The Gross-Pitaevskii Equation and The Hydrodynamic Expansion of Becs

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The Gross-Pitaevskii Equation and

the Hydrodynamic Expansion of BECs

 2 2 
∂ ~ ∇ 2
i ~ Φ (r, t) = − + Vext (r) + g |Φ (r, t)| Φ (r, t)
∂t 2m

(Mewes et al., 1996)

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 1


1 Introduction
2 Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
The Ideal Bose Gas in a Harmonic Trap
Formalism / approximations
The Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
3 Applications of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
The Thomas-Fermi Approximation
Perturbations to the Ground State
The Free Expansion of a BEC
The Collapse of a BEC
4 Summary

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 2


1 Introduction
2 Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
The Ideal Bose Gas in a Harmonic Trap
Formalism / approximations
The Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
3 Applications of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
The Thomas-Fermi Approximation
Perturbations to the Ground State
The Free Expansion of a BEC
The Collapse of a BEC
4 Summary

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 3


Description of the BEC ground state

Experiments usually involve the
evolution of the BEC
BECs cannot be understood
without knowing their
hydrodynamic properties
Experimentally realized BECs in
cold atoms are inhomogeneous
(Mewes et al., 1996) BECs usually contain a large
number of atoms
→ many-body problem

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 4


1 Introduction
2 Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
The Ideal Bose Gas in a Harmonic Trap
Formalism / approximations
The Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
3 Applications of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
The Thomas-Fermi Approximation
Perturbations to the Ground State
The Free Expansion of a BEC
The Collapse of a BEC
4 Summary

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 5

The Ideal Bose Gas in a Harmonic Trap

Neglect all atom-atom interactions → atoms don’t "see" each other

Potential of the trap: Vext (r) = m
ωx2 x 2 + ωy2 y 2 + ωz2 z 2


⇒ Problem described by the Schrödinger Eq. for one particle HO

Ground-state solution
  h m i
ϕ0 (r) = 2
exp − ωx x 2 + ωy y 2 + ωz z 2
π aho 2~
q 1/3
with the oscillator length aho = mωho
, average osc. freq. ωho = ωx ωy ωz

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The Ideal Bose Gas in a Harmonic Trap

Axially symmetric traps:

Define λ := ωω⊥z
2 2
⇒ Vext (r) = m2 ω⊥ + λ2 z 2

λ < 1 → cigar-shaped trap
λ = 1 → spherical trap
λ > 1 → pancake-shaped trap

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The Ideal Bose Gas in a Harmonic Trap

Axially symmetric traps:

Define λ := ωω⊥z
2 2
⇒ Vext (r) = m2 ω⊥ + λ2 z 2

λ < 1 → cigar-shaped trap
λ = 1 → spherical trap
λ > 1 → pancake-shaped trap

Density of a cold Bose gas

E.g. for N = 5000, T = 0.9Tc , spherical
n0 : condensate, nT : thermal states

(Dalfovo et al., 1999)

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The Ideal Bose Gas in a Harmonic Trap

Axially symmetric traps:

Define λ := ωω⊥z
2 2
⇒ Vext (r) = m2 ω⊥ + λ2 z 2

λ < 1 → cigar-shaped trap
λ = 1 → spherical trap
λ > 1 → pancake-shaped trap

Density of a cold Bose gas

E.g. for N = 5000, T = 0.9Tc , spherical
n0 : condensate, nT : thermal states
→ Is the ground state really like that?
(Dalfovo et al., 1999)

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The formalism

Interactions between atoms: can we neglect them?

⇒ To get exact solutions, we should start from
The Many-Body Hamiltonian
~2 2 1
Z  Z 
† 0 † 0 0 0
Ĥ = drΨ̂ (r) − ∇ + Vext (r) + dr Ψ̂ (r )V (r − r )Ψ̂(r ) Ψ̂(r)
2m 2
where Ψ̂(r) and Ψ̂† (r) are the boson field operators.

Krauth, 1996:
"Direct" calculation for N = 104 , "hard-sphere" potential via Monte-Carlo method.

Usually N is much larger

Direct calculations are numerically too heavy for most cases

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So we start approximating...

In general: Ψ̂(r) = ψα (r)âα , with


âα |n0 , ... , nα , ...i =
nα |n0 , ... , nα − 1, ...i
† √
âα |n0 , ... , nα , ...i = nα + 1 |n0 , ... , nα + 1, ...i

If N  1 and (almost) all particles are in the ground state (Bogoliubov, 1947):
† √
â0 |n0 , ...i ≈ â0 |n0 , ...i ≈ N0 |n0 , ...i
X p X
Ψ̂(r) = ψ0 (r)â0 + ψα (r)âα ≈ N0 ψ0 (r) + ψα (r)âα
α>0 α>0

More generally:
Ψ̂(r, t) = Φ(r, t) + Ψ̂0 (r, t)
BEC now described by a scalar "condensate wave function" Φ
Thermal cloud described by a perturbation Ψ̂0

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 9

The Effective Potential

If the gas is cold and dilute...

Atom-atom interaction are determined by low-energy 2-particle scattering.
The mean distance to neighboring particle is large
→ Only the long range properties of the potential are relevant.
Meaning that we can write

V (r − r0 ) → g δ (r − r0 )

with g = m
a, where a is the S-wave scattering length

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The equation of motion

Heisenberg equation for the field operator Ψ̂(r, t):

∂ Ψ̂(r, t) 
= Ψ̂(r, t), Ĥ

 2 2 
~ ∇
= − + Vext (r) + dr0 Ψ̂† (r0 , t)V (r − r0 )Ψ̂(r, t) Ψ̂(r, t)
Assume T=0 ⇒ neglect perturbation-term Ψ̂0 (r):
 2 2 
~ ∇
∂ 0 0 ∗ 0
i ~ Φ(r, t) = − + Vext (r) + dr V (r − r )Φ (r , t)Φ(r, t) Φ(r, t)
∂t 2m

Insert the effective potential V (r − r0 ) = g δ (r − r0 )

What we get is ...

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The Gross-Pitaevskii Equation

Deploying the mean-field approximation and the effective potential yields

The Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE)

 2 2 
∂ ~ ∇ 2
i ~ Φ(r, t) = − + Vext (r) + g |Φ(r, t)| Φ(r, t)
∂t 2m
With Φ(r, t) = Φ(r)e−i µt /~ , we obtain the static GPE:
 2 2 
~ ∇ 2
µΦ(r) = − + Vext (r) + g |Φ(r)| Φ(r)

derived by Eugene P. Gross and Lev P. Pitaevskii independently in 1961

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 12


1 Introduction
2 Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
The Ideal Bose Gas in a Harmonic Trap
Formalism / approximations
The Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
3 Applications of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
The Thomas-Fermi Approximation
Perturbations to the Ground State
The Free Expansion of a BEC
The Collapse of a BEC
4 Summary

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 13

Ground state

Compare with experimental data the

ground-state wave function calculated

--- neglecting interaction (ideal gas)

—– by deploying the GPE

The ideal gas description

fails to describe the BEC!
GPE results instead reproduce
experimental data very well

NNa = 80000, trap: spherical

(Dalfovo et al., 1999; exp. data: Hau et al., 1998)

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Relevant scales in the system

The Gross Pitaevskii eq. is expected to work well if n |a|  1
→ few particles in a "scattering volume" |a|3
Typical values: |a| ∼ 1 − 6nm, n ∼ 1013 − 1015 cm−3 ⇒ n |a| < 10−3

Why cannot we neglect interactions ?

Eint gN n̄ N 2 |a| aho |a|
≈ ∝ − 2
Ekin N ~ωho Naho aho
Typical values: |a| /aho ∼ 10−3 ⇒ N aho ≈ 10 − 104

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 15

The ground state

The interaction strongly modifies the

shape of the ground state
Dependence on N
a > 0 → repulsive interaction
→ broadening of the wave function
Φ(r) gets "flattened"

N |a|
BEC wave function for various aho
in a spherical trap
(Dalfovo et al., 1999)
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The Thomas-Fermi Approximation

For large N aaho ⇒ Φ(r) flat

∇2 Φ(r) is negligible at most parts of
the distribution
⇒ In this limit the GPE gives

The Thomas-Fermi approximation

g −1 [µ − Vext (r)] ∀ µ > Vext (r)

n(r) =
0 ∀ µ < Vext (r)
N aaho = 100, distance in aho

Analytical results! (Dalfovo et al., 1999[adapted])

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Dynamics: Perturbations to the Ground State

Dynamics: time-dependent GP eq.

Φ(r, t) = e−i µt /~ φ(r) + u(r)e−i ωt + v ∗ (r)ei ωt

Linearize the GPE

~ω u(r) = H0 − µ + 2g φ2 (r) u(r) + g φ2 (r)v (r)


−~ω v (r) = H0 − µ + 2g φ2 (r) v (r) + g φ2 (r)u(r)


2 2

with H0 = − ~2m + Vext (r)

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Perturbations to the Ground State
- Example: mL = 0 and mL = 2 oscillations


Rb atoms, axially sym. trap (λ = 8)

(Jin et al., 1996 [adapted])

Calculate eigenfrequencies of
oscillations for different N
Asymptotic regime
for N → ∞
→ Hydrodynamics (Jin et al., 1996 [adapted], Calculations: Edwards et al., Esry et al.,

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 19


Limit N aaho  1: hydrodynamic theory of superfluids

Write Φ(r, t) = n(r, t)eiS(r,t)
The time-dependent Gross Pitaevskii equation gives

n + ∇ (vn) = 0 continuity equation
with the velocity field v(r, t) = ~
∇S(r, t)
BEC is irrotational
The GPE gives also
~2 √ mv 2
∂ 2
m v + ∇ Vext + gn − √ ∇ n+ =0
∂t 2m n 2
Neglecting kinetic pressure → Euler equation for frictionless hydrodynamics
→ the BEC is superfluid

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The Free Expansion of a BEC

Start with Thomas-Fermi

Expanding BEC
Use the hydrodynamic equations
Ansatz n(r, t) = a0 (t) − i=1 ai (t)r2i
is a solution of the equations
Parabolic shape is conserved
for all t → scaling
Size of the BEC given by
Ri (t) = Ri (0)bi (t)
For axially symmetric traps:

d2 ω⊥2
d2 ωz2
t= b ⊥ = 3
; b z = 2 2
dt 2 b⊥ bz dt 2 b⊥ bz
1ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, 30ms, 45ms
(Mewes et al., 1996) Solve numerically

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The Free Expansion of a BEC

For λ << 1 simple

analytical solutions for the
bi (t) can be found

Aspect ratio R⊥ /Z over t

—– Settings as in experi-
(a) λ = 0.099,
(b) λ = 0.065
−· Ideal gas

(Dalfovo et al., 1999, exp. data: (a) Ernst et al., 1998; (b) Stamper-Kurn
et al., 1998)

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Vortices in a superfluid

Recall that Φ = neiS , v= ~
from which
∇ × v = 0 → irrotational flow
Φ single-valued → phase circulation = 2π`, ` integer
∇S · ds = v · ds = 2π`
~ h
v · ds = 2π` = ` ≡ κ` (Onsager & Feynman)
m m
Tangential velocity in a vortex:
v · ds = 2π rv (r ) = κ` → v =
2π r

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Vortices in the BCE

Quantized vortex along z-axis

φ(r) = n(r⊥ , z) exp (i `ϕ) , ` integer

Angular momentum along z-axis:

Lz = N `~
Tang. velocity vT = ~

(Ketterle et al., MIT)

The GPE yields
 2 2
~2 `2

~ ∇ m 2 2 2 2
p p
+ + ω⊥ r⊥ + ωz z + gn(r⊥ , z) n(r⊥ , z) = µ n(r⊥ , z)

− 2
2m 2mr⊥ 2

⇒ For ` 6= 0: n(r⊥ , z) = 0 along z-axis due to the centrifugal term

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Numerical Calculation
NRb = 104 ,
spherical trap aho = 0.791µm
−·− ground state (` = 0)
——– vortex with ` = 1
−− vortex with ` = 1 for
an ideal gas
inset: xz-plane of the ` = 1 vortex

(Dalfovo et al., 1999)

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The Collapse of a BEC

If a < 0: At what Ncr does the BEC collapse?

Simplified calculation for a spherical

Calculate the GP energy for a gaussian
ansatz with width w
Look for minimum of E(w)
Find Ncr for which local min. vanishes

(Dalfovo et al., 1999)

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The Collapse of a BEC
- Evolution

add term to the GPE that describe three-body recombination:

~2 ∇2
∂ 2 i~ 4
−i ~ − + Vext (r) + g |Φ(r, t)| − K3 |Φ(r, t)| Φ(r, t) = 0
∂t 2m 2
16000 κ = 0, ν = 0.39
Vext (r) =
expt, κ = 0, ν = 0.39
1 ~2 kL2
mω 2 2
r⊥ + ν z 2 2
+κ 2
cos (kL z) κ = 4, ν = 0.39

2 2m 12000 κ = 4, ν = 1
κ = 0, ν = 1
κ = 0, ν = 5
K3 is not known ⇒ K3 has to be
fitted to experimental data 4000
ain = 7a0
However: no choice of K3 yields acol = -30a0
correct values for all observables at 0 10 20 30 40 50
the same time Time (ms)

(Adhikari, 2008)
26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 27

1 Introduction
2 Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
The Ideal Bose Gas in a Harmonic Trap
Formalism / approximations
The Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
3 Applications of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
The Thomas-Fermi Approximation
Perturbations to the Ground State
The Free Expansion of a BEC
The Collapse of a BEC
4 Summary

26/11/2009 | Stefano Carignano | 28


The Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) employs

a mean-field approach
an effective potential
and is thus applicable for cold (T = 0), dilute (n̄ |a|  1) BECs
GPE gives a good description of
perturbations to the ground state
hydrodynamic phenomena, e.g. free expansion and vortices
... but cannot describe processes that include depletion,
like the collapse of a BEC

Further information:
F. Dalfovo and S. Giorgini et al., Rev. Mod. Phys., 71, 3, 1999

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backup slides

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Gross Pitaevskii energy functional:

2 4
E[Φ] = dr − |∇Φ| + Vext Φ + g Φ


plus constraint Z
dr|Φ|2 = N → lagrange multiplier µ

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