The Foundations and Assumptions of Technology-Enhanced Student-Centered Learning Environments
The Foundations and Assumptions of Technology-Enhanced Student-Centered Learning Environments
The Foundations and Assumptions of Technology-Enhanced Student-Centered Learning Environments
c 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Abstract. Direct instruction approaches, as well as the design processes that support them, have
been criticized for failing to reflect contemporary research and theory in teaching, learning,
and technology. Learning systems are needed that encourage divergent reasoning, problem
solving, and critical thinking. Student-centered learning environments have been touted as
a means to support such processes. With the emergence of technology, many barriers to
implementing innovative alternatives may be overcome. The purposes of this paper are to
review and critically analyze research and theory related to technology-enhanced student-
centered learning environments and to identify their foundations and assumptions.
Key words: student-centered learning, learning environments, technology
The pursuit of ideal teaching and learning methods has challenged educators
for centuries. Recent emphases in student-centered approaches have revi-
talized interest in alternative teaching and learning perspectives. The most
closely-studied differences have been between “traditional” directed-teaching
methods and learner-centered constructivist approaches. Direct methods have
been criticized for failing to emphasize practical problem solving and critical
thinking (e.g., Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989; National Science Teachers’
Association, 1993). Some educators have attributed performance deficiencies
to teaching approaches that cultivate oversimplified, and often superficial,
understanding (Spiro, Feltovich, Jacobson, & Coulson, 1991). Externally-
centered instructional methods, according to critics, fail to address the knowl-
edge requirements of a rapidly expanding technological society.
Several perspectives have emerged among designers of learning systems.
Many believe that instructional design methodologies, themselves, are not
inherently limiting. Limitations in their use, it is argued, result from
narrow interpretation rather than shortcomings in the approaches themselves
(Reigeluth, 1989). Others advocate extending or adapting conventional design
methodologies to better accommodate diverse perspectives and contempo-
rary research and theory (Lebow, 1993; Rieber, 1992). Still others disagree,
Each setting has unique situational constraints that affect the design of
learning systems. Issues such as run-time requirements, hardware/software
availability and compatibility, and financial concerns establish significant
constraints. Pragmatic foundations bridge the gap between theory and reality.
They emphasize the practical reasons a particular approach can or cannot be
used in a given learning environment.
Pragmatics might also dictate that learning environments blend aspects
of varied pedagogical models. For instance, the Space Shuttle Commander
An integrated view
In theory, all learning environments draw upon each root foundation. The
conceptual overlap among foundations may be extensive, but still reflect
fundamentally different requirements. As noted previously, an environment
rooted in objectivist epistemology, such as those in highly focused technical
training, may involve strong alignment among behavioral theory, mathema-
genic learning strategies, and highly directed use of technology features. An
open learning system may yield the same degree of conceptual alignment, but
draw upon different subsets of the foundations (e.g., learning as construction,
manipulation tools, and navigation browsers).
Underlying assumptions determine, in unambiguous ways, how (or if) the
foundations are connected. The importance of underlying assumptions, there-
fore, cannot be overstated: they dictate how foundations are operationalized
in any environment. As the assumptions vary, the foundations, and hence the
features and methods, of the learning environment change accordingly.
Technology-enhanced student-centered learning environments comprise
many forms, often with few apparent similarities. The efforts are often very
Assumption Examples of methods & Activities Functions Associated research & theory
Instruction, Basics first vs. initial exploration of Allows learners to “make sense” out of Hierarchical, “bottom-up” approaches
traditionally complex concepts what they know; engages them in (Dick & Carey, 1985) vs. anchored
operationalized, complex ideas instruction (CTGV, 1990)
is too narrow Decontextualized instruction vs. Supports meta-knowledge about Strategy training (Derry & Murphy, 1986)
to support contextualized learning problem solving; addresses complex vs. cognitive apprenticeships (Brown,
varied learning thinking vs. rote memory & Collins, & Duguid, 1989)
requirements disassociation problem
Direct instruction vs. exploration and Leads to deeper understandings and External conditions of learning (Gagné,
manipulation personal model building and refinement 1985) vs. model building and
reconstruction (Piaget, 1986; Papert,
Presentation of facts vs. cultivation of Increase meaningful understandings Behaviorism vs. mathetics (Papert,
individual sense-making and relationships with phenomena 1993a; 1993b) and reflexivity
(Cunningham, 1987)
Understanding Technology-enhanced automation of Allows novices to get familiar with Distributed intelligence (Pea, 1993);
is best selected processes complex notions without excessive Effects “of” technology (Salomon,
supported cognitive load; supports conceptual Perkins & Globerson, 1991)
when cognitive manipulation
processes are Learner-generated predictions, model Facilitates building and evolving of Mental model building (Mayer, 1989;
augmented, building, & testing theories or beliefs Rieber, 1992); theories-in-action
not (Karmiloff-Smith & Inhelder, 1975)
supplanted, by Socially, materially, & technologically Leads to deeper understanding; Phenomenaria (Perkins, 1991); cognitive
technology rich environments understanding surpasses what could apprenticeships (Brown, Collins &
be achieved without support Duguid, 1989)
Cognitive tools Empowers learners to extend thinking Cognitive tools (Kozma, 1987);
Assumption Examples of methods & Activities Functions Associated research & theory
Learning Support individual sense-making Increases meaningful learning and Mathetics (Papert, 1993a; 1993b)
environments connections among ideas
need to Process-oriented resources Promotes cognitive engagement and Process learning (Hannafin & Grumelli,
support the development 1993); phenomenaria (Perkins, 1991)
underlying Support making cognitive/ Supports learning of self-regulation metacognition: covert processes made
cognitive metacognitive processes overt skills as learners become aware of overt (Scardamalia et. al, 1989);
processes, strategies; Supports development executive control (Perkins, 1993)
not solely of meta-knowledge
products of
Understanding Learner-generated predictions, model Supports learners in formulating Knowledge reconstruction; assimilation-
evolves building, testing, and revising intuitions or mental models accommodation (Land & Hannafin,
continuously 1996)
Experiments, manipulations, Understanding is refined through “incubators of knowledge” (Papert,
simulations and microworlds experience 1993a; 1993b; Edwards, 1995)
Concept mapping, generative Addresses compliance vs. evaluation Intentional learning (Scardamalia et. al,
learning strategies issue 1989); model building/enhancing
Assumption Examples of methods & Activities Functions Associated research & theory
Individuals Encourage awareness of learners’ Encourages a richer understanding of Reflexivity (Cunningham, 1987);
must assume personal knowledge construction beliefs; gives learners control over mathetics (Papert, 1993a; 1993b)
greater process learning process
responsibility Emphasize making metacognition Supports learning of self-regulation Strategy training (Derry & Murphy, 1986);
for their overt and deployment/use of skills as learners become aware of intentional learning (Scardamalia et. al,
learning metacognitive skills strategies 1989)
Emphasize construction of products Supports active learning and individual Constructionism (Harel & Papert, 1991)
to represent understanding (e.g., construction of knowledge; more
programming and multimedia motivating than being passive recipient
environments, etc.)
Learners Expand finite set of variables; reduce Supports development of learner’s Variable stepping (Rieber, 1992)
make, or can or expand complexities adaptively “need to know” more information (self
be guided to regulation)
make, effective Establish problem to solve and Establishes an “anchor” upon which Anchoring (CTGV, 1992); problem-based
choices provide supporting resources as further complexities can be added environments (Tobin & Dawson, 1992)
“need to know”
Learner-generated predictions, model Learners see errors as a cue for further model building in microworlds (Edwards,
building, & testing; experimentation information in the natural process of 1995; Rieber, 1992)
with immediate feedback about working towards a goal
results (microworlds; simulations)
Expert commentaries/feedback Learners can check their own ideas Amplification of relevance/expert
with that of an expert (as a part of processes for self-monitoring of learning
self-monitoring) (Spiro et. al, 1991; Thurber et al., 1991)
Assumption Examples of methods & Activities Functions Associated research & theory
Learners Activities supporting multiple Diminishes over-simplification problem; Reflexivity (Language Development and
perform best knowledge representations and supports flexible, decontextualized Hypermedia Research Group, 1992);
when perspectives knowledge that can be applied outside Cognitive Flexibility (Spiro et. al, 1991)
varied/multiple of a particular context
representations Activities supporting varied Supports more complex and multi- Analogs and extensions (CTGV, 1992);
are supported contexts/cases faceted understanding Criss-crossed landscape (Spiro et al.,
Activities supporting multiple and Addresses complex learning goals issue Constructionism (Harel & Papert, 1991)
varied purposes of knowledge
Knowledge Situate learning in context of a De-emphasizes misconceptions and Anchoring (CTGV, 1992); Situated
is most problem to be solved; Embed passivity due to disassociated learning knowledge (Brown, Collins & Duguid,
meaningful data/supporting resources into 1989)
when rooted problem solving scenario
in relevant, Simulate the natural, situated process Orients learners to interrelatedness of Everyday cognition (Lave & Wenger,
scaffolded of learning knowledge; learners use knowledge as 1991)
contexts a “tool”
Root learning in concrete contexts “Inert” knowledge problem is addressed Concrete experiences (Wilensky, 1991)
Understanding Technologies or environments for Normally abstract notions can be Concrete manipulation (Edwards, 1995;
is most relevant making abstract notions concretely experienced, manipulated, scrutinized Papert, 1993a; 1993b; Rieber, 1992)
when rooted accessible
in personal Provide multiple experiences for Richer understanding develops from Phenomenaria (Perkins, 1991); concrete
experience exploring concepts, and building learning from experience experiences (Wilensky, 1991);
connections affordances (Pea, 1993)
Table 1. Continued.
Assumption Examples of methods & Activities Functions Associated research & theory
Reality is Theory building/enhancing Learners formulate and modify initial Knowledge reconstructing (Piaget,
personally understanding 1952); theory development (Land &
constructed via Hannafin, 1996)
and Support natural consequences of Errors are useful as data for refining Model/intuition building (Papert, 1993a)
negotiation experimentation (i.e., errors) understanding; lead to persistence in
the face of problems.
Understanding Model building and testing Cultivate rather than provide Microworlds as “incubators for
requires time understanding knowledge” (Papert, 1993a)
Immerse learners in problems – Deeper understanding through “getting Generative models and environments
provide experiences for to know” phenomena; formulate and (Land & Hannafin, 1996; Linn &
extended investigation and develop personal understanding and Muilenburg, 1996; Papert, 1993a;
concept manipulation decisions 1993b)
Constructivists stress that learners determine what, when, and how learning
will occur. Such methods, however, tacitly presume that students possess the
metacognitive skills needed to make effective judgments, or can be induced
to make appropriate choices using advice or hints (Hannafin, Hill, & Land, in
press). Yet, ineffective strategy monitoring and usage have been observed in
numerous technology-based learner control studies (Steinberg, 1977; 1989).
These are serious concerns since learning environments rely heavily on the
quality of individual learner decisions for their success.
Technology-enhanced student-centered systems rely on the learner to
generate and implement individual learning plans. Judgments may be based
on the individual’s assessments of learning needs or those which, though made
by the learner, are guided by the system. Guidance is provided in the form of
tools, resources, and, if needed, direct instruction. Individuals can be guided
during learning if designs are situated in authentically complex contexts
and proper guidance is provided (Pea, 1993; White & Horwitz, 1987). For
instance, athletes such as gymnasts or dancers are often “spotted” when they
learn new routines. Performance is initially facilitated to enable actions which
they are unable to produce independently. Successful learners, like success-
ful athletes, gradually use facilitated action to perceive critical elements of
the process and build upon them until they are able to perform indepen-
dently; guidance is reduced and eventually eliminated as familiarity and
facility increase. Student-centered environments use technological resources
to facilitate the perception of critical processes and to provide experiences
that approximate the requirements of an activity (Choi & Hannafin, 1995).
With proper guidance, learners can understand in ways otherwise impossible.