Potential 8ths PDF
Potential 8ths PDF
Potential 8ths PDF
29/57 students 16 not featured in list as they have been placed into groups of their own.
All bolded students passed their exam, all incompatible alignments have been removed an placed
on a list on the bottom of the page.
Students with * before their names have been interacted with in game.
Not an incredibly potent mage and a fairly weak personality but specialises in a potentially
incredibly useful school of magic, is easily pushed around. He is small, quick and can be sneaky if
he needs to be.
A mage of some sorts, he must be good at what he does because no one has seen him do
it, he has a weak frame and can often be seen sickly and missing days of school. He is a mystery
and might be a worthwhile gamble?
Boom mage is a simple term, pure magical force and damage, no holds bared. Believes
heavy in the idea of mercy and offering second chances, sometimes third, maybe forth? He has a
strong personality but tends to be forgetful, it has never stopped him from achieving his goals…
until he forgot about the exam.
On of gigglefunks ancestors was a blue dragon and a lot of questions have been asked
about how that happened and little answers have been given other than ‘where theres a will,
theres a way’, this doesn’t ring true for himself. Gigglefunk looks to raise enough money to start a
monkey farm and thought the quickest way to get his parents money to allow him to was going
through 5 years of magic schooling. Like most sorcerers he uses force to self most of his
problems, issue is he doesn’t often think before he uses said force.
Quiet and often outspoke Manaia joined the school only two years ago, many friendships
where already formed and so she struggled to find her place. While small in stature she is agile
and has learned to take a beating after many rough run ins with other students during her
Manaia boasts a unique form of magic that is often misunderstood, while witches choose a patron
they relate to, Manania binds powerful spirits known as vestiges to her soul. This allows her to
gain incredible amounts of versatility in her casting but it often comes with a cost. If asked about
her magics she talks of a vestige called Vhalhan and tells the sad tale of the sword who felt grief
for its lost welder.
In her spare time she can be seen sewing and making clothing for the children in the local village.
Marifel F/Teifling/Summoner CN
Marifel while not insane believes that her Eidelon is her fathers reincarnated soul, the issue
is that her father lives in the local village and comes to visit on the weekends. Its confusing for
everyone but she seems to get things done. She provides fairly lacking spell casting but her
Eidelon ‘Father’ is fairly effective in combat, as seen in the exam where two students where
beheaded for a brief period.
Djora F/Dwarf/Summoner LN
Djora holds her friends close, she would give everything for a person she cares about, in
moments where her allies are in need she has been known to send swarms of rats, dogs, birds
and even ponyies to protect them. While she is a skilled summoner her Eidelon takes the form of
a group of weaker mole like animals that she uses to protect those who she cares for. If you ever
want someone to protect you it might just be her.
Fogon comes from a long line of dwarfs that he draws his power from, he looks to bring
light back to his fallen family and show strength in adversity. While not a powerhouse in combat
he can take a few hits and weaken enemies. He sticks to his word as its the family way and never
will he break an oath. Any who have confided in him have never had this trust misplaced.
Perigrin is aloof, he spends much of his time divining and talking to extra plainer entities,
he seems to never quite be in the moment, always just a few seconds behind, or maybe ahead.
While slow in combat he offers a few ways to purge unhelpful conditions from ones self. But in
regards to conversation he offers little to nothing.