Items Description of Module

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Items Description of Module

Subject Name Human Resource Management

Paper Name Skill Development and Social Entrepreneurship
Module Title Personality Development
Module Id Module No. - 2
Pre- Requisites Basic understanding of Personality
Objectives To develop conceptual understanding of personality development
Keywords Socialization, Communication, Presentation, Positivity

1. Module 2: Personality Development

2. Learning Outcomes
3. Introduction to Personality Development
4. Factors influencing Personality Development
5. Personality Development Constituents
6. Personality Development Standards
7. Developing Personality Development Attributes
8. Personality Development Effecting Work Environment
9. Summary

1. Module 2: Personality Development

2. Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, students will be able to
 understand the concept and relevance of skills requiredfor Personality Development
 get familiar with why and howto develop the Personality Development skills

3. Introduction to Personality Development:

Personality is the combination of characteristics that capture the unique nature of a person as
how he reacts and interacts with others in the environment, and a set of physical and mental
characteristics that reflect how a person thinks, acts, looks, and feels. Personality is the
organized pattern of behaviours and attitudes that makes a person distinctive. It occurs by the
constant interaction from their environment. "Personality is the dynamic organization within
the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristics behaviour and
though" (Allport, 1961).

Personality makes a person a unique individual, which is identified soon after the birth.
Psychologists believes that two factors i.e. temperament and environment—influence the
development of an individual personaity. Temperament, with its dependence on genetic
factors, is sometimes referred to as "nature," or the set of genetically determined traits that
determine, how the child approach and learns about the world. While the environmental factors
are called "nurture”, or the character which consists of set of emotions, cognitive, and
behavioural patterns learned from experience which determines how a person thinks, feels, and
behaves. A person's character continues to change throughout their life, and dependent on a
person's moral development.

3.1 Personality development means enhancing and grooming one’s outer and inner self to
bring about a positive change in ones life. Each individual has a distinct persona that can be
developed, polished and refined. This process includes boosting ones confidence, improving
communication and language speaking abilities, widening ones scope of knowledge,
developing certain hobbies or skills, learning fine etiquettes and manners, adding style and
grace to one’s persona, and overall imbibing oneself with positivity, and liveliness. It helps
one realize self-capabilities and strengths making one a stronger, happier and cheerful person.
The change is effected in the pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours which distinguishes
the individual. The field of personality psychology holds that personality emerges early and
continues to change throughout an individual’s lifespan. Hence it can be developed in
meaningful ways.
3.2 Genesis of Personality development
There exist two perspectives to the subject of Personality development, Evolutionary
perspective and Lifespan perspective. The former is primarily on the evolutionary process,
explain variations in based human personality and individuality. It traces personality and
individuality back to when the early humans were learning how to function in complex social
groups. A member of the group associated themselves as one with the tribe and therefore the
responsibility rested in the group and not the individual. Since primitive man identified his
existence with the existence of his tribe, it has allowed for mankind to reach the remarkable
level present today. A small step of differentiation that later led to personality and
individuality was the division of labour. This differentiation was necessary in order for the
group to function in a much more efficient way. This differentiation became adaptive since it
increased the groups functionality. These early humans then continued to develop personality
and individuality, which stemmed from their group and the social interactions they
encountered. Individual life, and thus individuality and personality essentially arose from
collective life.

According to Lifespan perspective, most personality development occurs in childhood, and

that personality is stable by the end of adolescence. Personality traits are open systems that
can be influenced by the environment at any age, and suggesting that there is a dialectic
between continuity and personality change throughout the individual’s lifespan.

4. Factors Influencing Personality Development

Personality traits are influenced by genetic, environmental, transactional, and stochastic
factors.In the process of growth and development individual develop unique structure of traits
which lead to individual differences. Thus, personality formation is a complex process,
depending upon common and unique experiences on the one hand, and, genetic factors on the
other. Genetic factors consider heredity as a major determinant of the development of
personality of an individual takes place in a socio-cultural context.
 Genetics- The heritability of a trait may change depending on an individual’s environment
and/or life events. Thus genetic and environmental influences on personality differ
depending on other circumstances in a person’s life.
 Environmental- The Non shared environmental effects like different work, marital, and
family experiences are associated with personality change, and by the impact of major
positive and negative life events on personality.
Benefits of Personality Development

 One of the key benefits of Personality development is that the over-all demeanour of
a person is more vibrant, it develops elements of many traits, that form a charming
whole and there is a sharpening of personality for the better.
 Another key benefit is the confidence and morale that automatically gets a boost and
forming a healthy rapport with anybody of any age bracket.
 The ability to curb temperamentalism and be an out-going and well communicative
 Overall, the person gets a wonderful edge and a razor-sharp yet approachable as well
as a warm outlook to life and people.
 Personality development is almost a structural requirements of the office, because
with the right personality and social skills, one can interact effortlessly and well
with colleagues and team-participation becomes simpler, as everyone dwells into
matters with positive approaches.
 Business and profession, necessitates personality development of employees to
able to multi-task and be better performers in various roles, making them all-
rounded professionals with and an edge to perform and better themselves in any
given environment.

4.1 Socialization-Socialization is the general

process of acquiring culture. Our family, traditions
lend us a social identity. Socialization is important
in the process of personality formation, as during it
we learn our language, customs and more. The
socialization process moulds personality in a
desirable direction. By encouraging specific beliefs
and attitudes as well as selectively providing
experiences. This makes all the difference between
the common personality types in one society in
comparison to another.

While socializing with people, we gain abundant

insight into the working of the world, and are able
to predict people’s mood, their nature after having socialized with them. It helps in
adapting to a certain environment and in adjusting and feelingat

4.2 Self-esteem
Self-esteem is a term that reflects a person’s overall evaluation
or appraisal of his or her own worth as it is both positive and
the negative evaluation of the self. It encompasses beliefs and
emotions such as triumph, despair, pride and shame. Thus Self-
esteem is also an enduring part of a person’s personality.

Self-esteem allows creativity at the workplace, and is an

especially critical condition for teaching professions. The
importance of self-esteem is obvious when one realizes that the opposite of it is not the
esteem of others, but self-rejection, a characteristic of that state of great unhappiness that
we call depression.

4.3 Effect of Behaviour on Personality

Behaviour plays an important role while defining Personality. Impact of behaviour on
personality would refer to the organized ways of thinking and acting that express the
person’s beliefs, opinions, attitudes and values. In one way or other behaviour usually
reflects the person’s own conscience. While mannerism, would be defined as something
that reflects social norms and the demands of the social context.Behaviour is superficial
and comes through training. It is a channel through which a person expresses himself or
herself. The energies for behaviour come from the vital emotions. Behaviour though
changing, influences personality to a large plane. One might feel that one can consciously
change their behaviour according to the mood and need of the situation but it still shows
ones personality to large level.

4.4Role of Character in Personality Development

Character refers to the fixed, repetitive and

organized psychological formations.These are
determined by the person’s values which find
expression through the surface manners and
behaviour. Interestingly these cannot be altered as
they are inbuilt within a person. When honesty,
ambition, generosity, selfishness, courage or
cowardice is established traits at the level of
character, they cannot be changed even by conscious

Character is behaviour that one has accepted in the

very depths of his being, in the substance, and
allowed to take root there. The attitudes that express
outwardly as behaviour can change in an instant or
over time, but the formed traits that constitute
character are lasting and extremely resistant to
change, regardless of the circumstance. So you can see how powerful it is in determining
your personality. This is the effect of character in personality

5.Personality Development - Constituents

Personality development as has been discussed several times can be developed through
various means and measures. You can develop a good personality with strong character in
the main lead. The key to success is hidden well within every individual whom has to be
nurtured. Some components of personality development are defined below.
Politeness is the key
to being heardand
often imbibed, rather
than a rude or loud
person. So our
speech must include
sweet and soft
spoken words as it
also defines the
orator’s personality.

Lies, treachery,
manipulation and
fraud are such
aspects of personality
which often is discovered and leads to failure, insult and defamation at every step of life. It
is necessary that we get rid of these negative shortcomings people resort for quick self-
gain rather than healthy competition as the path of all success.

Having a positive attitude for social engagement is the key to be connected to society.

Developing creativity and positive propensity by engaging in constructive activity of one

or the other kind is the key to being happy. One should channelize their energies in
creative work for utilizing time effectively. These are some of the components of
personality development.

6 Personality Development- Standards

Personality development is just not physical development, but it includes more of inner
mental development beyond grooming a
presentable exterior.

 Try to be always polite and bring smile

to your face

It is essential to always react as per the

situation demands. Being polite can
highly work in your favour rather
thanshowing harshness, which might
create a bad impact.

To tackle any kind of situation you need

to react in a calm and decent manner. A
smiling face can put forward some respectful attitude.

 Have positive attitude towards life: Being positive in life makes environment
positive for you and always work in your favour. Because, positive or negative
vibes around you might affect work. This is an important part of personality
development as your positive attitude towards life might inspire others person to
have same kind of attitude.

 Enjoy the work you do: Enjoy the work you do in order to bring positive energy
in life. This is the crucial part of personality development. If you are not having fun
while carrying out your work then it would not make you feel happy. Ultimately if
you are not happy, it won’t assist in personality development. So try to “Do the
work that you enjoy”.

 Learn some good etiquette: Presenting yourself in a well decent manner makes
you noticed. Good etiquettes are all about being well mannered person in life.
Good etiquettes involve proper shake hand, table manners, polite language, body
language, etc and this creates great impact on your personality development.

 Good command over language:The way you speak and what you speak are two
different aspect which assists in analyzing your personality. You need to have good
command over English language in order to successfully carry out various
objectives.“Talk sensibly, talk conspicuously”!

 Don’t be monotonous: A dynamic appearance includes everything from proper

dressing sense to behavior pattern. Break the monotony in situation making it
interesting and happening so that you can bring in charm near to your

7 Developing Personality Development Attributes

7.1 Body Language

Your body language tells

a lot about how you feel
and how you react to
certain situations.
Your personality
development is somewhat
dependent on how you
will portray yourself to
those around you. You
might feel like you have a
firm grasp of your own
reality or what makes you tick, but your body language might let you down in this regard.
Your body language takes its cues from your subconscious. If your subconscious is
programmed to act in a specific way but you are trying to hide how you really feel through
conscious expressions then you are lying to yourself, if you assume that you aren’t being
read like a book.

7.2 Presentation Skills

Presentation requires some skills to be presented in the right manner. The delivery of the
presentation requires the presenter to have everyone’s attention. A key part of this
planning is to research your presentation audience, since the more you know your
audience, the more you can understand them and what their expectations might be.

The next is clarity on the

purpose of the presentation
towards what objectives one
wishes to achieve from it.
Content creation requires this as
the basis for selecting matter of
your presentation because it has
to be relevant and interesting
for the viewer. Next it must be
structured into small bits with a
beginning, a middle and an end.

For building self-confidence

before presentation as well as
while you’re speaking and
delivering, one must also think
about speech delivery. The key
skills being confident and clear while presenting. For a presentation to be successful,
audience must be engaged in the presentation. Also, after the presentation, questions must
be answered patiently.

Visual aids must be selected to assist rather than distract audience. This requires must
thinking about what needs to be done, what you want to achieve. People often overlook
this aspect but it is of equal importance, if not more.

7.3 Effective Public Speaking

Public speaking is one of the essential components of communication at large. Most of the
times, it is a structured process where the speaker is giving a speech, to a group of people,
and in the process informs, or influences the audience. Effective public speaking is also a
skill that can be easily developed and with practice overcome the nervousness and fear of
delivering a speech.
Public speaking
requires you to
practice and
understand subtle
nuances of this art.
Effective public
speaking requires
one to connect
with the audience
emotionally. For
this one requires
the right kind of
body language and
eye contact to
connect with the
audience. Facial
posture, positivity, pronunciations, stress on words, personality, confidence are all very
important components of public speaking.

Along with these components, the matter of your speech is of utmost importance. This of
course depends on the purpose of the speech but content must be developed with care
using effective words. One must pay attention to the vocabulary that one uses. Keep the
content simple. Adding a bit of humour to your speech is one of the ways to keep the
attention intact.

Reading aloud and delivering a speech in front of the mirror to yourself is one of the ways
to practice effective public speaking. This will help in gaining some confidence and
overcome your nervousness. Also remember to dress appropriately and make eye contact
with everyone. Smile and use your hands to stress on important matters in your speech.
Keep the speech crisp. Your speech should be neither too short nor too long. This means
that at any point of time, your speech should not bore the audience.

7.4 Developing Communication Skills

Communication is one of the basic necessities in order to express what one feels and
thinks. In today’s fast-paced high-tech world, the devices of communication may have
changed but the challenge is to still to make effective communication so as to be clearly
understood. Therefore improving your communication skills is essential and is required for
overall personality development. Good communication not only strengthens the career
prospects but also helps you to be clear and precise in your oral as well as written
communication. Communication is also essential in bringing about smooth work flow,
transparency and efficiency in an organization.Communication is a complex process
involving a lot of intricacies, due to which, individuals face problems in expressing
themselves clearly.
communication involves
speaking clearly exactly
what you want to say
and empathising with
the receiver. Believing
in your message and
also anticipating

Content and context of

the message is of great
importance to the
effectiveness of
communication. The use
ofhumour in your communicationis also a great tool to attract listeners. Examples and
stories elaborating your points maintains listener’s interest levels and also helps
inunderstanding of your point. Pause while talking punctuate the flow of ideas.

Eye contact and body language also communicate. Make eye contacts with all your
listeners. This will help you to get your listeners’ attention. Use your hands to emphasis
certain points you want to stress on. You can also emphasis your point by slow down your
talking speed. Vary your volume so that your communication does not become
monotonous. Facial expressions are also an important part of communication.

Listening is also an important aspect of communication and one must listen carefully.
Concentrate on the message and screen out the distractions. To make good communication
you need an alert mind. Concentrate well on what the other person is saying, think quickly
and speak with brevity and confidence to create the right impression. Your communication
should be such that you are able to paint a verbal picture to your listeners. Be concise and
support your speech with accurate facts.

7.5 Building Business Relationships

As the world has become more and more mechanized and business-oriented, it is essential
to have strong business relationships with customers. Research shows that even with the
best products and business practices, still needs a strong relationships to succeed in the
marketplace. As at the heart of every relationship is respect. For engaging with others one
needs to have respect for them, your peers, your competitors and your surroundings. This
binds and helps in functioning of teams, partnerships and managing relationships.
Respect leads to accepting a
person and it creates an
environment of trust. In
continuation, the trust then
leads to a willingness to be
open to new opportunities,
new collaborations, new
strategies, new ideas and new
products. This further
reduces, the power struggle
and differences.

The need for different space

needs and boundary needs
must also be acknowledged.
We must be aware of
peoples’ boundaries and then use this understanding to approach them respectfully. This
new behaviour often avoids conflicts and strengthens relationships. Respect for a culture,
and respecting the self, culture of the country, and the family builds a fabulous business
relationship. Time must be adequately devoted to identify and then address both individual
and team dynamics, which are at the core of this balancing act.

8.Personality Development: Affecting Work Environment

Personality development affects

the work environment in an office
in beneficial ways. Personality
development leads to building
good rapport with fellow-
colleagues and provide a
foundation of understanding and
trust among the members of an
office. Individuals and teams have
a good inter-personal skill among
themselves. There is harmony that
exists in the office and the manner
in which work gets done, is more
refined and is of better potential.

9. Summary

To sum up the effects of personality development on the work environment helps in

building morale of employees, their confidence and the communicative abilities in offices.
Personality development also builds the attitude of the office on the whole, bringing about
positivity in the environment which helps in better communication within and outside
office and aids employees in understanding and being understood better. It also sharpens
inter-personal and social skills, develops attitude and behaviour; builds thought and
opinion along with providing wholesome benefit to personality. The ability to be able to
have good relations with other organizations as well by mastering the skills to good
networking is also one of the benefits of personality development.

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