different systems and technologies
referring to several application fields. To assess
real benefits in terms of energy consumption
ADVANCED and environmental impact for the proposed
PROPULSION ADVANCED technical solutions compared to conventional
SYSTEMS PROPULSION A Scelta systems. To outline characteristics and
AND GREEN SYSTEMS AND ING- dello properties of alternative fuels to guide for their
2 86665 FUELS GREEN FUELS 6 IND/08 A SCELTA Studente Inglese selection and use. 54 96
The course aims to provide a significant
background to EPC (Engineering, Procurement
and Construction about the job manage) Project
Managers starting from the overall definition of
the methodology based on international
2 86666 PRODUCTION PRODUCTION 6 IND/17 A SCELTA Studente Inglese 54 96
standards (PMI/IPMA) and focusing to bidding

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phase with associated economic risks evaluation

(contingencies). The student will learn to
achieve an optimized management of the project
ranging from the construction phase, to the
suppliers selection and qualification up to the
final commissioning according to corporate
The proposed models, which use the Monte
Carlo simulation, Design of Experiments and
other appropriate business tools, will enable
students to acquire the skills needed to deal with
the difficulties arising from acting in stochastic
The course is designed to provide the students
the theoretical and methodological skills
necessary for the development of power system
simulation and optimization models. The course
aims to provide the students the capabilities to
model different power system technologies in
POWER off-design and transient operating conditions,
SYSTEMS POWER through the use of dedicated software, and to
SIMULATION SYSTEMS develop optimization mathematical models for
AND SIMULATION A Scelta the design and the operation of energy
OPTIMIZATIO AND ING- dello communities, microgrids, nanogrids, and smart
2 86667 N OPTIMIZATION 6 IND/33 A SCELTA Studente Inglese charging infrastructures for electric vehicles. 54 96
The class provides a comprehensive knowledge
of the most up-to-date technologies related to
the nuclear energy. The class helps to achieve
the educational objectives of the course with
regard to the energy uses of nuclear technology.
Particularly the class provides the following
contents: basics of nuclear energy and
radioprotection; design and operation of nuclear
fission power plants; front-end and back-end of
nuclear fission fuel cycles; innovative systems
A Scelta for the minimization of the nuclear fission waste;
NUCLEAR NUCLEAR ING- dello hydrogen production by nuclear energy;
2 94763 ENERGY ENERGY 6 IND/19 A SCELTA Studente Inglese fundamentals of nuclear fusion engineering 48 102

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