Cambridge Checkpoint Science Workbook 2 Answers
Cambridge Checkpoint Science Workbook 2 Answers
Cambridge Checkpoint Science Workbook 2 Answers
You may award one mark for each answer or part of an answer.
3 Keep the plant in darkness for 2 or 3 days. Test the leaves to make sure they do not contain any starch.
Bubbles per minute
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Distance from lamp/cm
7 a) Wet biomass is the mass of a living thing when it is alive. Dry biomass is the mass of a living
thing after it has been killed and dried out.
b) A 2000 kg, B 3000 kg, C 6000 kg, D 4500 kg.
1 How plants grow
c) 6500
Biomass of species/kg
Time periods
8 Minerals are needed by plants for growth and development.
2 A healthy diet
1 Carbohydrate.
2 Starch.
3 Protein.
5 a) Iodine solution.
b) Black or blue–black.
c) Bread, banana, rice and spaghetti.
6 a)
Food White cloud formed in water Water remained clear
carrot ✔
peanut ✔
lentil ✔
butter ✔
cheese ✔
lamb ✔
orange ✔
b) Make sure all Bunsen burners and spirit burners are turned off.
9 a) 75
Group 2
50 Group 1
0 5 10 15 20
b) The average weight rises up to 51 g on day 9 then falls again after day 12.
c) The average weight rises steadily to 71 g by day 15.
d) It made them increase in weight.
e) It showed that the four nutrients did not provide all that was needed for growth.
f) Mammals produce milk for the healthy growth of their young.
g) (i) They increased in weight.
(ii) Their rate of growth slowed down. (In fact they eventually began to lose weight.)
A healthy diet
11 At the top should be chocolate, cheese, nuts and olive oil; at the bottom should be pasta, bread,
potatoes and rice.
3 digestion
The breakdown of food
1 a)
3 digestion
b) Incisors.
c) Premolars and molars.
d) Canines.
e) It breaks it up into smaller pieces.
2 Large food molecules do not dissolve in water and cannot pass through the lining of the digestive
system into the body. Small food molecules do dissolve and can pass through the wall of the
digestive system into the body.
3 a) Proteins.
b) Because they speed up reactions but are not changed or used up in them.
5 a) Peristalsis.
b) Circular muscles.
6 a) H, B, E, C, G, A, D, F
b) Bile duct.
c) Duodenum.
d) Pancreas.
e) Large intestine or colon.
7 a) The stomach.
b) Hydrochloric acid, pepsin.
8 a)
Temperature/°C Time for enzyme to work/min
10 11
20 9
30 5
40 3
e) 11
Time for starch destruction/minutes
0 10 20
30 40 50
Temperature of mixture/°C
f) The enzyme worked best at 40 °C. A high temperature slowed down the working of the enzyme.
The heart
2 a) A – right atrium, B – left atrium, C – right ventricle, D – left ventricle.
b) 1 – vena cava, 2 – pulmonary artery, 3 – aorta, 4 – pulmonary vein.
c) (i) A valve.
(ii) X
4 tHe circulatory system
Blood vessels
3 a) A – artery, B – vein.
b) A – artery.
c) It has thick elastic walls.
d) B – the vein.
e) B – the vein.
f) A – the artery.
4 a)
Pulse rate/bpm
0 30 60
90 120 150 180 21 240
Time/seconds 0
b) 70 bpm.
c) 76 bpm.
d) From 60 seconds until 120 seconds.
e) 120 seconds.
f) Adya, Su Lin, Carlos, Clare.
5 a) Capillaries.
b) One cell thick.
c) Spread throughout the organs.
8 a) Plasma.
b) Cells, vein, vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, lung.
A healthy heart
10 a) Fatty foods.
b) It can make a fatty layer in them.
c) Calcium.
d) It causes the pressure to rise.
e) The heart must work harder.
f) A blocked artery.
g) (i) Coronary artery.
(ii) A heart attack.
h) A stroke.
11 a) It is much larger.
b) It has to push the blood round a much bigger body.
c) It causes a heart attack.
d) By eating a balanced diet and cutting down on fatty foods.
12 (in any order) 1 – it makes many organ systems become more efficient, 2 – it prevents large
amounts of fat building up in the body.
Breathing movement Inspiration Expiration
External intercostal muscles relax ✔
Ribs move up ✔
Diaphragm muscles contract ✔
Chest volume decreases ✔
Ribs move down ✔
Air moves out ✔
Air moves in ✔
Diaphragm muscles relax ✔
Chest volume increases ✔
External intercostal muscles ✔
5 a) A
b) 400 ml.
c) Tidal volume.
d) It decreases by 1200 ml.
e) It increases by 2800 ml.
f) B
g) C
Gaseous exchange
6 At the end of the bronchioles.
7 a) and b)
of oxygen
of carbon dioxide
c) Diffusion.
d) The oxygen combines with haemoglobin to make oxyhaemoglobin.
8 a) To test for carbon dioxide in inhaled and exhaled breath.
b) Limewater.
c) Make sure the limewater in both tubes is clear; gently breathe in and out of the central
tube for 30 seconds; note the appearance of the limewater in both tubes.
d) (i) Tube A will remain clear and tube B will become cloudy.
(ii) The air drawn into tube A does not have enough carbon dioxide in it to turn the limewater
cloudy; the air from Paul’s breath has enough carbon dioxide in it to turn the limewater in
tube B cloudy.
6 reproduction in Humans
9 Glucose + oxygen ➔ carbon dioxide + water.
10 a) When the body cannot get enough oxygen for aerobic respiration to take place.
b) Sprinting.
c) It breathes in large quantities of air quickly to supply the oxygen that is needed to break
down the substances made during anaerobic respiration.
6 reproduction in humans
How the changes begin
1 Puberty is the period of time when a child’s body develops into an adult’s body.
4 Oviduct.
5 B, E, A, F, C, D
9 Embryo.
10 Foetus.
11 a)
Mammal Gestation periods (weeks approx.)
mouse 3
cat 9
goat 22
cow 40
horse 48
b) 50
Cat Goat Cow Horse
12 D, A, E, F, B, C
7 diet, drugs and disease
Developing country
1 2 4 5 6
3 Age/years
b) The children from developed country have 1 kg more mass than those from developing countries.
c) They both increase in mass.
d) The children from the developed country put on greater mass from age 4 to 5 than the children
from the developing country.
e) 16 kg.
Marasmus Kwashiorkor
3 a) Fats and carbohydrate.
b) Any three from sweets, chocolates, pizzas and crisps or other high-fat, high-carbohydrate
food as appropriate.
c) They move around less.
d) It increases.
e) The heart, bones, joints.
f) It can rise.
g) Type 2 diabetes.
h) Blindness, nerve and blood vessel damage in the feet (leading to amputation), kidney damage
that could be fatal.
i) Eating a balanced diet; taking part in an exercise programme.
5 If more than one line is drawn from any drug, award no mark for that drug.
Non-medical drug – reduces ability to fight
disease. Alcohol – causes nerve damage.
Tobacco – slows down growth.
7 a) B, E, D, C, A
b) Any of the following: A – danger of suffocating on vomit; B – leads to having more alcohol to
keep state of relaxation but leads to other changes; C – falling over can cause injuries; D –
behaviour can lead to fights or dangerous activities, for example balancing on a bridge; E – slow
responses may lead to accidents.
8 a)
Effect Drug
Increase activity then sadness; heart and brain damage amphetamines
Hallucinations, mental illness cannabis
Speeds up reactions and causes confusion ecstasy
Carelessness, sickness, sleeplessness cocaine
Slows down body to point of death heroin
b) (i) Heroin.
(ii) Users sharing needles.
c) Seeing and hearing something that is not there.
d) LSD.
9 (i) An addict.
(ii) Withdrawal symptoms.
10 STD – sexually transmitted disease, STI – sexually transmitted infection, AIDS – acquired immune
deficiency syndrome, TB – tuberculosis, HIV – human immunodeficiency virus, PID – pelvic inflammatory
12 Malaria.
13 a) German measles.
b) Coughs and sneezes.
c) It can cause blindness and deafness.
d) The heart.
2 a) 3
b) Lattice.
c) Strong forces of attraction.
d) The particles stay in one position but can move to and fro about that position.
3 The forces that hold liquid particles are weaker than in solids and allow the particles to move over
each other.
4 The forces between particles in a gas are much weaker and allow the particles to move apart, which
means that they can be squashed together. Particles in liquids are already very close so must be
squashed much harder to get them closer.
0 5 10
15 20 25 30 35
7 a) The particles move faster and the fastest leave the surface as a gas or form a gas bubble, which
rises to the surface and bursts, releasing the gas particles into the air.
b) The water boils faster.
c) Steam.
d) (i) Water droplets.
(ii) Because the steam is cooled down by the cold water in the jacket and condenses to form water.
(iii) They slow down, come together and slide over each other.
Gas pressure
8 a) (i) It is smaller.
(ii) The temperature is lower so the particles travel more slowly and push with less force on the
wall of the balloon.
b) (i) It is larger.
(ii) The temperature is higher so the particles travel more quickly and push with greater force on
the wall of the balloon.
9 a) Use the same amount of water and ink in all parts of the test.
b) Use a thermometer.
c) (i) B
(ii) The particles at a higher temperature have more energy and spread out faster than the
particles at a lower temperature.
d) The liquid is completely shaded in.
2 a) Some chemical reactions that make new substances also produce an electric current.
b) A battery to produce a current of electricity.
c) Humphrey Davy reasoned that as an electric current is produced when some new substances
are made then perhaps an electric current could be used to break down a substance into its
d) Hydrogen and oxygen.
e) He predicted that potash contained an unknown element.
f) 1 – He continued his investigation by heating some solid potash on a platinum spoon. 2 –
Next he added a small amount of water to the potash.
7 Calcium – orange.
Copper – green.
Magnesium – white.
Sodium – golden
Chemical symbols
8 Collect gold, copper, mercury, tartar, vinegar, soap.
Mix in a crucible for an
hour. Heat in a bath for a
Leave for a month.
Then put in a bottle.
Li Be
Na Mg
K Ca
B C N O F Ne
Al Si P S Cl Ar
10 elements, compounds and mixtures
b) The iron springs to the magnet but the sulfur does not.
c) The iron sinks and the sulfur tends to float.
d) Bunsen burner provides heat; crucible holds the mixture; pipe clay triangle holds the crucible;
tripod supports the pipe clay triangle.
e) Black, non-magnetic solid that sinks in water.
f) Iron sulfide.
5 Tiny particles of insoluble solid mixed with a liquid –
suspension. Liquid droplets in a gas – aerosol.
Tiny water droplets mixed with air –
mist. Gas bubbles trapped in a liquid –
11 metals and non-metals
6 a) White spirit.
b) Water.
c) Propanone.
d) Ethanol.
7 a) Solute.
b) Solvent.
c) Solution.
Separating mixtures
8 a) Decant it.
b) The liquid is carefully poured out of the beaker without disturbing the sediment.
9 a) Filtration.
b) A – filter funnel, B – filter paper, C – support, D – beaker.
c) The filter paper has holes in it, which let the water through but are too small to let the solid
particles through.
d) Buchner funnel, conical flask with side arm and rubber tube, suction pump.
10 a) A suspension.
b) Make sure they all have the same amount of liquid in them.
c) (i) They are spun round very fast.
(ii) They are forced to the bottom of the test tubes.
d) Decanting.
11 a) Chromatography.
b) The top one.
c) (in any order) 1 – It is more soluble than the other pigment. 2 – It sticks to the paper less than
the other pigment.
12 a) Simple distillation.
b) Boiling.
c) Condensation.
d) By putting a cold water jacket around it as in the Liebig condenser.
e) Antibumping granules and salt crystals.
5 a) Conductivity of electricity.
b) Iron sulfide did not conduct electricity.
c) (i) The lamp lit up.
(ii) Iron is a metal so it is a conductor of electricity.
d) (i) The lamp did not light.
(ii) Sulfur is a non-metal and so does not conduct electricity.
2 a) Combustion.
b) Fuel + oxygen ➔ carbon dioxide + water.
c) Energy.
3 It produces a flame.
4 G, B, F, D, A, C, E
7 a) Nitrogen N.
b) (i) No.
(ii) The mouse needs oxygen for respiration and without it the mouse would die.
c) The fats and oils in them have oxidised and made the food rancid.
8 She could take the temperature of the room with a thermometer, open the hand warmer and
wrap it round the bulb of the thermometer and observe the rise in temperature.
9 a)
Day Number of spots
1 0
2 1
3 3
4 6
5 10
6 6
7 3
b) 10
Number of spots
1 2
3 4 5 6 7
13 speed
c) As the number of spots increases and then decreases, rusting develops early in the experiment
and then slows down.
d) (i) It is not a good method.
(ii) Some of the larger spots join together, which reduces the spot count while the amount of
rusting increases.
e) Measure the area of the spots either using a ruler to measure distance across or use tissue paper/
transparent plastic with squares on it and measure the number of squares converted to rust each
11 Silver – tarnish.
Bronze – patina.
Copper – verdigris.
13 speed
1 A measure of the distance covered by a moving object in a certain time.
2 To move faster.
Speed records
4 Distance per minute is 100 × 6 = 600 m,
distance per hour is 600 × 60 = 36 000 m = 36 km/hr.
5 a) 80 000 metres divided by 60 = 1333 metres.
b) 15 seconds is ¼ of a minute. 1333 divided by 4 = 333 metres.
c) (i) 1067 divided by 4 = 266.75 metres.
(ii) No.
(iii) It is 300 – 266.75 = 33.25 metres away.
d) The lion will catch the zebra.
Measuring speed
6 B, E, A, C, F, D
7 a) Radio waves.
b) The radio waves are reflected off the vehicle back to the radar gun.
c) It compares the time difference between sending the beam and receiving it back.
8 a) They have all got different reaction times. They have all got different views of the start and finish line.
b) By using light gates.
9 a) Friction.
b) Air resistance.
c) (i) 60 × 60 = 3600 metres/hr = 3.6 km/hr.
(ii) 90 × 60 = 5400 metres/hr = 5.4 km/hr.
(iii) 120 × 60 = 7200 metres/hr = 7.2 km/hr.
14 sound
d) A 3.5 m, B 5 m, C 1 m.
e) Alan – C.
Dabir – A.
Harum –
f) They could use one person to go down each zip wire; the person keeps the same shape on
each one; all trolleys are oiled to the same degree; if light gates are not used, the same person
operates the stopwatch.
Distance/time graphs
10 a) 10
0 10 20 30
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
14 sound
1 The sound goes lower as the vibrating length increases. The sound goes higher as the vibrating
length decreases.
4 Particles.
5 a) Particles.
b) The air pressure rises.
c) The particles move apart and the air pressure falls.
d) Regions of low and high pressure.
e) A sound wave.
6 a) Solid.
b) Liquid.
c) Gas.
7 B, F, C, E, A, D
Describing a wave
8 a) A – wavelength, B – amplitude.
b) 1 – the distance from one crest top to the next, 2 – the distance from the bottom of one trough to
the next.
10 a) It allows you to see waves produced by sounds.
b) Cathode ray oscilloscope.
c) (i) A spot.
(ii) A picture of the sound wave.
d) It can store the displays made on the screen and build up a data bank of sound waves for further study.
12 Whisper – b) – 20.
Road drill – a) – 110.
Normal speech – c) – 55.
15 ligHt
1 a) Examples could include Sun, stars, fire, lamp, TV screen, computer screen, phone screen.
b) Anything from things like clothes, furniture and furnishings to desk items and food and drink.
Light rays
2 Some of the light is reflected from dust in the atmosphere.
3 Long, straight lines of light with straight edges.
5 a) When light shines on an opaque object.
b) On the side away from the light source.
c) Dark region without light.
d) The position of the light source and where the shadow falls.
Reflecting light
7 normal
angle of incidence
angle of refraction
refracted ray
water level
refracted ray
12 a) C, D, A, F, E, B
b) With your back to the Sun.
16 magnetism
1 Cobalt, iron, nickel, steel.
2 a) Lodestone.
b) Magnetite.
North pole
Number of paper clips
1 South pole
0 1 2 3 4 5
Number of cards
b) The power of the magnet decreases with distance from its poles.
c) The north pole is stronger than the south pole.
d) (i) The south pole with cards 4 and 5.
(ii) They both have the same result, which goes against the pattern set up in the rest of both graphs.
Inside a magnet
4 Domains.