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Ijir-297 PDF
Ijir-297 PDF
Abstract: The macrofungal diversity of the Dagaga- Macrofungi play fundamental roles in forest
Gambo plantation and natural forests was studied by ecosystems. Measuring the macrofungal species
plot-based macrofungal survey method for three richness and diversity helps to monitor the health of
years (2014-2016) during rainy seasons. Three forest a given natural system [3]. Since macrofungal
unit habitats (FUH): old plantation forest (OPF), biodiversity is closely correlated with the total
clear cut and replanted plantation forest (CPF) and biodiversity of a given site, its quantification also
disturbed natural forest (DNF) were selected for the helps for assessing priorities in sites of conservation
purpose. Fruitbodies of macrofungi in each plot were . According to Humphrey et al. [14] macrofungal
recorded. Diversity, abundance and similarity of the diversity of plantation woodlands are comparable to
macrofungal species were measured. More than 116 the macrofungal diversity of semi-natural woodlands.
macrofungal species were recorded and grouped Many authors have conducted studies on
under 16 orders, 44 families, and 78 genera. Species Ethiopian fungi and generated information on
richness in the two forests and the forest unit different aspects [7,6,10,11,12,21,31,37,39,40,42]. But only few
habitats (FUH) were varied. Total species richness authors conducted studies on macrofungal diversity
(S) was found to be the least in OPF Dagaga (OPFD) in Ethiopia [2, 5]. Assessment of plot based forest
(19) and the highest in DNF of Gambo (DNFG) (49). macrofungal diversity study in Ethiopian forests in
More macrofungal species number was recorded in general and in Dagaga-Gambo plantation and natural
Gambo forest (88) than in the Dagaga forest (81). forests in particular is not conducted so far. The
Both Simpson's diversity indices and Shannon objective of this study was, therefore, to enumerate
Wiener diversity indices showed different and document the macrofungal species diversity,
macrofungal species diversity across the FUH and richness and abundance of the Dagaga-Gambo
the two forests. The data presented here serve as a plantation and natural forests the Arsi forest
baseline for further macrofungal studies in Dagaga enterprise.
and Gambo forests.
2. Materials and Methods
Key words: Macrofungi, abundance, diversity,
evenness, similarity, Dagaga-Gambo.
2.1. Description of the study area
1. Introduction
The study was conducted at Dagaga and
Gambo plantation and natural forests (Picture 1). The
Fungi are the most diverse groups of forests are registered under Arsi branch of the
organisms on earth. The estimated fungal species are Oromia Forest and Wildlife Enterprise (OFWE).
about 1.5 million (Hawksworth 2001). Only 80000- OFWE is an autonomous public enterprise which is
120000 species have been described [15]. Fungi are structured in nine branch offices and 38 forest
most diverse in forest ecosystems [16]. Peay et al. [28] districts in Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. Arsi
reported that fungal species richness increases with branch is one of these branch offices having three
increasing forest area. Fungal species richness also forest districts (Dagaga/Munessa, Gambo and Sole)
increases with the increasing number of tree species with an estimated area of 23,000 ha [34]. The forest is
present in a forest [32]. Furthermore, forests also an important water catchment area for rift vally lakes
support more rare and threatened fungi [23]. (Langano, Abjata and Shalla) [18]. The altitudinal
gradient of the forest ranges from 1900 to 2700 m asl
and has a general bimodal rain pattern of a minor Wood Technology Research Center (WTRC) of the
rainy season (March-May) and a major rainy season Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute
(July-September). Its recorded mean annual (EEFRI).
precipitation and annual temperature are 1075 mm
and 15oC, respectively. There are natural and
plantation forests in the district. Its natural forests are
highly disturbed and dominated mainly by
Podocarpus falcatus, Celtis africana, Croton
macrostachys, Syzygium guineense, Maytenus
arbutifolia, Prunus africana, Schefflera abyssinica
and Allophyllus abyssinica [1]. The plantation forest
is mainly dominated Cuprusses lusitanica which is Picture 2: Photographs of some of the forest types
studied in Munessa/Dagaga and Gambo forests.
followed by Pinus patula. Different Eucalyptus
species are also planted in small plots at different
compartments of the forests. Plots for the present
study were established in the Dagaga and Gambo 2.3. Identification of the macrofungi
districts (Picture 1).
The macrofungi were identified at their natural
environment wherever possible. But most
macrofungi collected from the study plots were
brought to the laboratory and characterized. The
fungi were identified following the keys and colored
morphological features described by standard general
texts [20,30,22]. Identification of specimen was based on
both macroscopic and microscopic features. The
information of the various characters stated was used
to identify each specimen by comparison with
illustrations in color field guides and also by the use
of descriptions and keys. For identification of the
remaining fungi, the following mushroom websites
were also referred:
Picture 1: Site map of the study area http://www.pbase.com/tmurray74/mushrooms;http://
2.2. Macrofungal assessment http://www.first-nature.com/fungi/~id-
Macrofungi of the Dagaga and Gambo my.html; http://www.mykoweb.com/photography/.
forests were assessed by establishing transact plots
. Three forest unit habitats (FUH) were selected 2.4. Statistical analysis
from the two forests based on their accessibility:
cleared and replanted plantation forest (CPF) (5-8 Total species richness (S). S was computed as the
years old), old plantation forest (OPF) (25-30 years cumulative number of macrofungal species recorded
old) and disturbed natural forest (DNF) (Picture 2). over the entire sampling period of three years [41]
Two sites were selected for each FUH and three with formula
transact plots were set up at each site (Table 1). ---- Equation 1, where X is the total
Hence, a total of 36 permanent transect plots of 150
species richness of each plot in forest type i.
X 20 m sizes were established.
All fruitbodies of the macrofungi in each
Simpson’s diversity index (D). D was calculated
plot were consecutively surveyed during the main
using the equation of Simpson [35].
rainy season (July-August) for three years (2014-
2016). The fruitbodies were photographed and their ---- Equation 2, where Pi = Ni/N, and
morphological features were characterized at their Ni=ni
natural habitat. Spore prints were obtained whenever
possible on daily visit basis. Fresh fruitbodies were Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H). H was
collected in separate paper bags and fungal cultures computed using the formula of Shannon and Weaver
were obtained at the mycology lab of Wondo Genet [33]
. ---- Equation 3, where
College of Forestry and Natural Resources (WGCF-
Pi is the ratio of individuals found belonging to the ith
NR) of Hawassa University (HU) and herbarium
specimens were retained at the mycology lab of the
macrofungi in the forests. A complete knowledge of (Fig. 2). This could be explained in terms of the
the fungi for any locality requires continuous physiological capabilities of these fungi in degrading
observation and collection over many years. the recalcitrant wood remains in the forests [19, 25, 38].
Bolhassan et al. [8] and Lopez-Quintero et al. [17]
showed that species diversity and occurrence
increased with the increasing number of visits over a
longer period. Straatsma and Krisai-Greilhuber [36]
made 551 visits on 1500 m2 for 21 years on a Swiss
forest and recorded 71,222 fruitbodies representing
408 species. Therefore, long term studies should be
carried out to obtain sufficient information on type of
fungi present and diversity of the macrofungal biota
of the Dagaga and Gambo plantation and natural
3.2. Species diversity Fig. 3 Diversity of family, genera and species of the
macrogungi of Dagaga and Gambo plantation and
The macrofungal species diversity of the natural forests in their respective orders
Dagaga and Gambo plantation and natural forests
varied (table 1). The number of species in the
corresponding family (Fig. 3) and order (Fig. 4) were
different. The highest Simpson's diversity index (D)
was obtained in OPFD (0.088) and followed by CPFG
and OPFG. D value in DNFG was the least (0.027). D
values of the two forests showed lower D values
showing that the macrofungal species distribution of
the two forests are highly diversified and not
dominated by few species. Similarly, higher 1-D
values ranging 0.912-0.973 were obtained indicating
the presence diversified macrofungal species. D
values of the plantation forests were relatively lower Fig. 4 Diversity of orders, families, genera, species and
than the D values of the natural forests. Hence, sporocarps in the FUH of the Dagaga and Gambo
higher species number existed in natural forests and plantation and natural forests
plantation forests were dominated with lower number
Table 1 Species richness and diversity indexes of
of macrofungal species.
macrofungi of the Dagaga-Gambo plantation and
Shannon Wiener diversity indices (H) natural forests.
varied across the three FUH and the two forests
FUH Forest
(table 3). High Shannon diversity indices 3.778,
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