AMCP 706 252 Gun Series Gun Tubes
AMCP 706 252 Gun Series Gun Tubes
AMCP 706 252 Gun Series Gun Tubes
Distribution authorized to U.S. Gov't.
agencies and their contractors; Critical
technology; Feb 1964. Other requests shall
be referred to Army Materiel Command,
Attn: AMCRD-TV, WAshington, D.C. 20315
Alexandria, VA.
os t.:' '. - • , .
.... ...... - , if-Ja.... t: t|nla i 4nAftindmiental data to
supplement experience in assisting engineers in the evolution of new designs which will meet tacticsl and technical
needs while also embodying satisfactory producibility and maintainability.
Listed below are the Handbooks which have been published or submitted for publication. Handbooks with publica-
tion dates prior to I August 1962 were published as 20-series Ordnance Corps pamphlets. AMC Circular ýW0-"8. 19
July 1963, redesignated those publications as 706-series AMC pamphlets (i.e., RODP 20-138 was redesignated AMCP
706-138). All new, reprinted, or revised Handbooks are being published as 706-series AMC pamphlets.
General and Miscellaneous Subjects Ballistic Missile Seri*@
S, I
IJ 'C A fN
28 February 1964
i~ E iN
B. Heating ........ ..................... 9
1. Thermal Stresses ...... ................ 9
2. Dimensional Changes ...... .............. 11
3. k.Off .. . .. ................... i1
C. Erosion ........ ..................... 12
1. Causes ........ .................... 12
2. Region Affected ....... ................ 12
? | | l| | l | | l | l | l | .
G . R iding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1. Profile ......... .................... 30
2. Rifling Twist ....... ................. 31
3. Rtihng Torque ....... ................. 3.
TABLE OF CONTENTS- (continued)
U. 8mall Arms Barrel With Shrink Fitted Liner and Cap 81
1. Shrink Fit Pressure ................... 81
2. Shrink Fit s me ... . .. ................ 82
S3. Pressure Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82•i
* 4. Combined Stresses ...... ............... 83
D. Small Arms Barrel With Combined Pressure and
Thermal Stresses ....... ................ 83
1. Propellant Gas Pressure Stresses ............. 83
2. Shrink Fit Pressure Stresses ..... ........... 83
3. Thermal Stresses ....... ................ 84
E. Recoilless Gun ....... .................. 84
I . Gun Tube ..... .................. ... 84
2. Chamber ....... ................... 87
3. Nozzle . ... . . . . 91
GLOSSARY ........ ...................... 94 d
REFERENCES ................. . . . 99
Fig. No. Page
1 Typical Gun Tube Showing Regions ...... .............. 2
2 Chambers of Various Tube Types ...... ............... 4
3 Jacketed Tube .......... ....................... 6
4 Quasi Two-Piece Tube ........ .................... 6
5 Revolver Type Tube Showing Separate Chamber With Round . 6
6 Gatling Gun Tubes ......... ...................... 6
7 Recoilless Gun Tube ........ ..................... 6
8 Temperature Distribution Across Tube Wall 9..........9
9 Temperature Along Outer Surface of Caliber .30 Tube .......... 10
10 Thermal Cracks on Bore Surface ...... ............... 11
11 Dispersion-Frequency Ratio Curve .................. ... 14
12 Gun Tube Showing Subdivisions ....... ............... 14
13 M/I Diagram of Gun Tube ...................... ... 15
14 Types of Rifling Contour ....... ................... 20
15 Progressive Engraving ........ .................... 20
16 Interior Ballistics of Caliber .30 Gun ...... .............. 22
17 Case-Chamber Stress-Strain Curves ...... .............. 23
18 Chamber With Pertinent Dimensions ................. ... 24
19 Forcing Cone Study ......................... .... 25
20 Schematic of Recoilless Gun ....... ................. 25
21 Nozzle Entrance Geometry ....... .................. 26
22 Pressure Ratio-Area Ratio Curve ...... ............... 27
23 Lines of Constant Dimensionless Recoil ............. 27
24 Nozzle Shape&--Schematic ....... .................. 27
25 Nozzle Pressure-Area Ratio Curve, M10 Propellant ........... 28
= distance from origin of coordinate axes F, = unit load on breechblock thread
to origin of rifling curveý 'mer radius; AF - force increment
linear acceleration of projectile - acceleration of gravity
a. = maximum projectile acceleration G = number of rifling grooves; shear modulus
A = area of section; general expression for h - depth of rifling groove; depth of keyway
area I = area moment of inertia, general ex-
A. - nozzle approach area pression
Ab - bore area J = area polar moment of inertia
A. = chamber area k = radius of gyration of projectile
A. - nozzle exit area k, - high temperature strength reduction
A, = original nozzle throat area; projected factor
area of nozzle K - kinetic energy
A, = nozzle throat area K, = constant in rifling torque equation for
A. = nozzle area at distance x from the throat constant twist
&A4 = change in nozzle throat area L f axial length of rifling curve; length of
b - twice distance from origin of rifling to engaged thread; length of key; length
point of maximum pressure; outer radius of increment
C weight of propellant charge L' length of diverging cone
CMP = computed maximum pressure L load factor
d, = depth of thread L, - length of nozzle cone
D = diameter varying from D, to D.; mean L. required maximum length of chamber
diameter; general expression for diam- M = general expression for moment
eter; general expression for flexural M, = mass of projectile
rigidity M, = recoiling mass; momentum of recoiling
D, = outside diameter of liner; inside diameter mass
of jacket M,. - specified momentum of recoiling mass
D,, = bore diameter LAI, = required change in momentum
Ai, = inside diameter n - exponent defining rifling curve
LiD.. = mean diameter; mandrel diameter n. = twist of rifling stated in calibers per turn
D. = outside diameter N = induced force normal to rifling curve
aD, = nominal clearance between bore and p = constant in equation for increasing twist
projectile rifling; general expression for design
E = modulus of elasticity; propellant po- pressure
tential PA = pressure at point A of equivalent bore
E, = equivalent modulus of elasticity p = chamber pressure; true computed Rres-
,. = modulus of elasticity of ring sure
ESP = elastic strength pressure pt = autofrettage pressure
=-. equivalent stress factor p, = propellant gas pressure
=,,natural frequency p,. = maximum propellant gas pressure
I, = firing rate pi = internal pressure
F - general expression for force; specific p.. = computed design pressure, based on
impetus; nozzle thrust PIMP
F, = pro~vllant gas force p = external or outside pressure; reservoir
F. --- nozzle force pressure
p = cradle key load induced by rifling torque p. = pressure induced by shrink fit
F, = thread load; thrust at nozzle throat, at pA = design pressuic at nozzle throat.; pitch
Mach No. I p. allowable pressure 4 N.
LIST OF SYMBOLS-(continued)
p. nozzle pressure at point x X. axial length of rifling in bore
r-vuruu i i pi ., -,,, ,f h' m iior mont,• nerinheral
PIMP = permissible individual maximum pressure distance of rifling around bore
PMMP - permissible mean maximum pressure Y = yield sti-ngth
r - radius at any point in tube wall; general a = coefficient of linear expansion; angl of
expression for radius twist of rifling; half angle of diverging
r. = radius of nozzle approach area cone
r, = radius of nozzle exit ag exit angle of rifling
r, = radius of nozzle throat slope of conical surface of chamber; X
R = radius of pendulum; projectile radius; equivalent of combined region
bore radius ly = ratio of specific heats
R. = ratio of effective stresses a = total deflection; total shrink interference;
R, = frequency ratio general expression fir deflection; density
RMP = rated maximum pressure of steel
a = constant in equation for increasing twist 6, - deflection on jacket
rifling == deflection on liner
LIST OF SYMBOLS-(continued)
= tangentiai shrinK ft stress T = torsional st-ess; direct shear stress
tangential thermal stress = allowable shear stress
iU, - tangential stress produced by radial 6 = mass moment of inertia of projectilc
deflection = thrust factor
- allowable tensile stress - critical speed; ratio, recoil momentum to
- yield strength of material projectile momentum
', 2
•,, Q t
A. SCOPE AND PURPOSE the complete round. During firing, it restrains the
1I The term gun tube, or simply tube, is used propellant gas in all directions except that of pro-
throughout this handbook to designate the prin- jectile travel, thus directing the impetus of the gas
cipal part of a gun; i.e., that part which discharges against the projectile. In recoilless guns part of the
the projectile. It is used in its general application gas impetus is directed rearward to counteract recoil.
without limitation 'as to caliber, and embraces the The azimuth and elevation determine the direction
terms gun barrel or barrel frequently employed, of flight. In rifled tubes the rifling imparts the neces-
especially in small arms terminology. The material sary rotation for projectile stability. In brief, the
in this handbook discusses procedures for the design mission of the tube is to direct the projectile toward
of the various types of gun tubes. It is intended to the target with a specified velocity.
present various problems facing the tube designer C. TYPES OF GUNS
and in this light discusses the present approach in
tube design. This handbook should prove helpful 3. Generally, the tube bears the label of the
in familiarizing new personnel with the many phases weapon. Tubes are placed in three general clasmes,
of tube design and also should be a useful reference namely: artillery, small arms, and recoilless. Artillery
for the experienced, includes guns of over 30 mm in bore diameter, such
as guns, howitzers and it rtars. Small arms include
B. FUNCTIONS automatic and semiautomatic, single fire, guns which
generally do not exceed 30 mm in caliber. A few
2. The tube is the primary component of a gun. automatic weapons of caliber larger than 30 mrm,
Basically it is a tubular pressure vessel, closed at such as the 37 mm. Vigilante and the 90 mm Sky-
the breech and open at the muzzle; except in a sweeper, make specific classification difficult. Re.
-.villess gun in which the breech also has controlled coilless guns are those of any caliber whose recoil
openings. The tube determines the initial activities forces are neutralized by the reaction of propellant
of the projectile. Before firing, it provides space for gas escaping rearward.
4. A gun tube may be divided into four regions: tubes. The main and largest compartment, the
the front portion or bore through which the pro- chamber body, houses the propellant and igniter.
jectile travels when the round is fired; the rear Parts b, c, d, and e, of Figure 2 show complete
portion or chamber which houses the roand before rounds positioned in various tube chambers. Artillery
firing; the rear opening or breech through which the tubes using separate loading ammunition have the
ammunition is loaded; and the 'front opening or inner chamber wall cylindrical or conical, the mini-
muzzle from which the projectile emerges. In re- mum diameter of either contour being limited to
coilless guns the rear opening or nozzle provides the maximum diameter of the forcing cone. If
for reeoillemness. Exceptions do prevail with respect conical, the inner surface may be the extension of
to the functions of these regions particularly with the forcing cone. On the other hand, for tubes firing J
breech opening and loading technique. For example, fixed and sernifixed ammunition, the clearances be-
most mortars are muzzle loaded and have per- tween chamber and cartridge case and the slopes of
manently closed chambers. Figure I is a typical tube the chamber walls are critical, since the cartridge
showing the regions applicable to conventional guh case walls, by expanding, seal in the propellant
tubes. gases, but must recover sufficiently after firing to
assure easy case extraction. This is particularly
A. CHAMBER true in small arms where small clearances are de-
5. After loading but prior to firing, the part of sired along the tapers including those in which a
the projectile forward of the rotating band or its definite longitudinal interference is desired at the
equivalent is located in the bore, and in the case of first shoulder. During loading, the force of the
recoilless ammunition, the pre-engraved band also breechblock may actually collapse the case slightly
rests in the bore. The remainder of the round rests in this region to obviate the likelihood of axial
in the chamber, which, except for revolver type failure of the case. This collapsing action is called
guns, is integral with the bore and consists of the crush-up and contributes to easy case extraction.
chamber body, the first shoulder, the centering
cylinder for artillery or the neck for small arms, B. B]EECH RING ATTACHMINT
the second shoulder, bullet seat, and the forcing 6. The chamber is closed by a breechblock or
cone, (Fig. 2a). The forcing cone is a conical frustum bolt or, as in recoilless weapons, by the nozzle unit.
whose slope extends through the origin of rifling A breech ring supports the breechblock. The breech
and intersects the bore surface. Engraving of the ring is threaded to the outside of the chamber wall.
rotating band occurs here, The section immediately Its counterpart in some small arms is the receiver
to the rear of the bullet seat is called the centering which houses the bolt. The nozzle unit of a recoilless
cylinder or neck. It is just large enough to receive tube may be attached directly to the rear of the
the rotating band or the neck of the cartridge case. chamber wall or to a modified breech ring. These
This feature is not always found in heavy artillery elements are attached to the tube so that the re-
* -. *!,*,,**. .~*~****-**
sultant gas force applied to them may be transmitted bands are bands of relatively soft material which
to the tube. Thus, tube and breech assembly act are welded, bonded, or mechanically attached to the
as a unit in transmitting the resultant force to the projectile. Jackets may be considered as bands
.strueture supporting the tfube. which Cover the hulletRs Either jacket,
rotating band, or sabot is necessary to transmit to
SC.BORE the projectile the angular accelerating force induced
7. The bore is formed by the inner surface of a by the rifling, and to serve as a seal to prevent pro-
circular cylinder. It is the accelerating tube for the pellant gases from escaping past the projectile.
projectile. Early firearms were smooth bore and
inherently inaccurate. Eventually, either by accident 9. Tapered bores (squeeze bores) have been used
or design, it was discovered that spinning the pro- in the past as a mealis to increase muzzle velocity.
jectile about the flight axis increased accuracy. An oversize bore at the chamber was gradually
Several methods have been introduced to achieve tapered to a much smaller diameter near the muzzle.
this rotation. One method utilizes the behavior of The larger bore diameter exposed a larger pressure
air impinging on canted fins attached to projectiles area to the propellant gases thereby increasing the
such as projectiles fired from smooth bore mortars, projectile acceleration, The projectile relied on two
Another method uses rifling to impart the rotation. rotating bands having oversized diameters to keep
Rifling consists of splines which spiral along the it centered and in contact with the rifling. The
bore surface. The raised portions are called lands, bands, spaced far enough apart to form an effective
the spaces between them are called grooves. The wheelbase, were squeezed inward toward, the base
spiral may have a constant angle of twist, i.e., a of the projectile as it traveled along the tapered
helix, or it may have a variable angle of twist con- bore. This concept was proved impractical and now
forming to some exponential expression. As the has no more than historical significance. A more
projectile moves through the bore, it turns with the logical use of the tapered bore is that practiced in
rifling at an angular velocity proportional to the small arms. In order to decrease its diameter slightly
linear velocity and to the tangent of the angle of as the muzzle is approached, the bore is provided
twist, with a shallow taper along its entire length. This
' design concept, better known as choke bore, has
8. Contact with the rifling is assured by having been adopted to compensate for the anticipated
the diameter of the jacket of a bullet or the rotating erosion. In shotguns, choke bore is applied to a
band of a larger projectile at least equal to the groove short distance at the muzzle to control the area of
diameter. Then, just as the projectile starts to move, spread, or shot pattern.
the band or jacket is forced into the rifling. This
process is called engraving and takes place at the D. MUZZLE
beginning, or origin, of rifling. For recoilless guns, 10. The muzzle end of the tube serves as the at-
rotating bands are preengraved to eliminate the tachment for front sights, blast deflectors, and
large engraving forces which are undesirable in this muzzle brakes. Blast deflectors do not apply severe
type weapon. Some mortar projectiles have a flaired loads to the tube. However, muzzle brakes develop
skirt, or sabot, at the base which is pressed into the large forces which usually are transmitted to the
rifling by the propellant gas pressure. Rotating tube by a threaded attachment near the muzzle.
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11. Gun tubes are generally classified according the liner. Formerly, jacketed tubes included the
to weapon, i.e., artillery tubes, small arms tubes, wire-wrapped type. The wire, square in crm sec-
and recoilless tubes. Each is subdivided according tion, was wrapped under tension on a central tube
to method of construction although a particular thereby inducing an initial compressive strew in
construction need not be conflned to any one weapon the tube, the same effect realized from shrink fitting.
type. However, its tendency to droop and whip exceseively,
improvement in manufacturing techniques, and ad.,
A. ARTILLERY TUBES vaneCs in inspection methods, have all contributed
1. Monobloc Tube to the replacement of the wire-wrapped tube by the
12. Artillery tubes fall into two categories, mono- present jacketed type.
bloc and jacketed. The true monobloc tube (Figure 1) B. SMALL ARMS TURNS
is made of one piece of material. A variant is the
lined tube which deviates only slightly in principle 14, Small arms tubes may be monobloe or they
from the true monobloc because the liner is usually may be made of two or more components, as are the
not a major contributor of strength to the tube wall. quasi two-piece and the revolver type tubes.
Liners may be assembled by shrink fit or they may 1. Quasi Two-Piece Tube
be a loose fit, They may extend along the full length
of the bore or for only a short distance at and beyond The quasi two-piece tube (Fig. 4) is particularly
the origin of rifling where erosions most severe, adapted to a machine gun. It consists o two units:
Liners may prolong tube life by being made of a lined tube and a cap. The cap eontaim the chain-
material which is highly resistant to erosion. Loose ber. The units are assembled permanently by a
fitting liners prolong tube life by being replaceable combination of threads and shrink fits to become,
in the field. Most of the shrink fitted type serve virtually, a one piece, lined tube.
throughout the life of the tube. The length is de-
2. Revolver Type Tub.
termined by the ability to maintain proper clearances
while the liner is being inserted into the tube. Another small anm barrel is the revolver type
Monobloc tubes are also used for mortars, an sketched in Figure 5. It has two primary componments,
adjunct of artillery. Mortars are usually emplaced the barrel and the drum. The barrel contains the
manually and are often transported manually, there- forcing cone and bore and, in this respect, is similar
fore low weight is essential. In this respect, mortar to other tubes. The drum is the chamber housing.
tube requirements are similar to those of recoilless It is made of one piece so that the chambers which
tubes. may number four, five or six, am integral. T•he
are equally spaced around the axi of the rotating
2. Jacketed Tubes drum and are so indexed that each one, in sequence,
13. The jacketed, or built-up, type (Figure 3) is becomes aligned with the bore when the drum stops
constructed of two or more close fitting, concentric for the round to be fired. A seal, carried by each
tubes not of the same length. (It may, or may not, chamber, precludes the escape of propellant gases
have a replaceable liner.) The jackets do not extend between drum and tube.
to the muzzle where pressures are low but are only In contrast, the several tubes af the Gatling type
long enough to provide the built-up tube with wall gun (Fig. 6), although operating s a unit similar
thicknesses required by the pressure along the bore. to the revolver type, am complete ecoventional
Assembly is usually by shrink fit. Although the tubes, each with its own chamber and bore. The
jackets are not full-length, the inside tube, including advantage of this type lie, in its capability of a
its unreinforced forward end, is still referred to as high rate of fire while subjecting the individual tubes
F IGUIM, Tubee.
U. Cuttf; (JunPec
I Gtea~tt'eeGun Tubes.
to a relatively low rate. The design criteria differs le considered as being one which would he fired
only to the the extent, that, individual tubes derive only ont'e, and then discarded. This suggests that
considerable rigidity from the assemlly and there- the tube could be designed to, or very close to, the
fore can be made as light as induced stresses, ma- poiutr of failure, It is quickly realized, however,
chining operations, and handling abuse will permit, that such a design criterion would not be practicable
The ring supporting the tube,; at the muzzle-,, one because 4f the natinr• of mrehanieal properties of
of the parts furnishing this rigidity, has been omitted materials, inconsistencies of material composition,
from Figure 6. and variations in performance. This leads to con-
sideration of another possibility in the concept of
C. RECOILLESS TUBE expendability, namely, a limited-life tube.
15. If practical, monobloc construction is preferred The real gains accruing to the weapon (reduction
for recoilless tubes, A one-piece tube (Fig, 7) is de- in weight, volume, complexity, cost, etc.) are made
sirable from the viewpoint of low weight and sim- in changing
pears no gain in reducing
from orextended-life
to be little the useap-
usage. There of W
plicity. However, to minimize manufacturing corn-
plexities, tubes with integral chambers are currently reasonableness of going from one to a few shots
employed with the nozzle being a separate corn-
the chamber, usually i nepnal ytmwsdmntae ya
yted and
l!ponent ponet fastened shealed to
and sealed toite ha ru y experiment involving caliber .50 aluminum tubes.
by sonic type of threaded joint. The experiment showed that several rounds could
h-e. fired from each 'ube before the rifling was stripped
to the point of not providing sufficient spin stability.
16. Expendable tubes are not a type in the same It should be recognized that even in these early
sense of the preceding ones but may be considered experiments, the use of a fin-stablized or possibly
a unique type in terms of application or service, a pre-engraved projectile would have resulted in
The chief argument for expendability is the saving improved useful life. It may be concluded, therefore,
of weapon weight, resulting in greater mobility and that a limited-life, light-weight tube capable of
easier handling. A truly expendable weapon might firing several full caliber rounds can be developed.
7 .. K
17. To be effective, the gun tube must be accurate. the rifling torque to the projectile and seal or
Accuracy is directly affected by any change or obturate the propellant gases to minimize leakage
irregularity in the angular or linear velocity of the past the projectile. Both functions are performed
projectile as it leaves the muzzle of the gun. Useful effectively after the bands arc engraved into the
life of the tube depends on its ability to withstand rifling. Since engraving is somewhat of a swpging
the rigors of firing and still maintain the desired operation, appreciable resistance is offered by the
muzzle velocity. The ballistic cycle of a gun is rifling to the rotating band. This resistance is in
extremely short, a matter of milliseconds. During the nature of a radial force around the periphery
this short period, the tube is subjected to extremely and its frictional counterpart. The radial force when
high temperatures, rapidly applied pressures, and distributed uniformly over the band surface be-
inertia forces. Normally a small number of rounds comes the rotating band pressure. The band pressure
will cause little measurable deterioration. But, after is higher on the rifling lands than on the bottom
firing a large number of rounds, deterioration be- of the grooves simply because more material is
comes evident. High rates of fire accelerate the displaced by the lands.
deterioration. Any phenomenon which reduces ac-
curacy or velocity life, by causing damage or wear 21. Band pressures may reach considerable pro-
in the tube, must be considered deleterious. The portions and can cause damage to the tube. Un-
adverse effects of some are immediately apparent. fortunately their intensity can not be predicted
Others are less pronounced but are cumulative in accurately. Maximum pressures appear at the origin •t
nature and eventually will prove harmful. Corn- of rifling and grow smaller as the projectile moves
pensating measures taken during the design stage along the bore, mainly because the band is likely
will minimize many of these ill effects, to wear to reduce the interference and because the
A. URCHANICAL LOADING tube walls become thinner farther on and offer less
resistance to dilation. Band pressures progress along
18. With the exception of rotating band pressure, the tube with the projectile and although they may
the effects of mechanical loadings are more pre- b very large, the area of application is local and
dietable than those of heat and erosion, therefore small, and the pressure is present for such a short
compensating measures can be incorporated in do- time that immediate damage is not always apparent.
sign concepts with considerable confidence. However, repeated application of such hand pres-
sures will ultimately damage the bore. Small, im-
perceptible cracks will develop first and then steadily
19. From the structural viewpoint, the propellant grow larger as firing continues. This progressive
gas pressure is the predominant influence in the stress damage finally results in tube rupture or in
design of the gun tube. Standard procedures for the spalling of rifling lands. Spalling is the out-
computing wall thicknesses and accompanying growth of cracks starting in the fillets of the rifling
stresses are available and are usually sufficient for grooves and propagating beneath the land. When
good tube design. However, stress concentrations two such cracks from opposite sides join, the land
due to rifling and stresses due to other phenomena becomes a floating spline and is then extremely
such as heat should not be treated lightly, vulnerable to rotating band action. Little effort is
then needed to remove it completely from the bore.
Rotating band pressure has a tendency to flatten
a. Rotating Band Pressure rifling lands, This swaging effect will happen only
20. Rotating bands or their equivalent perform if the bearing strength of the bore material is ex-
two functions when the round is fired. They transmit ceeded. Although. not as severe a consequence to
the tube life as spalling, tho working depth of the
rifling is decreased accompanied by a proportionn -
b, Rifting Torque
22. Rifling torque is another loading condition \
closely associated with gas pressure. It varies di- |,oo--
rectly as the gas pressure and as a function of the W
rifling curve. Absolute values of this torque can be
large but ordinarily the gun tube is so rigid that the
induced torsional stress is inconsequential. However, D00- ft moms NN
provision must be made in the mounts for absorbing
the torque.
3. Recoil Forces 0 -- -
23. Pxccoil forces as such are almost incidental to 0., OM 03(10 l 0.4 OA
l @=
1#77t•I FRM
tube design. !n single "ecoil systems, their effects FIGURE 8. Temperature Distribution Across Tube Wall.
never exceed the axial stresses due to propellant
gas pressures. In double recoil systems, the inertia that the vibrations initiated in firing each round
forces created by secondary recoil accelerations bend a tth e outi
sufficint en round
the tube, but secondary recoil occurs after the p ar s nthu da d out s en bresnteng rouend
jectile leaves the tube thus its influence and t thus each round may be a resonating influence.
of the propellant gas pressure cannot combine. Alone, Structurally, the tube and mounting should be so
the stresses due to secondary recoil arn not critical designed that vibrations are damped out. This is
but should be condato
to rmplete the design particularly true for tubes of the recoilless type
buteshigtiould bwhich must be light for mobility and handling ease.
' egoLow weight requirements demand designs of opti-
4. Vibration mum structural efficiency thereby rendering the tube
more susceptible to some forces which would other-
24. The rapidly applied and released loads to which wise be harmless. A rigorous approach is therefore
subject are o viraions needed for optimum design,, This does not mean
which may prover harmful either structurally
y edcin Fe. by that more liberties can be taken with heavy tubes,
cauin pertinaly
causing failure or operationally by reducing ac- They too must be designed for maximum structural
curacy. There are several sources for these vibra= efficiency. However, their bulk may be sufficient to
tions. Propellant gas and rotating band pressures absorb the disturbances created by vibrations.
induce dilative vibrations which produce ringing /
sounds and may contribute to muzzle cracking. The B. HEATING
balloting of a projectile may be another source.
Tube whip is another. It is the term designating the 1. Thermal Stresses
Smotion normal to the longitudinal axii which is 26. The burning propellant releases a tremendous
attributed to the moment developed by the col- amount of heat in the bore. Much of it is absorbed
lateral but directly opposite the propellant gas force by the tube. The bore surface, being adjacent to
and the iiidueed inertial force of the recoiling mass. the source, receives the brunt of it. If the heat were
Another contributor to tube whip, at least a theo- applied gradually and a reasonable temperature
retical one, is the tendency of the propellant gases gradient appears through the tube wall, the induced
and projectile to straighten the tube of the curva- thermal stresses, being compressive in the inner
ture brought about by bending under its own weight. portion, would he analogous to autofrettage and,
therefore, beneficial. This, in effect, is what happens
25. Generally, the effects on accuracy caused by in the tube of a rapid fire gun. During prolonged
vibrations in the heavy, tubes of slow-fire weapons firing, the temperature at the bore surface may
fall within acceptable limits. These vibrations, affect- reach 20060F, whereas that at the other surface
ing only the round being fired, damp out before will be only 1400"F. The temperature distribution
the next round is fired. Rapid-fire guns are more across the wall is logarithmic (see Fig. 8), lending
Sseriously affected. The rate of fire is high enough credence to the assumption that heat transfer
4_ _
fil•l_--.-_ 27. Rate of fires as well as total rounds fired play I
an important role in the heat transfer across the
_1 - 1 -S• Ltdt wai, A steady state Condition exists for every
•uv 1 P .
I• V.firing schedule. For instance, the maximum tern-
perature of 1400-F on the outer surface of a cal .30
machine gun tube is reached after firing 7 bursts
Sof 125 rounds each in 14 seconds at a rate of one
mawTM410 burst per minute. Adhering t0 this schedule, con-
FIGURE 9. TernperatbreAlcng 0 t',r Surface of Caliber .0 tinued firing will not increase the tube temperature.
Tube. Before the steady state condition is reached, rate
of fire has an appreciable effect on the temperature
the wall it constant after reaching the steady state gradient. According to Figure 8, the bc-e surface
condition, the basis for thermal stress calculations temperature increases with the rate of fire, but
of gun tubes. Thermal stresses may be considerable at some distance removed from the bore surface,
but compensating pressure stresses are available to the temperature after 50 rounds is higher for the
confine them to the noncritical range. Thermal slower firing rates. This illustrates that time of heat
stresses still prevail after pressures cease but to a application is an essential parameter in thermal
lesser extent 1,ecause bore temperatures drop as soon stress considerations.
as hot gases begin to disappear. Since temperatures
vary along the tube length (Fig. 9), the gradient 28. Thermal activity is responsible for another type
too will vary, not only according to the heat input stress, one confined to a thin layer of tube at the
itself but also according to variations in wall thi,%- bore surface. No accurate method is available for
ness. Although the heat input is less at the thin wall computing this stress. Its effect is not immediately
regions, the ratio of heat input to wall mass is larger apparent but cracks will eventually appear on the
than at the thicker wall regions, thereby increasing surface and grow deeper as firing progresses. Figure
the thin wall temperatures. The higher wall tern- 10 shows these thermal cracks. Two theories explein
peratures do not necessarily mean higher thermal this phenomena. The first is metallurgical in nature;
stresses. The heat follows a shorter path in thin the second is mechanical. Both are based on metal
wallo, consequently the tempersture distribution will contracting after cooling.
show less variation across the wall than for thick
walls. 29. When a gun is fired, propellant gases heat the
Although thermal stresses are reduced by pressure bore surface beyond temperatures of 14000 to
atresses in a hot gun tube since the thermal tangential 1500%F, the transition temperature range of austen-
stress is compressive near the bore surface and tensile ite. After the hot gases leave the bore, the relatively
near the outside surface, the converse of thermal cool metal adjacent to the surface and air in the tube
stresses reducing pressure stresses should not be- quickly cool the bore layer to transform it to marten-
come a design criterion. The helpful stress pattern site. Austenite and martensite have different crystal-
depends upon a large negative temperature gradient line structures and, therefore, have different volumes,
from the bore surface outward which..will exist as austenite having the larger. Upon cooling, the ac-
long as firing is continued. however, if firing is companying shrinking induces high stresses. If these
temporarily ceased, the temperature will rapidly stresses exceed the tensile strength of the material,
tend to equalize throughout the tube and the whole cracks will appear.
tube may be at a high temperature level, thereby
reducing the yield strength of the metal. If firing 30. From the mechanical point of view, if heat at
is now resumed, the tangential thermal stress will high temperatures is applied for only a short time,
be psitive for a short time even near the bore a large temperature gradient develops through the
surface, and thus will not lower the pressure in- tube wall and creates a corresponding compressive
dueed stress, Therefore, thermal stresses should not stress on the bore surface. When this stress exceeds
be depended upon to help compensate for a reduced the yield strength it causes plastic flow. The material
yield strength in the tube material when at elevated at the bore surface having no other escape, moves
temperatures.* inward. Upon cooling, the compressive stresses are
Stated in Conelusions of Reference 1. References are relieved and the material attempts to return to its
listed at the end of this handbook, original position. However, only tangential and axial
stresses are available to pull the metal back. The pressure expands the case and presses it tightly
new radial growth is proportional to Poisson's ratio, against the chamber wall. After the pressures ceases,
a displacement considerably less than that of the the case recovers from the distortion sufficiently to
) compressive activity which displaced it originally, provide ready extraction. The difference in thermal
Effectively, there is not sufficient material to corn- coefficients of expansion of case and chamber wall
pensate for the elongations created by the newly must be considered to avoid cancelation of the re-
induced tangential and axial tensile stresses. Hence, covery tendencies of the case by this factor.
when these stresses exceed the tensile strength, sur-
face cracks appear. 3. Cook-Off*
2. Dimensional Changes 32. A phenomenon which plagues gunners during
2., Dimensional changes aprolonged firing is cook-off. Cook-off is the defiagra-
31 tDimensional changes are alo a source of con- tion or detonation of ammunition caused by the
cern to the designer. Solar radiation can cause the absorption of heat from its environment. Usually
top of the tube to become hotter than the bottom, it consists of the accidental and spontaneous dis-
The resulting longitudinal differential expansion will charge of, or explosion in, a gun or firearm caused by
bow the tube downward to be accompanied by a an overheated chamber or barrel igniting a fuse,
slight reduction in angle of elevation and, therefore, propellant charge, or bursting charge. Cook-off is
a shortening in range. Conversely, a coolant such confined mostly to automatic guns and to mortars.
as rain will lower temperatures on top and cause the Muzzle-loaded mortars when hot have a tendency
hot tube to bend upward with an accompanying to fire the propelling charge before the round reaches
reduction in accuracy. Dilation of the bore caused the breech; sometimes even before it drops corn-
by elevated temperatures may also reduce accuracy pletely through the muzzle. The danger in auto-
simply by increasing the clearance between bore matic weapons stems from the live round left in the
surface and projectile to permit gas leakage and to chamber to start the next burst.
create a greater tendency toward balloting. A likely
cause of malfunction due to unequal dimensional 33. When cook-off occurs, the consequences may
changes concerns cartridge cases. The clearance be- be disastrous. The propellant, its primer, or any of
I v
the explosive components in a round may ignite. This phenomenon is called gas wash. The rotating
If it is the vroDellant within a round in hattrrv, hao"'I ha-, , ....... .---- --....-
projectile passes out of the barrel. In this instance, the first is induced by gas wash, the second by ordi-
primary danger is to personnel and equipment in nary sliding friction. Intense heat also contributes
line of fire. However, if projectile cuok-off txocurs indirectly to erosion, by melting an extremely thin
in battery, i.e., with round in chamber and all layer of the bore surface, thus making it easier for
weapon components in their firing positions, or if the gases and band to carry off the material. Also,
in the ram or loading position in a small arms because of high heat, some constituents of the pro-
weapon, severe damage is almost certain. The gun pellant gases may combine with the metal at the
undoubtedly will be rendered inoperative. Further. bore surface. The newly formed compound, probably
more, the explosion may damage the carrier or a nitride and therefore brittle, may crack and peel
injure the crew. In contrast, the danger in slow-fire off under the action of rotating bands and propel.
weapons should be negligible for these need not be lant gases.
kept loaded for any appreciable time.
2. Regions Affecte4
34. Although cook-off is a safety hazard of some 36. The region at the origin of rifling suffers most
importance, no method has been devised for de- from eros'ion. Here the factors conducive to high
signing a tube that is safe from this complex heat- erosion rates are most destructive. Temperatures are
transfer problem. In acceptance, all high rate-of-fire highest, engraving takes place here, and frictional
weapons must be tested to make certain that the forces are highest. Tests have shown that engraving,
cook-off threshold of their ammunition is not ex- friction, and gas wash contribute approximately
ceeded, and attempts made to introduce corrective one-third each to the total wear*. This proportion
measures if needed. For example, in the 20 mm occurs only when relatively cool-burning propellants
revolver gun, M39, cook-off was eliminated when are used. When the charge consists of hot-burning
the chamber-to-barrel seal was redesigned to re- propellants, the erosion induced by the gases is so
move the heat sink (see Figure 5). The approach is great that wear due to other causes becomes rela-
necessarily empirical, after the need for corrective tively insignificant. Although propellant gases move
measures is determined, faster farther along the tube and should be more
erosive than at the origin of rifling, the other con-
C.3OSION tributing causes diminish considerably, with a sub-
1. Caus sequent lower rate of erosion. The rate increases
35. Erosion is literally the wearing away of the again at the muszle but not nearly as much as at
bo re sur fac e and o f a ll ph e n o me n a un fa vora b le t o the
ce eorigin ofu rifling.
a d m z e r o iThe
n h actual
s e v rcause
b n doft the
r i ac-
e .
long tube life, it is the worst offender. Erosion is celerated muzyle erosion has never been determined.
primarily a physical activity although chemical However, it moy be considered secondary, for the
action can increase its rate. The abrasive effects of damaging effects sustained by the projectile at the
propellant gases and rotating bands are the most origin can never be completely undone by corrective
damaging. The gases impinging at high velocities measures, introduced at the muzzle.
on the bore surface sweep away some of the metal. $ Reference 3, page 599.
There are a number of measures which may be namely, the projectile. Size or shape of tube wall
incorporated either in tube design or in the ammuni- can contribute nothing toward this end thus, placing
tion to eliminate completely or reduce the effective- the burden entirely on the projectile designer.
ness of those firing phenomena which shorten tube
life. 3. Vibration Calculations
39. Accuracy dispersions due to tube vibrations
A. MECHANICAL DESIGN have been measured and correlated with the natural
1. High Strength Materials frequency of the tube and the firing rate of the
gun*. Figure 11. shows how dispersion varies with the
37. A gun tube should have all the physical prop- frequency ratio of the tube which is expressed as
erties required for efficiency and durability. Since
some of the ideal physical properties may not be R- (la)
congruous, a compromise may have to be made,
reducing the resistance against one adverse phe- where
nomenon in order to retain the effectiveness against
another. It is not good design practice to compromise
strength in a gun tube. A tube should always be I,
- firing rate, rounds/sec
strong enough to support its loads including pressure To avoid large dispersions, the tube is designed
and inertia forces. Failure attributed to these forces for a natural frequency so that R, > 3.5 or, if the
) renders the tube beyond salvage regardless of its size of the tube, hence its stiffness, precludes a fre-
resistance to heat and erosion. The attractive fea- quency ratio of this magnitude, attempts should be
ture of high strength materials, particularly steel, made to direct the frequency ratio toward a value
is the ability to withstand other destructive agents approaching one of the minima in the curve of
to an acceptable degree. Even if these properties Figure 11.
are less than adequate, corrective measures dis-
cussed earlier in the chapter are available to over- 40. Calculations for the natural frequency are based
come the deficiency. on the Stodola Method of Calculating Critical Speeds
2. Vibration Correction Measures of Multimasa Systemst. Generally
38. Structural failures due to vibrations are in- F- (lb)
frequent and highly unpredictable. From the view-
point of economy, corrective measures are usually where
adopted only after iailure occurs. This is particularly
true for muzzle cracking due to dilative vibrations. g acceleration of gravity, 386.4 in/sect
However, one must be aware that tubes are in- W dynamic forne of each beam increment, lbn
herently weaker at the muzzle because of the open w - deflection of beam increment, in.
end effects awd failure here may be due to normally i - critical speed, rad/sec
applied pressures. An overall thicker wall or a The critical speed may be written in terms of
gradual thickenipg at the muzzle to form a muzzle natural frequency,
bell will increase tube strength. The vibrations which
disturb accuracy are corrected by a change in tube - . cycles per sec (1c)
maw or shape. A heavier tube may also absorb the _ __
I/ \/\
*1 lIlOlIll
A, 4 a
The tube is considered a cantilever abeam loaded 41o W.,- v - W6. - SdA
! L -=2.0 lb
dynamically by vibratory motion. For the first
approximation, w is usually selected as unity and
the deflection, y, is obtained for the beam bending W.4 - Wt. - W., - , 4 d'. L - 2.72 lb
under its own weight. For the analysis, divide the
tube into a convenient number of sections, each
section representing a uniformly applied load. Then W, " WN, - W, 8 !
determine the deflection curve. The example shown
below follows the area-moment method. where
41. For the example, assume Figure 12 to represent L - 4 in., length of each increment
a gun tube, 36 in. long, consisting of three cylindrical a - .283 lb/in', density of steel
sections of equal length: A, B, C. Subdivide each
section into lengths of 4 inches and compute the Calculations of M/I at each station on the beam
deflection at the center of each of the nine inere- as indicated in Figure 13 are arranged in Table 1.
ments. The effect of the bore is assumed negligible, Now calculate the area moment of the M/I
thus the analysis is for a solid bar. Area moments of curve. The moments of the area are found at the mid-
inertia of the sections are span of each increment as indicated numerically in
Figure 13. The M/I curve represents a new loading
I M ý d'
-E - S1
-1. 5' .condition,
- .2 49 in ' the load on each increment being tra-
64 pezoidal. The calculations are arranged in Table 2.
The moments of the simulated beam are taken from
1 W!. -- 1.7W - .46 in4 left to right.
Showing the calculations for Station 6,
" d' -
= 2.0' - .785 in' - ZM+ A 1 s+ AL7
The tube being steel, the weight of each increment is - 2455 + 609 + 589 - 3653 lb/in2
- 1.03 X 621 + 2.98 X 647 -1- 4 X 3053 ZWly? - 182.9 X 10-6 lb-in"
- 640 + 1930 + 14610 - 17180 lb/in From Equation lb, the first approximation for the
Z -MA4
- ZM7A + MAL critical speed is
- 20100 + 17180 - 37280 lb/in Mu IW V 200 323 ad/see
ZM Astation
The actual deflection at any n WJ~-, /1
EMA 2 where
where fi 9 X 10•ibin',
m duus f easI g - 380.4 in/see2
wer it dynamic loading based
20 X 10W lb/in-, modulus of Plasticity Now repeat the ( oi w,.
n but this time with the
2; U,, the summation of the area momnents at
t he st a t i on TV, W- - 104 200 7 W
Now compute the items necessary to find the g 86.4
natural frequeney and arrange them in Table 3. Table 4 will be similar to Table 1,.
(lb/in') (lb/in')
(in) (in)
9 933 81s
i 1.02 0 0
8 707 6M9 933 1.02 3.02 4
7 no 647 2465 .98 3.02 4
6 621 511 3683 1.03 2.98 4
413 327 4921 1.04 3.04 4
4 285 287 5648 1.0 3.04 4
3 248 168 6457 1.05 3.0 4
2 104 56 6992 1.07 3.07 4
1 24 - 7264 1.11 3.14 4
The calculations of the area moments of the M11 ZWY, - 49.3 X 10' lb-in;
curve in Figure 13 are listed in Table 5.
The deflection at each station due to the dynamic ZWy - 190.0 X 10' lb-in'
loading is fornd according to Equation 2. The de- From Equation lb, the second approximation of this
flection aim •'.e natural frequency parameters are critical speed is
listed in Table 6.
j - V"IW - 317 rad/sec
A& Ai q r a
Station (lb/in') . (lb/in') (lb/in') (in) (in) (in)
-. - , . .,.,..---
pends on a porous tube liner of sintered metal to about eC(ual tendencies toward erosion and tube
r *.• cul JV- nuid uwder pressure to the bore suriace where hie. Tihe big problem Is work hardening developed f
it forms a protective coating. Two major disad- during the assembly of band to projectile, Con-
) vantages are an intricate injection system is re- ventionally. metal bands are swaged into peripheml
quired to maintain even flow on the bore surface grooves called band seats. This operation work
during the time that the highly transient gas pres- hardens the metal, thereby increasing its engraving
sure is present and still not supply an overabundance resistance and erosion tendencies. Banding methods
of fluid between rounds, and although the principle are available which circumvent work hardening;
of transpiration cooling has merit, the sintered liner some by welding, others by mechanical means.
does not have the strength to survive the severe Plastics avoid most fabrication problems by being
punishment to which it is subjected during 'firing. molded directly into the band seat. Howcver, some
problems still remain including the inability of most
4. Low Heat Input plastics to meet rotating band requirements such as
46. The best means for retaining relatively cool retention during projectile flight, dimensional sta-
equipment during firing is to hold the amount of bility during temperature changes, and impervi-
heat generated to a minimum. This can be done ousness to aging characteristics during long periods
within limits by employing cool burning rather than of storage.
hot burning propellants. A cool burning propellant
has a flame temperature of less than 2000 *K whereas 49. Band contour and size directly affect engraving.
hot burning ones may reach as high as 3600*K. The optimum band diameter is just large enough for
Although even 2000*K is higher than desirable, adequate obturation but not so large that excessive
it does. offer an appreciable advantage over the engraving effort is needed or high band pressures
higher temperatures inasmuch as tube strength will develop. The use of preengraved bands in recoilless
decrease at a slower rate than if it were subjected weapons eliminates both engraving effort and band
to hot burning propellants during sustained firing, pressure whereas, in other weapons, indexing difil-
The lower temperature also aids in reducing gas culties while loading, and the added cost cannot be
wash and other types of erosion, tolerated. Band width too is critical but band
. LOW SO MASdiameter is somewhat more significant. In the de-
. LOW ZROSION MASURES velopment of new weapon systems, the tube designer
47. Many attempts have been made to discover should cooperate with the projectile designer to in-
techniques or material capable of resisting erosion. corporate the most compatible design features in
One method involves the removal or restraint of rotating band and rifling.
phenomena responsible for erosion. Heat being one
of these, any means of curbing its destructiveness 2. Rifling
will help. Under this circumstance, the various cool- 50. The bore erodes most severely at and near the
ing methods above, if effective, will reduce erosion. origin of rifling. Attempts have been made to al.
Methods other than cooling are available for moder- leviate this condition by varying the design of the
rating erosion, but these involve projectiles and rifling itself, introducing some 7,ariations to ease the
propellants rather than gun tubes and further dis- engraving process and to reduce band pressures, and
cussion on these items is not within the scope of to reduce rifling torque. Depth of rifling and width
this handbook, of groove are usually determined from the dynamics
of the projectile while in the bore, with little leeway
1. Rotating Band Properties extended toward modification of these parameters.
48. The erosion caused by rotating band action However, there is considerable leeway in selecting
can be checked to some extent by selectivity in de- the cross-sectional contour of the rifling. For in-
sign and materials. Materials ihould be easily en- stance, the lands and grooves may be sharply rec.
graved, have low abrasive and good bearing prop- tangular in one extreme or the grooves may be cir.
ertihs, and should have low coppering tendencies, eular segments in the other (Fig. 14). Experimental
i.e., should leave little or no metallic deposit on the fixing data on rifling profiles are lacking but by
bore surface. Soft materials including copper, gilding inspection it appears that engraving reistance and
metal (brass), pure iron, and many plastics fall into band pressures would increase as the profile varies
this category. Some plastics have exhibited excellent from rectangular to circular grooves because band
ability in retarding erosion. The metals above show material displaced during engraving increases, i.e.,
-- ~ j4
reducing rifling tor(ue at the origin. The niechatnics
of riflinig eurves and rifling torque arc discussed
LA later in Chapter
erosion 6. Low torq u e ittelf will not inhibit
but it does delay rotational activity until
I. the undamaged rifling farther along the bore is
reached. A new gun with constant twist rifling pre-
nejts no problem. Engraving is cumplete, w-lth rifllhig
and rotating band mating perfectly to impart torque
to the projectile. On the other hand, a worn gun
or a revolver type weapon presents a difficult
.LLIP•. problem. In these, the projectile begin to move
FIGURE 14. Type• of Rifling Contour. before the rifling is engaged, i.e., it has free run.
If the rifling twist is uniform, the theoretical instan-
interference between band and rifling increases, How- taneously acquired angular velocity during engrav-
ever, the susceptibility to large stress concentra- ing creates a torsional impact which may cause
tion suggests large fillets and a trend toward rounded rotating band failure. Furthc rmore when it first
contours. reaches the rifling of a worn isun the band barely
touches the lands and the shallow contact is not
51. The slope of forcing cone and rifling at the sufficient to. carry the load. The rifling here racy act
origin has a decided influence on engraving force. as a cutting tool, machining off the top band sur-
The force diagram is equivalent to that of a wedge; face. Or, perhaps the contact is light enough and
consequently, the gentler the slope, the less re- the slope shallow enough that the rifling swages the
sistence offered to translation, hence engraving, band rather than engraves it. The problem is to
Since the total amount of band material displaced find a rifling capable of minimizing the abuse.
is independent of slope, final band pressure too is
independent although its rate of increase will vary 54. To minimize the damage to rotating bands
with slope. A rapidly applied load creates higher caused by free run or wear, wear compensating
stresses than one applied more slowly, therefore, rifling is introduced. This type is so named because ..
the relatively slow rate of band pressure rise is it reduces the rifling torque near the origin of rifling
another favorable characteristic of a gentle forcing where erosion is most severe. The location of $he ,.
cone slope, origin remains unchanged but the rifling is without
twist for a short distance, usually a length of about
52. Ease of engraving is not always an asset. one inch in small arms. Then, a length of increasing
Engraving, generally requiring fairly high propellant twist leads to the final angle at a short distance from
gas forces, delays travel in the bore to maintain the the muzzle from which point the rifling assumes
design density of loading until burning rate and uniform twist. In a variate application the rifling
gas pressure are optimum for maximum efficiency. curve starts at the origin also with a zero angle of
If engraving resistance is materially reduced, reach- twist. Either method relieves the band of the rifling
ing the desired burning rate may be delayed, and torque at the origin where most of the damage takes
peak pressure will appear farther along the bore place and does no worse at the muzzle where constant
with the added possibility of not realizing maximum twist is retained, Currently, increasing twist rifling
values of pressure and velocity. This may not be is confined to small arms but the practice should
serious in highly charged rounds but when condi-
tions are marginal such as in low zone firing, muzzle MMW A w
velocities may be too low. A larger propellant charge
will restore the velocity but at reduced efficiency.
Another means of compensating for delayed peak
pressures resulting from low engraving resistance is
the use of faster burning propellants, if feasible, as
in recoilless weapons. Low"M TIST "INamf v~M
53. Variation in the rifling curves are sometimes 04ttlaft f ken&
S* idwftIel awsead
used to lower erosion rates. Most are concerned with FIGURE 15. Pores#ae Engraving.
F. 2
not be ab)andoned for larger gu tunbes if favorable sufficielnt strength. In this respect, high strength
characteristi(.s can he Usedl to advantave. Inerea.sinLv Nfel gorvm n. ndimrnnQ T1'0,, t h,,, ,
twist rifling has been used successfully in some large an obvious need whereas the accompanying hardncss
guns such as the 14 in., M1920 Mill an(ý the 12 in., decreases the susceptibility to wear although this ad-
M loco guns., vantage applies only to guns firing relatively slowly.
For rapid firing guns, the increased life derived from
55. Wear compensating rifling decreases the shock high strength steel is not enough to class it as a
after free run which is experienced in revolver type low erosion material. However, steel tubes with
guns and in worn guns of uniform twist. Loads on plated or lined surfaces have increased the dura-
rifling, rotating band, and fuze are thereby cased. bility to the extent where the special effort in manu-
It permits the use of free run without rifling or with facturing has become worthwhile.
rifling of zero height at the origin and continuin~g
in a very gradual slope until it reaches the normal 57. Plating the bore surfaces with a hard, heat
height of land at the bore. For the benefits gained, resistant material such as chromium reduces erosion
the price is a higher torque farther along the tube and helps keep the tube clear but it still is not totally
which, in itself, is not necessarily a serious dLjad- satisfactory. It is not impervious to gas wash and
vantage. A disadvantage which may prove serious has a tendency to chip and spall, particularly near
involves the rotating band whose width and there- the origin of rifling. Liners are far more satisfactory
fore load carrying capacity is limited by the con- but assembly difficulties limit their length. Figure 4
tinuous engraving produced by the changing slope shows a liner assembly. Being restricted to short
of the rifling. Figure 15 shows the results of this pro- lengths is only a minor disadvantage because rifling
gressive engraving. After being engraved, the ef- erodes fastest in the region adjacent to the origin.
fective band material remaining must be capable Present practice exploits the advantageh offered by
of transmitting the induced torque. both plating and liner by applying each to different
sections of the bore. The liner, containing forcing
3. Liners and Plating cone and a short length of rifling, comprises the
56, The most effective means of moderating erosion bore adjacent to the chamber. The remaining length
entails the use of materials which resist wear. These of bore, comprising the parent nietal of the tube, is
materials must be hard so as to resist abrasive plated. The thickness of the plating gradually in-
activity, have good thermal properties to resist creases from the front end of the liner to the
heat, and must be chemically inert, to retain the muzzle to realize the shallow taper of the choke bore.
original physical properties. Unfortunately, those The gradual restriction thus compensates for erosion,
materials which are erosion resistant seldom have particularly at the muzzle where it can bo severe,
.. ".
. ....
. .. .. .. ..-.
.. .. . . . . ....
• 0
Smust be assumed that the chamber reovr cm
Srcvr corn-
sures ohriethe
beyond chamber
its yield strength andtoo would be
therefore stressed
NO "CLO designed. The yield strength of quarter hard 70-30
cartridge case brass is 40,000 lb/in'.* The case,
being too thin to contain the gas pressures, will ex-
pand beyond the initial clearance to the dilated
S', inner wail of the chamber. The total case expansion
is represented by the distance, ox, on the stress-
"-M&P W. strain curves. The correspond;ng stress is indicated
by y. Assume that the initial clearance equalt the
MM-- strain, ox., which is beyond the strain corresponding
(0) Cbm- M- ft" ,,, "a .aN-* NO., to the yield strength of the case. As the gas pressure
FIGURE 17. Case-Chamber .reeas-Strain Curmea. falls to zero, the chamber will recover totally from
its expansion, x to x,. In the meantime, the case,
this activity is manual or mechanical; whether single being stressed beyond its yield strength, will not
shot, semiautomatic, or automatic. If the ammuni- return to o but to r,, the elastic flow back, which is
tion is newly designed and not finalized, any early found by drawing a line through y parallel to the
difficulty in handling or firing should be resolved modulus eya. If ox, is less than the initial clearance,
by the ballistician, the ammunition designer, and ox, (Fig. 17a), a resultant clearance, xlx,, is available,
the tube designer to their mutual satisfaction. Not making the case free for extraction. If ox, is greater
only should the chamber be designed to control than the initial clearance, an interference xx,
density of loading, but also its interior should be (Fig. 17b) develops, claiming the case and rendering
so shaped as to promote the most effective gas the extraction difficult. Assuming the same case and
flow from chamber to bore. Usually chamber geom- pressure for both curves, Figure 17b obviously is
etry is such that it is compatible with the remaining based on a thinner chaenber wall. By observation,
tube structure, otherwise some measures must be the logical way to prevent interference caused by
taken to compensate for discontinuities. This is excessive dilation of the case is to increase the
readily done in heavy tubes by arbitrarily extending chamber wall thickness or to reduce temperatures
the large outside chamber diameter beyond the in the chamber region thereby maintaining small
origin of rifling region. In thin tubes where weight clearances between case and chamber. The ac-
is critical, rigorous analyses are necessary to provide companying lower stress and strain shifts 0 toward
adequate strength without excess weight, the ordinate so that x, will fall to the left of x,
thereby ensuring the clearance necessary for extrac-
1. Cartridge Came Fit tion. Small initial clearances are also helpful. IHow-
61. The shape of the chamber for fixed and semi- ever, for a small permanent set (ox,), case ciastic
fixed ammunition is somewhat more critical than flowback (xx) must be a minimum.
that for the separately loaded type. Here both
processes of loading the round and of extracting the 63. Longitudinal clearance is also involved in load-
cartridge case must be considered. Chamber slope ing procedures. If this clearance is too large, cases
and clearance aid both activities. Clearance between may pull apart, delaying extraction in slow-fire
case and chamber should be sufficient for easy guns but jamming automatic weapons. Dimensional
loading but the space should not be so large as to relationships are established to provide automatic
permit excessive plastic deformation or rupture, small arms with longitudinal interference between
When the round is fired, propellant gas pressure case and chamber and invite crush-up. Sufficient
expands the case to the chamber wall. As the case residual energy must be available in the moving
itself is not strong enough to withstand the pressure breechblock or bolt to perform this function. The
of the chamber must be designed to prevent excessive amount of required energy is not predictable, hence,
dilation, as detailed below, tests must be made on a prototype to assure proper
action. If crush-up demands too much of the avail-
62. The mechanics of case recovery is derpon- able energy, the chamber is deepened to relieve the
strated by the stress-strain curves of Figure 17. It Reference 6, Table 26.
.. . . . .. .. ... ... .. . ...
. .. . .. . ..... . .. .. ... . .. . . . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . - • :•. =R ,
~ ~/ without further interference. Some leeway can be
exrei~nd for ehamher slope which~ iR dP.Mn11Rftrfttfl
0" T. by 10 contemporary guns' havirng diametral tapers
j varying from 0.0064 to 0.035 in/in. A chamber slope
-an tany uf theme tapers may be itged if both
hav thesam nomnaltaper.
aw'ad chmbe
-7 Diamnetral taper is also referred to as included taper
________per inch (TPI).
ft ", T"7ýw 3. Forcing Cone Slop.
PlOVER I&.(chodwWilk Pv"aDnli8 65. Great variety is found in the slopes of forcing
cone angles. These vary from 0.040 to 0.3350 in-
inteufereunce. In som desins, a nominal interference eluded TPI. Table 7 shows the included taper -per
is detemindo by allowing metal-to-metal contact inch of the forcing cones of a number of small arms
for a minimum asm and a maximum chamber. and artillery guns.
This provides enali--up for all conditions except the A shallow taper permits a relatively long pro-
ane where the contacting surfaces just meet. Present jectile travel before rotating band contacts forcinv
practies does not provide crush-up in artillery; a cone which increases the length of free run to invite
nomina cleamance of 0.010 inch being currently a high impact vel'xity. A steep taper reduces this
used. Ftgur 18 ahows the detals of a chamiber in- travel thereby providing a short free run and hold-
cluftn th longitwudbW d~imesuions to the bolt or ing the impact velocity to moderate speeds. Figures
breach t where the base of the cartridge ease l~a. and 10b illustrate the two types. A double taper
bean against it. ADpertinent dimensions are shown, forcing cone (Fig. 10o) embodies the favorable as-
umost of which are dictated by the size and shape of pects of both; the short distance Ivifore rontact is
the ams. lIme radi at the first and second shoulders made and the giadlual engraving by the rifling. The
are tsaamt to the straight lines but their locations interferences between band and forcing cone are
are determined fromn the points of intersection of purposely eyaggerated in order to demonstrate
tAMe lines. 7Ub ares conform to their counterparts clearly the dimensions which control the length
43 the cartridge case but, according to existing of free run.C
hmaneum awe not comrlated with chamber usie.
To addition, the second dioulder in the chamber of 4. Chambet Geometry-TRecofl~ess Guns
* many artillery tubes extends directly to the forcing 66. Theoretical and experimental datr. have been
cone or is tofly abount. collected to study the behavior of different chamber
shapes but more work is needed before optimum
2. Chmber tePSchamber shapes can -be finalized for general require-
64. Chamber sdope in an added precaution to en- ments alone*. The prebent trend in design is toward
sur readly extraction. 11, for some reason, the case the conical shapet. It has the ability to meet the
retains contact with the chamber after propellant gas flow requirement which stipulates that the
su disappear, the slightest motion of the case will * Reeene1
break the contact, freeing the came for extraction t Reference 8.
T A = maximum beg density of propellant (ap-
proximately 0.5 for existing chainlý,n)
$~ALOW AMEconstant pessure to constant volume
K - 2~
~e. II'.(41s)
The weight of propellant charge
P - tuRnpoiEc:rgLE Cw ]I lb* (4b)
p qN~ILThe
*PRI OSTC required cham!~er volume
velocity of the gas approaching the nozzle throat V. 27. 1m'/lb (4c)
should be approximately zero, meaning, in effect, Thbasaeotesaeocpidy eprel
an ideal reservoir of infinite volume. The finite Tebgsae rtesaeocpdb h rpl
reservoir can closely approximate the ideal by having lant package of a round of ammunmition
the chamber approach area adjacent to the nozzle at C
least four times the throat area or A. 5; 4A i. In A, (4d)
practice, conical chambers having a much lower Asmn httemnm-co~cinlwho
ratio, of the order of 1.7 to 2.0, can be tolerated Assuellng thatrte misteunimum o tem osetale throat
accetabl proelan isthesults.enome hra
esutsarea, the required maximum chamber lengthi
67. Figure 20 is a schematic of the interior of aL-L
recoilless gun tube showing bore, chamber and * A, 48
nozzle. The chamber has three sections consisting When the chamber is a ronical fruiintwi whom. minor
of the nozzle entrance, the body, and the forward rausithboeadstevle fheume
end leading to the bore. The body is considerably du stebrerdutevhneo h bm
larger than the other two. Chamber volume is de- bd eoe
termnined from interior ballistic requirements. The V P . I 4
assigned design data armV-j(:+. ~ )(1
E F/(y - 1), ft-lb/lb (propellant potential) where
F - specific impetus, ft-lb/lb r. - radius of nousle a&proaeh area, A., deter-
w = ratio, rifle recoil momentum to projectile miu?., from Equation~ 8b
momentum R - bore radius
v.-mazzlofepojcitil This volume is acceptable if it meets the require-
W,= weight of projectile ments -,"Equation 4e.
A- loading density 'Reference 9.
..... . . ........
...... . ...
Y 1. Parameters
chamber. It
68. The nozzle entrance is part of the
is extremely short, serving merely as a smooth A 5: 1.70, (5b)
junction between chamber body and nozzle throat. A,
A generous radius of the order of one inch sweeps the divergence angle is less than 15 (included
through the throat and becomes tangent to the angle), and if A,/A, - 2 where
nozzle surface to establish a smooth flow path. The
volume of the nozzle entrance is the solid of refolu- A. - nozzle approach area
tion generated by rotating about the x-axis an arc A, - bore area (known)
of the fourth quadrant of a circle whose center is A. - nozzle exit area
at y - b (see Fig. 21), The arc begins at x - 0 A, - nozzle throat area
and extends to x - a with x - r being the upper Since a significant portion of the balancing force .
limit. The volume of this solid of revolution is of a recoilless rifle is caused by the reaction of escap-
ing gases on the cone of the nozzle, the third param- ....
V. - jr(ab + at - eter, the divergence angle of the cone, is significant.
The divergence angle influences the component of
balancing forces created by the velocity thrust of
- ab ' ' - br' sin-; (4 ) the nozzle gases. This influence is represented by the
divergence angle correction factor
The total chamber volume less nozzle and bore
/ volumes determines the chamber length.
entrance ~40 coo2aa)
I - - cos
lo 1.0 s0 40 so
A. - .(-AA)A, (56)
The radius of the exit area
*Reference 10.
4k ) DsvS4ý
(FIGURE 23. Lino# of Conking Dimentimsili Rewil. FIGURE 24. Neale Shap.-*Maitc.
"-I breech loading type, the nozzle can be, hinged, i.e.,
. .. . ... . . .... . .. . . ......... ...................
.. ................ .................... , ... ... .. .. .... ... . ..... . .• 1,. .
nozzle throat wears, rearward recoil diminishes to M T(g)
zero and ultimately forward motion occurs. T9
....... ;''lu *U.UVAL I1Ile where
determined from the effects on the gunner or on the
mount. For shoulder fired weapons, the effect of g - acceleration of gravity
recoil on the gunner will be reflected in physio- ' =' period of pendulum
logical effects of excessive rearward recoil, effects on W, = weight of suspended mass after firing
his stability, and psychological effects of forward x - linear amplitude of pendulum swing
recoil. The recoil should not be so severe as to Recoilless weapons with fixed vents can be ad-
injure him, or to destroy his aim by disturbing his justed to the desired recoil balance by increashig
stability or cause him to flinch. Limited tests have the throat area to decrease rearward recoil or by
indicated that the impulse should not exceed 3.0 decreasing the nozzle length to increae rearward
lb-sec (rearward), the limit specified for the 90 mm recoil. The former method is simpler .nd is most
M67 rifle (Military Specification, MIL-R-45511). commonly used, although in some designs it is
Experience with conventional weapons leads him necessary to exercise care in determining the loca-
to expect rearward recoil of reasonable intensity tion of the throat (minimum cross section for gas
and he will accept it, but forward recoil will be dis- flow). Newly designed nozzles should have the
concerting. On a mount, the effects of recoil forces throat restricted more than necesary in the tast
involve stability and strength of structure including gun to assure a substantial rearward recoil. Sub.w
attachments such as the mounting trunnions of the quent developmental firing tests will indicate the
gun. Usually, the stability of the system dictates the degree of enlargement to meet the specified recoil.
rearward and forward limits of recoil, When these
limits have been established, the effects on struc- 79, The procedure for computing the change in
tural strength can be absorbed by designing the throat area is based on the change in momentum
mount accordingly, necessary to be compatible with the specified recoil
Recoil is usually specified as an impulse. Since momentum.
impulse and momentum have the same dimensions, momentum.
S the equations associated with recoil may be stated AM, = M, - MI.
in terms of momentum. On this basis, action and where
reaction being equal and opposite, the momentum
of the recoiling mass plus the impulse of that gene- M,, - specified momentum of recoiling mom ,
rated by the nozzle equals the projectile momentum. AM,, - required change in momentum
Expressed as an equation Small changes in recoil momentum ame approxio
mately directly proportional to nozzle throat area,
M, + f F. dt - Mv,. (6a) thereby forming the relationship:
tinuitics should be carefully blended into the original ratios, V,/Vo, , 2. Where V1/V7 equals the ratio
entrance radius and the divergent conical surface. of final sun volume to ehamhmr vlhnw. For hiahpr
Failure to do so will seriously affect nozzle per- ratios, 14will decrease.
formance. Adjustments that can be made in the F T
field to compensate for changes in recoil due to F. T!MPERATUR! DISTRIDUTION
nozzle wear are desirable. An example is the 57 mm 82. The temperature distribution along the tube
recoilless rifle, a shoulder fired weapon, which pro- and across the wall induces thermal stresses which
vides for recoil balancing by use of replaceable may become appreciable. Although temperatures on
throat rings, the outer surface and through the tube can be
readily measured, instrumentation to measure the
u. OitO temperature on the immediate bore surface has still
1. Bore Diameter to
perfected. Consequently, temperatures here
be approximated. This approximation
80. The nominal bore diameter is determined by comes more difficult and less reliable when tempera-
the combined effort of ballistician and projectile tures must be predicted for a new design since no
designer in meeting the terminal ballistic require- accurate method is available for computing them.
ments of the projectile. Although the tube designer Temperature estimation therefore depends on good
specifies surface finishes and tolerances, practice judgement and experience. Thermal stress is not a
has set a plus tolerance of 0.002 inch on practically design criterion for tubes of slow-fire weapons, but
all tubes of 20 mm or larger. Smaller tubes have it is for machine gun type barrels, In a caliber .30
smaller tolerances, usually 0.0015 inch. machine gun lined barrel, the maximum differential
between bore and outer surface is 6 00F at the
2. Bore Length point of maximum outer temperature. The corre-
81, The length of the bore is determined with the sponding bore surface temperature is assumed to
aid of interior ballistics. For a given projectile, a be 20007F. Figure 9 shows the variation along the
propellant charge is designed which will impart the outer surface. The temperature gradient across the
required velocity within a distance, i.e., bore length, wall is assumed constant at 600°F along the tube -
compatibb with the particular use of the weapon. from the breech to the point of maximum tempera- (
If the ballistics of an established round of ammuni- ture. From the point of maximum temperature to the..
tion meet the requirements of a proposed gun, then muzzle, it decreases as wall thickness decreases.
the bore length is made to coincide with the travel One method of estimating sctiý the temperature
distance to the point corresponding to the desired gradient at 600OF for a wall ratio of 2,0 varying to
muzule velocity on the velocity-travel curve. An one of 450 F for a wall ratio of 1.5. The temperature
approximate length can be determined provided distribution curve shows a higher temperature be-
several data are known. This method is used in yond the liner. This demonstrates the insulating
recoilless rifle design. Assuming that the data are effect of the liner-tube intersurface since the bore
A - bore area temperatures of the liner are at least as high as
a., - maximum projectile acceleration the bore temperatures beyond.
K - kinetic energy of projectile (Equation 4a)
M, - projectile mass . RIFLING
u pie.zometric efficiency 1. Profile
The maxinman propellant gas pressure 83. Rifling and rotating band are intimately asso-
ciated because of their respective functions-that of
eM Ma. (7a) imparting torque to the projectile and that of trans-
mitting this torque. The mating lands are the load
The bore length transmitting members and should be designed so
SK. that both rifling and band can support the induced
K6,ý (7b) tangential load after engraving. The rotating band,
•ap,,A, being of softer material than the rifling, will require
p is determined from empirical data from test gun wider lands. Consequently, the rifling grooves will
firings. In the absence of such data p - 0.6 is a be wider than the lands. Although no method, either
reasonable approximation for guns with expansion theoretical or empirical, has been established for oa
determining the ratio of groove to land width, a
3 ý. Z ;m mundabie, and generaiiy saris- 90
41.A factory in practice.
Ole 66 _0 OF
where oo06 30
calibers per turn, i.e., the bore length measured in for the rifling curve is
terms of calibers in which the rifling makes one
complete turn. There are two types of rifling twist, Y= X (9a)
nilorm and increasing. In uniform twist, the rifling W..-..
wa a comstant angle from origin to muzzle, whereas
in incmrasig twist, this angle varies in accordance n exponent which defines the rifling curve
with an exponentiAl curve. The general equation p - cunistant determined from the exit angle
7.62 MM
CAL .50
BORE G D, AG b w r C
20MM 0.707 9 0,817 .04 .205 .205 ,01 --
axial length of rifling curve
v IM,erinheral disttncve of riflinty ArnhiduI hwr
(Eqlation I I)
dy pnz"'' - tan a (9b)
xm - total axial length of the portion of the rifling and from the slope and change in slope of the riflirg
curve which follows the assigned equation curve. Figure 28 is a diagram of the dynarics
a, - exit angle of the rifling involved.
tand) N - induced force normal to rifling curve
I"N - frictional force parallel to rMling curve
Consequently, the general equation may be written R - radius of projectile; bore radius
0 - angular displacement of projectile
t an a - angle of twist
nAxN e) - coefficient of friction
tan a The torque on the projectile induced by the rifling Is
dx - an%-tan1 (of
T-4÷# (10)
d• d tan a ('f'-- 1) tan ax 0,-2 •g hr
c -da-1 X (Og) where
0 -projectilear maw moment of hert of
When the required twist of rifling at the muzzle is
expressed in calibers per turn, n,, angular aeeeleratio of prieetile
ta (gh) ,p - polar radius of gyration of projectile
t an Al. - mass of projectile
EquationsOf and Og may be writteu From Figure 28,
86. The rifling torque i6derived from the propellant v - linear velocity of projectile.
gas pressure applied to the base of the projectile The angular velocity or spin rate f5,A Equation 12
'Theon datu,
based madepresented
material by the
available on nielianics
Springfield Armory.
of rifling (13)t
"ence 12. (R
I ,I
.. .- ..
---- ...-- . . . . ..-...
i[ I I II I I I I I.
The angular aceeleratili -k C.--
dxLdA A fibore area
S d(v tan a) 1 dz p, - propellant gaa pressure
di B di ~R di
1 Rewrite Equation 15a by substituting the values for
l d'x
& dx. d'N obtained from Equation 16a after the acceleration,
T P x dt dz di a, in that equation has been expressed in terms of the
S(atan , dtn* (1v4) values of Equation 16b. Thus
tan , M d tana
wherepA dI
T - (1 - p tan a)R
a - linear acceleration of the projectile. R' +t'
By observation, in Figure 28, rifling torque may also (1I - tan a) can be considered to be nearly equal to
be expressed as unity, as both p and tan a are small quantities, and
their product would therefore be insignificant. In the
T - N(ccs a - p sin a)R (15b) denominator, tan' a is also an insignificant quantity.
Solved for the land force by equating the torques of The expression1A tan a(R /p' _ 1) can be neglected,
Equations 1a and 15b because ; tan a, as before, is a small quantity and
the value of (R'/p' - 1) for a homogeneous cylinder
_d tan
N p a tana + -v dt_ is equal to unity. Equation 17 therefore reduces to
Linear accele|Rto
i o a J- (16a) its approximate equivalent
0 10 to 30 40 so so 70 so 90
! 34
0 ia go
o I 10 40 as so
FIGURE 30. Effecj on Rfling Torque by Vary* Bxi Angle.
Since all quantities on the right hand side of the point of tangency on the abscisua, i.e., the origin
equation, except p,, are constant for a given gun, of the coordinate axes and the rifling do not coincide
Equation 19a may be written (Fig. 31). Thus, the variable z will always have a
value greater than zero and an infinite torque is
T -i K~p, (19b) avoided. The curve may be written as
where K, is a constant whose value is (,'Ab tan a)/R. ax 1/, + y, - p (20a)
•070 0 0 10.0 0 0 0 0
1 0.075 0.01041.3 44.0 009 37. 3.4 7.3
020738 0.0014 47.5 1.37 6.4 6.1 12.5
13 GAE 0.04 45.9 2.10 8.0 8.1 16.1
14 0.08 .M 42.9 2.79 8.9 1.0 1815
15 0.8•11 0.GA577 38.4 3.42 6.2 10.8 20.0
16 OASl 0.0039 33.4 4.04 8.9 11.9 20.8
17 SAK 006 29.2 4.14 8.7 12,7 21.4
! S09 0.1038 0.00062
0.00G6 23.4
26.0 5.38
4.97 8.1
8.4 13.6
13.2 21.7
to 0.71
OYI0 0.0044S 21.1 5.71 7.8 13.9 21.7
01 .107M 0.00428 19.2 6.00 7.5 14.1 21.0
S12 OAM 0.00418 17.5 0.25 7.2 14.2 21.4
13 O1 0.00402 16.2 6.50 750 14.3 21.3
14 O.1303 0.0920 15.0 6.71 6.8 14.4 21.2
is O.ASIS 0.00382 13.9 6.80 6.6 14.4 21.0
I'17 1S opoAM8mat the 0.000
08or 12i9
12,0 7.0o
7.16 6.4
6.2 14a3
14.3 20.7
buibtis 06r0es8 opea ue 11.s 7.2r 6s0 14,2 20.2
•g ""u"v19
20• Mow
0.1006• 0uted
22: ati.o
ala o.wt3
OA.1M 8.8 7.59
7.67 5f4
8.3 14.0
13.9 19.4
4 a.1280B
0.11p Git
OAMMe.2 8.4
8.0 7.75
7.84 5.1 13i8
13.7 1f.0
ani To
d 30 and to Hkt•t dinformation
'ipplenm in Figures
the method for 29
computing or 19 andcalculations
detailed the torques are
listed for each rifling.
in Table 8 onlyThe
for taque, do toque am nreec puted for several the exponential curve with no run. Rifling torque
riln cur of a adi. .30 Ibrrel whose interior curves appear in Figure 32 for all five types. To
a ei aurv appear in Figure 16. These rfling simplify the tTbulation procedure, the torque con,-
nuM arn puted from Equation 18 is divided into two cor(-
tra. iaun tonm o t i rth The tortea torue nobecomponent
b. quadratic sbok with one inch free run , t ,
a. tiped parabos with one inch free run R
" e iealnmth
Td. expntial with no •chfreerunand
wih on ruL the velocityone
T-T.+ A, m(ltan ap 5 8 2tn~o
All exit at an anl of 7 degrees. The torque is T. - M,- V' v.dta 00•48vOd tna (211))
L -- i24
R 0.15V,
in, distane o projectile travel in bore
bore "Miu S t
W - 140 grais - OM] 1b, projectile weight
p - .TR, radis of gyration of projectile. a: Uniform Twist Rifting, y =f px
TW esig dafta we incorporated into Equations 18 With no free run, xx L -24 int
is onl sl,*
Riss Lr•• onr tiAm zz for the no-free-run From Equations 9b and 9c,
im 'no See preceding footnote,
t q:_ 'd 0I
II _
10 a. ve lo" , _ ...
" /o Yr,pal
9 4 6 a 10 12 14 14 SO a
ma YrAVIL t41.)
0 dtnx x
From Equation , Equation 22 now becomes
maximum pressure is recalculated. Note that the required wall thicknesses can now be determined
PIMP is the effiýetiv,, np~re rg frnm 11ý f L *,it,.1- 1-.4, 10- 4h..
, maximum pressure back to the breech. Artillery abic stre-s is assigned, above which no part shall be
tube designers currently computp the values for stressed. This figure must not be greater than the
PIMP cuive directly without first resorting to the elastic limit of the material at the temperature
computed pressure-travel curve, existing in the material. An exception involving
"small arms is discussed later (Section 10s). The wall
93. Basically the design approach of recoilless thickpess so determined will be minimum and may
weapons is similar to that for artillery tubes, but be increased for handling or machining reasons. The
refinements based on statistical treatment of results allowable stress assigned to a particular tube de-
of actual firing data are then introduced. These re- pends on the nature of its service. For relatively slow
finements are necessary due to the demand for fire artillery weapons it is the elastic limit at 70*F,
minimum weight while still retaining safety in firing, which is defined as being 10,000 psi less than the
Therefore, following the preliminary weapon design, yield point. For recoilless tubes, it is necessary to
a test gun is produced, having the desired interior consider the temperature attained in' the tube
contour, but with wall thicknesses substantially in- material and desigid the tube on the basis of the
creased over those calculated as being necessary. yield point at that temperature. Figures 56 and 58
With this gun a propelling charge is established to give properties of steels used in gun tubes at all
give the desired muzzle velocity with gun and charge temperatures of interest. As discussed later in
at 70'F. A sufficient number of rounds are fired Section l0a, small arms tubes have been assigned
to give adequate statistical data for establishing the an allowable stress of 75,000 psi for approved steels.
Normal Operating Pressure (NOP) which is the
average of pressures measured in a test barrel firing 96. As a convenience in design, the term Elastic
an established round to produce the rated muzzle Strength Pressure (ESP) has been established. It
velocity with the temperature at 70*F. The NOP is defined as the pressure which produces an equlva-
then replaces the CMP for final prototype weapon lent stress in the section wall equal to the allowable
design and the gun tube pressure design curve is stress of the gun tube material at 70F. In a gun
) revised accordingly. tube of changing cross section there is an ESP
Permissible Individual Maximum Pressure corresponding to each type of section. For recoilless
(PIMP)is determined more exactly than for artil- gun tube design an additional term is introduced,
lery tubes. With the firing data from the test weapon, called ESP,.,, the elastic strength pressure of a
and with the NOP established, a new design pres- hot tube. Formerly its value of 0.80 ESP was used
sure curve is plotted. The methods for computing to compensate for the degradation of material
NOP and PIMP appear later with the detailed strength at elevated temperatures. Now it is the
discussion on design procedures for Lhe respective gas pressure at a point in the tube which produces
tubes. an equivalent stress at that point equal to the yield
point of the material at the permissible maximum
94. For small arms tube design, pressures for com- tube temperature.
puting wall thickness are obtained from pressure- With more experience and additional design data,
travel curves already established by firing tests a more exact approach is available for the design
or computed by interior ballisticians. As ,ith re- of prototype recoilless gun tubes. Two conditions
coilless and artillery tubes, the maximum design make this possible. The first is an ESP,,, computed
pressure extends back to the breech. Chamber pres- from the PIMP that is based on the anticipated
sures corresponding to the position of the projectile chamber pressure for firing at 125*F, the upper
are used rather than the actual pressure at the base limit of the ambient temperature range for recoilless
of the projectile. The pressure at any point in -the gun operation. The second is the known degraded
bore by being somewhat lower than in the chamber yield strength of the tube material at elevated tern-
introduces a small factor of safety for stress com- perature, Y,,. The allowable maximum tube tempera-
putation. ture is usually made to correspond to a given rate
of fire or the allowable maximum temperature is
2. Strength Requirements specified and the rate of fire adjusted to it. The tube
95. Having determined the pressures which will is designed in accordance with the reduced strength
act along the various sections of the gun tube the of the material at these elevated temperatures.
Typical examples of the effect of temperature on Thew, stresses are then inserted in the von Mises-
strength of recoilless tube material are shown in Hencky equation following the "Strain Energy
Figures 57 and 58. Theory of Failure" to find the equivalent stress. a-..
in tis procedure, A.•o, tor design is determined
on the basis of the pressure generated by the firing
of a hot (+ 125OF) round in a gun that is no hattor, The stressed material remains in the clatic range
A better estimate may be made of the design through so long as a. does not exceed the yield strength in
the use of data (if available) relating to the effects tension.
of inserting a hot round into a hotter gun whoem For an open end cylinder, a. becomes zero and
tube temperature is at or near the permissible maxi- Equation 23 reduces to
mum. The gun could then be designed for the con- , + (24)
ditlons of equilibrium temperature of gun and round.
These conditions are entirely system dependent and 4. Premure Stresse
generally in the post, tests have not been conducted
to99. The stresses induced by he propellant gas
pressures are considered for all types of guns but
application techniques differ for the different types.
97. For any given gun, the inside diameter is the The design pressures are adjusted to fit the indivi-
bore diameter and therefore is a constant except in dual techniques although the stress calculations are
the chamber regions. For rifled tubes, the inside identical. According to Lam4, the tangential stress
diameter is the groove diameter, also a constant, at any diameter due to the design pressure, p, is
It in the bore diameter increased by double the
depth of groove. Since bore and inside diameter of Do(Dý- + DM)
chamber are fixed, outside diameters and material . " " D'(D D•) (25)
are the two general variables to be determined. The where
outside diameter and therefore wall thickness are
based on the strength of the tube material. The DA - inside diameter
pressure factor which is the ratio of design pressure D. - outside diameter
to allowable stress has a practical upper limit for D - diameter at any point (varying from D,
single simple tube construction. Equation 55c fixes to D.) )
this limit at 0.5, i.e., the maximum design pressure For stress computations, the rifling groove diameter
must not be greater than half the allowable stress is generally considered to be the inside diameter.
of the tube material. When this limit is exceeded, The maximum tangential stress occurs at the inner
the tube designer must resort to one of two alter- wall
natives available. He may use multilayer con-
struction, i.e., having one or more jackets shrunk P (26)
over the tube, or he may use autofrettage, the pre-
stressing technique practiced in gun tube manu- where
facture. These two design concepts, in addition to
the simple tube construction, are later discussed in W -D - the wall ratio
The general radial stress is
3. Equivalent Stresn 1
D,(D. - ) (2a
98. Gun tubes are subjected to the three principal 'P- DI(D. - Di) (27a)
stresses which are produced by applied pressure,
shrink fit, and a temperature gradient through the The maximum radial stress occurs on the inner wall
tube wall. Depending on the design technique, pres- - -p (27b)
sure stresses may be used alone or they may be
combined with either or both thermal and shrinkage Since the tube is not a closed cylinder, the only
stresses. The three principal stresses are axial stresses related to pressure are those intro-
duced by the recoil acceleration and the frictional
a, - tangential stress forces induced by the projectile. As later shown in
a, - radial stress paragraph 107, the axial stress reduces the effective
e. - axial stress stress, thereby introducing a measure of conserva-
, '
where p., pressure at Do, induced by shrink fitI
- ~,.~ ~ ~1 ~pip- I*umue aLiD2, ind~uced by shrink tit
W2, - D1.-W 30
FIGURE. 33. Wall 1Rato-Po-essurePacdor Curve@ for Multidayer V.
"(1 Z. ) I..
op 1). In W - In (49.) :
When r -a or when r - b,
The axial thermal streFss at r is TABLE 9. RATIOS1 OF EQUIVAL.ENT STRESSES.
)~ ~~~~
PWin,/ Wp
________ .. p u/ u,
W, 12.0
In W) (5oa) 2.5
1.67 -1.0
: 1 904!
.3,33 2..I
1.78 1.97 -1.0 .485 2.57 2.62 1.020
When =a, 1.8 2.60 -1.0 .800 3.11 3,22 1.035
1.25 4.67 -10 1.790 4.83 5.16 1.070
a' 0.0- (53) 108. Stress oori'entrstlon will appear any place in
) These stresses, when substituted in Equation 23,
wildetermine the equivalent stress.
tlae tu'.-e where a discontinuity is present. Normnally,
generous radii oaereoine the disturbing mRlience of
reentrant,' 'igles and reduce the high stresses ldi these
it ýgions to more aceeptable figures. larg radii are
S. Inertia of Recoil Stre. not ijresent at the junocture between bottom of
107. Recoil activi'y in single and double recoil vrroove and land but allowances for stress concen-
systr is introduces axial '%nd bending stresses ia 4mrati are matle bmr using groove diameteviInsteald
the gun tube. Recoilless tubes obviously are t~ot of bore diameteor for strems analysic and by other
involved. Bending stresss are caused by moments compensating features in desig procedures much as
likdulced "§.Y the propellant gas force and its reaction, low allowable stresses (see paragraph 50).
whioh is the inertial force of the reroiling parts,
when reaction and foroe have different lines of 10. Special Applications for Tube Anallyse
actioiu, and by the inertia force due to the secondary n.SalAm
recoil of double rtcc,:, systems. In either cam', the SalAm
stresses are low and unlikely to prove bothersome 109. Small armns tube design, par;,.'oularly for ma-.
when either isolated or combined with other streames. chine gun tubes, considers thermal and prmsure
Furthermore, secondary recoil doem not begin un~til stresses. The meth- is for determining each have
gas p.ressures; have dissipated and pressure stzesseii balen discussed. Pressures are read from thle pressure-
have ceased to exist. These axial stressek, caused by travel curve which has been prepared according to
accelerating forces paralte'l to the bore have little prevailing interior i4allistic mot, -ids. This is chamber
effect or) the equivalent stress.' To illustrate, Tab.le 9 pressure And has been obtalr~ed by correlating the
shows the effect of includfng the axial Atreas. Assure- pressure-time and travdl-time data. Although the
ing the tube w be a closed cylinder is the mosit con- pressure at the base of the proft 'l~e is lesm th:-in th~e
servative apo roach since this con riition produce the chamber pressure, the latter is used in iesign, the
h~iiiest axial stress. When #..a 4.ise equivalent stress differential being accepted as a safety moasure.
ofthe tangential and radial, principal stressetl and Figures 35 to 40 are graphs from which an approxi-
I j II 1~/I~/f/~~ pression for the allowable Ucjuival,nlt, stress wider
I1Y~'~t'IV' ~ 01t.4hese
onditirms N'Pvnmpq
me *- ~
-- ~ - ~
- ~
- - - ,-= -p - -40,000 lb/in2
AOKA Equations 48b, 49b, and 50b,
Ii InW 7-7-T.
2 X( 0.7 %X0.50 N
I - 0.59
-- 100,700 lb/ in'
From Equations 51, 52 an~d .53 and sine there are ti'
+ -25,000 rb/of
=- --. 0070
+a. Ib/inO
Equt.o ~aF~cinofWl ~cn~
V '82 10 -6950-b/i
-Nc~~~~~EUPLM -WS
LE P1149111111Wente1ivndeig1ano
- eintrolaned
Rat- . Foprar Disamplefra
g iv ewn: Pesueo
-. ~~ ~
- ~ ~ - ..-,,0 p-4500 s
(1,4 l',,pe~t~reDitaucefo
a h~eru(I~essreof inicTieef ge that iniatewall ratio sallrthis-
2.07eiemayhn accegrptable. nkon atms
1he designi prvcssu res, b~come, familiar with the
- I I
V vornplctr problem, and thus he in a posit iona to
(direct logical revisions if necessary.
The strength of the tube is based on the elastic
rif fth0 rnnfnr~l ;-~ 1.6-dnl inannn
--- lb/in less than the yield strength in tension. It is
impractical to machine a tube to conform accurately
to a given pressure distribution, hence, portions of it,
V-9K whether straight or tapei ed, will he stronger than
I necessary. The pressure necessary to stress any
longitudinal increment of the tube to the elastic
limit is called the elastic strength pressure. The ratio
N of elastic strength pressure to actual design pressure
- - - -. is the factor of safety for that increment. If p is
the design pressure and EASP is the elastic strength
WO pressure, then ESP must be grcater than p at
every section. To ensure safe firing, the ratio of
- - - - ESP/p has been assigned a minimum value of 1.05,*'
KOCO c. Recoilless Guns
b. ArtillerM
112. Artill~y tubes are designed on pressure- -
40 - -- . -__
30 DEmOS
o00 W WO 300 SO0
procedures involved in the design of other tube loadings. Equation 23 defines the equivalent stress
types.* In regions free from discontinuities, the gun in terms of triaxial principal stresses, whereas Equa- .1A
tube is considered to be subjected to two principal tion 24 defines it in terms of biaxial principal
stresses induced by the propellant gas pressure, the stresses. Failure is indicated by plastic flow which
direct radial compressive stress of Equation 26 and begins when the equivalent stress equals the yield
the tangential or hoop tension stress of Equation strength of the material. By applying this theory of
271). For practical purposes, the longitudinal stress failure to the gun tube and substituting the expres-
is assumed to be zero since the frictional forces of sions of Equations 26 and 27b for the tangential
the projectile on the tube are small enough to be and radial stresses, and the yield strength, Y, for a,,
negligible. Equation 24 becomes
The maximum distortion-energy theory of failure Y2W + 1 s WS + 1 2
has proved to be a realistic design criterion pri- y' - 2 -t-p
+p + 1) + (55a)
marily because of the ductile materials used for
gun tubes. This theory defines the equivalent Solving for p/Y
... stresses, a,.,in materials subjected to combined R W
Sp V(W' -+1)
)Reference 20. +1
Ij I
- 1 10 Is so a 40 4 00 3
-y w -y w w y w
or, solviiig for II' The vahi, of eA.t,.ablishes a 9i9.8 percent
a jo. 21 !'J(onfideiwe Ievel for the presnure variation, bift since
1 -. 9, R
)_P_ ~(5c the upper level promotes greater safety in the de.
TV(55) sign, only the plus variation is t u ARMA +
argurment is silitantial'd ini pargrraph 107 IIo'v- RING-
1 ]''(57c)
1 E.t. - Et, -- E,t, e g57u
are approximate but the error is small enough to be
The laminated structure is influenced by the indivi- negligible. The flexural rigidity for the equivalent
dual properties of Region 2 and the ring. Their region is
respective moduli of elasticity are modified to be Bid + Ar,t4
D. - ' ? R, 4l4 + 6
2~- + t~(57h)
"Reference 22. +-t S,)
.t .. ..
ThA, equivalent (if thiv voiii mul(region is denloted ,l)iiit.,ail III(e t wo deflectionis are foul)I1, Ohe lhec
by 0 and is dhefined by components of stress may be coniputed. The first
is the axial stress produced by the tnmleint.
(PI; +-," - (,.P! + .,R,t,)2 The second is the tangential stress which is made
- + , (57j) tip of two partsdOne part is produced by the mo-
ment and is giwen by
Each region of the tubehis isolated to determine the 0, - p 058b)
ankgu~lar and radial deflection at th discontinuities.,
For Region t r 4at Station and the other is producedoiy the radial dfletion
64 Pe + Q.,M (57k) and is given by
=Elk 2XD, (57k) 8C
2X, l, - Q, (rr77
amnatd m) The third is the radial stress due to internal pressure
Note that the shrink fit pressure is not, applied to ,-- - (,58d)
th is re g ion . F or th e E (luiv a l ent Se c tion e ' 1i0 h b o e h icc.,r o it v h n tesl
e sl
Region 2 and the ring combined, at, Station 4 the Tea)),sr.ssaeioiiewe nn
shear andthemoment as represented 43 will
in Figurestructure negative when compressive. Since the maximum
increase inside radius of the laminated equivalent stress may occur at the inner or the
but the shrink fit pressure will tend to decrease it outer surface, it is necessary to substitute the set
by othe i tue. of values of stress at each of these points into Equa-
tion 23 to determine which is critical,
* _ L. + OMA. (57n) Similar stresses on the gimbal ring and the portion
t., Elt 20 D. of the tube which it covers are determined by first
2#AI• + Q4 finding the following parameters:
4M - (57p)
The two components of the equivalent section fune-
tion as a unit under shear and bending particularly 1 Ee\ fRt
since an initial interference exists between them, H = + Rj) (t8,
At Station .5,
5" 2 -~t 2~t -
aE,,- . F1,'
+ +
20 2 .(17i)1r(t
2~~'iii.~M 4 Rt'+?,)(IvRl.
+5r + (5g
2#M 5 + Q5 1258g)+ n,
The three components of stress in Regioni 2 and
For Region 3 at Station the gimbal ring may now be computed, The axial
(M-7 s) stress produced by the moment is
Et2 ~~ ~2MD + At)++'+BC
* - 7A
(57t,)8 D+L +
119. The shear and moment values are obtained where At is the distance from the interface of the
Sby eq'iating the two expressions for deflections at ring and tube to the point in question and is assumed
each side of the discontinuity and solving for Q positive when measured outward from the interface.
and M from the two pairs of simultaneous equations. The tangential stress produced by the moment is
Since general solution.- are awkward, the substitution
of numerical values will result in equations which U1y. P'O* (58i)
are much easier to handle, After the values for shear, and the tangential stress produced by the radial
delo,' vt iolu for J{,gou
hl :;il ly is 2
.... .... 8.
e o internal pressure at irFIU 1 el uain
Ihl radial stress
surfa.ce of t ube is
a, -p(580 t, 1,, 1, = wall thickness of conical sectioni, cylini-
der and tube~
and at. outer suirface of Itube or tinner sm~lfav i,.( f f = angjle of collical S•lop~e
girnhal rhig this stress is h, t =valuos defined b)y Equoation 57c; for
indicated sections
0, = -P=r - -(p, + 7'.) ( 5 8 p)
'I'he niean radius of the conical section is assumed
At the outer surface of gimbal ring the radial stress is to he
0, 0 (,8q) = 0 + PI) (59a)
where p,, the component of the internal pressure
deflection , and ultimately
on the inner surface
fro gimbal ring is computed
th theeuatonthe
of Ti'strcs~svi at eachshear,
moment, section are found by showing the
compatible relationship of angular and linear de-
flection of the adjacent sections at the two joints.
i.. ~7-,r,4,
2 r' The relative deflection due to internal pressure be-
* since the maximum equivalent stress may tween conical and cylindrical section at Station 1
to substitute the set of values of stress at each of g, 2\-
'J'he conipat i filty e, ttl ii.s l Ised
on radial dc-
floeetion at Stalions 2 and I, rvspe cively, are
0yl~l _ * / € .... ,,
_ I 2X V" 4 -,Q
+ +
,- O +(c,+....+ ,,,
* I• I/ FOMEO D +, Q1 (,59k)
_____ 5, Q
FIGURtE' 45. Toroidal Sertion Loading. +- .
Definition of Symbols The computed data and the given pressure are
A. = projected area of nozzle sufficient to determine the primary stress of Equa-
De, D, = flexural rigidity of sections indicated tions -58a to 68d and eventually the equivalent
defined by Equation 57l) stress of Equation 23.
II -- modithis of elasticity
moduus o elstiet~yiv. Toroidal Section
M,, Al. " rnit moments at Stations c and n
pV,p,, p- design pressures at Stations c, n, o 121. The analysis at the toroidal section of the
p = design pressure at nozzle throat chamber involves pressure stresses and discontinuity
Q0, Q. unit shear at Station c and n stresses induced by shear and bending where cylinder
, , mean radii at Stations c, n, o and nozzle join the toroid. Figure 45 shows dia.-
r, = radius of nozzle throat gramatically the various components contributing
t,, t,, 1, = wall thickness at, Stations c, n, o to the analysis which is based on procedures do-
a = angle of nozzle slope voloped for recoilless rifles.*
,, X, defined by Elquation Me7c for indicated Shear and moment are determined by equating
sections the expressions for linear and angular deflections
V Poisson's ratio at c and n, the points of discontinuity, Figure 45.
! -The deflections of nozzle and cylinder are found
angular deflevtions at. Sections 2 and 1, respectively, similarly to those in the gimbal ring inalysis (para-
are graph 118). The radial deflection at n
--. x M. + Q,,
(C2 -1 - 2 . cos a
=.E 2-DN' (030a)
+ ID__ The angular deflection has a pressure component
. CMA = 0 which is estimated by assuming a straight line varia-
Q CL 2_1, tion of radial deflection over a short distance. There-
Q2 ___IC
- , * Refeienre
2t 23. Formula
)Drived from for s8 of Case 3 on page 269 of
/ ;\ Reference 24.
-CM, + (c + - 0 591) ,Combined from Cases 10 and 11 on page 271 of Refer.
\ +6D, l enee 24.
' m56
fore, the total angulnr deflection -'hen assnming
•t •'•'• that the nozzle is conical I"-
o-- 2) -(60d)
122. The analysis of the toroid itself is based on the FIGURE 40. 7'oroidal Internal Moment Center.
assumption that its cross section is rigid and sub-
to radial to a uniformThe
onlydeflections. angular displacement
angular and
displacement i ihrdrcinady smaue rmoeo
analysis follows the procedure developed for a ring the outer fibers so that
whose width is large in comparison with its mean y - Y . (60i)
radius. The bending stress for the section shown in whr
Figure 46
distance from neutral axis to outer fiber.
•r S= (60e) Substituting y. - y. for y in Equation 60g and
.where solving for y,, a constant
The normal differential force on any differential
area of a section subjected to bending is The mean radius of the toroid
MT = f Le• y ! rAy (60h) 123. Before proceeding, the axial pressure forces
are found by resorting to numerical integration.
where Divide the inner surface of the toroid into small
circular increments (Figure 47). The total axial
ff the mean radius of the section. force is the summation of the unit axial pressure
In Figure 46, y is measured from the neutral axis force on each increment
* Page 179 of Reference 25. X.'-AFZ - ir'r, Arpp, (60m)
"YC M, M. + M,(60s)
[ 58
T, dress for the wall of a nozzle at any position.* The I
equivalent stress considers tangential (hoop) and
mor dip..l (a.v.;a) st.res,.e and is hawed on the
Heneky-von Mises strain-energy theory of failure.
1ýý Pressure and pressure loading are obtained from
gas dynamics of one-dimenriona! isentropie flow. A
nozzle showing pertinent general dimen.4ions appears
in Figure 48.
Corresponding values of the ratios A/A,. F/F,, p/p.
are available for various values of y'.t At any nozzle -- _ -
ham incorporated Ohe allhwalph, eccentriity. Ttw the general expresmion for tangential and radial
apparent wall ratio stresws for internal and external pressures pi and po,
IV - IVr + 1, (61k) nie'(clt ively, are
(Olk,) ,D,.
,-~ ~ ,....
... ,D v - pd)
the aet tual wall ratio
iTni accuruing to itelerenve 14, D - DP
D'- (62d)
IV - .947 W,, + 0.053 (61m)
ders. The use of more than three is rare in the gun where
tube field. Sometimes the nature of the tube struc. D, - ID of liner
ture dictates the method of construction. We find D, - O) of liner, ID of inner jacket
this in the quasi two-piece tube (Figure 4) where D2 - OD of liner jacket, ID of outer jacket
the cap is threaded to and shrunk over the tube to D. = OD of outer jacket
serve in the multiple capacity of chamber, liner
retainer, and the tube jacket. The first operation is shrinking the inner jacket
over the liner. For the liner, p, - 0, 'p. = p,,
126. The methods for determining wall thickness DA - I,. The change in OD of the liner is
and shrinkage pressure are presented in Part H-3, Di
Shrinkage Stresses. The amount of interference be- ' "- ( - D' )[D2(I - s) + D'(l + v)] (63a)
tween cylinders of a two layered tube is equal to
the total deflection of Equation 32c. The equations For the inner jacket, p, = P-), pO 0, D, = ,
for determining the interference between cylinders D. - Dv. The change in its ID
of a three layered tube are derived below. The tan-
gential strain of a cylinder may be expressed as ai, - - [D'(1 - v) + D2(1 + v)] (03b)
, • (uj - vo.) (62a) The second operation is shrinking the outer jacket
over the liner-inner jacket composite ti-be. For
where P is Poisson's ratio. The change in diameter is the composite tube, p, = 0, p. - ps, D. - D•.
WDet The change in inner jacket OD.
6 Dr•-----A'
D e, (62 b ) -
-[D3l( - v) + D-(1 + P)] (03)
Substituting for t, - [D+ +
D o, ) (62c) For this outer jacket, p, P.2, p. 0, D - D2 .
The change in ID is
From Lamd's solution for thick walled cylinders,* O -
.Reference 18, page 299. ED'. O) D( i)+D( Ia) (0) - j
601 [ .!
The required interfereines between liner ai inner Hlereafter, the resultant stress on the outer surface
jacket and t,etween the inner and outer jackets are, induced by the allowable pressure is
1= - 6"' + a,, (63e) I = + p - (5c)
- - 6, + 61,
=2 (6.3 f) By substituting the expressions for a, and then for
: .Au.rtea%,,
b1.Autofrettage2 Equation 65c I-
where and
D. = outside diameter of tube a- Y In r + C (66b)
D, = inside diameter of tube where r is the general term for radius and C is a "0
Y - yield strength of material constant of integration, whose value is determined
In terms of the elastic strength pressure (ESP), the from the boundary conditions. When r - r,, the A
pressure that the tube can sustain, Watervliet outer radius, a, = -p., the external pressure.
Arsenal has found experimentally that this pressure Therefore
in a finished tube is C- -p - Y In r. (66c)
ESP - 1.08Y In W, (64b) and
where W, is the wall ratio of the finished tube. , Y In r - p° (66d)
Since the outer surface is stressed to the yield point
by the autofrettage pressure, the residual stress or, in terms of diameters
here is D
f Y - u, (65a) YIn - 6)
where, according to Equation 25, the upper limit of When D = DA, the internal diameter, oa, -Pt.
the hoop stress is due to the autofrettage pressure, Substituting in Equation O0e,
p,, thus, substituting AJ for D, and p, for p,
2 -Ptr Y In -p. (66)
Referenee 28, ptge 39,
Reference i8, Equation 432. Reference 18, Equation 427.
The tube wall thicknes:4 is determined fromn Equa- The required interference between tube and mandrel
tion 64d. The effective aut~nfr.ttanwVr,.,,
A,- 51 + 6. (71c)
ýP' - P.) - Y I11 (67) Therefore, the mandrel diameter
~ .:r',n.• ,1.....-.n,-, Awilehll, to e-tHablish firm (]esign the interference for shrink fit has been established ',i
Sprocedures, firing test using prototypes with con- through practice, as for small arms, the shrink fit
St . ventional clearan(es must he conducted to de- pressure is readily computed. The pressure between
tiermine whether or not strain comnmptiwati ii is two tiihpA of likc material is
ecessary. E(b' - a')(c'- b')
I. LINER DESIGN AT' " i. - am) (7a)
132, Where liners are designed solely for the pur- where
pose of prolonging tube life, strength is secondary,
However, these liners must he strong enough to a inner radius of assembly
develop and transmit the rifling torque afnd to with- b = intermediate radius of assembly
stand the collapsing pressure of shrink fit. Such c = outer radius of assembly
liners if made only as thick as required for machining 6 = total radial deflection at intexface,
and handling are generally adequate to transmit If 'he mating tubes have different modulii of
torque and, being thin and therefore less rigid, have elav.ieity, the shrink fit pressure becomes .tn.
the inherent advantage of developing low shrink
fit pressures. For example, the liner for the 7.62 mm .
machine gun has a wall thickness of approximately + bV + + 1 Q2b'+a'
j inch. However, when the liner of a multilayer tube - + + a, - J
FIO(URIN 49., 'Threr,,dedJoini Wiih BHdted End. ass'imlls the shear area to be formed at. the meani
dliameter of the thru, d. Eliminating the p:pauc lbe-
tween. the threads, only half the length of the en-
its low tenperature limits thermal expansion and gaged threads can he considered, The shear stress
hence clearances between chamber and cartridge lbeomns
case are maintained to limits which preclude ease.
rupture. Two, the small heat flow to the chamber F (75)
deters cook-off tendencies. The gap may be small jrD~h
since the two mernbers affecting the gap D are of where
the sarme material, therefore, changes in tempera-
ture will not disturb it. The difference in linear coeffi- D. = !nean diuneater of thread
cernts of expansion between steel and liner material F - force on thread, general expression
require that the gap at the end of the liner be wide L = length of engaged threads
enough to compensate for the excess thermal ex-
pansion( of the liner, since liner materials generally 137. When qui(ik detachable asseniblis b)e(ome
have the larger coefficient. The gap at amrbient necessary, interrupted threads are used. These are
tempeiatures should be Usually ares, buttress, or square threads (Figure 50).
The latter two are more often used in small arms.
L ,- (aL - a,)L AT (74) Interrupted threads are made by removing half the
weber thread periphery alternately along a varioua num-
of segments on the two mating components
L - liner length (Figure 51). After sliding the two pieces together,
AT -change in temperatures only a fractional turn (the reciprocal of the number
a,, - coefficient of linear expansion of liner of segments) is needed to realize total engagement.
a,- coefflieient of linear expaision of tube, in artillery design, all engaged threads are assumed
Present practice hat; to be acting whereas in small arms design, a much
more conservative philosophy is adopted by assum-
AT - 1000*F ing that only one thread carries the full load. Shear
a, - a, - 5 X 10- in/in/*F when liner is and bearing stresses determirne the feasibility of the
stellite and tube is steel design.
or the internal area of the base INTERRUPTED THREADS
loaded ammunition, fnr. flvn, omi , im,•itn,, '-
S,. lk,,n nn~rlr;A
,, nu' -..
• ,• .. p .....
..... ... .... ... o. ......
........ -- BREECH :
F, = p.r D. (70)
D, = rear chamber diameter or equivalent
F, - thread load
por = maximum propellant gas pressure
.. ,FIGURE 52. Threaded Joint.
; ~y 7design philosophy of the idtachments. One of these
provisions, as with other gun tubes, is the gunner's
.;1 ,)L, m iown
a 1A-i.•
,t il Figure 54. iEach tube must
CIN 'have flats on which to rest the gunner's quadrant
during engineering tests. The flats are machined on
collars integral with the tube and arv spaced be-
tween chamber and trunnions, but located as close
to the trunnions as convenient. The surface estab-
FIGURE 63. RWi$ng Torque Reaction. lished by the two fiats must be parallel to the
trunnion axis laterally and to the bore axis longi-
where k. is the stress concentration factor. The tudinally.
used either as liners or as plating on the bore surface, Tubes made from heavy stock require a high degree
increase tube life consi~1erahly. Alloy steel is un- of hardenability so that the specified heat treat-
matched in strength but does not necessarily have ment can develop the desired properties in the in-
the best strength-weight ratio in the tensile strength terior without developing excessive hardness on the
range needed for gun tubes. However, massivcnes; exterior. Extreme hardness should be avoided to
i.a gun tubes is not always unfavorable; heavy tubes prevent brittleness. lF'igure 56 shows meehanica'
being correlated to low recoil accelerations. In this properties corresponding to various tempering ternm
respect, some compromise must be reached between peratures. Best heat treating results are obtained
tube weight and recoil force. when the blanks are held verticalli during heating
Steel, like most other materials, undergoes a and quenching. With sufficient space between them,
change in strength at elevated temperatures. A this position assures each blank a uniform exposure
considerable loss in ultimate and yield strengths to heat and coolant to produce steel of near homo-
develops between 000 and 1300'F. The curves geneous properties. Decarburization and formation
in Figure 55 illustrate the progressive strength decay of adherent scale should be avoided. Heating should
with temperature rise for SAE 4150 and chrome- be done in furnaces having controlled atmosphere.
moly-vanadium steels." The low strengths may be
disturbing when one realizes that gun tubes reach 146. Steels used for artillery and recoilless tubes
these high temperatures, particularly in small arms are similar to those of small arms except that the
after sustained firing. However, because of tempera-
ture gradients across the tube wall stresses are in-... -
145. Various
categories steels
of gun are designated
tubes. for the
Table 11 lists the chemical.e
different oc of0 *
gun tues ,•, T ."
,,• lolsteh1
requirements of steels generally used for tubes. FI(URE 55 Effects of Tentperature on Tensile Strength of
"Reference 34, pages 20 vid 30. SA E 4 1S0 and 'r.Mo-V Bteela.
(Quanfities ahown in percent)
phosphorous and sulfur content- do not exceed 0.015 peratures at which significant strength reduutians
percent thereby reducing the machineability but occur, Figure 57 shows the effects of temperature
decreasing the brittleness. Processing the blanks on two gun steels. In conjunction with these curves,
follows a routine similar to that for small arms tubes. Table 12 lists the required reductions of area at
Tubular blanks are held upright with empty bores ambient temperature and the Charpy V-notch im-
during heating and quenchiug for a uniform ap- pact requirements at -407F for various ranges of
plication of heat and coolant both internally and ex- yield strength for the modified SAE 4330 steel.
ternally. When necessary, tube blanks are straight- Other useful information includes thermal con-
ened while hot, by heating them to temperatures duetivity, specific heat, linear coefficient of thermal
which do not exceed the tempering temperature. expansion, and the heat transfer coefficient. These
Although not subjected to as elevated tempera- are defined as
tures during firing as tubes in rapid fire weapons, k, Btu/scc/ft 2 / F/in, thermal conductivity
artillery and recoilless tubes nevertheless reach tern- k, Btu/lb/F, specific heat
- X
1 -
at various temperatures appear in Table 13. Curves
for k, c, and a are plotted in Figure 58. Because all
physical property data for gun steels are not avail-
able, the values shown by the curves are those for
SAE 4130 and 4140 steels" and may be considered
"as applying to gun steels as well. Differences in
-- - -- -properties which may exist between those shown in
the ctuwes and those of gun steels will not be so
--- large as to affect tube design.
2. Titatium Alloy
14"7. Titanimn alloyt, as gun tube material, has
- ,,\ -some favorable qualities particularly for recoilless
gun tubes where it has been used successfully. Some
WP,, Io,.w I alloys have tensile strengths of over 160,000 psi.
Titanium is 40 percent lighter than steel. At am-
bient temperatures, it is resistant to most corrosive
no NNmedia. It is readily shaped and heat treated. In-
?110" ,creasing temperatures to 8W0*F increase toughness,
FIGURE 50. ENfects of Tempering Temperature on Tensile * Reference 35, pages 218 and 221.
Strength of SAN 41650 Steel. t Reference 37. .,,
4t.b 4330V (Mod + S) Steel
160 27 39 18 30 12 25 8 21
1 25 38 17 29 11 23 8 20
170 23 38 16 29 10 21 7 18
175 21 37 15 29 10 19 7 16
185 20
20 37
36 14
14 29 10 17 7 14
28 10 15 7 12
190 20 36 14 28 10 15 7 12
b20 3 14 27 10 15 7 12
200 20 35 14 27 10 15 7 12
205 20 35 14 27 10 15 7 12
210 20 35 14 27 10 15 7 12
215 20 34 14 26 10 15 7 12
220 20 34 14 26 10 15 7 12
225 20 34 14 26 10 15
230 7 12
The upper limit in each range Isone les than the lower limit In the sueoedlng ranse, e.g.,180-184, NO.
but tensile and yield strengths decrease, while the tions. It is a poor thermal conductor and therefore
modulus of elasticity remains practically unaffected. susceptible to high thermal stresses. Mechanical
The effects of aging processes on tensile strength are properties vary considerably, even within lots. Cor-
shown in Figure 59. Titanium also has many limita- rosion resistance at high temperatures i poor.
.) Above 800F, titanium has poor retention of me-
chanical properties (Figure 60). The coefficient of
sliding friction is high while sliding surfaces gall
-- and seize, wear poorly, and resist lubrication. Except
for recoilless applications, these deficiencies render
titanium practically useless as tube material. Not
'iC- -"- only in the origin of rifling region where tempera-
tures are high and the severe abrasion of engraving
c--- ,, -:
mks fold,
a- Is1" 1
-0 IN-
1'4 "m MSEI-- -PE vinllilll~l
Uwe -;.
96 2.12 2.48 2.76 3.10 3.41 3.75 4.47 5.30 6.21 7.25 8.40 9.73 1.,20 12,81 14.65
1.32 2.03 2.38 2.65 2.98 3.29 3.62 4.33 5.16 6.07 7.11 8.25 9.57 11.04 12.65 14.48
2.88 1,93 2.27 2.52 2.85 3.14 3.47 4.18 4.99 5.89 6.92 8.07 9.38 10.95 12.46 14.28
4,43 1.84 2.16 2.41 2.72 3.01 3.33 4.02 4.83 8.72 6.76 7.89 9.21 10.66 12.27 14.09
8.63 1.76 2.06 2.29 2.60 2.89 3.20 3.88 4.68 5.57 6.60 7.73 9.05 10.50 12.10 13.93
12.75 1.71 2.01 2.24 2.5 2.82 3.13 3.83 4.61 5.50 6.52 7.T5 8.98 10.42 12.03 13.84
24.00 1.64 1.93 2.15 2.45 2.72 3.03 3.70 4.48 5.37 6.39 7.52 8.83 10.28 11.90 13.70
* Marmiu
36. pap 179. e-1
requirements. Interstitial impurities ,uch as carbon, TABLE 14. MINIMUM MECHANICAL PROPERTY j
hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen if present in more
Siuau a sew wzinuuo one percent promote brittie- ___rT_-"_ "_- ___-__-_
Specific Actual
Gravity Mod of Elasticity Tensile Str. Specific Str.'
Material op. gr. B X 10-' psi psi TS/up. gr. psi
. 4
TABLE 16. THERMAL COEFFICIENT OF LINEAR clearance limitations during shrink fit assembly
EXPANISION OF fTELLITE 21. (ee Chapter 6-I, Liner Design). Stellite liners may
not be the final solution; scarcity of cobalt and
iemp. •gaw ax iu Temp. Itange a X 101 difficulty in processing are still major problems.
eF F 7F per °F Although machine gun tubo performance has been
imp-twed remarkably, experimentation continues.
70400 7.A 70-1500 8.68 New materials with improved characteristics are
70400 7.96 70-1600 8.72
70-1000 5.18 70-1800 8.D0 now available but are classified and will not be
discussed here,*
*dwa.. X.. 4W. Stellite 21 has the following chemical composition:
0.22% C, 62.2% Co, 27.4% Cr, 0.70% Fe
passes the nmeA in specific strength. A titanium 0.66% Mn 5.5% Mo 2.8% Ni 0.53% Si
aHoy is available with tensile strength of 200,000 psi.
Its specific strength of 44,000 psi is better than steel Physical properties available include the density at
but still far below that of the glass fiber reinforced 70*F of 0.229 lb/in3 and the thermal coefficient of
plastic, linear expansion over several ranges of tempera-
tures. Some art shown in Table 16.
5. Stefll The mechanical properties at various tempera-
151. Of the various high temperature resistant tures are listed in Table 17.
masterials tested for small arms tube liners, Stellite 6. Chromium
has the best prerties. Because of its high melting
point and resistance to rosion, more rounds can 152, Of the various metals plated to the surface
be Jired at faster rates than with other materials. of gun bores chromium was found superior to
Stellite 21 (MIL-C-13358) is the liner material cur- molybdenum, tungsten, tantalum, nickel, cobalt
gently being used. Although Stellite is brittle at and coppert. The melting points of nickel, cobalt
ambient temperatures, the steel tube cover prevents and copper are too low. Of the remainhig, only
expansion and reulting failure. At high tempera- chromium can be electr-deposited readily. Alloys
turns, the mechanical properties of Stellite are of molybdenum and tungsten have been deposited
ideally suited for liners. Tensile strength ranges on bore surfaces but low-hardness and uncertain
from 120,000 pai at 70*F to 33,000 psi at 1800*F. adhesion make them inferior to chromium. This
Ductility improves with increase in temperature. leaves chromium as the only metal that can be
Blank liners are received as tubular castings which electrodepocited and can approach the chemical
are precision machined to fit the tube. Stellite liners * efere 39.
am restrited to short legths primarily because of t Reference 40, page 5,
TABLE 18. SURFACE FINISHES OF GUN TUBES, RMS, alignments. Inspections and tube -traightening fol-
low each series of machining operations to insure
Artillrv 1lerioillumm Small Arms the two recuirements. Surface finishes and toler-
ances, particularly in tho bore, are demanding.
Exterior 125-250 63-250 63 Tolerance in the bore does not exceed 0.002 in.
Dore 8-16 16 32 regardless of tho diamnter. Fbishas normally amo-
Groovwm 16-32 16 32 ciated with the various inner and outer surfaces of
Chamber 32 32 32
Breech ThreadR 16 16 32 each tube type are hated in Table 15.
Sliding 16-32 - 32
Shrink Fit 03 - 63 154. Tube blanks for lae bore guna are either
rough machine forgings or centrifugal castings, and
for small bore guns the blanks are solid rolled
and physical properties required for plating gun forging bar stock heat treated to specifications. For
bores. These properties include: erosion resistant, each machining operation, the tube must be prop-
high melting point, high strength and hardness when erly aligned by indicator to assure the cutting opera-
heated, ductility when hot or cold, no abrupt volume tion running true. After initial rough turning and
change with temperature. and chemical resistant boring, straightness is checked with the bore as
to propellant gases. Techniquts have been developed the reference. This is done optically in small arms.
which exploit the properties of chromium when Magnetic particle inspaction at various stages of
applied to gun barrels. completion exposes any surffce flaws which may
be present. Artillery tubes are so inspected before
M. MAHTUFACTURINO PROCEDURES coldworking or shrink fit and aftar final machining.
153. The procedure for manufacturing gun tubes Small arms tubes are mognetieay inspected before
follows normal machine shop activity of tuning, machining, before reaming and rifling the bore, and
grinding, boring, honing, and broaching arranged after proof firing. Bemuse of their aW, cutting
in well-established, sequential order. However, the tools for small arme present problems involving chip
operations are unique in their application. Gun tubes, clearance and lubrication. These problems are dis-
) because of their large slenderness ratio, require con- cussed fully elsewhere.*
siderable care in maintaining concentricities and Reference
W 39.
.... 1
Maintenance of gun tubes is usually restricted to placement of the rifling which should correspond in
the preventive processes inasmuch as the tube wall, degrees with the computed angle. Increasing twist
regardless of how slight its failure, cannot be re- rifling has such a small angular displacement ad-
paired for further use. This limits corrective main- jacent to the origin that starting measurements at
tenance to the repair of the bore surface. the muzzle becomes more practical from the view-
point of correlating rifling twist with travel.
155. Preventive maintenance begins at the corn- i157.evc sesnilfo
Frequent, h iwon
diligent inspection of the bore
pletion , manufacture when corrosion inhibitors as well as that of effectiveness. Visual inspection,
are applied.
caliber tubes The exposed Those
are painted. surfaces
outer of of large
smiall arms are aided or unaided by a borescope, followed by star
phosphatised, a process which provides protection adpu in ericeisessntalfrom
aigaenehd viewpoint of safety
free of dirt, grit,of rust
andplu and propellant
inspection. The bore
oiled. Bore surfaces may be protected by oil or dtietl nuht is not
nycpeigsvr like mild erosion,
efouling. Mild coppering, m
dimmediately after pede firing is detrimental. A clean bore is not neces-
manufacture and after each firing session. Plating sarilyehiny butmsybea dullgrsy. Ashiny, polished
is used primarily as an erosion resistant measure,an
n Scratches, nicks, pitting and scoring permitothe gas
by propellant and projectile activity. Then the ex. leakage which aggravates erosion and reduces muzzle
posed surface must receive the care at theaet
same h
correct sibe isvelocite with a subsequent lose in range. These
angletcatuthdefects must be smooahed even with the original
IiiPoCTIO ps smtrface and all sharp eedgwtaccudac Advancement
of the forcing cone caused by erosion, and the
carried on throughou lnuy speolling and crushing of the rifling lands are other
facturing to detectis any
Inspection flaws which may develop. damaging factors, The location, character, and ex-[i
Rifi in one of the critical items on the schedule, tent of any damage determines whether c the tibe
not only to insure good machinin and correct sibe is still serviceable. Plug gaging helps to determine
talo to check the rodangle
but th rextentcan e rifling and is
of eriion at the origin oflife.
be computed from Equations 9f or 9i for any position sometimes forrelated with accuracy Otherwise,
In the bore. It may be measured with a rotating no specific rules an serviceability exist for field
cylinder equipped with radial pins which fit snugly inspection. Experience, therefore, becomes the quali-
in the grooves and ride on the edges of the lands. fying trait in those who evaluate the condition of
The cylinder is positioned in the bore by a rod the tube. Where facilities are available, barrel life
attached to it. The rod indicates the bore travel is determined by proof firing and is baued on velocity
and turns a dial which indicates the angular dia- drop and on loss of accuracy.
A. MONOBLOC TUBE, ARTILLERY The equivalent stress in this problem must not
1. Regular Tube* exceed the elastic limit, WL, 16.0,000 lb/in'. The re-
158. A 100 mm gun tube is selected fer the sample quired wall ratio for any pressure along the bore
design problem of artillery tubes, The 100 mm bore may now be computed by Equation 80 or obtained
avoids confusion with existing weapons. The problem from Table 10, where p/Y is equivalent to p/u,,.
is to determine the wall thickness of a regular tube Table 19 lists the design data of the 'heoretical tube.
at all points for the interior dimensions of chamber
and bore and for the pressures along the tube shownoutide
in Figure 61. These pressures are the computed diameter establishes the contour of minimum wall
design pressures discussed in paragraph 112. For thicknesses. This theoretical contour and the actual
this analysis, the tube is assumed to be smooth bore contour are shown in Figure 61. The walls of the
and made of SAE 4150 steel having a yield strength tube are generally made thicker than the minimni n
of 160,000 lb/in . Artillery Tube design procedures requirements for practical reasons such as: provi&
do not include stress concentrations induced by the compatibility with dimensions of mating corn-
rifling other than by adopting the compensating portents, provide the necessary rigidity to minimize
measure of extending the inside diameter to the droop, provide ease of manufacture with cylindrical
grooves. This analysis, therefore, would also apply or conical surfaces rather than curvatures along the
to a rifled tube have a groove diameter of 100 mm. length. Actual wall thicknesses exceed the design
The design pressure is the maximum pressure to thickness everywhere except at the breech end where
which any given tube section is subjected under any one-half inch continuous buttress threads appear
expected service or test condition. To ensure safe over a length of five inches to provide for the attach-
firing,. the tube is designed for 105 percent of thd - mei't of the breech ring. This structure reinforees the
pressure or 1.05p. No permanent bore enlaigement gun tube, providing ample overall strength. For
during firing being permitted, the equivalent stress is pressure stress calculations, the pitch diameter is
limited to the elastic limit, Cr., of the material which, assuxred to be the effective outside tube diameter.
in this application, is 10,000 lh/in'2 less than the The diameter of the chamber forward of the thread
yield strength, or e,• - 150,000 lb/in . Lonkrtudinal exceeds the thread major diameter so that ample
stresses, being negligible, are omitted. clearance is provided when the tube slides through
The required wall ratios and consequently the the recoil mechanism during assenbly. The elastle
outside diameters are found by modifying Equation strength pressure (ESP), the actu.l pressure that
55b. Substitute a for Y and increase the pressure
to incorporate a factor of safety of 1.05, then solve
for v..
1 Q
where wall
W•wall ratio.
p. - design p."ssure ACUA Cc~ NO.. amf "awo~a
If Dý is the inside diameter, the outside diameter is ....
D)it, IDist,
Fmm From
Breeh p* 1), 1o Breech 1i, 1). X8l' p
(in.) (pod) p/, I W (in.) (il.) (in.) (in.) (in,) 11' ESPI/, (p1i) (im•i) Sf*
0 72400 .483 2.501 0.00 15.02 0 6.00 15.0 2.50 .483 72400 72400 1.00
14 72400 .483 2.50 4.80 12.01 5 5.57 15.0 2.60 .496 74400 72400 1,03
16 72400 .483 2.50M 4.20 10.51 5 5.57 15.4 2.76 .500 75000 72400 1.06
20 72400 .483 2.01 3.94 9.86 14 4.8 15.4 3.21 .520 78000 72400 ).08
32 72400 .483 2.503 3.94 9.86 16 4.2 15.4 3.67 .534 80100 72400 1.10
40 6400 .431 2.016 3.94 7.94 20 3.94 15.4 3.91 .539 509D0 72400 1.11
W0 50400 .336 1.575 3.94 0.20 50 3.94 15.4 3.91 .53) 80800 72400 1.60
s0 39000 .266 1.M88 3.94 5.47 90 3.94 8.0 2.03 .433 64000 72400 2.93
70 32600 .217 1.288 3.94 5.07 170 3.94 6.5 1.05 .358 53700 72400 7.06
80 26300 .175 1.217 3.94 4.79)
g0 22100 .147 1.175 3.94 4.63 * Based on 1.05 omnputtd desian preasuIre.
100 18900 126 1.145 3.94 4.51
120 14200 .095 1.105 3.94 4.35
140 10500 .070 1.075 3.94 4.24 160,000 psi before cold working, the expression
160 8400 .051 1.058 3.94 4.17 becomes In Wt - p/144,000.
170 700 .051 1.053 3.94 4.15 The values for pressurc from the pressure-travel
curve arc now substituted for p at suitable intervals
SftTable 21 for vlo e of computed dmign pressure, V, along the tube length and the values of In W, de-
termined, as shown in Table 21. The values of W1
the tube can stustain at any section, is computed are then obtained by reference to a table of natural
frem Equation 55b, or interpolated from Table 10, logarithms, and the required outside diameters cal-
by substituting BSP for p, and a, (150,000) for Y culated by referring to Table 21,
and leads to the factor of safety of the tube.
(82) 161. Following the same practice as that for the
8,1 ME (82) monobloc tube, preceding, the wall thicknesses are
for pradtinal considerations. SinceSincreased
the wall
This and other design data of the actual tube ap- ratios are known, tho K&JP is readily computed from
pear in Table 20. Equation 64b. The factor of safety becomes that of
1. Atatirettag4 Tubs Equation 82. The factors of safety and other design
2.A data of the actual autofrettaged tube appear in
100. Theoretical wall ratios arc to be determined Table 22.
for the 100 mm, tube, prestressed by autofrettage
paectes. A factor of safety of 1.2 applied to the B. JACISTED TUBE, ARTILLE•tY
dsi pressures, instead of the customary 1,05, is 1. Tube With Single Jahkett
prescribed by Watervliet Arsenal to allow for some
umeertainties in the design procedures which have 162. A 100 mm single jacketed tube, i.e,, liner with
not been completely identified and'rationalized. The one jacket, is selected as aS example of a shrink fit
tube outlines with corresponding design pressure type tube construction. The shrink 6' is determined
data are similar to those of Figure 61. If p is substi- first e. the breech end where the wall ratio is critical.
tuted for HSP in Equation 64b, and the 1.2 factor 'rhe selection of wall ratio here involves trial amid
of misty in included, the expression for natural error. Approximate values may be obtained by either
louxithm of the wall ratio becomes Equation 29a or 37. Equation 29a, by yielding wall
ratios larger than needed, is more conservative. Al-
lii W, - ..!. 11though Equation 37 is based on stresses developed
"1.08 Y in a closed cylinder, it yields wall ratios closer to the
Foe SAE 4150 steeA, having a yield strength of required value and hence, is used in the sample prob-
lem. After the tube wall ratio is estimated, the wall
Oulmaitted by Watervliet Atonal. t Subinitted by Watervliet Arsenal.
ratios of tube and jacket are determined, to he fol- TABLE 22. DESIGN DATA OF ACTUAL
lowed by the calculations for the elastic strength AUTOFRETTAOED TUBE.
pressure (ESP) for each component. The tube shown -
p,. 69,000 psi, computed design pressure, based 5 . 9.75 1.750 .560 ) 9 140
5 5.57 10.0 1.795 .585 101100 69000 1.46
14 4.8 10.0 2.083 .734 120800 69000 1.84
81 = 1.05 16 4,2 10.0 2.381 .68 150,000 69000 2.17
p - 1.05 p_ - 72,400 psi 20 3.94 10.0 2,538 .931 160,900 G9000 2.83
-,L150,000 lb/in', elastic limit 50 3.94 10.0 2.538 .931 160,900 48000 3.35
90 3.94 7.75 1.967 .676 116,800 21000 5.56
According to Equation 37, 170 3.94 6.50 1.65 .501 86600 7200 12.0
I I]
- 7.94 in., OD liner, ID jacket lished earlier, and solving for p. from Equation, 84
-1 r- -n
.. a.. ... - 0.364T--'--- - 72,450 - 8870 psi
U D , 1.548
A - "W L - I 2 .333 C - --" I:1
W' + 1.4 33Ip Solving for A,_ s; in Equation 85
w, + I W I1 .. - _ )FE
B M-W1 - 1.970 F -- _- -0.364 TW
2 X 8870 X 7.94 •
G- B1 +I B +4 1 =.6.851 .75 X 0.364 X 29.6 10".17n
* 76
I~~)iiita sine Ai
r I Br v,e,ch 0 •5 11 10 at-)I l ui 1O.
16 ,M•0o
Di 6.0 5,571 5.571 4.8 4.2 3.94 3.94 3.94 1,•94 3,94 3.04 :
i), 8.0 8,0 8.0 8,0 8.0 8,0 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75
1). 10.75 10.75 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 9.625 9.625 8.25
W 1.792 1930 1.975 2,292 2.619 2,792 2.792 2.792 2.443 2.443 2,094
WL 1.333 1.436 1.436 1.667 1.905 2,030 1.967 1.967 1.907 1.967 1.967
W, 1.3 1L344 1.375 1.373 1,375 1,375 1.419 1,419 1.242 1.242 1,065
, A 2,287 1.042 1.942 1.562 1.38) 1,320 1.349 1.349 1.349 1.31, 1,34)
B 1.905 1.734 1.680 1.470 1.341 1.294 1.294 1.294 1,403 1.403 1.591
C 1.269 1.030 .997 .680 .493 .425 .444 A444 .512 .512 .630
F .365 .296 .307 .210 .152 .131. .149 .149 .109 .10C .040
3A' 15.69 11.31 11.31 7.32 5.71 5.23 5.46 5,46 40 5.46 5.40
B' 3.63 3.01 2.85 2.16 1.80 1.67 1.67 1.67 1,97 1.97 2,53
C' 1,61 1.06 .994 .462 .243 .181 .197 .197 .262 .262 397
F' .133 .088 .094 .044 .023 .017 .022 .(22 .012 .01:. .002
AB 4.36 3.37 3.28 2.30 1.85 1.71 1.75 1.75 1.80 1.89 2.15
CF .463 .305 .306 .143 .075 .056 .060 .066 .056 .056 .025
G 6.53 5.74 5.54 4.6a 4.14 3.97 3.97 3.97 4.37 4.37 5.12
H 11,0 8.68 8.50 .615 5.08 4.74 4.84 4.84 5.13 5.13 8.64
J 2.21 1.453 1,304 .840 .341 .254 .285 .285 .330 .330 .424
.017 .017 .017 .017 .017 .017 .007 .00,3 .003 .001 .001
.020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .010 .006 .006 .004 .004
PaL 8900 9900 10200 11800 12600 12800 5700 2450 1800 600 200
ESPL 73400 77300 79200 85000 88800 90300 82300 78300 73800 72400 66500
10400 11600 12100 13800 14800 15100 8200 4900 3600 2400 900
ESP, 72400 85100 87700 120000 160000 183000 226000 248000 228000 239000 208000
Therefcre, D. = 1.64 X 10 - 16.40 in. Increasing stress at the inner surface of the inner jacket exceeds
the OD to a nominal dimension, D. becomes 16,5 in. the yield strength. The effective, stresses at other
and W becomes 1.65. According to Equations 39a regions are below the yield. To reduce the effective I
through 39e, the individual wall ratios of liner, stress at the inner surface of the jacket to an ae-
inLermediate tube, and outer tube are ceptable 'value and also to realize a more efficient
- - w, - w"': - 1,81 tube with respect to stress distribution, the shrink
fit pressures are increased and the wall thicknesses
aud of the inner and outer combinations of tubes are of the three layers are modified according to the
W, W.,
- - W"' - 1,394 dimensions below,
Thus DA - 10, Wl, - il.81 in and D, - 10 W, A - 10,0 in. D, - 11,67 in,
13.94 in. From Equation 31, the total shrinkage D. - 16.75 in. Do -. 13.75 in,
pressure is
_ - - 1,18
Poo 11,520 psi W-, - 1,375 W., - 1.438
4aL -2p 6W00000- 144,900
1.675 - 1.218
According to Equation 40, the shrink fit pressure at
each interface is p., - 3,300 psi p., - 6,780 psi
Pd, , Poo, - P - 5,760 psi According to Equations 41a and 41h, the liner
2 5stresses at the inner surface are
166. The tangential and radial stresses due to 1.36
shrink fit pressure at the various surfaces of the , -2 X 3300 X - 2 X 6750 0.89
tube are computed by Equations 41a to 46b. From
- -53,600 lb/in'
there shrink fit presouret and those induced by the
design propellant gat preosure, the t6tal effective m, 0
r. 1
Equations 42a and 42b yield the corresponding a,, - -p -72,400 lb/in2
At the int.rfae• between liner and inner jacket,
2.36 2.36
0.36 0.89
-46,500 lb/in' u,, 72,400 . X 14.80 " 123,000 lb/in2
0 .361.6
- -3300 - 6750 X 1.39 .ý- - -7100 lb/in' 1 144
0.89 •-=, --7 , X . ,8 -
.03o- 42,60 lb/in'
"The two streses (Equations 43a and 43b) on the
inner surface of the inner :cket are At interface between inner and outer jacket,
,.- ssoo 2.39
•--6-750 × 1.39 2,36-
w.2 fW, = 1.83
39 0.89 1 4.69
- 20,200 - 24,800 " -4600 lb/in' j x
I72,400 100,000 lb/in.
- -7100 lb/in' (same as outer surface of liner)1 Cr -72,400 189• X .91-- f - 19,400 lb/in'
From Equations 44a and 44b, the two stresses on 1.80
the outer su~
1 ace of the inner jacket are At the outer surface of the composite tube, Wo = W
e,230os 0.89
- 3300 87a
6750 16,900 - 21,900 - 72,400 - 80,500 lb/in'
- -Mt9 Iblin' €,-0
a.. - • M lb/in' Combine the shrink fit with the pressure stresses
According to Equations 45a and 45b, the tangential at the various surfaces. Inner surface of liner
and radial stresses at the inner surface of the outer -, a., + ,. - 153,000 --53,000 - 99,400 lb/in'
Jacketare 2.48, - ,, + o,, - -72,400 + 0 - -72,400 lb/in'
6750 .- - 34900 lb/in' Outer surface of liner
1.8 -2,0•l/
" so m " J
U,- U, 1 + U,, -• 850+8000,00
Outer surface of tube~
Uin p+ 8f,5W+2,10 186MO/
lb|n rI
The critical stresses occur at the inner surfaces -tam
of all three tubes. According to Equation 24, the FIGURE 63. Scedict of Tube WilkUn,,i.
total mean effective stress at each location is: F.T W
-I •
"F....... 1
. r.00025 X 101
.25 .1406 + 0 +.3 + _ (.025 + .0225 -/J
v-u / oO\.UOZD -. 1re~b J
The shrink fit pressure betwoen tube and cap is c. Inner Surface of Tube
determined by considering the liner-tube assembly From P,, band on first part of Equation 43a
a homogeneous unit and solving for the shrink fit bI I
pressure by Equation 73a. Here the various radii are 0,1 M
. Pei
.- in
a - r,
- 6720 1406 + .0625 17,50 lb/in'
Sr, - .375 in .1406 - .0625 1
c - r. - .500 in Note that this stress exists before the cap is assem-
bled. The stress from p,, is the same as for the outer
30X10'X45XI0"(.1406- .0225)(.250--.1406) surface of the liner,
2X.0527(.250-.0225) o,,. - -- 11,800 lb/in'
+ , - 727•.250
250 + .1408
- .1408
26,000 lb/in'
r!rntL±2t 2 X .1406
get -",,--, -Pa7 .1406 " 18,700 lb/li
a. Inner Surface of Liner 4I
- 32,000 .250-
.250+ .0225
0225 - 38,300 lb/in' C 1- 1
b. Interface Between Liner and Tube * _-_
r, r. + 4°
-i 2s
,° -" ,-V=,-,, ..'-,,
- 32,000 .0225
.0625 .250
.250 +
- .0225 "
15,800 lb/in' "0.
of 0S
6, 0.0
c. Interface Between Tube and Cap FIGURE 64. Tangential Strees of Shrink Fuid Tubo.
r, r. + r•
Vi Pd -,r -
r, = .250 in, internal radius (caliber .50)
.0225 .250 + .10 - 8,800 lb/in r - .375 in, radius at interface
.1406 .250 - .0225 r. - .500 in, outer radius
d. Outer Surface of Cap AT - 14000F, temperature drop across total wall
pd -35,000 psi, design propellant gas pressure
2P, R - 30 X 101lb/in', modulus of steel
r ,, a - 7 X 10' in/in/OF, coefficient of linear ex-
2 X .0225 pmnsion of steel
32,000 .2"0 .05 - 6,300 lb/in' a, - .3, Poisson's ratio for steel
S - .00025 in., interference at the interface
D. SMALL ARMS BARREL WITH COMBINED 1. Propellant Gas Pressure tresses, from Equa-
169. Stresses are computed to determine the total dx
effective stress at the inner surface of the outer tube go R -
of a two-piece barrel subjected to propellant gas 0625 .250 + .1408
pressure, shrink fit pressure, and a temperature -35,000 ---- X .250' - .0625 32,400 lb/in'
gradient through the wall. The design data
N •
STRESSES (lb/In'). - 35,000 .250 - .1406 9100
-- lb/in'
Part Surface ,..1406 .250-
2. Shrink Fit Pressure Stresses, from Equation 34a
Liner Inner -21,000 -17,300 38,300 0 (in terms of tube radii), and Equation 34b,
Outer -14,300 -11,800 18,800 -10,300
Tube Inner 17,500 -11,800 16,800 21,500 i+
Outer 10,800 -10,000 8,80 ,000 a"'
C p -
Cap Inner 26,000 8,800 84,800
Outer 18,700
6,300 25,o00 3240 50- --. .1406" 1,600 Ib/hin
.w~.. *i
3. Thenmal Strim Given design data
The temperature variation across the wall is CMIPd= 12,500 psi, at 5 in. of projectile Iravwl
amumed to be logarithmic althourh therp is ,= PHI, preshure at muzzle
penture discontinuity at the interface. According 1) = 4.742 in., groove diameter plus tolerance
to Equation 48a, the tangential thermal stress Y - 153,000 !h/in•', vield strmngth at am-
80 X 7 X 1400h ient temperature (Fig. 57)
- 2(1 - .3).093 .288- i( + 1.78).693] 2,
T.- = 125 0F, atmospheric temperature
bT, = G0F, elevated temperature of tubn.
m21,20D 1b/in!
Material is conventional gun steel
Flrm Equation 49&, the radial thermal stress
Follow the outlined procedure of paragraph 115.
3 X 7 X 1400 1. CMI1 is listed in the design data
2(1 - .3).0- - 2. According to Equation 56g
-32,700 Ib/in!
SPIMP - 1.05 CMP + 42( - 700) + AcAIp
From Equation 5f, the axial thermal stress AT
30 X 7 X 14400 = 1.05 X 12,500 + 20(125 - 70)
2(1 -
"i.~' (I- .576- jX .693) -3X0.03Xi1,)50
For a test barrel, assume p - 2.5 CMP 31,200 psi According to Equations 57d and 57e, respectively,
P, ,-, 0.004 X 10' 4 090 lb/ing and 57n and substitutig for the known values
Bi " ,,+ 2.44 1.89 724 X 5.9.15. 2.08M, - Q, 1W'
From Equation 57b, X 010'
1,.57246 X
X6.14 62X X9.0 . -
X PO -X -.010 2-X 7.3 X 8.7 X
178 40W0 X 0.148)]
- M, + 1.942Q, - 922 2
- 986[7.29 + 0.01192(250 - 2320 - r 298)]
Equating th, expressions for Os in Equations 57r
and 67t and substituting the known values - 6400 lb/in?
10- 8 2 . .94M -where A - -0.148 in, rneasuuvd inward from
4 10' - .M . interface
at, - au.- 0.33 X 6400 -
2100 lb/in'
0 -0742% MB4, 16.5 X 10' X 0.01192 81,100 lb/in '
Q, - Ui9 lb/in M, - 38.5 lb-in/in , - .01117 in ('7
i r, 2.425
Before starting the actual stress computation, find r, = a,. + a,, - 83,200
the factors of Equations 5e, 58f and 88g which
determine the distribution of loads and moments u, - -. -7245 lb/in'
in the g~bsl ring region. v. 84,400 lb/in'
Suflfeient d•aU are now available to compute the Analysis of gimbal ring at Station 4, inner sur-
stresmse in the members according to Equations U8s face, when At measured from the interface is zero.
through ýSp. Maximum stresses occur at the inner From Equation 58h
surface and are tensile except for the radial stresses. 828 X 100 -"
At Station 4, tube Region 1, from Equations , 18.8 r -61.0 1 0.0286
1 18.8 X 10'
58b, 5k 5M,
am 6 X 01.1 I ,000 Ib/in!
= 1,-5•-r + 0.01192 ( 020 2.53 2320)]
• 1745[-1.75 + 0.01192(2155 - 2320)]
u,. - •€ -o 0,33 X IM0 - 4,9Mlb/in' m--600 Wbin'
S";"+ IF
, •I nnI I I I I I
.,,,r,I E,(8_, _Q 30 X 10 (D0.01192
2I5 + 000234) 2F,
p - 2-0.
- 34,100 Ib/in' I
- 169,000 lb/in2 . The bearing stress (Equation 77c)
a, - a,. + a,, - 167,100 lb/in' Fu 4260 = 129,100 lb/h?
From Equation 58r, C- 2r 0.03
Reference 32.
The direct shear stress according to Equation 77b t Reference 18.
C,.) 87
The required chamber volume (Equation 4c) which meets the requirement of Equation 4c by
- **1 greater than 596 in'.
V'. - Xt.1 2.7
11 ýý - 396 in'
"b 0.5 9. Conical Section-Discontinuity Stresses (para-
The propellant bag space determined from Fq',a- graph 120)
tion 4d is 174. The known data involving the chamber design
C are
where - - T
r. - 3.5 in, large radius of frustum, 0...)..
r, i.- 2.35 iu, small radius of frustum, bore radius ~16.5 X 0'105 \08. 474 _670--- = -o•.0( in .
From Equations 59d, 59e, 59f
A, 3.22
A, 11.96 _____12 __
S,8,700 1-in = o-N + uj = 109,500 lb/in'
X. Rr f. i. =. Vt
•10.05 - x 0.16 1136
1. in , -p = -15,60 lb/in'
4 According to Equation 23, the effective strews
;,= 3(1 ,"-)- '1( -/.5×0.160= 1.278 in-
"r€6.25 X 0.16 - 112,000 lb/in'
Substituting the known and computed values in c. Toroidal Section-Diseconinuity Stresses (parae-
Equations 59g to 59j graph 121)
1.675Q2 - 5.OQ, - 15.92M, + 7.0M, - 0 175. The known data for the toroidal section shown
in Figure 45 are -
5.6Q, -- 2.50Q, - 7.0M1, + 14,92M1, - 0
E - i6.5 X 106 lb/in', modulus of elasticity of
8.70Q, - 3.87Q, - 1.67M, + 5.6M, -6460 i u alloy
-3.37Q2 + 7.51Q, + 5.6M, - 2.50M, = 2520 p. = 15,640 lb/in', design pressure at C
The solution of the four simultaneous equations p 4,860 lb/in', design pressure at n
yields p. - 2,400 lb/in', design pressure at 0
p, - 8,680 lb/in', design pressure at nozzle
Q, 185 lb/-in M, 444 lb-in/in throat i
', 4.124 in, mean radius at C
-" -1080 lb/in M& - 145 lb-in/in f, - 2,419 in, mean radius at n
The radial deflections are computed from Equa- F'. 2.612 in, mean radius at 0
tions 50k and 59m r, - 1.935 in, radius of throat
15640 X 25 t -. 0.45 in, wall thickness at C
16.5 X 6.25 - 0.652 in, wall thickness at n
10' X0.40 - 0.492 in, wall thickness at 0
)+ 2 X 1.63 X 98700 -
2 X 208 X 98700
a - 15*15', half angle of nozzle
Y - 0.33, Poisson's ratio for titanium,
The tangential bending stress according to Equa- - - ' 3(1 - 0.109)- 1.018 in
tion 58b , f. N5.85 X 0.42i
r,. - pa° - 0.33r. - 5,500 lb/in' From Equation 60a,
The tangential stress derived from the radial de- 4860. X .85
flection from Equation 58c ".W2 X 16.5 X10' X 0.965
a . 16.5 X 10" X 0.01576 - 104,000 lb/in' 1.018M. + Q.
2.5 -2 X 1.058 X 4.28 X 10
Total tangential stress - 0.00274 - (1.18M. + 1.11Q,)10"
From Equation 60b, constant of 1.226.* Detailed calculations are shown
t.2400 X 6.82ý (4860 X 5.8) for one increment, to be followed by the total effects.
\ 0.492 )/ 0.652) The increment adjacent to the cylinder,
"18.5 X 10f X 0.965 X 1.0 Ar, = 0.010 in
+ i-×4- 1.018M. +- Q.lO
_ o•V Ay. - 0.167 in
y 0. 1.553 in
Z, - 0- 1.0 in., distance between n and 0 :- 3.895 in
9. - (-650 + 2.3 M, + 1.13 QJ)10" p, - 15,335 lb/in' (obtained from gas tables)
From Equation 600, The incremental axial force, according to Equation
15640 X 17 0.939M. - Q. AF. = 2wr, Arp, - 3750 lb
16.5 X 10' X O.45 2 X 0.828 X 1.406 X 10*
The loads on the remaining increments are computed
-0.0368 - (4.03M, - 4.28Qo)10- similarly. The total axial load
From Equation 60d F.,=ZAF.=516,000lb
2 X 0.939M, - Q# The total axial force on the nozzle, when the nozzle
2 X 0.883 X 1,400 X IV is assumed to be conical
tion 6Or. For the same increment as that for the The solution to the four Mimultancous equations has
axial direction Q. 6,580 lb/in M,, = -- 4,720 lb-in/in
, - -2r Ayp~y, = -97,100 lb-in 1Q,
= -10,170 lb/in At. - -4,865 lb-in/in
The mummatinn of the. remaining increments P - f,, - 0, - -0.004 radian
'i.2i U Uo
I 'rom Equation 61g, The actual wall rutin i(A I,.t,.
t . ,r2,00
-' ... 1-.96× 9 05,
203 , 0.052
0.2031 0.0Win W .- .947W,. + 0,053 1.064 + o,053 - 1.117
" 150,000 "Ihzeffective wall thickaeu (Equation 61n)
This wall is too thin for handling. ThArefore, it is t. - r(W - 1) - 2.445 X .117 - 0.286
increased to the dimeiwons shown in TabIR 25.
Continuing tWe nalculations for Station - 1.91, the The effective stress now becomes (Equation 019'
apparent wall ratio (Equation 61k) for a nominal - 15600 x 1lb
wall thicknebs of 1. 0.30 in. is .256-- --- 27,200 lbii
W. 2.445 + 0.30 1.123 Effective stresses at other stations are computed
"7 2.445 - similarly with all data lhted in Table 25.
/ -...-.---- .~ ,.-.--...
auMo et . ("self-hooping") A method of tube breechblock. A movable steel block in the mech-
manufacture, using cold working, i.e., prestressing anism of a breech-loading gun that seals the
by radial expansion which see. breech opening of the tube during firing.
ballstc cycle. Elapsed time from ignition of breech ring. Breechblock housing, screwed or
propellant to time that action of propellant gases shrunk on the rear of a cannon, in which the
on the projectile ceases. breechblock engages.
barrl. Common terminology for gun tube of built-up gun. Gun (tube) assembled by shrinkage
"mall rms. Sm: tabe, gun. method. Consists of two or more concentric
cylinders shrunk one on another.
bed, rotatng. Soft metal band around projectile
near Ito bass. The rotating band centers the bullet. The projectile fired, or intended to be
projectile and makes it fit tightly in the bore, fired, from a small arm.
thus preventing the escape of gas, and by engaging
the rifling, gives projectile its spin. caliber. The diameter of the bore of a gun tube.
In a rifled bore it Is measured on the surface of
boand, mting, pempgraved. A rotating band the lands.
fitted to or integral with a projectile and contain-
Ing grooves to fit the rifling of the weapon. The cannon. A complete assembly, consisting of a
grooves are formed during manufacture Lf the tube and a breech mechanism, firing mechanism
projectile. This practice is followed In the manum- or base cap, which is a component of a gun,
facture of ammunition for recoilless weapons. howitzer,
appendages.or The
term Itis may include
generally muzzle
limited to'
bolt, gun. Aý applied to mall arms, that portion calibers greater them30 grm.
of the gun which carries the firing pin, and which
closes the rear of the chamber during burning of cap. The shrunk-on retainer of a small arms lined
the propellant; bolt. tube. It contains the chamber.
Sbore. The interior of a gun tube. centering cylinder. A cylindrical section in the
~nmooth. Bore of a gun with smooth sirfe, forward portion of the chamber, and of a reduced
re, oidiameter, which seats tho rotating band.
i.e., not rifled,
bon), tapered. Bore of a gun tube with a diameter chamber. Region of a gun tube in which the charge
which decreases along all or part of the length of is placed.
choke bore. A tapered bore with diameter de-
bourrelet. The cylindrical surface of a projectile creasing towards the muzzle.
on which the projectile bears while In the bore of
the weapon. cold-worked gun.
that Is, by radila Gun produced by cold working,
exp~ansio, which see.
bore of a gun, e&-
breseh. The rearprt of the
pecially the opening that permits the projectile complete round. All of the ammunition components
to be inserted at the rear of the bore. necessary to fire a weapon ones.
.~.......-.. ........
uI•-;- 16, u---. . -- -16&
I • cook-off. The detlagratlun or detonation oi am- pert
munition caused by the absorption of heat from rifling of a gun tube. The forcing cone allows the
ita environment. Usually it consiats of the ac- rotating band of the projectile to be gradually
nidental and spontaneous discharge of, or explosion engaged by the rifling thereby centering the
an overheated
caused abyfuze,
in, a gun oror barrel projectile in the bore.
chamber propellant
charge, or bursting charge. pfre run. Travel of a projectile from its original
position in the gun chamber until it engages with
cooling, boundary layer. Cooling of gun tube by the rifling in the gun bore.
iasulating bore surface from heat of propellant
gases. frequency ratio. In automatic weapons, ratio of
natural frequency of gun tube to firing rate.
cooling, transpiration. Cooling of gun tube by
injecting a coolant through porous walls, gas wash. Erosion caused by propellant gas
coppering. Metal fouling left in the bore of a
weapon by the rotating band or jacket of a groove. One of the helical grooves forming the
projectile. rifling.
cradle. The nonrecolling structure of a weapon gun. 1. General term for a piece of materiel,
that houses the recoiling parts and rotates about consisting essentially of a tube or barrel, for
the trunnions to elevate the gun. throwing projectiles by force, usually the force of
an explosive. The general term embraces such
crush-up. In small arms, longitudinal interference weapons as are sometimes specifically designated
between case and chamber, designed to prevent as gun, howitser, mortar, cannon, firearm, rifle,
cartridge cases from pulling apart during gun shotgun, carbine, pistol, revolver. B. Specific term
) firing, for a weapon with relatively long tube, usually
over 30 calibers, which fires a projectile with
drum. Rotatable cylinder containing a group of relatively high initial velocity, and with a corn-
chambers equally spaced radially about the paratively fiat trajectory (fired at low angles of
axis; a component of a revolver type weapon. elevation).
engraving. The process by which the rotating gun, Galling type. A gun having several tubes
bands of projectiles or jackets of bullets are rigidly attached together which rotate about a
cut by the rifling, common axis and fire in rotation.
motion of the gun or tube, due to firing. In operation. Separated ammunition is used when the
recoilless weapons, the residual impulpe between ammunition is too large to handle as fixed am-
gun tube and nozzle which may move the gun munition.
rearward or forward. If the impulses balance, no
motion occurs and the gun is tiuly recoilless. separate loading ammunition. Ammunition in
which the projectile, propellant charge (bag
recoil system, double. A recoil system composed loaded) and primer are handled and loaded
of two complete systems, a primary system and a separately into the gun. No cartridge cae is
secondary system. utilized in this trpe of ammunition.
recoil system, primary. The system of the double slope, chamber. The diametral taper of the
recoil type which permits recoil of the tube and chamber.
its components.
slope, forcing cone. The diametral taper of the
recoil system, secondary. The system of the forcing cone.
double recoil type which permits the top carriage
to recoil. small arms. Guns which do not exceed a caliber of
30 mm.
recoil system, single. A recoil system that has
only the gun tube and its components as recoiling strain compensation. The pr.ctioe of providing an
parts, interference between projectile and bore to
recolliess. Of a gun: built so as to completely or preclude excessive clearances when the tube
nearly eliminate recoil, by discharging part of dilates hacause of propellant gas pressure.
the propellant gases to the rear. stes, allowable working. The maximum stress to
which a structure is intended to be subjected
rifling. Spiral grooves in the bore of a weapon durg normal performance.
designed to give a spin to the projectiles for
greater accuracy %nd carrying power. Rifling strees con sutration The presence of localized
includes both the grooves and the ridges between, streess in a structure, which aeosignflicantly
called lands. larger than the stresse existing in immediate
riflg torque. Torque induced by the rifling acting neighboring areas The larger stresses m usally
on the projectile. due to discontinuities in the structure.
rifli, wear compensating. Riflbng designed to stress, axiaL Principal stress in the longitudinal
compensate for wear. It has zero twist for a short direction.
dista-ice from the oriltin, followed by increasing
twist. stress, equivalent. The resultant stres obtained
by combining the principal streas according to
mernifixed ammunition. Ammiimtika1 in which the some theory of failure. The theory now employed
cartridge caen is not permanently fixeti to the in gun tube design is that of Heacky-von Mieee
projectile, so that the zone charge within the for t•he Wtrain energy concept.
cartridgt case an be adjusted to obtain the
desired range; loaded into the weapon as a unit. stress, pressure. Stress induced in a gun tube by
the propellant gas.
sepazated ammunition. Separated ammunition is
characterized by the arrangement of the propelling stres, pdnip. One of three mutually perpen-
charge and the projectile for loading into the gun. dicular stresses on an element which is oriented
The propelling charge, contained in a primed such that no shear stress appears on the faces of
cartridge case that is sealed with a olosing plug, the element.
e-s.., u.d._!.a -irre i W'"'l - twist, uWle of. Angle formed by rifling and
tion. longitudinal line on bore surface.
ike.., Adrank it. Stres induced by shrink fit. twist, increasing. Rlfling in rhich the degree of
twist :ncreasee from the origin of rifling to the
okeis, tqmtmlal. Principal Atrom In the tangential muzzle; gain-twist, pining twist.
twist, left hand, Rifling in which the twist is such
skeios tha l. Strem Induced by a temperature as to impart a left hand rotation to the projectile
gradient aerom a wall. when viewed from the origin.
trave, psjectlle. Distance traveled by the pro- twist, right hand. Rifling in which the twist io such
jeetllerin the bore. an to impart a right hand rotation to the projectile
when viewed from the origin.
tube, go:. (Oftenahortened to tube.) Hollow
cylindrical structure in which the projectile twkit (of rifing). Inclination of the spiral grooves
reoevue Its motion and initial direction. Tubes (rifling) to the axis of the bore of a weapon It is
for small urms are commonly called barrels, expressed as the number of caliberm of length in
which the rifling makes one complete turn.
talm, JaMWeed See: tube, multilayered.
twist, unifom. Rifling in which the degree of twist
tube, moambloc. Tube made of one piece of is constant from the origin of rifling to the mussle,
material, the path of the groove being a uniform spiral;
tube, mnuldlye
constant twist.
more conentric . tubes
A tube com~posed of two or
assembled by shrink fit. whip. Motion of tube in plane normal to its
bulongitudinal axis during firing.
tuow, quas two-1ic. Built-up nmail arms tube
comprising barel, liner, and cap assembled by wire-wrapped. Term applied to guns manufactured
threaded connection with shrink fit. by wrapping wire under tension on a central tube.
1. M. J. Pascual, et al, Trarsient Thermal Stresses 15. ORDP 20-175, Engineering Design Handbook,
in Gun Tubes, Part II, Watervliet Arsenal Tech- Explosives Series, Solid Propelants, Part One.*
nical Report WVT-RR-6208, May 1962. 16. ORDP 20-106, Engineering Design Handbook,
2. Gunther Cohn, Cook-off in Aircraft Guns, The Elements of Armament Engineering, Part I,
Fraiklin Institute Report F-A2144-2, Contract Sources of Energy.*
DA-6-034-504-ORD-1, April 1960. 17. OCM Item 29196, 27 Septembo'r 1945.
3. National Defe.nse Research Committee, Hyper- 18. Seeley and Smith, Advanced Mechanics of Ma.
veloolty Guns and the Control of Gun Erosion, terials, Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons,
Washington, D. C., 1946. N. Y., 1952.
4. D. E. Wente, et al, An Investigation of the Effects 19. R. A. Strub, Distribution of Mechanical and
of Natural Frequency of Vibratim&of the Barrel Thermal Stresses in Multilayer Cylinders, Trans-
upon the Dispersion of an Automatic Weapon, actions ASME, January 1958.
Report No. 311, U. S. Army Ordance Experi- 20. C. M. King, The Design of Gun Tubes, Frank-
mental Station, Purdue Unik'eruity, April 1, 1915. ford Arsenal Report MR-808, Project T84-4020,
5. J. P. Den Hartog, Mechanical Vibrations, Fourth July 1955.
Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 21. A. M. Stott, Simplife Method of Utilising Die.
N. Y., 1956. tortion Energy Concept. for thMe
Design and Stress
6. ORDP 20-302, Materials Handbook, Copper and Analysis of Tubes and Chambers, Frankford Ar-
Copper Alloys.* senal Technical Note TN-1110, January 1961.
7. ORD-L,784, TN2-805, Study of Pressure Gradi- 22. Sirens Analysis for Recoilless Rifle XMS8, Spotitr
ants in Rcoilless Rife Chamber, Aircraft Arna-
S and Gimbal Brackets Calculations, Technik, Inc.,
•ments, Inc., for Frankford Arsenal, September Report 61-10 for Frankford Arsenal, April
1959. (Confidential) 1961.
S. J. J. Donnelly and H. H. Kahn, Interior Bal- 23. ,StressAnalysis Nossle Section, XM-64, Recoillma
listics Designs for FA-I System for Davy Crockett, Rile, Ordanee Engineering Associates, Project
Frankford Arsenal Report No. MR-678, June No. 2041, Progresa Report for Frankford Arsenal,
1958. (Secret) 28 February 1961. (Confidential)
9. D. J. Kateanis, A New Concept of the Ballistic 24. R. J. Roark, Formulas for Stress and Strain,
Efficieny of Recoilless Rfiea, Frankford Arsenal Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Report R312, March 1956. Inc., N. Y., 1954.
10. S. 0. Huge., Summary of Interior Ballistics 25. S. Timoehenko, Strength of Materials, Part 1,
Theory for Conventional Ros, Frank- Second Edition, D. Van Nostrand Company,
ford Arsenal Report R.) 140, Project TS4-4014. Inc., N. Y., 1945.
11. H. W. Leipman and A. Roshkoe, Elements of 26. Minimum Weight Design of Noale for Isentropic
Gas Dynamics, ,ohn Wiley and Sons, N. Y., 1957. Flow, Technik, Inc., Report 61-3, Contract DA-
12. Alexander Hammer, Barrel Research and De- 30-069-ORD-3081 for Frankford Arsenal, Janu-
velopment at SpringVld Armord, 1965. ary 1961.
13. A Study of Past and Present Designs of Rotating 27. J. H. Keenan and J. Kaye, Gas Tables, John
Band and Riting, Part I, Franklin Institute Wiley and Sons, N. Y., 1948.
Laboratories Report No. 307, Contract W-36- 28.. Hoffman and Sachs, Introduction to th Theoy of
034-ORD-7380, June 1946. Ploasicityfor Engineers, McGraw-Hill Book Com-
14. ORDP 20-247 (C), Engireering Design Hand- pany, Inc., N. Y., 1958.
book, Artillery Ammunition Series, Section 4, 29. C. W. Musser, et al, Sban Compensated Barrels,
Design for Projection (U).* Frankford Arasenal Report No. R-1008, May
&em Inide back cover for addttlonal information per- 1951.
taining to Engineering Design Handbooks. 30. Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Sernis, Na,
' I
.. . .......
. ... ... .. ...o _. ... ..... .. ...
. ... . ... .. .. .... .. . . . .I
tional Bureau of Standards Handbook H28, nical Publication No. 199, Philadelphia, 1957.
Part I. 3A. ASME Handbook, Metale Ps opertiet, McGraw-
31. Watertown Arsenal Laboratories, Quarterly Pro- Hill Book Company, Inc., N. Y., 1954
groes Report to Prankford Arsenal on XM-08 and 30. W. H. McAdams, Heat Tranmniasion, Third
XM-.9, 17 March 1959. Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
32. R. E. Petersen, Stress Concentration Deaign Fac- N. Y., 1954.
tors, John Wiley and Sons, N. Y., 1953. 37. ORDP 20-305, Materials Handbook, Titanium
33. T. J. Dolan and E. L. Brogharner, A Photo- and Titanium Alloys.*
elastic Study of Stresseu in Gear Tooth Fillets, 38. ORDP 20-09, Materials Handbook, Plastics.*
University of Illinois Experimental Station Bul- 39. Gunther Cohn, Barrels for Automatic Weapons,
letin 335, 1942. Franklin Institute Report FA-2461, May 1981.
34. Elevated-Temperaiure Propertiesof Wrought Me- (Confidential)
dium.Carbon Alloy Steels, ASTM Special Tech- 40. R. J. Girad and E. F. Koetsch, Production
*Mee in•nkdha:k rover for additional information per- Hard Chromium Plating of the M14 Rifle Barrel,
taining to Engineering Design Handhooks, Springfield Armor*.
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